All Discussion PAGE 832

  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please expound on the (church)

    Are you referring to a place or a building?

    Or as it should be, the true followers of christ.

    The (body of christ and or church) is his people.

    Those who are outside the (church and or body of christ) are those who have not yet accepted christ

    With full repentance.

    The Holy ghost works in the body of christ/church

    That means his people, not a building.

    With all the wonderful gifts of the spirit operating

    In each individual's life according to the will of god for that person.

    As when Jesus sent the apostles out in two's, filled with the holy ghost to preach the gospel.

    The holy ghost and the gifts of the spirit are not only active in a building / church . aka place.

    Not withstanding, I think it would be good for everyone to have a place or a church (building)to worship and to commune with like believers. Providing the truth according to the gospel is being preached and taught.

    But I would also reference, where two or more gather together in my name so shall I be there.

    That can be considered church.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Levi,

    From Daniel 9:27 "he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease". The daily sacrifices oblations/offerings by the people every day. It starts with the Tamid Exodus 29:38-42, the first, it is inspected by the priest to make sure no spots or blemishes and sacrificed at the 3rd hour at 9 AM the same time Jesus was nailed to the cross. All the sacrifices and offerings of the people were placed on top of the first lamb.

    At the 9th hour 3 PM, the second lamb, the last, it was sacrificed and placed on top of all the offerings done that day that end the sacrifices and offerings for the day, the same time Jesus died. The daily sacrifice and oblation/offering have stopped several times in history, by Babylon in 586 BC, Antiochus IV in 167 BC, and the last time by Titus and Rome in 70 AD, and some say it will happen again in the future.

    The Hebrew word shabath translated to cease can have meanings of; cause to, let, make to cease, celebrate, cause to fail, put away, take away, and rest. The context of the chapter is important for understanding. This verse is where the 7 years are put at the end times based on who he is in this verse. That is another discussion.

    God bless,

  • Brenda Farley - 2 years ago
    The Holy Bible tells me about Jesus.
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Psalms 84 - 2 years ago
    And the gold of that land is good there is bdellium and the onyx stone
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Psalms 84 - 2 years ago
    Arise shine forth light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon the Amen
  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Do you know?

    The greek for BISHOP (also called ELDER, see Timothy) is EPISCOPOS. It means THE ONE WHO STANDS BY HIS WATCHPLACE, a WATCHMAN, GUARD, INSPECTOR. Bishops or Elders are people who are the watchmen of the congregation. They watch if things are going well, if the sheep are fed and served properly, if the saints are in any need and need help, if an enemy has entered the church and protection is needed, if somebody is lost and needs to be brought back, if somebody is left behind and needs to catch up, ans so on. They are, together with the pastor, the persons who are primarily responsible for the spiritual (and physical) condition of people in their church. They will give account of their work to God. The talents in the known parable...

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorry it is in Ezekiel 18:24.
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Psalms 84 - 2 years ago
    Gird thy sword upon thy might with thy glory and thy majesty Amen
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 1 is only five verses long; but contains several very important themes. Namely; it is avoiding heeding to the council of the wicked in terms of taking to heart; the character; longevity and wisdom of the righteous and their eternal destinies; and the opposing state of the wicked.

    There are warnings for those who would esteem men and exalt those who the world does in Luke 16:15. The foolishness of God is greater than any of man's vain knowledge ( 1 Corinthians 1:25). We see this pattern among many of the Pharisees who believed but becuase they did not wish to lose their position in the Synagogue remained silent. (see John 12:42). We must heed warnings such as that of Jesus who stated that "he who confesses me before men I will confess before the Father in heaven in Matthew 10:32 and the denial of those who will deny Him in the very next verse. We see what the wicked counsel of the Jews led to with the crucifixion of Christ. At the very least we must heed to Revelation 3:11 which in my book is a very undervalued admonition about losing our reward and basically handing it over to another. We also must take care not to behave as the world does with gossip and chatter about every controversy.

    Verse 2 and 3 discuss the characteristics of the righteous. We are reminded here of Psalm 119 where the longest chapter in all scripture repeats over and over the love of the law of God which is only possible with a regenerated heart; else it ends up being religious self-righteousness. The result of such a character is perseverance of character; and blessings for this life and the one to come.

