All Discussion PAGE 837

  • Lynton Vestey - 2 years ago
    when was Ezra born and when did he first go to Jerusalem?
  • Dorothy Hawes on Romans 9 - 2 years ago
    what is predestination? are some people just not to be saved or did does Jesus know before who will choose to serve and who won't .
  • GiGi - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago

    Please, if you will, read my latest reply to S. Spencer where I contrast the views of the Early Church Fathers and Darby Dispensational Premillennialism. I found this information from multiple sites that addressed this topic. Maybe you will find something different.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Hello again Chris,

    If you would, please read my latest reply to S.Spencer where I contrast the views of the Early Church Fathers and that of Darby and Dispensational Premillennialists. This is information I researched this week. You are welcome to bring back to me anything you find that differs from what I found.
  • Pastor Ruth Y. Woodard on Joshua 1 - 2 years ago
    Did Joshua Family know about the stolen goods?
  • GiGi - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Dear Steven,


    I welcome your response. I realize that not all Dispensational Pre-millennialists hold to all of these beliefs. But by my comparison, there was quite a bit of distinct differences between the early church premillennialists (known as historic premillennialism or Chiliasm) and the tenets of Darby and those who follow his DP teachings.

    When people say that Darby's teaching have been taught in the early church and across the centuries, this is a either a mis-informed view or a disingenuous one. As I have shown, there are some similarities and some major differences that would make it pretty impossible to say that they are both the same teachings.

    I hope you have a good evening Steve. I usually do not enter into discussion threads on eschatology exactly because of the way you responded to my reply to Chris. as he was the first to respond to Patrick, and I responded to him before you responded to me. For me. I probably will exit this thread because I have pretty much spoken to the original post and responded to you with kindness and openness. My motivation is not to argue nor teach, just to share my view and why I think as I do. I think it is good to use Scripture to explain why one believes as they do, but I do not think it is always necessary. I think that this site allows people to choose for themselves how they will word their posts as long as they follow the posting guidelines, which I have done.

    If you respond to this reply with reason and not accuse me of doing wrong here, I will be glad to reply. But, as I have respected you in my words, I ask that you do the same to me in your words. I can tell this is a topic that you feel very strongly about and that may be why you responded as you did. Nevertheless, I always enjoy interacting with you. I am glad that you are my brother in the Lord.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Dear Steven,


    9) the ECF believed that God would fulfill all of the remaining promises to Abraham in the millennium. DP believe this also.

    10) the ECF believed that both OT and NT saints will be involved in the millennial reign of Christ. DP believe that it will be ethnic Israel that is present in the millennium without any N.T. church.

    11) DP teaches that in the millennium the O.T. Judaic religious practices with temple worship will be in force and that salvation will be, once again, by the tenets of Judaism, with the animal sacrifices and ordinances. ECF did not Believe any of this viewpoint.

    12) ECF believed in a literal rebuilt 3rd Jewish Temple that will house the Temple worship practices of Judaism before the anti-chirst stops the daily Sacrifice. DP believe that a literal rebuilt 3rd Jewish Temple for the Judaic sacrifices and practices till be done in the millennium.

    13) ECF believed in the eminent return of Christ in is 2nd and last retun due to the persecution of the church and the anti-christ spirit and actions of the emperors of Rome. DP believe in the eminent rapture of the church as Christ's return for the church and then seven years later in another return of Jesus to begin the millennium.

    14) ECF did not make a sharp distinction between Israel and the Church as far as salvation is concerned. The DP keep apart Israel and the Church as distinct unrelated groups of people under different dispensations and God's way of dealing salvifically with each group.

    I am sure there are more information than this for comparing the two branches of premillennialism. This is the information i found when researching the topic. Since both the ECF and DP are chronologically past the closure of the N.T. Scriptures, their express movements/viewpoints are not enumerated in Scripture in a historical way. These movements look back in time to the Scriptures to form their views, as we do.

  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hallelujah Amen. And be sure of one thing. God takes home those He has ordained. He grabs everyone as long as someone hears and receives.

    Stay safe and strong in the Word in Jesus Christ name. Love u
  • GiGi - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Dear Steven,

    I reviewed this thread and I did not respond as you have stated. I do not think I was pushing my viewpoint on anyone else, nor did I say that another poster was wrong in their view. I guess I just don't see where your angst is coming from in this thread.

    I know I said that I would get back to you and share how I have found that the eschatology of Darby's dispensational pre-millennialist and the (historic) premillennialist viewpoint differ.

    I am prepared to do that here:

    1) the early church fathers (ECF) were mostly premillenialists (P), being that they believed that Scripture taught that Jesus would return before the millennium. So do the Dispensational premillennialists (DP).

    2) the ECF and (P) of the early centuries believed in a physical 1000 y of Christ after His 2nd return

    (DP) believe in a 1000 yr. reign, too.

