All Discussion PAGE 789

  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6 verses 8-13

    This part of the chapter is God's directions to Moses for the sacrifices the priest will be making to God.

    It starts with the command for the burnt offering being offered in the evening and burning on the altar of sacrifice all night long without the fire ever going out.

    God commands that priests to put on his linen garment and trousers and then take up the ashes from the altar and place them beside the altar.

    Then he will remove his linen garments and put on another set of garments and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.

    The fire on the altar in the tent of meeting is to be kept burning and in the morning wood is put on the altar to renew the fuel for the fire and lay a new burnt offering upon the wood on the altar to burn all day long along with the fat of the peace offering.

    This constant burning of the fire and the continual presence of an offering upon the fire represents several things:

    The constant worship of God by the Israelites

    The need for continuous efficacy of the perfect life of Jesus that allows the Israelites to be reconciled to God by His perfect sacrifice once and for all.

    The ongoing acceptance and favor of God upon the Israelites chosen by God through grace bestowed to bring remission of sins allowing fellowship to continue between God and the Israelites.

    That the work of Jesus for salvation is for all time. It never ceases to in actuality, save people from their sins. His blood forever is the means of propitiation for the sins of mankind. There is no one turned away from reception of this redemption who comes to Him in faith by grace.

    The constant presence of a sacrificial substitute burning on the altar assures us that there is never a nanosecond of time that forgiveness is not available to us in Jesus. His blood avails for us at every moment of every day forever. Father eternally accepts the sacrifice of His Son as the means by which He accepts us as His own, holy children.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:23 - 2 years ago
    Lev. Ch. 6


    we should believe and trust that our sins are forgiven

    we are to make restitution to those we have sinned against

    we are to seek God's help in changing our ways in this area of our life.

    It is in obeying God that we love Him ( 1 John 4:21, 5: 2-3) and love our brother, as well.

    In doing so we look out for the best interests of others and not just our own.

    In doing so we glorify God and show Him to be worthy of our devotion and the giving of ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him.

    In doing so, we establish a just social order that brings blessing to others instead of evil.

    It is in doing so that we show ourselves to be children of God.

    And in doing so we rightly exercise our calling as kings and priests unto God, being wise as serpents and innocent as doves, demonstrating that we are a holy people set apart for God's work and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:23 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6


    God has ordained that people have a right to be owners of property, goods, businesses, etc. Any government that takes away this right or one's possessions is at odds with what God has decreed. This is one of the evils of government systems, that confiscates an individuals possessions, paycheck, etc. for ownership by the state. This is why it is wrong for any government to take from the "rich" or "privileged" and distribute these to the "poor" or "disenfranchised". We are not to demand anyone to give us of their possessions no matter our need. We do not have a claim on anything that belongs to someone else. To do so is to covet and also is avaricious and greedy.

    We are also to stand up against oppressive practices in government or business. We are to voluntarily give to those in needs as the Spirit leads us to do so. We are to voluntarily look out for the best interests of others and not just for our own interests. But being forced to do so by others is wrong.

    The priests are representatives of Jesus, Who is High Priest for all men. He not only is the sacrifice, but also the offerer-the priest who presents the sacrifice to the Father. He never had need to be the one seeking forgiveness because he was completely sinless, but as the sacrifice, He took our sins upon Himself and removed them from us so that we can be reconciled back to God and to the community of Christ.

    So, these verses speak lying, fraud, deceit, robbery, violence or social wrong involving conscious trespass of the rights of our neighbor. It is knowing what is wrong and choosing to do it. It is willful sinning, not inadvertent or of ignorance. God has spelled out what these trespasses entail. We have no excuse.

