All Discussion PAGE 791

  • Brenda on Hebrews 5 - 2 years ago
    Every High Priest is ordained to do what 2 things
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Billybob...Gbu but you may want to check out John 17:5 KJV....Father, Glorify thou me with thine own self even with the Glory i had with you b/f the world was...Jesus said that all men are to honor the Son even as we honor the father....He that honoreth not the son honoreth not the Father that has sent him...And Philippians 2:6 He, Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal to God his FATHER....And Billy,... Jesus has the Power to propagate very God in us humans....When he breathe on them ( his words were his Breath/his seeds )... he said receive YE the H.G....And the H.G. is also God...Jesus was not only God the son but he has the power to propagate very God in humanity....In Genisis 1:28 Every thing has to Multiply/reproduce after its kind thats y the sower wants to sow his precious seed in us,...Initiating a birth of Christ in us..Our new birth..Thats y he has to know us,...Thats when that good seed is sown in us thats y he said that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. That Child of promise...That was the great Promise of the Multiplication of Christ as the stars of heaven in multitude....Thats y we refer to the H.G. as the Promise the H.G. IS THE MULTIPLCATION OF CHRIST IN US VIS HIS SEEDS HIS WORDS HIS BREATH...

    .....And he said to whom the Word came ( his seed ) it made them Gods....impling the gift of God, the H.G. WHICH IS THE CHILD of PROMISE....Remember when God made that great Promise of multiplication he swore by himself....Thus the Gift of GOD, the H.G. is also God..A living being that is gonna be born in US via the seeds of Jesus...Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil CHILD YOU WILL IN NO WISE ENTER THERE IN..OK LEMME GO...When Jesus said whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me....Thats the H.G. the manchild that has to be born in us that is gonna rule all nations...The H.G. cannot be born in us without his seed the words of the book of life...Thus he has to know us...the new birth requires his seed
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor and its not busy at work and that the letter I'm mailing today gets to the right place safe and sound to the right place ijnip amen
  • Dickens - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dan, I beg to differ, there is only one God but the forms He appears to men determine who He is, we have to understand who God is so that the trinity mindset in us to vanish. In John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the WORD was God. This very word that was God, was made flesh and dwelt among us( John 1:14). Isaiah 7:14 prophesies of Emmanuel meaning God with us. When you read in John 14:6-9 Philip desires to know the father, and what reply does Jesus Christ give? Have i been so long with you and yet you do not know the father? In verse 17 of the John 14 Jesus Christ again who is the Father shows that He shall send them the Holy Spirit whom the world knows not BUT THEY KNOW HIM FOR HE DWELLS WITH THEM BUT SHALL BE IN THEM!! Notice the spirit, the son the father is Jesus Christ?
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 15 - 2 years ago
    The mentioning of the Amorites was a people referred to in verse 16, and they were representative of the other peoples in Canaan. And those others are mentioned in verses 19 to 21. The Egyptians were not in this part of the world, but all these other groups were given over to idolatry & were under God's Judgement.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Baker - In Reply on Genesis 15 - 2 years ago
    Who are the other heathen around them that they represent ? Egyptians
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    My wife Emilia and I have been in an intense spiritual battle, can you pray for us please? Please plead the blood of Jesus over us, and pray for joy and healing for us! Thank you and God bless you in Jesus name!
  • Revelation 2:2 Is this a real Church today - 2 years ago
    or is it a metaphor @

    I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Brother Jesse.

    God bless you.
  • Jacqui - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God grant you your request . Please don't be afraid even if you don't get it . If you stick close to God with your heart and mind you can be assured that He will always help you in this life . Don't doubt His love for you and He knows the things that you need . He won't let you down just trust Him completely .
  • Jacqui - In Reply on Romans 5 - 2 years ago
    That was so well explained . I was thinking of answering that question but you have done it so perfectly I shall keep my mouth shut . Thank you .
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Jesse, it's good to see you back.

    Thank you for sharing this, it was the Acts of Jesus and is today, as John recorded what Jesus told them would happen, John 16:7-15.

    God bless,

  • Billybob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You may want to check your theology, God has no beginnings or ends . That is what eternity is and God inhabits eternity. Jesus had a beginning and end you say .
  • Patoh1234 - 2 years ago
    Was Jesus God?
  • GiGi on Leviticus 5 - 2 years ago
    Lev. Ch. 5


    So, this chapter also speaks to specific sins.