    Verse 4 and 5 discuss the wicked. It shows how they won't even stand at the judgment. That makes it clear why we shouldn't stand with them in the first place. They are compared to chaff (also seen in the N.T. and in Job 21:18; etc).

    The last verse shows how God keeps His sheep; and the wicked basically are on a default mode to destruction.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 21. In ancient times, cities had gates along the walls that surrounded them for protection. They were the only places where one could enter the city. At nights they were often closed and guarded. So if one wanted to enter Jerusalem he had to go through the gates. Jerusalem here symbolizes the new Jerusalem, the saved saints of all times, of all nations. The 12 gates represant the 12 tribes of Israel. Salvation is due to Jesus' sacrifice. Israel had to precede so that the Saviour comes to the world through that nation and offers His life for the salvation of mankind.

    And if we like to go a bit further we can consider that that city also symbolizes the unification of God's people. The church can not be considered without the nation of Israel and Israel can not be considered without the church. Two different worlds united in one. They can not exist separate from each other. Israel was a nation created by God and kept the faith in the real God for 2 th years from Abraham to Jesus. But next is the church that will keep the real faith for the next 2 th. years until Israel is saved at the very end. But Israel precedes and the church follows. Both they owe to each other and primarely they both owe to God.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Carie

    There is always a cause that results in any condition. Maybe you can't find out but it definitely exists. If you could find out, with God's help, what is happening to you then you could fight back relying on God's Word and help. You can also pray and ask God for healing, other help and directions. You can also ask for other christians to pray for you. But apart from praying maybe you should seek for help if your mental condition is getting serious? Help from other family members, other christians, friends, etc but if needed professional help too. Often people don't do that until their situation gets really bad and out of control. The fact that we believe in a God who makes miracles, should not hinder us to do what is the normal thing to do. We will pray for you.

  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GBU Adam but lemme say that Jesus was God in the flesh and all things were made by him in heaven and earth....He didn't need any faith....As he was God in the flesh ....Faith is only for folks who have an earthy FATHER...But Jesus had no earthy father thus he had no propensity to sin....All mine is thine and all thine is mine...He thought it not robbery to be equal to God his father....God Almighty instructs all the Angels to worship Jesus soon as he was born....When he was just a waahh waahh baby....God Almighty had already instructed ALL THE ANGELS TO WORSHIP HIM....He didn't need any faith...As Faith is only for us Mortals....Ya think that God Almighty needs faith....Noh Senior...Que Pensa...luv ya Adam.... Hebrews 1 :6..When he bringeth the 1st begotten son into the world he instructed all the angels to worship him.
  • Levi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I just read Psalms 56 I think they calls it a dove in the distance oaks it left me thinking is this about of the times of now? or during the ends times.

    Hard to trust with so many enemies about in secret?
  • Elizabeth - 2 years ago
    God, may Rebecca get a better job, as the manager at her old job was wishy-washy and would not let her transfer to another dept. when he said she could, and knew she paid for a training certificate to do so. That, and the intolerable working conditions in the prior dept. caused her to leave a job she liked and the people she liked to work with, and who liked to work with her. When she heard that the company was changing leadership because of the working conditions, she offered to come back and possibly be able to work in the dept. in which she wanted to transfer. The manager spitefully told her it wasn't possible, even though several employees left and he only has a handful of people working there. May he realize his foolishness, and ask Rebecca to return, helping her to get the training in the dept. in which she wanted to transfer. Thank you God for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Adam,

    Great replies from Chris, S Spencer, and Giannis. What comes to my mind, the scripture that agrees and tells me that when we come to the Father in a time of need, we have a mediator, a Priest who knows what we are feeling, one who has been there, one who knows what temptation feels like, one who knows the fear of death, but the only one who did it perfectly without sin.

    Hebrew 4:14-16 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

    Jesus' prayer was answered, in Luke 22:43 just as He strengthens us when we are in need, facing things in our life we could not without Him, even if we are facing death, if we ask. I know times in my life He strengthened me and gave me the courage to endure, if not, I would not be here.