    We should;

    heed the lead of the Holy Spirit when He convicts us of sin

    repent from this sin and confess it to God and to the one we have sinned against

    bring the required sacrifice ordained by God to obtain the remission of sins
  • Eden - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me I have a nasty spirit around me I'm afraid I'm demonized I am so scared and ashamed to talk to anyone please pray for my 6 year old daughter Alexa as well. In the case we have a stalker please pray for us so we can continue to serve God with excitement and get rid of depression
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Joy, I'm praying for your sister tonight. God please work a miracle. You are able. According to Thy will in Jesus name. And also a prayer for salvation if she hasn't given her life to Jesus yet. And peace for her and the family. Your will be done.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Levitcus Chapter 6

    ...continued again.

    Jesus' sacrifice is for all time. His sacrifice makes the animal sacrifice an appropriate substitute for the sinner because the animal sacrifice reaches forward in time to appropriate the sacrifice of Jesus to the Israelites who lived before Jesus came. God has ordained this and it is true.

    I was reading commentary on these verses from: Homilies by W. Clarkston, who made the following points to consider:



    ...dishonest thought goes beyond fraud to falsehood and when necessary, from falsehood to perjury (swearing falsely). This is true of life. Sin is not only the consequence of the evil that came before it, but it is cause of the more sin that is to follow-it is not only the child but also the parent of wrong. Learn that-

    I. NO MAN WHO SINS CAN TELL HOW FAR SIN WILL TAKE THEM (think David looking upon Bathsheba bathing on the rooftop).


    III. IT IS A PART OF THE PENALTY OF SIN THAT IT SHOULD DO SO. (We sometimes think that sin carries no penalty....(yet) it results in certain, immediate, spiritual injury).



    So, in Chapter 6:1-6 we have: lying, fraud, deceit, violence, or social wrong involving conscious trespass of the rights of our neighbor. God has determined that individuals are to have possessions that they own-things they can call "mine". So, in the spirit of the law we should uphold all civil governance that protects rightful ownership of possessions, property, earnings. We should oppose governance that steals these things from an individual.....
  • Renea - 2 years ago
    Were does it talk about all of heaven was quite
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6


    As an employer, we pay one's workers fairly and promptly. As an employee, we do not steal from our employer, either in goods or in wasting time "on the clock" or not completing tasks asked of us or required of us in our job agreement. If we have a business partner, we are to be honest and fair in the distribution of the share of the profits and expenses of the business. If we do business with other businesses we are not to be deceptive, or deal falsely, or not fulfill the agreement in full with other businesses. We are not to be greedy and lust after riches or success in business at the expense of others.

    This explanation refers back to the commandments written on the tablets of stone: though shall not steal, bear false witness, covet concerning what belongs to one's neighbor. Verses 1-6 identifies all of these things as sinful and the one who does these things is determined by God to be guilty. God expects that the one who is guilty to return or repay the one he sinned against the total value of the item plus adding on 20% on top of its value for having offended against another. The one guilty of these trespasses are to offer a trespass offering with the help of the priest, offering a pure, unblemished, wholesome ram for the burnt offering. He is not to offer the sacrifice first and then repay whom he sinned against or delay repayment.

    The text says that when a guilty person does as God has commanded, atonement would have been made and forgiveness is given to the sinner by God.

    This process speaks to:

    1. the sinner is convicted of his sin

    2. the sinner is repentant for his sin

    3. the sinner confesses his sin

    4. the sacrifice makes satisfaction for his sin

    5. the sinner is absolved of his sin.

    and, it is in this order that one comes to have his sins removed before God.

    In reference to Jesus, He is the sinless, spotless, wholesome, acceptable sacrifice that brings the remission of anyone's sin, from Adam up to the last person.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6

    Verses 1-6 are a continuation of explaining the trespass offering from Chapter 5. From 7 on is a knew subject.