    It speaks of;

    bearing false witness against someone, perhaps in a legal sense.

    swearing an oath and not fulfilling it.

    touching things that are unclean, a dead carcass of an animal or human, a man who had an emission of semen or a woman who is having menstrual bleeding, or handling of creepy, crawling things that are unclean (snakes, rats, etc.) hereby they would be unclean until evening and must bathe before re-entering the camp.

    doing harm to YHWH by misuse of holy things, whereby he is expected to renumerate to the priest a 20% charge on top of the worth of the loss of dignity to what God has determined to be holy.

    Even if the person does not know that they sinned at the time of the sinful act, he is still guilty of sin. And when he becomes aware that what he did was indeed sinful, he is then to make this trespass offering. This was also true of the sins requiring the sin offering in Chapter 4. Even if done unintentionally or in unawareness, sin is still sin and must be atoned for. I think it is merciful of God to be patient until Jesus came to be the atonement for all sins. And gracious of Him to give us a conscience that can be influenced by the Holy Spirit to show us our sin. This was true for the Israelites, too. The Holy Spirit has been working in creation since it was first created. His work is to convict the world of sin and to lead to the Father, those the Father has chosen to be saved by the work of the Son.

    I think that it is so appropoe that the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness. It seems that they were learning along the way as they followed the pillar of cloud/fire. They did not have a long history of God's redemptive work in Christ. They knew that the Messiah was promised, but they had so much to unlearn from their life-long stay in Egypt as well as learn these new commandments and ordinances from YHWH on Mt. Sinai and in the tent of meeting where He Himself known.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Levitcus Ch. 5


    It seems that as I am reading this book, my conclusions seem to change. I am just learning about these sacrifices, though I have read of them many times, this is the first time I am really wanting clearer understanding of what they mean, shadow, and point to for me.

    The text in both chapter 4 and 5 do say that the Israelites sins are indeed forgiven when they confess their sins and offer the sacrifice. But it isn't the animals that bring the remission of sin. It is always Jesus' sacrifice reaching back to this time in the history of Israel that brings the forgiveness and the cleansing.

    God was very specific about how the sacrifices are to done and what they are for. He did not give the Israelites any other alternatives than what He laid out to Moses. In the same way, He does not give us any other alternative for the removal of our sins than in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Just as the Israelites were to follow YHWH's requirements exactly, so are we to follow in the way of salvation proscribed by Jesus. There just is not any other way to be saved but in Him. This was true of the Israelites, because they could not keep God's laws perfectly, and true for us, because we cannot do His will perfectly, either. WE are just as guilty as the Israelites, and the remedy is in actuality, the same. Only Jesus.

    As I finish reading on these 5 different offerings, I think that the priests must have been spending most of their time offering these sacrifices day after day after day; year after year after year; until Jesus fulfilled all that was needed to replace these offerings, and then these offerings were to cease. And they did in 70 A.D. It makes me think too, that, perhaps, part of the reason for the Jews not accepting Jesus was because they were so entangled with these offerings for their sin that they could not part from the shadow to embrace the true reality in Jesus. They were idolizing these rituals, not seeking YHWH as Savior.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Levitucus Chapter 5


    Jesus loved the Father completely. He perfectly fulfilled the two commandments to Love God with all of His being and to love others as Himself. He lived a flawless ethical, moral, and spiritual life. He never misspoke, sinned in his emotions, had an evil thought or motive, acted sinfully, or omitted to do what the Father told Him to do. He never doubted the Father, never was faithless, insincere, unruly, rebellious, prideful, selfish, or self-directed. For 33+ years He never, ever sinned in any way. He did not have a corrupted nature, nor did He do anything incongruous to the Father. He was always in harmony with His Father, and always willed to obey Him in every way. He was the perfect one to be the sacrifice for sin, for an animal is not of equivalent value to man to truly take away sins. But Jesus is of infinite value, and He was the only one Who could be our Savior. The sacrifice needed to be human, but also divine, since the wrath of God for sin is infinite. Jesus gave Himself wholly to God.

    Perhaps the first sacrifice mentioned in Chapter 1 is a shadow of Jesus' perfect life of devotion to God. He gave all of Himself to the Father, thus fulfilling the first commandment to Love God with all of one's being. This life He lived was a sweet aroma to the Father, satisfying Him in every way. And then perhaps the meal offering of Chapter 2 was a shadow of Jesus' perfect life lived towards mankind. Fulfilling the second commandment to love others as oneself. Jesus gave Himself wholly for us.