    God bless,

  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lemme mention something while i am thinking about it bout our Salvation....By his stripes we are gonna be healed....Why was he beaten simply b/c it was prophetic of multiplication....When seeds are beaten they multiply faster and give a bigger crop....His CROP are Gods as he says to whom the word came his seeds it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken....Thats y Zech. is saying smite the shephard ( his stripes ) and the sheep will be scattered... Zech 13:7 Then i will turn my hand to the little ones....little ones is indicative of Multiplication ....I will turn my hand to the little ones....Take heed that you do not dispise one of these little ones....The Babes and sucklings are his fruit...An ISRAEL OF GOD OUR NEW INNERMAN THE H.G.....Remember the Woman will be healed in Child birth...Tim 2:15...which is the New Birth that produces a New Innerman the H.G. That Child of PROMISE...Thats y the saying by his stripes we are healed....The very Kingdom of God is in this Child the H.G...Unless ya receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child .You will in no wise enter there in....Remember Jesus told the Greeks unless a seed falls into the ground and dies it abides alone...There wd have been only 1 Christ but b/c of his death he will be multiplied as the stars of heaven in multitudes thru his seed his offspring which are spirits....I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh....Thats that number that noman can number.... Rev 7:9 KJV ..Of all nations....Simply b/c when seed dies it multiplies....I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...And God swore by his very self when he made this PROMISE...Thus there is a Baby Christ in our near future...Which is that Child of Promise the H.G....I WILL TURN MY HAND TO THE LIL ONES.. The Babes and sucklings our new innerman, our new heart and new spirit is a living being...The Granson the 3 rd person....An Israel of God...Remember Isaiah 49 is telling us about a heavenly Jacob that is coming the last day... TY Jesus
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Introduction to Psalms

    There are various themes and messages specific to a given Psalm. We have; for instance a general comparison of the righteous to the wicked in Psalm 1; and a prophetic Psalm associated with the Lords' return in Psalm 2. We hae other Psalms related to the future such as Psalm 48 and Psalm 68; Psalms associated with the history of the Exodus as a repeated theme ( Psalm 105; 106) and the so called "imprecatory" Psalms where destruction of enemies is requested by David starting with Psalm 7. We also see Psalms such as Psalm 22 that have clear implications to Christ and His sufferings; but would also have application to David himself.

    David is most commonly associated with Psalms; although others such as the sons of Korah (starting with Psalm 42); the sons of Asaph ( Psalm 50 and a couple others) and those ascribed to some other individuals. As to the order of the Psalms it appears not to be strictly chronological; and the themes appear to have repeated patterns that are not easy to define. Some are virtually identical (such as Psalm 14 and 53). We have the longest Psalm (119) which has more verses than any other scripture; also the shortest ( Psalm 117) with only two verses.

    In addition there are may "acrostic" patterns where each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is sequentially starting a stanza (also seen in Psalm 119). Other patterns may not be readily identifiable but are seen in the original language.

    Psalms were to originally be set to music; which up until now as far as I am aware has never been found for any of this text. We can only guess how the instruments back then which were commanded to be used (timbrel; lyre) in places such as Psalm 33 and how it would sound. Some would try to restrict Psalms as to the only music played; but Colossians 3:16 mentions spiritual songs in general. Whatever the case singing from the scriptures is certainly better than the vast amount of so called Christian music peddled today.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Romans 8:28.

    "And we know that all things work (good or bad) together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

    It is really a very difficult situation, but pray to and trust God dear Leslie and be patient, at the end everything is going to turn up good. God can turn things around, it is not impossibled for him. Remenber Daniel when he was set up by those people in authority who tried to make the Persian King condemn him to death, eventually all of them fell in the trap they set up for Daniel.

    But what is in your hand to do, you must do it. Ask God to give you wisdom and help, to direct you in how to handle things.

    May God help you and we will pray for you.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother Spencer, so far I 've never paid any attention to that "if it be possible". Good explanation.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The Hebrew people were invited first to inherit the Kingdom of God, but they will enter last.

    The rest of the nations were invited last, but they will go in first.