    3) the ECF believed that the church will go through the tribulation. The DP believe that the church will not suffer any to the tribulation.

    4) the ECF believed that the church will be translated, resurrected, and gathered (rapture) to Jesus at the end of the tribulation.

    DP believe that the church will be raptured before the tribulation.

    5) the ECF believed that Jesus returns only once again. The DP believe that Jesus returns twice and these returns are at two different times.

    6) the ECF believed that the church will face the anti-christ and his persecution. DP believe that the church will not face the anti-christ and his persecution.

    7) the ECF believed that the length of man's history on earth up to the 2nd coming of Jesus will be 6000 years, with the millennium being the 7th millennium and a Sabbath rest for all saints on earth. I am sure if DP believe this or not as I did not find any information saying this.

    8) the ECF believed that the history of man is divided by the Old and New Covenants. The DP believe that the history of man is divided in dispensations, typically 7,

  • Jag on Revelation 4 - 2 years ago
    Who are these 24 elders written in Verse 4?
  • Saryor Davies on Deuteronomy 31 - 2 years ago
    No I don't have a commentary but I would love to have one for me to have more on scriptures.


    Saryor Davies
  • KEITH R NEWLAND - In Reply on 2 Peter 3 - 2 years ago
    Hi. It is a good question about semi-false teaching. We Christians will be taken to Heaven while Israel has 1,000 years of peace. At the end, judgement will come to all people and the world will be destroyed, with human beings gone. (In fact, all animals will likely be removed). After this, we live on a new Earth with new heavens. Our final destination is a new Earth with a New Jerusalem that will be a paradise, in HIS presence. Should be quite amazing.
  • J2row - In Reply on Psalms 140 - 2 years ago
    You can not pray for a dead person, no such thing as purgatory in the Bible. queen Elizabeth promoted lgbtq lifestyle, which is not of God, and if she did not repent and give her life to Jesus Christ before she died, then her soul is now burning in hell, but I hope she repented, and placed her whole heart in Jesus' hands. Read 2 Corinthians 6:9-10. Love you in Christ Jesus!
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Kay, Romans 1:20. The existence of God's creation means there is a creator. This says we are without excuse. All we have to do is open our eyes. If there's an intelligent creation then there's an intelligent creator.

    We are incredibly complex human beings with very advanced features we don't yet even fully comprehend ourselves. Explosions from nothing don't create life. Explosions to life can't be replicated, and no one has ever witnessed it, so evolution theory is unscientific.

    All life is advanced and is designed to adapt. Naturally some use that as confirmation bias to draw conclusions for what they want to believe (to deny God), but there are no transition species between animal kinds. People have lied about this in the past in order to justify what they want to be true. DNA is a complex language we haven't even figured out and has the blueprint of each being in every cell. It heals itself and does amazing things. To believe all this happened from an accidental explosion violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. So, the theory of evolution violates science. Also, most people ignore the fact that evolution would have simultaneously required plants and animals to evolve at the same time coincidentally making food for us and symbiotic dependency, and "evolving" in male and female pairs. Scientific impossibility, but fun speculation for many based on bias and wishful thinking. We, and everything around us reflects an intelligent creator, God.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    James 2:14
  • May on Revelation 2 - 2 years ago
    is the rupture going to happen first
  • Alex N - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    T lewis Gbu But i disgaree completely with that post....Jesus the absolute Son of God cd not come thru any mans blood line....Simply b/c all men carried that stain and spot and curse of adam....There were none righteousness no not one...The Lamb of God cd not carry or be stained with that curse of Adam...It had to be a perfect clean lamb without any spot or stain...Thats y it had to be a virgin birth, Her Conception cd not be tainted by mans seed....It had to be an immaculate Conception..The very seed/word of God....You are made clean by the word i have spoken unto you....Mary was made clean by this conception for at least 9 mo....Maybe longer...As she told some at the wedding feast what ever he says to you do it...

    .....And he predated all men when he said before Abraham was i am....Before the world was i am....He told the Jews, you are from beneath but i am from above...You are of this world but i am not of this world.. John 8:58 .

    .....Many thought that Joseph was his father and said is this not the Carpenters son...Thus these 2 lineages in Mat. and luke are both not his lineage that is from heaven... John 6:38....I am that living bread from heaven etc...He cd not come thru any mans adamic nature which is in rank with satan....These 2 linages are a stinch in the nostrils of man what wd they be in the nostrils of God....For an educational teaching tool they are fine..But our lord cd not be stained by mans adamic nature...

    .....And in Acts 20:28...Feed the Church of God that has purchased with his own blood....It was the blood of God Almighty Christ Jesus that purchased the Church....We are all bought with a price his blood....Gods blood
  • Kay - 2 years ago
    How do we know God exists from Scriptures?
  • Will - 2 years ago
    Did the Israelites go from wandering in the desert directly into the promised land?
  • S Spencer - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi.