    In this post I will address verses 1-6. The trespass referred to here is the stealing or defrauding another person of his/her belongings/fruits of his labors, starting out with lying to his neighbor about what he had possession of still or not. Perhaps one says that the belonging of his neighbor was never delivered to him (but it was) or perhaps one says that he returned it to the owner (but he never did). He was expected to safe keep the belonging for his neighbor, perhaps in the neighbor's absence or as a surety for a business arrangement, or maybe borrowed from the neighbor. If we say that we will keep another person's possession safe and sound, we are to do so. We are not to lie about having it already having been returned to the neighbor when we in reality kept it or sold it. We are not to be careless with the possession and lose it or damage it. We are to return what we borrow or repay what is lent to us. We are not to deceitfully appropriate to ourselves what belongs to another.

    If we promise to keep something safe to be returned to the owner and then do not keep this promise, we not only sin against our neighbor, but we sin against God by swearing before Him fraudulently. If we rob our neighbor of something he owns by force or violence or stealth, we have not only stolen from him, but also have harmed him physically. We are not to extort anything from our neighbor through threats, blackmail, or abuse of power or position.

    If we find something that does not belong to us, we are to make every effort to return it to the owner. We are not to lie or swear falsely about how this belonging came into one's possession. We are to deal honestly with our neighbor concerning what he owns and what we have acquired. We are to be trustworthy with others. We are to employ fair business practices, whether an employer or employee.
  • JosephA - 2 years ago
    Today, October 7th, 2022, a very dear family friend and elder in my church has passed. I have known her my entire life, my family met her shortly after my older sister was born. 23 years and she has always been there for me and my sisters, and I don't feel strong enough to continue my walk without her. She was a guiding light and family. I need the strength of prayer to get through this, so please pray for us, her church family and her own children.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Billybob, I'm not clear on what you believe, because you wrote "God has no beginnings or endings" then wrote about "begotten" with "If that's not a beginning nothing is " which seem like opposite views.

    I know from experience that people often assume "begotten" means created, but seem to be misinterpreting it. Link You can look up the original word meaning in strongs. Heb 1:5 for example.

    To believe Jesus is created would involve ignoring scripture that clearly debunks that: for example John 1:1-3.

    But that's not the only scripture that debunks the "Jesus created" theory. Psalms 2:7 was written maybe 1,000 years or more before Jesus became a man, but it also says Jesus is begotten there in Psalms 2:7. And if you read verse 8 it further explains what it means about Jesus being sent to earth.

    Phil 2:5-11. Paraphrased interpretation: Jesus was the form of God but didn't consider it a prize, but chose to temporarily take the form of a servant (a man) and to die for our sins.
  • Mari B - 2 years ago
    The Bible says Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Hebrews 5 - 2 years ago
    Hi Brenda.

    I suppose you are referring to Hebrews 5:1.

    I looked this up.

    1. an animal brought as a sin offering

    2. guilt offering

    3. sacrifices of the communal peace offering

    4. a bird brought in as a sin offering

    5. the suspensive guilt offering[4]

    6. the olive oil offering of a metzora[5]

    7. the two loaves of bread brought on Shavuot (first fruits)

    8. the showbread

    9. the left-over portion of the meal offering

    10. the left-over portion of grain from the offering of the first sheaf, the omer offering

    Four further gifts to be given (or to be consumed) within the confines of the walls of Jerusalem were:

    11. firstborn of any domestic kosher animal

    12. first fruits

    13. the inner organs of certain offerings, that which is removed from the Nazirite offering

    14. the skins of certain offerings

    Ten gifts which might be given (or consumed) outside of Jerusalem were:

    15. heave offering of a portion of the harvest

    16. heave offering of the tithe - a tithe of the Levite's tithe

    17. Challah - Dough offering

    18. the first shearing of the sheep

    19. foreleg, cheeks and maw of all non-sanctified, ritually slaughtered domestic animals

    20. money given in exchange for redemption of a first-born son (Hebrew: pidyon haben ; redemption of the son) - in rabbinical practice five silver shekels for the redemption of a firstborn Israelite son

    21. money (or a sheep or goat) redeemed in place of a firstborn donkey

    22. things declared herem, the hromim property or possession dedicated to the Temple without specifying to which use it is to be given

    23. inherited fields that were dedicated to the Temple and not reclaimed in the Jubilee year

    24. that recovered which was stolen from a resident alien who has died, leaving no heirs.

    let us Know if this helps.

