All Discussion PAGE 787

  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Jacqui - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello . The Sabbath is yet to come . What some of us choose to do in this life is a small thing in comparison to the real Sabbath which is the one thousand year reign of Christ on earth . This is going to be so beautiful and so removed from the ways of this world . We , if we are fortunate enough to be acceptable in the eyes of Christ , will be kings and priests to God . We will spend that one thousand years serving God and helping the humans learn of and grown in the eternal Truth . That's our Sabbath , spending one thousand years in His service doing His will and not our own . Now that's a Sabbath !
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "Ray", the best thing you can do for you and yours is to read and understand this yourself. If you do not have any references that strengthen their/your statements, there are no firm rules that can come and they mislead and seduce. It doesn't matter who they are. That will only cause confusion. Scripture came first to the Jews. Romans 11:16-24 Moses received the 10 commandments. Deuteronomy Chapter 5. You can read all this here on the web or if you have a Bible at home. If you want to understand more, Genesis is a good place to start. It is basic. Personally, I do not dispute any of the books, or any of the stories in the Holy Script. Psalms 91:11

    The best thing for everyone is to read the King James Version. It is absolutely the best understanding translation. An example is: You have probably been to the library and taken a book out of one of the shelves. It seems interesting, but when you open it and read a sentence, you don't understand a single word. The mind is unable to understand what the author wants to say. And other times your eyes run over the sheets and they register everything and you understand everything. Look and you will find, knock and it will open up for you. Pray to the Lord Jesus if you can get revelations and understanding, You can ask for anything, for example that you pray to get a new spirit so that you understand lies. It's good to have with you today. All people who confess Jesus as Lord are from God. Romans 10:9 Fillipians 2:11 Amen. In Jesus name, love u in Christ.
  • Free - 2 years ago
    Hello everyone, we need to get together and hear from each other. Now I hope that everyone has charged the batteries, those who live in the colder areas. Because summer is over. All the migratory birds we have here in the Nordics left the site yesterday Saturday. We praise the Lord and thank Him for everything we have, every day is like a symphony to Him. Think, all the voices, shouts and cries we share with Him. And not enough of that! When we sleep He hears same symphony, praise, cry and lament only in that hemisphere which then has day.

    And of course there are some who are always awake and alert for what is to come. They pray for everyone, they hunger for people to come to faith, they rejoice with those who are happy. They weep with those who are sorrowful. They pray for those who are sick. Paul writes it so nicely in 1 Corinthians 4:8-13 Now ye are full!

    Praise be to the Lord He who can calm the sea, so can He also create the storm! We know the autumn storms, how the houses shake and crash. Where things fly through the air. Or a piece of paper flies towards the window where the rain is lashing the pane. If we see these storms and wait them out. This is also how the daily lives of Christians are. Therefore, I pray for this autumn that we must strengthen each other with song and play, and lots of laughter. So that we endure the coming storm with power and strength. Always remember that Jesus loves you and so does God the Father, so as Jesus loves us, so do we. I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Because that is my proper duty. Christ Jesus is the resurrected Jesus, whom we too shall rise like Him, Amen. Hallelujah Praise be to the Lord for all eternity! Stay safe and strong in the word of God (King James Version). It is the oldest and best readable, understandable scripture that exists. And it's here! Thank you web Masters for this wonderful website that stretches from East to West. From North to South. Yes! All over the globe, Amen.
  • Kelli - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me, I lost my dad in 2019 and have yet to recover from it. Sometimes I go through periods of no sleep. And this week has been one of them. Please calm my nerves an pray for my anxiety and depression to get better
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 63 - 2 years ago
    Yes, Giannis,

    Jesus' mind always in complete agreement with the Father, and also He always said "yes" to the Father, not just from His lips, but with His mind, will, heart, and body.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, both Jude and James were Jesus' half brothers.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Psalms 63 - 2 years ago

    1 Corinthians 2:16 says, " For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ."

    The word mind is the word NOUS. Again, this is the perceptive abilities. We don't have His brain. I think that there are some people that misunderstand this text.