    There's nothing wrong with researching but when you use researching the web to settle a viewpoint concerning a topic such as this you have to keep in mind that there's a ton of info and diverse opinions Pretrb, Midtrib, Postrib, no rapture at all, ect ect.

    What I took issue with is you stated.

    Quoting you:

    "I do not think that this KJV forum is the best place to study and discuss this since there are sites readily available that will give articles that address both sides. This forum tends to get heated up."

    And then you go on and offer your own opinion from the very website you directed him away from!

    You and 2 other persons answered the post simultaneously but when their reply didn't agree with yours you went after each one of them and pretty much told them that their views were wrong and you gave verses that supposedly backed your view. But the verses that you gave has nothing to do with the rapture, You gave verses that has more to do with Israel, the resurrection, and of judgment not the Rapture of the Church.

    We'll talk later.

    God bless.
  • Lokesh V - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mother who recently underwent angioplasty with one major block removed by inserting a stent. She got a few blocks(3 valve disease) and MR grade(regurgitation ) in her heart. Heart function is reduced. Please pray for her little hope for strength, energy, positive recovery and self healing capabilities. Her heart is weak and reduced EF function.

    Her body is experiencing accelerated /hypertensive blood pressure followed by fluid accumulation in lungs and the body that causes onset breathlessness. She has fast heart rate(but medication controlling the heartbeat) elevated sugar levels,leg pain, calf muscle pain, constipation, fluid accumulation in the body, blood circulation issues, angle pain, throat , eye sight issues, cough , sternum pain, back pain and allergic reaction, respiratory issue and indigestion and other bodily symptoms along with medication side effects.

    Mentally she is anxious, evil forces acting on family, hopeless, helpless, emotional. She is going through low energy levels. She has experienced husband's death during her married life and has gone through a lot of emotions and trauma. Recently Her son-in-law passed away and she worried a lot about her family members.

    Please pray for her to restore her heart health completely without any complications and gain calmness and peace of mind , complete acceptance and strength. Please pray for her to let go of emotions gently and fulfill her desires.Please pray for her family to protect and bless them with peace, hope, health, prosperity and wisdom.

    Please pray for her to manage medication side effects and to improve and strengthen kidneys, digestion and all the organs including heart function.

    With gratitude

  • Curious-L - In Reply on Psalms 11 - 2 years ago

    According to this chapter, "Upright" = "Righteous", so my question was, where in the Bible can I read what righteousness is? Is there a scripture or scripture passage that tells me or defines what it is? I can tell in this short chapter that wickedness is the opposite of righteousness, this helps in over all context understanding.

    Talking about Jesus is all fine and dandy, but Jesus was not around when David wrote this chapter so righteousness was around before the birth of Christ. Would like to know cause verse 11 says the LORD loves righteousness so I would think it would be best to know what that is?
  • Judy Law on Psalms 140 - 2 years ago
    Praise be to God.

    I pray that the Queen is at peace. We will miss her tremendously. God bless her heart and her soul we love you Queen Elizabeth II
  • T Levis - In Reply on Acts 2 - 2 years ago
    My advice : stay in the WORD of GOD, stay in prayer. 1Thessalonians 5:17, 2Timothy 2:15,
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 5:1-2,

    This appears to be the Son's of GOD, lineage: Genesis 5, Luke 3:23-38,

    Meaning the Messiah would come from, the Church

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 14 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 14,

    After much study & reading, I've understood deeper the connections of names, families, places etc.

    For instance Melchizedek, in Genesis 14:18, is very significant later! Psalms 110:4,

    Hebrews 7, Hebrews 5:5-10, Hebrews 6:18-20,

    Lot, Abraham's nephew also called brother Genesis 14:12-16, Genesis 13:8-13, also shows Abraham's love, meekness, loyalty to Lot. Genesis 18, also Lot spoken of in New Testament as a promise of deliverance of GOD"S people 2Peter 2:4-9,

    Genesis 19, Sodom & Gomorrha also spoken of several times

    & Abraham himself named Abram, Genesis 17:5,15, & Sari, Sarah, it's amazing the significance of names we find as we keep reading & studying! John 14:26

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Lillian Aguirre - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my bro. Pray he gives his life to Christ and overcomes battles hes facing. Pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Pray for our fam
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Ephesians 2 - 2 years ago
    If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you ward Amen
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Ephesians 2 - 2 years ago
    How that by.revelation he made know unto me the mystery as I wrote a for in few words Amen
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Numbers 1:49, Isaiah 10:21, I believe there are multiple places actually, 2Kings 19:30

    In my spirit I felt the numbering of Israel was also, that may be why; even Joab who helped kill Urriah, 2Samuel 11:14-24, killed King David's son 2Samuel 18:14-17, took vengeance by killing others while going in for a hug, 2Samuel 20:9,10, 2Samuel 3:26-27 even that guy; feared GOD more than King David & refused to "number Levi ...." 1Chronicles 21:1-8,

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