King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)
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Matthew 22:38-40. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt LOVE thy neighbour as thyself.
And only one way this is done.
Ezekiel 36:26-27. A new heart also will I give you, and ( a new spirit will I put within you:) and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and ( I will give you an heart of flesh.)
This is what separate Agape from the other loves you mentioned. .
Thou WILL love the Lord and thy neighbour.
God bless.
I have a different perspective worth sharing.
You said there's nothing Christian about the Catholic church- I'd like to share another view.
If you were to make a matrix in a spreadsheet showing all the religions and their tenants, whether they believe in God, Jesus, that He's God, died for the forgiveness of your sins, salvation, the Bible is truth, etc. you would have far more columns of the Catholic row checked off than Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, etc. Mormonism would have even less commonality than Catholic, but more than Islam, etc. So, I don't know if you actually believe what you said, but it can be proven that Catholicism is more Christian than Buddhism, for example.
I believe Catholicism may have started out a more pure Christian beliefs, but has deviated and become corrupted. With that being said that doesn't automatically mean all of its members are or that they are all going to hell. God is the judge. There likely are members of good quality Christian churches who will go to hell, so we can't paint with a broad brush.
The things I disagree with is the praying and worshipping of Mary- violation of the ten commandments That takes the focus away from Jesus and puts it on his earthly mom, which is just weird, because most of the Bible is about Jesus. Mary is hardly even mentioned in comparison. I also don't like their statues which can be idolatry. I also don't agree with the pope, a man who they claim is a higher authority and intermediary, which the Bible already says Jesus alone is out mediator. Those are the main things I think are off track, along with legalism, ritualism, wokeism, and rampant hypocrisy, and scandals. But of course if someone grows up going to a Catholic church and doesn't know anything else, we should be gentle. Remember Paul how he found common ground with the people who worshipped all kinds of Greek gods, how he was gentle how he presented the gospel as their "unknown God". Acts 17:23 God bless.
How can the Israeli army be certain about this? I can't tell for sure, except to understand that even in some cultures today (Africa, ME, S. Asia), a lady is appointed to verify the virginity of a girl (if there's any doubt) prior to her marriage. But given the command to kill, in Numbers, I doubt whether any thorough examination would be first conducted before the pogrom, meaning that some 'older' girls might have been caught up in the slaughter, which shouldn't have been.
It will take a divine-intervention from God to (penetrate their reprobate minds) and wake them up.
We are witnessing the "great falling away"' Thousands of "Christians" have been led away from Christ by false teachers/doctrine.
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
I don't lose any sleep worrying about Christ deniers.
Nothing nauseates me more than to see a "Christian" dump Christ and convert to Islam or Catholicism, or.......
There's nothing "Christian" about the Catholic Church. Never has been, never will be.
Exodus 33:14 kjv: And he said , My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee
Psalm 138:3 kjv: In the day when I cried thou answeredst me , and strengthenedst me
with strength in my soul.
We have been living in the last days since Jesus ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father. If you read the Epistles and Acts you will find verses that say that they were living in the last days then.
Still busy preparing our meal. But most is done. Just need to make gravy when turkey is done. I am thankful that we have the blessing of a full banquet. I know that many have had to scale back or go without because of job loss, inflation, and other factors that make financial responsibilities difficult to meet. I pray that God will bless them in their time of want.
My thought about what you wrote about David soothing Saul with his harp. I don't think it was just David's good nor the choice of music he played. I think that God did something supernatural in these musical sessions with David for Saul. The relief Saul got surely contributed to Saul's love for David. So, Saul was probably conflicted in this relationship. I think that God working through David's music contributed to this conflict within Saul. But Saul was not very repentant nor spiritual in regards to being Godward.
But God kept working on Saul through David over and over again. How wonderful that God pursues those who are fitting themselves to become vessels of God's wrath ( Romans 9). Despite God's lovingkindness, provision, patience, and long suffering towards those He knows will not turn to Hm in repentance, many fit themselves to become vessels of wrath by their choice, not God's, in my understanding of Romans 9. He allows people to harden themselves against His good and merciful working the lives of these people, but alas, they continue in rebellion until death takes them and then they are set for receiving God's wrath forever in the lake of fire.