    And then, perhaps, the peace offering of Chapter 3 is a shadow of the fellowship Jesus has secured for reconciled mankind with the Father. All three of these offerings were not for sin, since they were a sweet aroma to God having been mixed with oil and frankincense and salt.

    The offerings of Chapter 4 and 5 were all about sin and lacked the oil, frankincense and salt. Shadowing Jesus, becoming objects of God's wrath.
  • Dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The "Us" is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    The Word is Jesus. See John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    Also the Lord Jesus said "I and the Father are one." John 10:30

    Holy Spirit is God 1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Leviticus chapter 5

    This chapter speaks to the sin offering for trespasses. I am wondering what the difference is between the sin offering of Chapter 4 and this one? Both the sin offering and the trespass offerings are not to be mixed with oil or incense. They are not intended to be a sweet aroma to God. This does demonstrates God's inability to be pleased with sin in any way, shape, or form because He is absolutely, infinitely, uncompromisingly pure and holy. Where there is sin there comes the penalty of death. This is a righteous judgment.

    I read that the sin offering of Chapter 4 is for our general sinfulness since we possess a corrupted, sinful nature. It is who we are. And that this trespass offering is for sins we actively commit. It is what we do that is against God.

    For this trespass offering, the carcass is taken out of the camp to be burned like the sin offering. It is defiled by the sins imputed upon its substance. It cannot be burned on the altar of sacrifice. Only the fat is burned on the altar within the tent of meeting. None of these two sacrifices are eaten by the priests or else they would be "consuming" sin and be defiled. God is very picky about His people avoiding that which would defile them. Are we picky also, about such avoiding every kind of evil ( 1 Thessalonians 5:22)? Or we make excuses as some things being "harmless". Do we really believe that sin is always deadly to the one who sins?

    God, in His mercy, allowed for the sin of His people to be imputed upon an acceptable substitute that would bear His judgment for sin and remove the sin from the true sinner. The animals sacrificed, without spot or blemish, are a shadow of Jesus, who was without sin, but took our sin upon Himself voluntarily to bare the just punishment for our sins, thus freeing us from Gpd's wrath and making us clean instead. He triumphed over all sin by His death and resurrection. But even before He did this, He lived a perfect life in absolute submission to the Father.
  • Alister Said - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 22:16

    Christ is the bright and morning star and before him his angel sent to testify to the congregations.

    Repentance is for all mankind.

    Woe unto them that fail to follow instruction.

    Voice your choice

    Be Free
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 5 - 2 years ago

    What this means is they (Zachariah and Elisabeth) were Torah observant. What that means is when they committed an act of sin, they would bring their sacrifice according to the requirements of the law, and that's what it means by keeping the ordinances blameless.

    It doesn't mean that they were sinless. It just means that they did everything according to the Law. They were Torah observant and therefore they were righteous according to as the Torah is concerned. So as far as character you couldn't get two people that were more in line with the righteousness of the Torah than these two.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Luke 7 - 2 years ago

    Luke 7:28 is a very important verse. Right in the middle of Verse 28 is an indicator to us that John the Baptist is the end of the Old Testament. Not at Malachi Chapter 4 in the books, but in time and history, John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament, and Old Testament Law and times.

    After John the Baptist, through Jesus Christ, the person whose least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he. John never realized or knew or experienced or had the relationship that we have with Christ, though he was great in his time!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 6:

    Here is a section outline of the book of Acts:

    It is given to us in Acts Chapter 1 Verse 8. Jesus told the disciples that you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is come upon you. And you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, (there's your first section), and in all Judaea and Samaria, (your second section), and into the uttermost part of the earth.

    That term "uttermost part" or the extremities, or the ends of the earth is an idiom. It means from the nearest city to the farthest village.

    Acts Chapter 1 Verses 1 through 11 is the Prologue, the introduction for us. It is actually an overlap to Luke Chapter 24. I don't know of anybody that spends a lot of time reviewing like Luke does. There's a lot of overlap there!

    But he wants to bring over that information from Luke Chapter 24 as he begins this second part of his gospel.

    And then from there, Acts Chapter 1 Verse 12 through Chapter 7 Verse 60, is the proclaiming of the gospel in Jerusalem. All of our focus should be on the ministry in Jerusalem, as the Lord told the disciples in Acts 1:8.

    In Chapters 8 through 12, it gives us the proclaiming of the gospel in Judaea and Samaria.

