All Discussion PAGE 757

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 36 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 36.

    Verse 1 is admittedly a trickly passage the way it is written; sounding like the transgression of the wicked is speaking to a godly man (David) and stating that there is no fear of God before his eyes. Having seen commentaries on this subject not finding satisfactory cross references; it would seem it is stating that within my (David's) heart is testifying that the state of transgression of the wicked is due to their lack of fear of God. The next several verses talk about self gratiation (flattery-verse 2); verbal caustic language (v. 3); and plotting in his bed what he will do next (verse 4). There is a sober warning of those who become reprobate as verse 3 where apparently there was some wise or good standard for those individual(s) previously. Conversations and words seem to be a major red flag there.

    Securing the mercy of God is largely indicated by the TRUST mentioned in verse 7. David asks for the "foot of pride" and "hand of the wicked" to "remove me". The concern probably is those who will cause us to find an excuse to fall away. The doom of the wicked once again is sealed in verse 12.

    We do well to heed to the admonitions in James as to not letting there be a root of bitterness in us. (also see Hebrews 12:15). The love of money is the root of all evil ( 1 Tim. 6:10). We are wise to be cautious not to be ensnared by those things which plunge men into perdition which is in the verse immediately before ( 1 Tim. 6:9). We need to watch the tongue and control it as James admonishes as well ( James 3:1-12).
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorry but I didn't manage to end my previous post properly.

    So there is a difference between "tongues" as a sign of Spirit baptism(and as a means of individual edifying) and "kinds of tongues" which is a spiritual gift for the profit of all. So the crucial question is. What about nowadays? My belief is that the Bible was directed by the Spirit to be written so that we are given examples what to do(and what not to do). If tongues do not exist any more, what was the purpose of the Spirit to write all those things? So how should our churches function now? Where are the directions/instructions for the church service?

    I know that there are "churches" where "weird" things happen in the name of the Truth. But those bad examples do not cancel the Word of God, what is written is written and cannot be erased.

  • Leland on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    I LOVE this thank you for making this online bible
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again Duncan.

    Are tongues a gift or are tongues a sign of the baptism of the Holly Spirit? Lets do a research.

    Acts 2. The apostles and the rest who were gathered in the upper floor are baptized in the Spirit. How is that shown? By talking in tongues, There wasn't any other sign. If tongues is a gift then all 120 got the same gift?

    Acts 9. Cornelious and his own were baptized in the Spirit (verses Acts 9:44-46), they started speaking in tongues.

    Acts 8. Philipp goes to Samaria, people believe and get baptized in water. The apostles go there and lay hands on believers who get the HS. Simon offers money to aquire the same gift as the apostles. Question. How did Simon realize that believers got the HS? What did he see that made him understood that? What was the external sign of that? The Bible doesn't say, but I think it is obvious (the whole city got the same gift?)

    Acts 18. Paul meets some disciples in Ephessus. After having a discussion with them, he baptizes them in water. Verse Acts 18:6. They started speaking in tongues and prophesying

    Many times in Acts it says that the apostles were filled with the Spirit when talking/preaching to people. How did they know that they were filled with the Spirit? What made them realize that? Was there a sign?

    In Cor 12:4:11 the spiritual gifts are described. It is true that one of them is "kinds of tongues". What are these? These are different kinds of tongues, it is not the same as the tongues given in Spirit baptism. Think of that, Verse 7 "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.". So gifts are given to "profit withal", that is for the profit of the church. But in 1 Cor 14 it says that if there is no interpreter then that believer should stop talking in tongues, let him talk to himself and God. Also he edifies himself. So what is the profit for the congregation? No profit at all for the congregation, only for the individual. So it is not a gift, it is the sign of bapt
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Duncan

    I think we are gradually coming to a common ground

    I didn't say that what they do in Ray's church is right. I said what they may do is encouraging people to ask for the Holly Spirit. Sometimes we may get a bit over enthusiastic with that and may do something that it is a bit more than just encouraging people, maybe push them asking for the Holly Spirit actually. This is obviously wrong, it is a mistake. But nobody can say that it is a demonic action. A demon pushing people to get the Holly Spirit? Does this make sence? Obviously not. We must be always very careful what we call demonic. Because if that is an action of the Holly Spirit then we are in danger of blaspheming the Spirit, which is an unforgivable sin

    In your previous post you wrote 1 Timothy 4:1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" My question to you is. Who does according to the Word of God, those who reject tongues or those who accept them? Those who do according to what is written or those who do their own? Those who say that tongues must still exist in the church or those who claim that those things were for past times? Who has departed from the gospel, what are the seducing spirits, which are the doctrines of devils? Maybe Paul himself who spoke in tongues more than anybody else in his time had devilish doctrines, maybe he had departed from the faith he preached, maybe he gave attention to seducing spirits? I think the answers to those is obvious. Besides that what Paul writes to Timothy is about other things. Verses 2-3 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath ..." He talks about eating and marrying

    In 1 Corinthians 14 much of the function of the ancient church is described during the congregation. Which churches do like that? These are the right ones. My opinion.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dave, I will pray for Christine today.

    Heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of Jesus and ask that You protect Christine and these babies today. We ask that You cause Christine's blood pressure to come down to save levels and that the babies are unaffected by this problem. We ask that You allow the babies to continue to grow for a few more weeks until they are ready to be born. Amen.
  • Tinarose - 2 years ago
    what is the meaning of the coat of many colors ?
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor - 2 years ago
    Lord keep me safe from traps of the enemies and all their evil plots against me let everything I do today be done according to your will in Jesus Christ name Amen
  • Dave - 2 years ago
    Please pray for christine, she is now headed by ambulance to Hospital, if they can't get her blood pressure under control they will be taking the babies today she is pregnant with twins. Please pray that they could get her blood pressure under control.
  • Monty miranda on Psalms 8 - 2 years ago
    Just need prayer for the family health and safety from the Lord the spiritual battle is Raging.and we need him .
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John I'm so touched by your own selfless love for your ex-wife Shelley . Lord bless and heal her. You are in my prayers as well this morning as I read your request. I pray that God helps you in every way and that the blood of Jesus would be your covering. He sees your every need.In Jesus name. Amen. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised!
  • Maria - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my oldest child. She is struggling in school. Please ask God to let her improve and thrive and succeed in school; and stop making Ds and Fs. Please pray for her.
  • Kinglarry45 - 2 years ago
    Im facing so called terristic threat charges in court i texted in general not person to person and was thrown in jail lost all my stuff they took my money my house and i live in my car they told me to kill my self cause they where sick of my getting in there way so how can i forgive this and why must i be hindered in my justice of the wicked of which all law inforcers are. I have the right to text so called threats when i feel threatened first by texts or news reports so why is my right less then theirs?
  • Kinglarry45 - 2 years ago
    If lawyers are so bad in life why are we forced to help them harm us by using there services i have never found them to be a help to me in fact they all avoid the truth like a snake ready to strike im so angry at them i cant find one kind word for them . Where in the bible does it say lawyers will have there part in the lake of fire.? I need it to tell the judge that worships Lucifer in my court case he told me he hates the bill of rights and declaired his right is all he sees. Judge hermerding aitkin county district court.
  • John - 2 years ago
    Hi my ex-wife is saved as honey disease stage 3 she's 52 I know that I've asked for this prayer request but I'm 60 years old running out of savings plenty of jobs but everything so expensive now they call it shelter is gone up a lot of people know what's going on I've been trying to figure out what to do for the last 6 months you know I'm more concerned about her my ex-wife then anything else my ex-wife name is Shelly Bailey please keep her in your prayers God knows everything I pray that all your prayers will be answered in Jesus name I pray amen
  • John - 2 years ago
    Pray for me I am saved lm 60years old Jesus Christ

    Knows everything about me. I know I have an angel.
  • Gary Waddy - 2 years ago
    Lord I ask for your hand of protection in my journey as i have just let go of a high paying job to venture off into starting my own business. God I asked you to shut the doors that should be closed and open those that you want open. Lord I want to take the Island so I'm burning the boat and now there's no going back. Lord thank you for being my shield and my encourager. Lord without you nothing is possible but WITH YOU all things are possible. In the MIGHTY MIGHTY name of Jesus I pray, AMEN!!
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers please remember my sister-in-law Darla she had emergency surgery yesterday for a pacemaker
  • Adex on John 1:1 - 2 years ago
    Jesus is thy way to heaven
  • Linda - 2 years ago
    Please, pray for me, that God may cause backfire on my enemies, who are poisoning me with class A illicit drugs, witchcraft and all wickedness, in Jesus Name. He may convict Tatiana , Barry & accomplices of their sins by the power if the Holy Spirit and Jesus Name and they may flee from me, immediately as in Psalm 7:6 "The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads."
  • Joleen - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom, she is still having very bad sciatica pain.

    Please also take the time to thank God for everything He has done and continues to do, He is more than worthy.

    Praying for you brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago

    A eunuch is somebody who is unable to produce children. That is just a general definition without getting into it.

    It says in Matthew 19:12, But there are some eunuchs, first of all, which were so born from their mother's womb. They were born with a physical defect and are not able to produce children.

    And there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: That is, people take them and they castrate them, which is what they did for the guards that had to guard the harems for the various royalty and kings. They were castrated so that they would not have a desire for a woman.

    And there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. That's personal. It's a calling, and it is self-discipline!

    In first Corinthians Chapter 7, Paul answered the question, and this is the area of marriage and divorce, and remarriage for the Gentiles. But Paul says it is best if everybody is just a like I am.

    Paul says that he is single, and it is best if you stay like I am. And if you have the grace to do it, stay single. That is 1 Corinthians 7:8.