But those that are saved are those that God fits to become objects of His mercy and grace. He softens us more and more as we respond to His work in us and we are sanctified more and more to become like Jesus. Then comes death and we are receivers of His eternal mercy and grace. Amazing that so many refuse Him after his persistent pursuit of us.
Perhaps your neighbor knows already about who Jesus is and what He has done to save us. So, perhaps ask her to tell you what she knows about Jesus. then you can know where to go from there. If she attests to believing the facts about Jesus, then the next step for her is to deepen her relationship with Jesus.
Perhaps by saying "I'm Catholic" she is saying, "I already know about Jesus. So having her explain her faith in Jesus ks honoring to what faith she already has.
Asking her to pray with or for you may be a way to engage her more deeply with our Lord. Offering to read the Bible together (Just reading out-loud to one another without commenting or interpreting) is a good way to engage her with the word, which is the power of God for salvation. I would suggest to her a few books such as the Gospel of John, Acts, and Romans to begin. These books contain so much gospel truth. The Holy Spirit will use the hearing of the word to both hers and your benefit. I have done this before with each member of the small group reading a section as we read through a selected book. It takes discipline to just be satisfied with reading and hearing the word read out loud and letting God work directly through His word.
Your friend may be open to do this. it is not very threatening and doesn't bring what she may believe into question by you, but the word will speak to her.
You may be surprised to find out that she believes more truth than you assumed. I know many Catholics who are strong believers and sincere about growing in Christ. Maybe she is one of those, too.
Does she accept the Bible as the word of God?
If so you could show her the message of salvation through the scriptures.
Find out what do she believe in as far as salvation goes.
Let us know how this turns out.
God bless.
Verse 9 at the end of this Psalm certainly is an understatement. David had to patiently endure TWENTY ONE attempts at assassination by Saul; oftentimes with a javelin tossed his way and with various periods of time when he had to hide in caves and demonstrated his own restraint and love for the king by preserving Saul's life. This whole period was punctuated by Saul's insane love hate relationship with David; his ego and being tormented by demonic spirits that only David's harp would temporarily restrain for relief.
Verse 6 takes things a step beyond God laughing at the calamity of the wicked found in Psalm 2 and elsewhere. It specifically mentions the righteous laughing at them but also seeing and fearing. This type of "impreccatory" Psalm (although in this case not directly praying for God's judgment on the wicked but declaring it) is something not readily accepted today as one of God's attributes; let alone something the Saints should think about. Phillippians 1:29 discusses our behavior and not fearing the wicked as something that in turn is a "token" of their perdition. Such warnings; even our confidence in being victorious over evil should strike fear in some and cause them to repent. Satan himself knows his days are numbered. We should instruct with lovingkindness but also the Holy Spirit should be convicting of "sin, righteousness and judgment to come." ( John 16:8).
This is the famous Psalm that I quote fairly often in regard to the "broken and contrite" heart (Verse 17). The previous verse discusses how God does not desire sacrifice. That is because no animal sacrifice could fully or permanently atone for sins; and that the sins David committed were according to the law death penalty violations. That would be for both the adultery and arranging for the murder of Uriah.
Verse 4 has been explained as being the ultimate offense in any transgression; namely sinning against God. I cannot find a satisfactory explanation as to the meaning as it is clear that he sinned against Bathsheeba; Uriah and even with the person that he compelled to bring Bathsheeba to him in the first place. It could be said that Bathsheeba herself was putting herself into a compromising position; although whether it was a deliberate seduction it is hard to say if that was a normal bathing place. Also she didn't apparently resist David's advances so he could say that he didn't force himself on her. Also the death of Uriah was due to placing him in the front lines and "leaving it to fate" as it were. Certainly getting him drunk and enticing him to lay with his wife so that he could be the one who everyone thought got her pregnant was a sin as well. Whether he had asked forgiveness for any of these actions against people before this isn't known.
Hopefully others can give futher insight. In any event; clearly David was immediately repentant after Nathan's challenge and wrote this Psalm.