    Figuratively, there are people who believed in Jesus in their youths but believed in vain. And there are elderly people who believed in their last moments of their lives and succeeded into Heaven.
  • Betty George on 1 Timothy 6:10 - 2 years ago
    It means than cherished money as their God. Money is important to everyone.we are to use it wisely but do not make it our God
  • BETTY GEORGE on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    The Lord is in His Holy temple bless the out of zion
  • Alex N - In Reply on John 10 - 2 years ago
    Kelvin a very good question....But ya have to go back to John 1 :12...I think you are refering to John 1:12 and 13....His NAME sake.. Which is the H.G. he that is born in US via Jesus seeds....Which is our new innerman that is not born by the will of any man nor is he born by Blood as he is a spritual being....Nor of the Flesh as by the will any man's carnal mind....This John 1 :12 is speaking of the sons of God that have to be born in us via only the will of God...Man has absolutely nothin to do with this new Birth which is done by the seed of the sower the words of God....Thats y he has to know us thats when that Good seed is sown in our hearts and minds that forms Christ in us a baby ....Thats y Jesus said unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....This scripture is speaking of Christ being formed in us as a baby..Thats y Jesus has to know us.

    ......My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you....Which is the H.G. his name sake Remember Jesus said the H.G will come in my name....And the FATHER will send the H.G. in my name John 14:26....Impling the H.G. is Jesus name sake will be born in us via Jesus seed....Thats y Isaiah refers to Jesus as everlasting Father....Jesus is the Father of the H.G....When jesus breathe on his disciples he was propagating very God via his seed his breath was his words his seeds etc..Thats y Peter said being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the words of God ( Jesus )...That liveth and abideth for ever....Living words not written words...The living words are seeds of living beings the babes and suckling he speaks of are Spirits..Thats y he said that which is BORN OF THE SPIRIT IS SPIRIT...Thats the babes and suckling that have to come in his name....Which are spirits ...Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receveith me which is that Child of PROMISE the H.G...Our new innerman our new heart and new spirit...Jesus is not impotent he has a seed
  • Bonnie - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What does Ephesians 6:18 mean?
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me today
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Eljer very Good Question....This is how i see it....The 1st Covenant the law will be made last...And the last covenant that 2 nd covenant by the blood of Jesus at Calvary will be made 1 st....We must remember what Bro. Paul said.... 1st Cor. 13:10...When that which is PERFECT is come that ( New COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD ) is come...The Book... That which is done in parts will be done away with...Remember the image in Dan. 2 was all in parts but it had to be done away with....Even tho its head was of gold that became as the chaff of the summer threshing flood...Its the seed of the sower that is gonna destroy everything....The manchild that is gonna rule all nations comes from the seed of the sower the seed of the Bridegroom....Wheat

    .....You cd also refer to the Written word as being last but the living words being 1st...My WORDS are spirit and life...But the written words are just paper and ink....We need the written word but we need the living word for eternal life much more....The written word answers to a night light....But the living word which is Christ Jesus answers to the greater light....As Jesus said I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD....The written word can be molested and has been molested....But the living Word is God. that cannot be molested in this world nor in the world to come....k
  • Eljer777 - 2 years ago
    What does the last shall be first and the first shall be last mean?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Adding to those:

    1 Corinthians 9:26-27

    " I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I MYSELF SHOULD CASTAWAY."

    Phillipians 3:12-14

    "Not as though I had already attained (the prize), either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I MAY APPREHEND that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.Brethren, I COUNT NOT myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I PRESS TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

    Ephesians 5:3-6

    "But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.For this ye know, that no whoremonger, NOR UNCLEAN PERSON, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, HATH ANY INHERITANCE in the kingdom of Christ and of God."

    Ezekiel 17:24

    "But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, AND IN HIS SIN THAT HE HATH SINNED, IN THEM SHALL HE DIE."

    Matthew 25:1-12. The parable of the 10 virgins.

    Matthew 25:14-30. The parable of the servants who were given the talents.

    And so many other verses...
  • Kelvin on John 10 - 2 years ago
    John 1:13 Who were born not of bloods, nor of the WILL of the flesh, nor of the WILL of man, but of God. The saving of a soul is all the work of Christ. The concept of man's so-called free-will is Antichrist. Scripture refutes it. Predestination is a magnificent truth, thank God.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You're welcome Brother Chris.

    Not to say it's valid but it is provocative. I agree Jesus knew he was the only way and for this reason he come into the world as mentioned

    John 12:27. Now is my soul troubled; and WHAT SHALL I SAY? FATHER, SAVE ME FROM THIS HOUR: but for this cause came I unto this hour.

    ( By this verse I don't think he was trying to get off the hook )

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    ( By this verse he Know it was no other way)


    Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

    That's why I believe the focus is on "IF IT BE POSSIBLE,"

    let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

    If he prayed for an escape it seems he would contradict these other verses..

    God bless

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