All Discussion PAGE 720

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 50 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 50. Once again; this Psalm is prophetic and has some overlapping themes of the previous one; as well as the next Psalm. Zion is described here in verse 2 as to where "God hath shined." That could be from the heavenly city or the mountain here on earth when He comes. Gathering the saints who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice sounds like the Rapture; and also reminds us of the sentiment of a "broken and contrite spirit" spoken of in Psalm 51:17.

    The purpose of the tine of "Jacob's trouble" ( Jeremiah 30:7) seems to be the meaning of verse 7. Verse 8 interestingly seems to indicate that despite the sacrifice of Christ meaning any future ones to cover sins are futile; the Lord allows this in the Tribulation for a time. This would probably be to bring Satan's plans into fruition; the final "Abomination of Desolation" to be installed; and the realization right before Messiah returns who Christ really is. These verses can be examined further: Daniel 11:30-31; and Zechariah 13 and 14 in their entirety.

    There still will be; as the last chapters of Ezekiel indicate a final Millennial Temple where apparently as a memorial or for ceremonial cleansing for those still in earthly bodies will need to worship around those glorified saints and Christ Himself; lest they be consumed.

    Verses 10 through 13 show the eventual fuility of animal sacrifices. Verse 14 shows as Psalm 51 does about offering a sacrifice of praise; and verse 16 reminds us of Deut. 4:30 when there is hope even in Tribulation for those who cry out. Verses 16 through 22 describe the fate of the wicked; always contrasted with the righteous in scripture and always needed for the complete Gospel of salvation as well. The righteous in the last verse once again are called to praise; but with the stipulation of keeping his "conversation aright". Isaiah 33:14 asks us who can dwell with (or in the presence of) everlasting fire? It mentions "speaking rightly" in the next verse.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello ,

    You can learn about God by reading the Bible. He is the eternally existing, all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present, completely pure and holy, infinitely perfect, absolutely complete and unchanging Creator of all that exists other than Himself.

    He is good, loving, righteous, merciful, gracious, just. He is absolutely sovereign over all He has made. He is self-existent, self-sufficient, and self-satisfied within Himself. He is glorious, majestic, outstanding and preeminent in all things.

    He is One Being Who eternally exists in three distinct persons-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For all eternity these three persons have loved, interacted, communed, and lived within one another.

    May you be every blessed in Your discovery of Him.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi May,

    I hope you can get your account sorted out soon. It seems that you are not alone in this. Thank you for thinking of me. I am recovering from a minor surgery I had Friday. I had a nasal vascular tumor removed from my nostril. It will be biopsied, but there is a very low chance of cancer. It also is very rare for one of these tumors to occur in the nose. Most of the time they are on the skin or int he mouth. About 5% are in the nose and of these, most of them are in people who have nose piercings or snort drugs or both. I have never done either. So, kind of a rare thing for me. Just pray that it won't recur. It was about the size of a pea, so pretty small, locale anesthesia and just snip, snip, snip with the scissors and cauterized. So, really fast and painless. Glad I noticed it, as they can grow large enough to block the nasal canal.

    May, how are you doing? I hope well. It is always good to hear from you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear John, Nice to hear from you again. My prayer for you is that God will place you in a warm, safe, home where people are generous to you as long as you are unable to earn a living. I pray that you will be able to do some work to earn some of your keep, but I understand from your posts that you have been homeless for a while and need lots of financial support along with godly relationships and the care of a church congregation. I pray that God will supply all of these soon, especially since we are entering the cold season. God bless you today, John.
  • Anonymous - In Reply on Revelation 9 - 2 years ago

    The Euphrates is drying up this very moment, and will be ready for the kings of the east to cross over, too invade Israel, Ezekiel 38, at the sixth trumpet, Luke 21:20-24. There are many articles, video about the Euphrates, look it up. It is not simply symbolic because it will happen on earth, and is happening right now. That alone should strengthen your faith in God. If purely symbolic, why would God have us be Watchman, observing the signs of the times, if there is nothing to see?

    "Satan and the locust armies are thrust upon the scene" is at the fifth trumpet, Revelation 9:1-11. I spy the fifth trumpet allegory when America attacked itself and rushed off the kill those without the seal of God in their foreheads (Muslims). If these are indeed the end-times, then all of the signs should reveal themselves in broad daylight. Knowing the narrative inside and out is critical.