    And lastly, in Acts Chapters 13 through 28, we have the proclaiming of the gospel in the uttermost part of the earth.

    And again, if you take the apostles that are prominent, you see that after the prologue, the proclaiming of the gospel in Jerusalem, the proclaiming of the gospel in Judaea and Samaria come under Peter's prominence.

    And then the proclaiming of the gospel to the uttermost or ends of the earth, Chapters 13 through 28, is when Paul is emphasized and is the most prominent.

    Tom, I know this is not very condensed as you asked for, but there is so much material in the book of Acts. It is my hope and prayer that some of what I've shared here with you might be of some help.

    May the Lord bless you abundantly through His word!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 5:

    The relationship to other books:

    At first, the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts were one document on two separate scrolls. Luke and Acts were originally circulated as the gospel of Luke Volumes 1 and 2.

    Later the two books were divided. And you can see why Acts would not have a title because it's the second half to the first scroll. The first scroll had a title but the second scroll didn't. Around the second century, they decided to give it a name too, and separate them!

    Why it was written:

    Luke was written to present what Jesus did and taught through His human body. In Acts Chapter 1 Verse 1, it says that this was written to present what Jesus continues to do and to teach through His Spiritual body, the church.

    It's still the Lord. One through His human body, and now He has sent His Spirit to continue His work through his Spiritual body the church.

    To whom was it written:

    It was written specifically to the most excellent Theophilus, probably a Roman governor, and in general to all Gentiles, non Jews, to understand the scriptures.

    Now there are actually 2 outlines for the book. There are 2 apostles that are prominent. They aren't the only ones but they are the prominent ones.

    From Acts Chapter 1 Verse 12 all the way to the end of Chapter 12, the prominent apostle is Peter. And from Chapters 13 through 28, the second half of the book, the prominent apostle is Paul.

    Peter was the apostle to the Jews. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles.

    It also tells you the timing when Saul of Tarsus was saved and he became known as Paul. He's the one that went on the missionary journeys and took the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Those are the Gentiles.

    So the timing all the way through the book is very accurate!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 4 continued:

    Talk about a lack of faith, I love this one. In Acts Chapter 12, Peter gets thrown in jail. So they get together for a prayer meeting. I would hope that if I got thrown in jail for preaching Christ that my brothers and sisters would get together and pray. You might be praying "please keep him locked up as long as possible!" But at least you'll be praying.

    So they were praying "Lord, please deliver Peter." Well, Peter was delivered. He was walking down the streets of Jerusalem and he was looking for the fellowship to meet and he comes and knocks on the door.

    And the gal that's in charge of the door, she goes and she says "who is it?" And he says "It's me Peter." She goes back in and she tells the prayer group "Peter's at the door." They said "It can't be. He's in prison. Lord, please deliver him." He can't be at the door, he's in prison!

    Look at the faith they had. They had no faith at all! They didn't believe it was Peter. And in spite of what they believed or didn't believe, in spite of what they were aware of or not aware of, God's Spirit just used them! In fact, they were so clueless, that they didn't get in the way! Why did I even bring that up?

    The title to the book as I'm relaying it to you, should be, and is according to Acts Chapter 1 Verse 1, the theme is the ministry of the Lord, what He continues to do and to teach. The apostles are just vessels. It's not what they do. It is the ministry that the Lord continues to do and teach.

    If you look at it from that perspective, you realize that as you read through, there are things that happened through the apostles that they didn't plan or weren't even expecting. God just did it! There's no formula.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 4:

    Now about the theme of the book:

    This is very interesting. If you take the title, in most English bibles, it will say "The Acts of the Apostles." Originally, this letter had no title whatsoever. So whatever title you have in your English bibles, it is not inspired. It had no title.

    But the word Acts comes from the Greek word Praxeis that means practices. They added the word apostles from Acts Chapter 1 Verse 13 because they said this is all about the apostles. So they called it the Acts, or the Practices of the Apostles.

    But this is very misleading. If I had any influential weight to change the title of the book of Acts, I would try to do it. And I think that a lot of people in their approach to the book of Acts, and in their approach to the teachings in the book of Acts, they do so because they say here are the Acts of the apostles.

    It's not the Acts of the apostles. It doesn't record what the apostle did. It records what Jesus did through the apostles. There's a difference. Many people will look at the book of Acts and they'll say "Well, now that Jesus is gone, look at all the stuff they did for Him!"