    God bless.
  • Sunnydsys on Isaiah 57:14 - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 57.17 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy , I dwell in the high and holy place
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 16 - 2 years ago
    This Psalm starts off with a rather confusing section in verse 2. Commentaries with other versions seem to indicate this means that David had no good in himself to offer to the Lord. Verse 3 therefore is describing his attitude of service toward other saints of God. I am certainly open to other interpretations or ideas on that passage.

    Verse 4 contrasts this attitude with not being involved with those sacrificing to idols. Such practices among confessing believers today may not be seen (although they certainly go on behind the scenes in the cult world). We need to remember Solomon; David's son forgot what God Himself warned him of when he multiplied foreign wives; who led his heart astray. He may not have done these practices himself; but was involved with those who would do sacrificial rites of children to Molech; worship idols of metal and wood; and have all sorts of abominable sexual rituals (as all 3 actions were tied together).

    Verses 5-6 remind us of the opposite fate in Psalm 28:7 for the lost in hell. Wisdom such as is found in James 1:8 is sort of in line with the counsel mentioned in verse 7. Christ sits at the right hand of God much as verse 8 mentions.

    Verse 10 can be partly applied to David himself (his soul not being left forever in hell); but only to Christ Himself as the "Holy One" who will not see corruption who rises from the grave 3 days later.

    There are pleasurers for evermore with the Lord in eternity. The Psalm certainly ends in a joyous note as do many other Psalms (with the noteable exception of Psalm 88.) Let us rejoice and be glad in Him. (Pssalm 118:24).
  • Darnell Bingham - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Personally I think "image" is physical form and "let us make" is a figure of speech by God being considerate of the company he keeps.

    I do this at work a lot with my crew mates
  • ELONZA BLOUNT - 2 years ago
    who are the two witnesses in revelation chapter 11. thank you
  • Mona on 2 Samuel 6 - 2 years ago
    Why Did David wear a Linen Ephod?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, Billybob,

    Good to meet you.

    While it is true that the Son of God never had a beginning nor will have an end, He is eternal, as is the Father and Spirit. But the humanity that the Son took on did have a beginning when He was conceived in Mary. His deity was from everlasting to everlasting.

    On another note, eternity is not a realm that God exists in. Eternity is in the very essence of God. Otherwise, if eternity is a separate realm than God then, something other than God existed in eternity past and He is dependent on this realm to exist. But this is not true. Before creation, only God existed and He eternally exists without constraints of any kind-neither time nor space. He is self-existing and self-sufficient (not needing anything outside of Himself to exist or be completely satisfied or forced to act. So it would be as correct to say that God is Eternal Life as it is to say God is Love
  • Marie Edwards - 2 years ago
    Prayers for healing and restoration
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, Frederick, we have received an immense and mighty deliverance! Praise to the Lord for all of His loving ways and care for us.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Michael, I will pray for you today.

    Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus asking that You will help Michael regain the use of his arms. We ask You for healing and restoration in his body. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Helene, I, too, am praying for you today. Falling down stairs can create some very serious injuries. Are you planning to see a doctor to check for injuries that are not that obvious? I pray today that you will not have much pain from this fall and that you will continue to make progress towards overcoming the problems MS brings into one's life.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Chuan

    synagogue means a Jewish place for worship, religious instruction, study of the Torah, and some ceremonies.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Godspowerebube,

    It is often stated that Jesus was around 30 years old when He was baptized.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 2 years ago
    Dear Merrily Giuliano,

    I am sorry that you have felt unaccepted by so many. I can honestly say that as an educator of very young children, even we teachers are not very well trained to understand autism nor how to bring out the best in such people. We are woefully inept at meeting the needs of autism (and most conditions that require that the person receive specialized education. So, that said, I really don't think that the general public know much about autism and therefore it's expression in a person makes people feel uneasy and feeling the need to distance from one who is autistic. I don't think people really want to hurt someone's feelings by rejecting them. Rather, I just think that people withdraw from one they do not understand and do not know how to interact with one with autism. But even so, there are those who are mean to people who differ from themselves, and this is very hurtful.