    The saints are sealed before the sixth trumpet, not the fifth.

    It is the man of sin, anti-christ, who places the abomination of desolation at the sixth trumpet. You said it well with your allegoric slain dragon. The sons of Joseph are going to experience 539 BC again. All of Babylon's plagues come in one day, Revelation 18:8. It is similar to one that languishes from the effects of radiation, baldness and clean teeth.
  • Bryan on Acts 9 - 2 years ago
    Thanks for the audio it really helps
  • Marimay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for helping me with a cool solution to this problem.

    It's so nice to meet you here and I'm so glad while reading your message.

    God bless

    Warm regards,

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 48 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 48. In this Psalm there is a clear Millennial period prophecy. The mount Zion on the "sides of the north" (v. 2) seems to indicate from the context of the rest of the prophecy when the heavenly city is indeed visible throughout the earth as shown in Revelation 20.

    Verses 4 through 6 seem to show the state of the rulers of the earth during the "birth pangs" phase of the Tribulation ( Matthew 24; Mark 13). This could also relate to the sixth seal when apparently the world will be afraid of God and Christ who sits at His right hand ( Rev. 6:15-17) but could also refer to those who perhaps survive past Armageddon as well ( Isaiah 24:22) which is indicative of punishment sometime between then and the Great White Throne Judgment.

    Verse 7 could indicate the nations that came from Spain or perhaps those from Great Britain and it's allies involved in some of the battles listed in Daniel. That could have a last days implication as well; I'll leave that up to others to speculate.

    Verses 8-13 show the realization of what was known but until then not seen. (verse 8). Once again; the eternal aspect of this city; the fact that it is known throughout the earth (verse 10) and the fact that judgments were rendered (verse 11) bolster this Millennial viewpoint. Finally verse 12 and 13 describe a very real city and defenses that will be observed at that time. The last verse establishes God's "guide even unto death" which is reminiscent of Psalm 23.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please believe me my questions were not meant to be condescending . People who truly believe what they say , wether they are talking about their faith or if they have mental health problems and are suffering delusions or , for that matter scientists , can be extremely convincing people . I never look at you tube but I have friends and family who do , they listen to all kinds of conspiracy theories etc , it makes my brain ache when I here some of the things they waffle on about . Never , in the history of humanity , have we had the potential to know so much about what is going on in this world because of technology , and never has their been so much access to all kinds of ideologies and theories , so much information and even more misinformation . I don't believe that I can be sure about anything I see or hear through the media . It's all a big distraction , keeping us thinking about all kinds of rubbish , as long as we are distracted from...the Truth . Misinformation is a tool of the deceiver . The only Truth is in the Bible . What God has chosen to do , in the past , present or in the future , with His other planets is up to Him . He has given us enough to be getting on with in this life I think . All the time that people spend thinking about theories and conspiracies and ideologies is time not spent thinking about the only , eternal and wonderful Truth of the Holy One of Israel and His Precious Son Jesus Christ the Righteous . Have you not read what Paul says about the Greeks in the book of Acts ? Acts chapter 17 verse 21 . People don't change much . I shall stick to the only thing I know that is true and faithful and eternal , unchanging , God , who's love and mercy and righteousness I can rely on 100 per cent . I'm sorry if I offended you , I was genuinely worried that you would get side tracked and might wander of the straight and narrow path .
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Adam.

    I would have to be honest and say Who knows?

    I couldn't say one way or another. Scripture doesn't give us any info. We do know God wasn't sitting around throughout eternity to make man a few thousand years ago.

    But I would say ALL that was created was created by the Lord.

    Colossians 1:16-17. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

    And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Marimay. I've been having the same problem with signing in - getting the 'Anonymous' name. After experimenting, I now open a new tab in Windows (an Incognito window, from the three vertical dots at the top right of your current window), open up the KJBO site & sign in. You should then get a box to fill in your name & password. Once that is done, your name should appear in your posts.
  • Duncan - In Reply on Ezekiel 3 - 2 years ago
    even so don't forget as he had mercy upon you so have mercy upon them by preaching and not giving up.

    Even if they have given up God was patient with until the day you understood so.