    There have been people in the past that said "Now that I'm saved, everything that passed through my brain is God's thoughts, and therefore I speak whatever my thoughts are, and they're all of God because I have the mind of Christ."

    Well, there are several Greek words. PSEUKE, mostly for the brain, but there are several other words that describe the function of the brain. And the word NOUS describes the perceptive abilities of the mind.

    So when it says we have the mind of Christ, we've got the Spirit of Christ that is revealing to us and giving us the ability to perceive spiritual truth.

    It's not just a head knowledge, it's a perception, and we're able to perceive because we've received Christ. Then we have His Spirit giving us the perception of Christ.

    And the more we grow in Christ, the more we perceive the workings of His Spirit and the truths of God functioning in the Spirit realm.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:7-13

    So, this continual burnt offering on the altar speaks so many things to those of us in Christ. In Revelation 5:6 speaks of the slain Lamb before God's throne. This speaks back to this burnt offering in Leviticus being continually offered. Scripture tells us that Jesus was slain for sinful mankind before creation and is depicted as the slain sacrificial lamb in Revelation, speaks to the eternality of the work of God for salvation.

    God is always true to Himself. He will never change His mind about sin, nor about His will to redeem mankind, nor about the way He brings about the salvation of humankind. He never had a "Plan B" when Adam sinned. What He ordained was already done when He willed it in eternity because all of what God wills has been accomplished in Him. We on the other hand, see His will be done in time and space. We are bound by that, but God is not.

    The other aspect of this continual sacrifice, and notably, that new wood is put on the fire every morning, is that we are to offer ourselves to God continually as living sacrifices. We are to daily lay our life down for His will, not ours. Each new day we can renew our dedication to Him. All day long we can be in communion with Him because of the perpetual efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice. Even when we are asleep or not consciously aware, the blood of Jesus avails for us. It is not depended on our effort to recall or meditate on it. All of our redemption depends on God alone. He alone can redeem us perfectly forever.

    So much to praise Him for!
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:7-13


    This does not mean that Jesus is forever being crucified. It means that, though His crucifixion was an event that happened in time and space (which would require Him to be human), His sacrifice was accomplished outside of time from eternity to eternity *which requires Him to be God). The Scriptures clearly say that He was slain before the foundation of the world (before creation). Outside of time and space where only God exists, everything is eternally "now" and also "complete". So, all that God has done or ever will do in time and space is absolutely finished. God's will is completely consumated. There is nothing more for God to do within Himself outside of time and space. To be perfect, there can be no progression of actions or process to an end. This would indicate, again, a change within Himself. This is somewhat baffling, but I think it is important to this discussion on Leviitcus 6.

    In verses 7-13, God ordained that the burnt offering would be continually on the altar being consumed by fire. The fire was never to go out. This permanence of sacrifice speaks to several things:

    -God's hatred for sin never goes away

    -the price for sin is a forever payment

    -the need for a perfect sacrifice is always in force

    -the perpetuity of Jesus' sacrifice forever satisfies God's wrath

    -the eternality of Jesus' sacrifice requires no repeat of His sacrifice

    -the redemption of any person is always dependent upon Jesus' completely efficacious sacrifice in our place for our sins

    -God will never change how sins are atoned for

    -the Father always look to Jesus' perfectly lived life and perfect sacrifice when He looks upon us in relation to our sin

    -the Father has permanently given us the righteousness of Jesus as the means of our justification before Him

    -the Father always expresses HIs love, mercy, and grace to those who believe in His Son

    -Jesus' blood never ceases to give us life instead of death
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Ch.6: 7-13

    To tag on to last night's posts on this section:

    It is said that God is total actuality. This refers to the fact that since He:

    never changes

    is complete within Himself

    is infinitely perfect in His Being

    cannot add anything to His essential Being

    cannot remove anything from His essential Being

    cannot improve Himself in any way

    can never be limited in His perfections

    has not potential for becoming more perfect

    eternally exercises all of Who He is


    So, in regards to "actuality", it can be said that God has no latency within His essence. This means that He does not put aside any aspect of His Being to be enacted upon only when He chooses to do so. All of Who He is, is always enacted. This is termed actualization-actively being what One can be.