    But, he says in 1 Corinthians 7:9 that if you cannot contain yourself, and you are burning with passion, then it is better to get married.

    Those are the three kinds of people. People born with the physical defect, people who have been castrated, or a personal calling that God is giving you the grace to be single, or God hasn't given you the grace to be single, and you are burning with passion. Then he says it is best to get married.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 35 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 35; once again describes the state of David in distress; trusting God to defend him as well as encouraging those who support his righteous cause (v. 27). Once again; the interplay of the prophetic is so intertwined with David's own experiences and that of the Messiah that it is hard to find examples where one or another can definitively be extricated from the dialogue.

    We find examples such as verse 11 discussing false witnesses; and verses 16 through 18 about "hypocritical mockers" and particularly verse 17 about rescuing the "darling" from the lions is definitely directed toward Christ at the crucifixion as seen in Psalm 22:20.

    The "Aha, aha" theme is seen in Psalm 40 and 70; and also Ezekiel 36:2 in regard to the capture of the ancient heights from the north in the last days (likely the Golan Heights area).

    Whether with an individual or the nation of Israel; God will bring victory for the remnant who are truly faithful according to His many promises. Going back to earlier in the Psalm in verses 5 to 6 we see how the angel of the Lord persecutes the wicked leading them to destruction. We see in 1 Chronicles 21 how an angel was sent to cause wholesale destruction. We do well to heed to the fact that God is in charge of all things; and in a sense creates good and evil for His purposes. Isaiah 45:7 and Amos 3:6 discuss these things; calamity is under God's liimitations. Let us be under chastisement not judgment; and let us fall on the Rock rather than being crushed by it! ( Matt. 21:44).
  • Natasha boyd - 2 years ago
    I'm in need of prayer. I've been having health issues, I've been out of work since September of 2018. My bills are way overdue. I have a 13 year old son that I have to provide for. I'm thankful for all of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon me. I'm grateful for his mercy and his grace. I'm tired of my life being like this. God please order my steps. Guide my footsteps. I need a miracle. I ask for wisdom, knowledge, guidance, understanding, financial prosperity. Jesus please intercede this prayer for me. I ask all these things In Jesus Name.

    A struggling mother

    Natasha Boyd
  • Gigivi80 on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    I had a dream in the dream I was sorounded by darkness an a voice came out saying give me your soul and praise me have me as your God and you will have anything your heart desires I got down on my knees and said I rebuke saitan in the name of Jesus my body tremble with fear but I held on saying this then out of nowhere I felt peace heard a sweet voice saying Gigi rise up and I opened my eyes and I see nothing but white look like clouds and animals surrounding this entinty that I could not see I spoke and said let me see u entity said u Serv me well and for your faithfulness I give u a gift. But in no way can I show myself to you at this time so I ate the gift vand was full of peace and joy but woke up been trying since to change need some help or guidance so I can hear him again
  • Gigivi80 on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Where in the Bible is Lilith mentioned
  • C - 2 years ago
    Praise god for supportive work colleagues. Thank you, lord, for the support I have received in this time from current management in my seconded position. Praying for a miracle for perm transfer to this wonderful location. Please whilst I am pregnant this is a safe work environment. Lord I ask you to soften the decision makers hearts and also as I am in two employment pools please open a door to be transferred perm into my current role I am acting in. Please lord or open a door to a safe environment that is a perfect job for myself that suits my skill set. Lord you are a miracle worker and I love you. AMEN.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    lets pray To God to Give us Understanding His word is pure than gold more to be desired Amen.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Purely it is a gift from God right and he gives it to whoever right so you cant teach to anyone how to have a gift which only God give freely now lets us look at this event when the prophet prayed that his servants eyes my be open and there ware Gods angles and Saturn angles involved.

    - 2 Kings 6:17-20

    17 And Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

    (As only the servant of God was able to see but Prayed)

    so lets look at

    - 1 Timothy 4:1

    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; , now as we can see The church leaders are

    (However, the leadership seems to push "speaking in tongues" over the basics of Christianity) This is not what Jesus said, he said preach not enforce and as you have mention speaking in tongues is the gift which comes by the grace of God not by men telling you to speak or now is the time to speak.

    This leadership is purely emphasizing their own lie which is not scriptural and the fact that is written in the latter days they will be such teaching which indicates they have departed from the faith or to put more basic they don't teach the word of God

    Which we know faith camas by hearing and by hearing the word the word of God

    (So they are giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils)

    and lastly

    Acts 2:4

    4.The ware filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them Utterance

    note the Two Things here Filled and then they ware given utterance

    as the writer has pointed out the church leaders are forcing this on people its not from God

    so there are only two things either with God or Saturn

    2 Kings 6:16

    And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.

    we see the two kingdom brought out to the
  • ....... - 2 years ago
    Father God please love me please protect me from all harm and forgive all my sins and please bless me and favor me in all things in Jesus name amen

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