    Psalms 19:7

    The word of God powerful making the wise simple and so we preach the gospel to all the ends of the world as we have been commanded.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Sammi, you didn't watch the interview, did you? I cannot endorse it, because it unfortunately contains some profanity, but that evidence is the basis of this topic. The Bible doesn't indicate one way or the other about other life, so to carry a bias against evidence God may have provided doesn't seem to be an honest or honorable position to take. I previously was not aware of any evidence so I did not believe it, but now I'm aware of evidence. In the Bible days people carried a bias- denying the evidence in front of their eyes, such as who Jesus was and about His miracles.

    I hope your questions weren't intended to be condescending- God knows your heart.
  • John - 2 years ago
    Hi it's John I just sent a prayer little different but that's how I live I'm 60 years old going to become Home is pretty soon yes I've tried everything trust me there's a lot of people that know about me I've accepted it what's going to happen please pray for my ex-wife Shelly she's in a nursing home it'll be difficult to see her anymore she's saved I'm a little scared but I think about all the people that suffered in the Bible I'm hoping that maybe they'll be a church or let me sleep in a corner in their building somewhere I'm clean I'm good but I don't think that's going to happen I've been trying to do the church thing for a while now so to spread the word pray for Shelly Jesus knows who that is I'm more concerned about her than me sorry for the long text thank you
  • Marimay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear GiGi,

    This is me May.

    Hope all is well.

    I was able to access my account this morning and submitted a reply for you about Andrew's comment, but I was wondering why my Username just came out "Anonymous". That is not my username. It should be Marimay. I am kind of sad about that. I don't want to think that I should delete my account if it keeps going on this way.

    Warm regards,

  • John - 2 years ago
    I pray that everybody love you Lord with all your heart soul mind and strength feed the spirit not the flesh take the narrow road in life instead of the wide Road in Jesus said have love that covers all the Commandments if I'm saying that incorrectly please forgive me in Jesus name remember the God of this world is the devil Jesus does win at the end
  • Mrjames100k - 2 years ago
    Who's God
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 8: Conclusion to Rapture signs (not sure what number it is some seem to be mia)

    Ok; as Solomon stated at the end of Ecclesiastes 12: the conclusion of the matter is to fear God and keep His commandments. The judge is standing at the door (see James 5:9).

    As to my last posting; the Rapture is worth it more than any utopian pipe dreams the world has to offer. The Angel of Destruction is coming to judge with the plagues of the Seals at the very beginning of the Tribulation. The Rapture will prove that the straight and narrow truly IS worth it. The world will go from praising God (if we take Revelation chronologically starting in chapter 4); fearing God then ultimately fighting against Him at Armageddon under Satan's deception that NO MAN CAN RESIST without God's help. Unlike the world a true believer realizes that there is no way they can enter into heaven without the atoning work of Christ. FEW so called Christians are going to make it; I can say that with confidence because unlike today's megachurch concept Christ Himself said that few are giong to be saved. You can find that verse and read it yourself. If few are saved than don't expect more than a few to be Raptured. Resurrected; perhaps-that is something most "rapture" testimonies don't cover with some exceptions. We may not see someone raptured but the empty tombs will not be able to be explained on a worldwide basis and the selective nature of it will clearly signify the Rapture has occurred. With anything else it is likely that the majority of professing believers have ditched the concept of the Rapture and others are deluded as to qualifying for it. Still others prach harsh messages assuming that those who ARE worthy to escape must somehow "muscle up" to live through the Tribulation. That perhaps is a last point or "principle". Enough is enough for now. Agape.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part Six: Principle number seven (cont).

    This utopia will of course be the pinnacle of Satan's master plan to be worshipped as God. It will be disguised as a world leader filling in decades of a vacuum of an individual strong enough and charismatic enough to draw in the hearts; minds and souls of men at large. It will likely be preceded by the ongoing attempts to create a one world worship location and possibly an entirely new false one world religion in the tribulation; or at least one coming to full (but evil) fruition) in whatever encompasses Babylon (economic and religious aspects). Amazingly; unlike the adage in the past of a "chicken in every pot" it seems more likely "pot in every chicken" fits today's mindset (ok my attempt at humor). Pharmakia of course fits into the delerium in minds of men today that is drawing them toward suicide and destruction while still convincing men that this is an expression of "freedom" that somehow will do them some good. There are things that are just too horrible to discuss or even think about here but we must soberly assess where mankind in general is headed if indeed His coming is imminent. Our "idols" are merely computer images; virtual realities or whatever else AI has in store for us. Clearly the idea of "merging" man with machine will come into existance in some way with the Mark of the Beast; perhaps with the DNA of Apollyon. In any case; there may be some restraint of men who think they are looking for peace at present; we shouldn't be lulled into any sense of confidence with what comforts the world and realize it is because the "gates of hell will not prevail" now that we are preserved from total destruction. ( Matt. 10:16).