An intersting side note with verses 11 through 13 demonstrates that for the sake of a good witness to others; we ask God to keep working through His Holy Spirit and therefore others through seeing God's joy will be converted (verse 13). That is more of a New Testament concept it seems that David had some insight into. If we are more concerned with the lost than self justification than God will probably be more apt to answer our prayers.
Father God please open an offering for the job on Monday at 1:00 interview with 2 Directors. I believe you are calling me to this mission field with children. To help, care, guide & share Your Love ABBA.
I thank You
Humble me Oh God. In Your Son Jesus
Amen I pray John 14:14 please cover me to keep in my rental condominium. I do appreciate your provisional support and promises. In Jesus Christ Holy name.
Here is just a few of many.
Genesis 3:15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and ( HER SEED;) it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise ( HIS HEEL.)
Genesis 22:18.
Genesis 49:10.
The Passover Lamb of God ( Exodus 12:1-28)
Leviticus teaches the way to God is by sacrifice. JESUS!
Leviticus 17:11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
In the book of Leviticus you see a portrait of Christ and his work on the cross. When studying it.
It does well to go back and forward to new testament and present Christ. Especially Hebrews, That picture will paint itself.
Deuteronomy 18:15.
Psalms 22.
Isaiah 7:14.
Isaiah 9:6-7.
Micah 5:2.
Daniel 9:25-26.
Malachi 3:1.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
In the Thanksgiving service last night; I was about to share of how I am grateful for the challenges and struggles of this life for His Name's sake. A blind man at the meeting had a much better approach by thanking God for those enemies who contend with Him; because it gives him the opportunity to love them in Christ. The man also is African American which means that the challenges from without and within his community; being an elderly gentleman surely must have affected him over the years.
In the meeting as well our Pastor went through Psalm 139 on how we are fearfully and wonderfully made in regard to praising Him; as well as sommands in the N.T. such as Thessalonians on thanksgiving. The emphasis was on how it is a sin to be ungrateful to the Lord and that is part of the factor in God's judgment on the wicked as well. There are those who have been through divorce (as I have) and death of family members lately; the normal stresses of life. I was able to share how the Lord has been faithful to give me fellowship when I was forced to move out of my own home; including that in the church in my new town back with my parents. There are other things such as having enough food and clothes; shelter; a job etc that I'm thankful for. Also I mentioned that we are eternally saved from our sins because of His atonement; and that eventually all sin and Satan himself will be taken away from affecting us; He will establish His Kingdom of righteousness forever and of course we shall rule and reign with Him.
Thanksgiving hasn't descended as much into the idolatry of Christmas so perhaps at least a general attitude of thanks is comprehended by all who celebrate (with football and stuff being the chief detractors from focusing on the Lord). Obviously the original Pilgrims were despite their harsh living conditions thankful to have freedom to worship without the British government mandates and European church politics. Let us demonstrate thanks today
First you must understand what kind of love Jesus is talking about...
In English, there's pretty much just one word for love, but the Greek language distinguishes four different kinds of love... Philia, Eros, Storge and Agape. They all have a beautiful description of different kinds of love and understanding each is a sure way to help improve your relationship with the Lord your God. Compartmentalizing love into different categories will help you to examine yourself and determine if you're showing the Lord your God enough love. Here Jesus is talking about agape love
It is the selfless, unconditional type of love that helps people to forgive one another, respect one another, and serve one another, day in and day out. It is the highest level of love you can offer. It is given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering this type of love is a decision to love in any circumstance... including destructive situations. It is a love that responds calmly when faced with difficulties, sacrificing without complaining, and waiting patiently. This type of love is selfless and is for the preservation of relationships. It is a love that involves feeling so much love for someone that you always put them before yourself. It is agape love!
To achieve this kind of love you must abide in Him and He in you... and keep His commandments
The first fruit of the Spirit is Love... John 15:4-5... This is the first and great commandment... Matthew 22:37-40
She says, "I'm Catholic". How do you explain to someone that they need a personal relation with Jesus??? I have gone round and round with people who have put their faith in anyone/anything other than Jesus. I just don't have a knack for getting through to people, which is why I prefer to leave tracts laying around.