    Also, God is not a compartmentalized Being. He does not have components His Being. He does not have a part of Himself that is love, another that is omnipotence, another that is holy, etc. His essence always all of these "attributes" because His essence is One substance that is totally unified. Therefore, His attributes are expressions of His One unified essence. He is pure Being.

    With these ideas in mind, God expresses all that He is through this One essence. He can never be more or less loving or wrathful. He cannot set His wrath aside in order to be loving. These would involve a change in Himself, which is impossible. God never changes. He never ceases to express Himself totally. This is because He is infinitely and completely perfect.

    In relating this idea of being a totally actualized Being to the Leviticus text here, Jesus has always been the Son of God and God always the Father. Jesus has eternally been the sacrifice that both expiates (pays the debt) and satisfies the wrath of God for our sins. ....continued
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Cathy! You don't know how (and I didn't know) much I NEEDED to hear that! Thank you so much for a situation in my life that. I used to do that and somehow I forgot after so many long battles. God is so loving and gracious. You are1000% right!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Lambert.

    I have never heard anyone say Sunday is the sabbath. Have you?

    I never understood why some get upset at those who worship on a Sunday as if worshipping on a Sunday disrespects their holy Saturday rest day.

    I believe we worship everyday and we also rest everyday "if one understands what the rest we joined in means"

    I wonder if one decided to rest everyday "according to their definition of the sabbath" and treat all days equally the same would that also be wrong in their eyes.

    In other words one MUST work six days a week and rest Saturday in order to MAKE Saturday a holy day.


    This is not honoring the sabbath day, It's worshipping the sabbath day.

    And if you're going to do it the way Israel was told to do it you can't even gather sticks.

    Numbers 15:32-35. And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day.

    And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation.

    And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him.

    And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.
  • Joe - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 2 years ago
    A quote from Mathew Henry - commentary on this website: "The church, under the emblem of a woman, the mother of believers, was seen by the apostle in vision, in heaven." ..... "A dragon is a known emblem of Satan, and his chief agents, or those who govern for him on earth.."
  • Lee Ann King - 2 years ago
    Please agree with me for a mountain to be placed between my husband and this woman he has been with that all their ungodly ties be severed permanently.Pray for his mind to be clear and for him to hear the voice of God that his heart be pricked with conviction of his sins.Break all chains of addiction to drugs and alcohol and cause him to see how he is damaging his wife and family.Forgive his sins and call him to repentance so he can be saved.Save him from the lies of satan and restore everything that has been stolen from us.The drugs alcohol and this woman have him believing that he has been abused.Forgive me for any wrongs I have done to him not treating him with enough respect and kindness.Please please send someone to him that believes in God who will speak truth to his heart mind and soul to free him from bondage and lies.Give him a heart for the Lord and cause him to be convicted and return to his home.Please restore our marriage and let it glorify you that others can see forgiveness and change is possible.Give me strength to accept your will, I know you see my heart and my tears.I love you Lord and thank you and praise you because I know that you are so much bigger than the things that have torn us apart.You are a good father and he has never known that in his life, he is lost and needs salvation.He says he doesn't care about life anymore and is in physical pain, you see him you know who he is and what he needs.You see us both and I know you love your children.Please stop the suffering we are both going through and give us a loving Godly marriage that will be an example.Thank you so much for your son Jesus and your forgiveness and mercy. In Jesus name Amen
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Timothy 6 - 2 years ago
    Yes, Frederick, we do need to be careful to not adopt pagan practices as mentioned here and also in our culture that has become such an amalgamation of so many activities and practices that connect to pagan worship practices, yet now are toned down to seem innocuous.