    Principle Eight: Avoiding extremes. With today's polarizing political agendas in particular the scripture must be our guide.

    We can't fight every battle; one world government is coming. We resist only when called to disobey the Lord. In light of the Rapture let's focus on heaven
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Excuse me please , I have such love for you as my brother in Christ . May I ask you a couple of questions ? I don't want you to answer me , please just think about my questions and answer them for yourself in your own mind . Question number one : have you ever watched a really good actor in a really good film ? Question number two : have you ever met a person who has mental health problems and is suffering from delusions ? Any finally , if you met someone who was a devout muslim and who knew the quran very well and they told you all about it , would you believe them and become a muslim ? That last question could apply to someone of any religion . Please ponder these thoughts carefully . I hope with all my heart that I have not offended you .
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Principle Six: All new converts eligible for the Rapture

    Whatever our position on the Rapture as a reward or only salvation issue; at the moment of salvation everyone is qualified for that event! The verses in Luke in my last post also warn that NONE of those originally intended for the "supper" will in fact be there (loosely translated). That should be "food for thought" in regard to those who are supposing that they are mature enough or smart enough or whatever other reason they can entertain a false confidence that their own righteousness is able to help them.

    Again; the warning of the Ephesians (see Revelation 2:4) should caution against arrogance on our part. It was only the heart issue that was errant but of course without love we are merely a clanging symbol ( 1 Cor. 13:1). We need; of course to balance against merely acceptance of Christ without roots and falling away after initial enthusiasm ( Matt. 13:1-23) and not having ANY emotion that RESULTS from the influence of the Spirit within. Works that cease to have the power of God as the source become as "dead works" that are basically the same as that of the world doing "good deeds". Thus is point #7

    Principle Seven: Utopia vs the glorification of the Church

    Ugh this is hard to say. As a society today; we have been led quite a distance already down the broad road; destruction is just ahead of us. There are other more graphic things I could say but don't want to be flagged. What has engrossed the hearts of men with all the virtual realities out there; the Babylonian world system of worthless currencies rapidly becoming extinct and no doubt soon to be followed by gold and silver tarnishing and eventually being cast into the streets (see book of James and Ezekiel 7:19; also parts of Isaiah); pornography; violence etc has led many to sense things are coming to a head. Sadly; it is the first seal and the clamor for peace that will drive the world at large to accept Antichrist.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Principle 5 What about the infants; children under "age of accountability" and mentally challenged individuals?

    There are verses related to David's son that died with Bathsheeba that would seem to indicate that children who die before a certain age we can be confident to meet eventually in heaven. ( 2 Samuel 12:14). Those who are mentally challenged to the point where they don't consciously sin also could be arguably in that camp. I know someone who has attended concerts at our local church that I have run into twice in a month or two that is mentally challenged. He tends to obsessively listen to Christian music and gyrate uncontrollably. This is a good reminder to all of us that we don't always see what's going on in the heart of some people. It would be illogical to disbelieve in such individuals having universal salvation upon an early death and somehow expect that they would be Raptured. Whether making it to heaven AFTER death warrants being Raptured is a bit trickier; however. There are verses about gathering the weaning child in Joel 2:16 certainly invoke a theme like the Rapture in the Holy Convocation. We certainly should of course teach the scriptures faithfully to help rear our kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

    In light of the above statement; I would say that unlike the hardened hearts of many adults; children still have potential for a large spiritual awakening in terms of numerical response to the Word. That could be something that would signify His imminent return; perhaps with abortions being significantly reduced we will indeed see if Satan has been terminating an army already in heaven of faithful martyrs and if a generation of believers will come into fruition when the children are allowed to live who otherwise would have been slain. This is just a theory; but God will receive praise ( Psalm 8:2).