    Giuliano, I pray that God will draw some wonderful friends into your life soon who love the Lord and can benefit greatly from your contribution to their lives. May these people be knowledgeable about autism as well as very willing to keep up friendships with you over the long haul. Such friends are few and far between in most people's lives unless they are really outgoing, which isn't usually a characteristic of one with autism. But your fantastic memory skills will bless your friends over and over again as you continue to share Scripture from memory with them.

    And above all of this, everyone has the challenge of learning how to be content and satisfied in our relationship with God, discovering that He truly is enough for all of our needs. Keep close to Him and He will help you in your other relationships and bring healing to you from the hurts and disappointment that comes from rejection and mistreatment from other believers. That is a sad thing to happen to anyone. My best to you today, Giuliano.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 2 years ago
    Hey Merrily Giuliano,

    We as humans all have been rejected, some more than others. I am sorry if you feel Christians reject you the most it is their fault, not yours the love of Jesus is not in them. That does not define who you are if you have faith in Jesus as your savior you are a member of a family, a child of God. If you can memorize bible verses, you do better than me I struggle to do that.

    People can be cruel, out of fear, or ignorance, and some are just downright mean, and worst of all they call themselves Christian. Recognize who you are, you are a child of God and we one day will be consumed by a wave of peace and love we cannot even imagine. Realize we do the best we can and if we are doing that no one on this earth can do better. I know it is hard and I wish I had the words to make it better. Remember the ones who reject us are the ones with the bigger problem, you can make a difference in this world.

    I am sure others on this site will have better words for you, I do know you can come on this site, and no one will reject you, you will be welcome anytime.

    God bless,

  • Godspowerebube on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    Your Comment...How old was Jesus when he was batizes
  • TranquilCs - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 2 years ago
    I am truly ashamed. I was a single mom when my son's dad and I had gotten the official diagnosis for my son. He is now 19. I was so upset I lost it in front of my son. I slammed my stuff down on the coffee table and yelled out loud in front of my son. "I have a retard for a kid!" My son just stood there at 5 looking blankly up at me. The look on his sweet face with his big brown eyes brought me to my knees. I felt the most heart wrenching pain in my chest. I was so HUMILIATED that I had given up on this beautiful boy. I remember that and it haunts me to this day. I think I was just feeling sorry for myself and not wanting to face the real truth that my son was NOT ATYPICAL like most other children are. I myself have a brain injury and congenital heart problem. I was always compared to others being told." You can NEVER do that." You will never do this. Always falling short of the standard "quo" expectations. My dad left and I felt like it had something to do with me. I had brain damage at 19 when my heart stopped. I was talked down to by my dad's "Wife". She always made me feel less than. A big 0. No this is not about me. This is my ONLY SON. The most extraordinary human being I've ever known. He loves unconditionally and I fear for him in this big cruel world we live in. He will be hurt, taken advantage of or used. I have seen the miraculous beauty of whom he is. He keeps me young at heart and loves me no matter what. Never let ANYONE tell you that you are not good enough. You are PERFECT in God's eyes. Jesus LOVES you! Christians like myself have been very hypocritical and we all fall short. You have a very SPECIAL reason for being who you are created to be. Each day my eyes are opening more and more to the beauty INSIDE of us. Jesus LOVES YOU! Everything in His time. God bless you! Love will find a way.

    Listen to The Lost Shepherd.

    No words just BEAUTIFUL music.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, I'll paste the link to the page containing some scripture you might find helpful.


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