    No! As a matter of fact, if you take my challenge, as we go through this, just in your leisure time, start reading through the chapters that we study and you will find out that they did not have a clue as to what to do.

    They had no "committee meetings," nothing! Even when they were waiting in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit, they didn't know when He was coming.

    The Lord had a specific day and a specific time. They didn't know that! After His ascension, they waited for 10 days before the Holy Spirit came upon the believers.

    I say all of this because everything that's done in the book of Acts is the Acts of Jesus Christ, by His Spirit, through the apostles.

    I will continue part 4!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 3:

    Now about the book of Acts itself:

    Luke and Acts express the highest level of Greek in the New Testament. Again, from a very educated man! In fact, point number 2, many scholars, not bible scholars, but many Greek scholars hold that Luke and Acts are the highest quality of Greek in all ancient literature!

    Putting Luke and Acts together with all the literature that they have found, it's the highest quality of Greek.

    There are 312 Greek words in Luke that are not in the rest of the New Testament. There are 478 Greek words in Acts that are not in the rest of the New Testament. So he's got a big vocabulary!

    Now some think that Luke and Acts are actually trial documents. Paul was on his way to Rome and it was required, to make an appeal to Caesar, you had to have documents that explain yourself, preceding any appeal before you stand before him.

    Theophilus was thought of putting this together for Paul and Luke was doing this for him. So Paul was in Rome, and Luke's there, and he contacts Theophilus and he says if I write up some documents on the ministry of Christ, and the life of Paul, will you use these in your court appeal that goes before Caesar before Paul can stand before Caesar?

    Now there are two things by way of characteristics of the gospel and the book of Acts that support the trial document theory. All uprisings recorded in Luke and Acts were caused by Jewish leaders.

    At no time does Luke make anybody who's Roman the fault. The Roman soldiers are always good guys in the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

    They're not the bad guys! It's the Jewish leaders who are the bad guys. So it helps throw weight into this view that these were court documents because it would be favorably received by the Romans.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 2:

    The recipient to the book of Acts:

    We are told that the man's name to whom it is written is Theophilus, which literally means "Lover of God," THEOS for God, and PHILEO for love. He's a God lover.

    It's either his name or his title. Theophilus was a common name at that time. Some people believe it might have been used as a title in order to hide his identity.

    But in Luke Chapter 1, he's called "the most excellent Theophilus." The title "most excellent" is either a title of an officer in the Roman military or the title of an official in the Roman government, especially a governor.

    The title is used three times in Acts, once it's for "most excellent" governor Felix, "most noble" Felix, and "most noble" Festus, addressing the governors of the Roman government.

    So Theophilus was a Roman official. Tradition says that he was from Antioch of Syria. Apparently Luke and Theophilus knew each other. Luke and Acts, both of them were written to Theophilus.

    We're told in Acts Chapter 1 Verses 1 and 2, and Luke Chapter 1 Verses 1 through 4, they were written to the same person.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago

    Here is what I can share with you and any others interested in an outline of the book of Acts:

    Part 1:

    Luke, who wrote the Gospel of Luke also wrote the book of Acts. He's only mentioned three times in the New Testament.

    Colossians 4:14 tells us that He is a physician. Historical accounts tell us that he was schooled in Alexandria Egypt.

    So we look at that and we see that God chose an educated man to do a very detailed investigation. Luke is a Greek name and therefore many believe that he was a Gentile.

    From Acts Chapter 1 Verse 1 through Chapter 16 Verse 9, Luke uses "they," third person plural in his writings.

    Starting with Acts Chapter 16 Verse 10 all the way to the end, he changes it to "we." So at Acts Chapter 16 Verse 9 is where Luke joined up with Paul.

    He joined up with Paul in Troas. He was probably converted in Troas by Paul. He becomes Paul's personal physician. In Acts Chapter 27, he's right there in the shipwreck with Paul, right before Paul reaches Rome, which will be his last destination before he dies.

    Here is a general statement for you. The record of the Lord's ministry, from Luke Chapter 1, all the way through to the end of Acts Chapter 28, if you put those two books together, it is the most detailed account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

    Again, Luke is an educated man. Luke Chapter 1 Verses 1 to 4 tells us that he gathered in manuscripts. He gathered in all the writings that he could find about Jesus Christ. He interviewed eyewitnesses.

    And being an educated man, he used a lot of detailed words. He wanted to be accurate and detailed about his presentation.

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