    Principle Six: ANY new believer is qualified for the Rapture. ( Luke 14:24-35). See my next post...
  • Anna C - 2 years ago
    My husband Joey Salazar was diagnosed with Covid 19 and secondary pneumonia lastnight in the ER. He was sent home with an antibiotic.Can you please pray for strength and complete healing for him.Thank you so much.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You do can do things through Christ who strengthens you!

    Phillipians 4:13

    You can find strength in Jesus Christ to overcome ANY obstacle. When I am struggling with anything that I can't seem to conquer, I take it to the Lord prayer. Sometimes fasting. I'm not good at pushing away the plate, but I've done it. And strongholds come down. So yes, you can do ALL things through Christ Jesus!!!

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Signs of the Rapture (part 4).

    The concept of individual salvation as opposed to that of a family or larger association of individuals also can relate to our understanding of the Rapture. As Psalm 40 indicates; "many will see and fear" (verse 3) when we are lifted up from the miry clay possibly a reference to the Rapture/Resurrection of the saints. Romans 11:25 and other verses in Romans 12 may indicate that the Jews finally are provoked to jealousy when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. That could also relate to the Second Coming according to some sources citing the Age of the Gentiles ending only when the Temple is cleansed and Christ returns at that time.

    That is not something I am debating here. I have stated before that the many testimonies of visions or dreams of the Rapture if not almost all of them only talk about some experience as viewed by the individual themselves; whereas scripturally the whole Body of Christ is called out as a peculiar people; and a Holy Nation ( 1 Peter 2:9). We should note that in Revelation 13 the Beast who is Satan's emissary will curse those on earth AND those who dwell in heaven. The victory of the Rapture and Resurrection of the dead in Christ is for the church and of course primarily to glorify Christ within His church. At the end of every Dispensation there is a remnant preserved from it (such as Enoch and Elijah) and preserved THROUGH it such as Noah and Lot. Such principles; of course are also for the nation of Israel at large being saved (the one third that makes it through) seen in Zechariah 13:9. From Christ until the 144,000 are either translated or resurrected (again a controversy I won't get into here) there is the "firstfruits" (the first of which; of course was Christ). See 1 Corinthains 15 for further insight into these matters.

    Concept Five: The unknown (children; infants and mentally disabled) in regard to those Raptured.

    My next post will discuss this as well as what may precede this event.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Signs of the Rapture Part 4

    Principle 3 (cont). I would say that there are verses showing validity of either argument (i.e. all believers are taken out at the Rapture) OR that some may be left behind whose garments are soiled as shown in Revelation 3:4 to be made purified. I have discussed this in more depth in my Revelation commentaries. We certainly do well to "test ourselves to see if we are in the faith" ( 2 Corinthians 13:5) in either event. Revelation 3:11 shows how we may forfeit our rewards at least; and 1 Corinthians 13:12-13 show how we may suffer loss if that happens. I would venture to say that the lack of discussion of the Bema Seat and a lackadaisical attitude in general to considering being in His Presence characterizes todays church in a large part. Naturally; with this attitude hearts become calloused ( Matthew 24:12); and we are also not urgent about fulfilling the Great Commission. The political correctness of today has infiltrated a church already defining doctrinal standards on a much broader road than the straight and narrow delineated by the scriptures. Such events were of course warned about by both Paul and Peter who agonized in prayer over what they knew would come after their demise ( Acts 20:29-31); 2 Peter 2:1).

    In short; my point here is that none us should take for granted that we are saved without evidence of fruit; and none of us should rest on our laurels so to speak trusting that we will be raptured out of here. The same idea applies; we are free from our old nature but not free to imbibe once again in the world following our old sin nature. If the Kingdom of heaven isn't within our souls now it certainly won't be later. Whatever is the case with the Rapture itself there is certainly enough wisdom to go around to escape certain events beforehand that can be avoided if we are focusing on being seated in heavenly places ( Ephesians 2:6).
  • Dgjot on Ezekiel 3 - 2 years ago
    " Ezekiel 3:17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

    18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand."

    This is God speaking to Ezekiel about warning the "House of Israel".

    This is where a lot of Christians get the idea to take to the streets and preach Christ.