    Syncretism is the blending of religious belief and practices from various religions. This is common in people who are into New Age thinking and beliefs. People in the New Age tend to pick and choose from various religions and life views what they wish to accept as true for them (since they often adhere to the idea that truth is relative and each person has their "own" truth that is just as valid as anyone else's) and what practices appeal to them.

    But even those in Christianity do this, blending conventional Christian thought and practices with New Age ideas and practices. It is a good thing to examine one's own beliefs, practices, and life views to see if they indeed stem from New Age/pagan/occultic thought practice or from Scripture.

    Over the years I have found myself continually shedding things I thought were simply cultural and neutral but really were connected to non-Christian practices/beliefs/religions.
  • KJBO Admin - 2 years ago
    Dear KJV Bible Readers,

    The word "Jesus" is the most popular search term on this website by a large margin, receiving 19,266 searches last month. Second was "love" with 2,689 searches with more than 1 million searches for all words total. Some of these searches did include spam and attempts to cause harm to the website, which we're trying to mitigate. Please pray that the site stays online and holds strong against such attacks as it is being targeted from all across the world.

    Due to the large amount of people seeking Jesus we curated some pages with the goal of helping people find what they are looking for. If you have any suggestions that can help people more through this website, your feedback is welcomed and valued. Please contact us here: Link

    Here are the new pages for "Who is Jesus?" It attempts to follow a simple Who, What, When, Where, Why format:


    May God bless you!

    King James Bible Online
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Merrilly.

    I see you have received many nice answers. Please do not rely on people, we are all the same. Rely on God's Love. GOD IS LOVE. Build your life on the rock whose name is Jesus Christ. Build on His Love for you. Stay close to Him, so that He can guide your life. He will always be there for you to support and provide for you. He loves you and wants you to live with Him in Heaven happily for ever. You don't have to do anything for Him to love you or to approve you, because He loves you, because He is Love Himself. He loves us not because for who we are but because we are His bros/sisters, His friends, His mates. He sees your struggles, He sees how much you try to please him and I think He is very very pleased with you. You don't need any approval by people, they are useless. The criteria for someone to be successful in life according to people is someone to be famous and rich and powerful like that rich man in the Bible, who by the way is now tortured in Hell. The criteria for us to be successful in life is to answer back His love for us and build our lives on Him. Don't be afraid, your life is in His hands. Relax and keep going hapilly your way.

    But have you ever considered that God can heal you? The gospels are full of people who went to Jesus with faith in their heart and they ALL received what they needed. Those were written as examples for us what to do and what to expect from God. So if I were in your shoes I would have thought to keep going to Him persistently (like that widow to the unrighteous judge) until I get the solution to my problem. I think this is what God wants us to do when we are in any need. So just get with you as much faith as you have in your heart and keep asking. And I believe God will answer back.

    Matthew 7:7-8. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall it shall be opened"

  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Hello dear brothers and sisters.

    Today I' m going to tell you a story.

    A brother in Christ once dreamt a dream. He was in his house and an angel came in and asked him to follow him. The angel was going to show him his house in Heaven. So they both went into Heaven. They went to a place where there was a marvelous house like a palace. The brother thought "Well, this is my house". The angel as though he read his thoughts told him, " No, No, No, this house is not for you, it is for that elderly woman who sits at the back of the church. She is always praying for her brothers and sisters, day and night". The brother got a bit dissapointed. They kept walking until they reached another marvelous house. The brother thought, " Well, this time this house is definitely mine" " No, No, No, said the angel. This belongs to that humble brother who always goes unnoticed in the church. He always runs to meet his brothers needs and he is there to support everybody who is in any sort of need".' Next time the brorher was not now in any hurry to think anything, but the same thing happened. Not his house. I don't remember how many times he said the same thing was repeated but sometime later on they came to see a house which was not bad but it wasn't a villa either. "This is your house" said the angel. The brother collapsed. But he immediately got the message. It doesn't matter what your position is in the church, it doesn't matter how many talents you were given by God to work with them for Him, but it does matter how well and consistent you work for Him. In Heaven we will be surprised to find out that people who we never thought they had any significance, they will actually have a better wage than others who were the famous ones.