    Since we're living in the age of Grace, and the Gospel has been preached in every country and every language around the world,and there's the Word of God in print, not to mention radio and television broadcasts-

    why should Christians be afraid about, "his blood will I require at thine hand".

    For years I heard' "Jesus saves." "Jesus saves." "Jesus saves". But I never understood what it meant. Jesus saves what????? It wasn't until years later that I understood. God had mercy on me and didn't let me die in my sins. But this is 2022, where Jesus is mocked and slandered and rejected. (Just like the Pharisees, Scribes and Elders who yelled, "Crucify him" when Pilot wanted to set Jesus free.) Why should I waste my time or have any compassion on rebels like idol worshippers and sodomites???? You can't talk about the saving grace of Jesus to people who have hardened their hearts and have no intention of repenting. They made their bed. Let them lie in it.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Signs of Rapture Part 2

    Principle 2: Prophecies related to Second Coming and/or the Rapture.

    I would say that despite there being no clear prophetic event showing the date of the Rapture; there certainly are signs of it's imminency; as stated before largely related to the state of the church today. If we are not producing the "salt and light" ( Matthew 5:13-14) that we should then we shouldn't be surprised when the secular society we live in falls apart. I have stated before as well that the basic lack of respect for a covenant marriage bond and subsequent aftermath of divorce and remarriages with the damage incurred has been a largely successful attempt of Satan to push boundaries further in other areas of immorality. As I discussed with someone in church today; the fear of God is something that causes conviction of the nonbeliever if indeed we are walking in the Spirit of God. If we refuse to honor Holiness in our personal lives and create a God (or Christ) in some dumbed down version suiting our imaginations then we are not going to even deserve the blessing of being persecuted and forfeit any resulting reward. Just how far we have gone or whether or not it is actually possible for any large scale revival or repentance is something only God knows.

    There are parables relating to the profitable vs. unprofitable servant; and the wise and unwise virgins that at first glance appear to reference the Rapture; but also may have some application for the Second Coming. Since BOTH events are getting closer to appearing we should of course expect that most have reference to both. That gets me into point 3.

    Principle Three: Who is actually raptured? Revelation 3:10 and Luke 21:36 certainly give us pause to consider if not individuals that are going to be Raptured; the church typifying people that are going to be taken out when He comes for His bride. The question of whether it is a reward or salvation issue is worth investigating.
  • Freda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon Jennifer,

    Praying for you. May God bless you and heal you in the mighty name of Jesus. May God bless you on your job to do your job to the best of your ability. Do your job to have favor with God and not man. And watch how God will bless you and move you to the next level. Never depend on man. Depend on God and he will help you. Have a blessed afternoon
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Signs of the times-the rapture.

    There are certain principles that we do wise to adhere to in regard to this subject. I have discussed in other posts about the possible misinterpretation of the actual beginning of the final generation mentioned in Matthew 24:34. Obviously; if it is to be as the time of Noah or Lot as stated later on in the same chapter there need be no catastrophic event immediately preceding the event; and in fact it would seem that it is the opposite. It would seem that certain events if not the actual "birth pains" at present certainly could be foreshadows; however.

    Principle One: In regard to the above statement; we do wise not to do any "date setting". It seems from scripture that a good argument can be made for a Feast of Trumpets for the Rapture; but I am not going to get into a dogmatic argument on that at present. There are certain things that should be examined; however. The state of the church today and many "falling away" ( 2 Thess. 2:3) should raise alarm bells. The danger of too much worldly comfort lulling us to sleep should be clear in the Laodicean church example; as well as all the other churches with right and wrong actions in the same book. We should heed lives such as that of Lot and Noah to notice their surroundings in much worldly wealth; carousing and carelessness. Sudden destruction come; of course when they are calling for Peace and Safety (security) in 1 Thessalonians 5:3; when of course according to other scriptures there is no peace ( Jeremiah 6:14). It appears that eventually after the Rapture after the covenant is confirmed in the 1st Seal that a "pseudo-peace" occurs; as "peace is taken from the earth" afterwards at the 2nd Seal ( Rev. 6:4). For there to be a final covenant "confirmed" in Daniel 9:27 there has to be a framework which has successes and builds up eventually to that level. Such is the basic groundwork laid out in the "Abraham Accords".

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