    The above story is a real story. The brorher who confessed it to us is the pastor of one of the most significant and crowded reborn congregations in my country. A lesson to be learnt by all of us.

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Lambert.

    Some christian churches believe that Sabbath is still valid like in the Old Testament. So for them Sunday is just a common day, while Saturday (Sabbath) still remains their day of worshipping God.

    The early christians declared Sunday as their formal day for having their formal congregation, worshipping God, and having the Holly Communion. So they substituted Sabbath with Sunday, (although on Sundays there aren't rules and restrictions like those of the Jewish Sabbath). So in that sense Sunday is our Sabbath. I hope I haven't confused you

  • Giannis - In Reply on Psalms 63 - 2 years ago
    Hello William.

    The Mind of Christ means the way Jesus thinks, talks, feels, behaves and so on. There isn't a single verse in the Bible to summarize that, but the gospels are full of Jesus' way of 'living and behaving and teaching, we can take examples from those.

    Maybe the verses in Philippians 2:5-10 can give you a general idea. Jesus' mind was to obey Father God's commandments.

  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that things get better for my life and health and that I a great week and it's not busy at work tomorrow and tomorrow night ijnip amen
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Elonza

    After Jesus' resurrection when the apostles asked Him if it was the proper time to restore Kingdom to Israel, Jesus answered:

    Acts 1:7 "And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power."

    Many times we christians try to guess what is not revealed to us by God, what is not for us to know (for God's good reasons). If God wanted us to know He would have said their names to us, but He didn't. So my personal opinion is to stop doing that sort of guessing, many times they end up in wrong conclusions. We don't the right answer in my opinion.

    About Elijah, that brother Baker wrote about, I think the Bible means John the Baptist coming before Jesus.

  • Lambert - 2 years ago
    Why do some say that Sunday is the sabbath when the Bible says (the 7th day) Saturday not the 1st day Sunday?
  • Jacqui - In Reply on Exodus 1 - 2 years ago
    Honestly I don't know . When you say ' the mentally ill ' you are putting human beings into a group and labelling them as if they are all the same . God deals with us on an individual level . Imagine if you had ten children , all your children would be different from each other and you would have separate relationships with each one of them . It's the same with us and our God . All mentally ill people are individuals and God knows each one of them and us , personally as individuals . Whatever His judgements are , He is always righteous and merciful .
  • Rhonda - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my adult children who are only of this world. My son has not spoken to me in over 3 years, without explanation. One of my daughters is very disrespectful and rarely calls. May the Holy Spirit enter their minds and bring clarity and love in their hearts. Lord evilness is all around, please help me to stay in your light for others to see and for my own understanding of your greatness.
  • Elizabeth - 2 years ago
    Pray that those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior do so right away. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  • Jacqui - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God bless you and continue to provide for all your daily needs . Through the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous . Amen .
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Robo, how certain do you feel about this?

    Have you considered Revelation 21:6-7? God the Father appears to also say He's the Alpha and Omega and He says "I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

    Also, besides Revelation 22:13 Jesus saying He's first and last, God the Father also says he's first and last in Isaiah 48:12.

    Also peculiar is how Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father."

    I think its likely that the 3 are more 'one' than separate. There is only one God and we're talking about micro separations or personalities within the one God. And the most separation that occurred was temporarily when the Son transformed into a temporary man. This is where Jesus prayed to the Father, but people make inferences and draw assumptions based on that as if that's status quo, when in reality it's not. The Son is a spirit (not a man) that has always been John 1:1-3 and is one with the Father. I think many times God or LORD is used in the Bible is likely talking about the Godhead or trinity. That is why it says 'we' and 'us' plural.
  • Lw - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    Matthew 21:21 - Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

    Proverbs 15:29

    "The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous."

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