All Discussion PAGE 838

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's why The U.S.A. it's very foundation is One Nation, Under GOD, for The People BY THE PEOPLE
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe GOD hates slavery actually.

    Look a Jeremiah 34:14-20, Exodus 21:16,
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Timothy 2,

    1. Being in the written WORD therefore 2Timothy 3:16,17,


    2. Different debates on the meaning

    In the Concordance meaning in 1Timothy 2:12, "to teach" also meaning "to learn" which explains alot given the culture of the middle East, not allowing women to learn. Broading the limitation even more. Looking into 1Timothy 2:9, brings much perspective into these verses.

    Note: 1Timothy 2:13,14,

    Distraction, attention even seduction, persuasion ect. From both female & male. Verse 1Timothy 5:2, 2Timothy 3:1-7, 2Timothy 3:12,13,

    1Corinthians 14:34,35, Revelation 2:20-29,

    Titus 2:1-5, different word for teach is used. From Greek translation.

    There has been the debate that Sunday School teachers within the American Churches that don't "allow women to teach " primarily lead & teach the male children: setting a foundation. ?

    Bethel Church Redding California Pastor Chris, I believe the Pastor's name is) says the words were said as a contradictory statement like absurdity. From the Greek wording & how it was stated. He also felt the emphasis was on "usurping", however in my translation the word "or" breaks that part. I bring this up because it's the only argument anyone has given on this, that made me wonder. Another argument is: only Paul says this, not Old Testament nor Jesus. Was Paul addressing only Corinth & Timothy? Was Paul addressing cultural issues?

    Here is one additional Prophecy, it allows women to prophecy covered. 1Corinthians 11:5-16,

    We ourselves should do our best to follow scripture, GOD"S WORD, The HOLY Spirit in obedience to what we should & should not do. 1Corinthians 6:12

    Therefore let's consider much.

    What does teach mean? Within the Church? Isn't that the job of The HOLY Spirit? John 14:26, 1John 2:27,

    Should we all refrain our speaking more, within the Church? Especially words not in edification, away from unholy speach? What is the gathering of the Church? 1Corinthians 11:20,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Adam Sorry for the mispelling should be IMMORTALITY....1st Cor.15:53
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My prayers are with you and your family David/Amen
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You soo much for additional magnification!!!
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Adam GBU ....Lemme speak to you for a Sec....In Hebrews there are no upper case or lower case letters....Its just Gods And in Gen 26:4...That is not addressing just Abraham but also Jesus as Gal.3:15 tells us....Now unto Abraham and his seed were the Promises made but he says not seeds plural but unto 1 seed which is CHRIST....Thus its Christ that is gona be multiplied as the stars of Heaven....Thats y the sower will go forth to sow his precious seed in our hearts that we might birth a Baby Christ the H.G. THAT CHILD OF Promise....Thus the Woman in Rev 12:5....And that Child that the woman gives birth to is a Baby God...The H.G...As he said that which is BORN BORN of the spirit is Spirit as our God is Spirit....And Adam we are gonna be marrried to that Child the H.G.....Which is spirit...Thus 1 ST COR.15:53....We are gonna put on incorruption and IMMORATALITY...A marriage is when 2 are made 1....And immorality is Godliness..And we are gonna bemaried to this IMMORALITY...God Almighty.

    ... Isaiah 62:5....As a young man marries a virgin so shall thy sons marry thee....We are gona marry our Sons, the H.G that we have given birth to which is Spirit....We are gonna marry our sons which is the H.G. that we have given birth to from that good seed the living word...Remember what Jesus said whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me..

    ...And Adam we cannot receive his Spirit without being married to God....Its gonna be a hugh number that no man can number...As the stars of Heaven in multitudes....That was the essence of that great Promise...meaning every body....When he said I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh....Thats an Israel of God Number....If i be lifted up i will draw ALL MEN unto me....Satan does not want any body knowing their rights under the NEW Covenant that our lord gave to us by his Blood at Calvary.....This is my Blood of the New Covenant..Drink ye all of it.... Jeremiah 31:34 New Covenant i will KNOW them ALL from least to GREATEST..
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers
  • Father's daughter - 2 years ago
    Guys, I'm sorry to say this, I have noticed, I was wondering why do some of us ignores the good reply of someone to his comments, but then replies to another's comment.

    When a comment is respectful, done with love and in good faith, then it deserves to be valued no less than the other believer's reply. I just hope that as we claim to be children of God, we also practice what we preach. A true believer of Jesus should guard his or her heart and be careful with the heart of a fellow Christian. Just be reminded of the verse Matthew 25:40

    Thank you !

    God bless us all !
  • Cindy - 2 years ago
    Answer to prayers! The surgeon got all of Laverne's cancer and her lymp nodes are clear! Please pray that she heals quickly and that cancer does not return.
  • Ronald irving on Acts 2 - 2 years ago
    god would not let sleep, because troubles i have been dealing with.i had not picked up my bible in a long, i did his time in the wee hours of the morning. i opened my bible to where my ribbon was and it happened to be acts. i read and a calmness came over me. peace came. have had that feeling in a long time.pray that stays.

    thank you jesus
  • Emery SimienH - 2 years ago
    How can I share bible verses on facebook?
  • Nathaniel Freddie Robinson - 2 years ago
    What is the spiritual meaning of the woman's encounter with Jesus in the 26th chapter of Matthews? What does the oil symbolize and whatever happened to her after that day?
  • Jun - 2 years ago
    Praying for the holy peaking of the following: Youth programs, Elderly Brotherhood, Kemomo artists, Underpaid workers, and Students who must all the same wait on Jesus' supplementing their ability and money to best the unfairness in the world. May they have fun like youths again, picking up fresh energy to do what they dream of than feel like it's too late. God is the source of jumping, waking up and even getting healed so, they need to feel it when ailments might try to hurt their progress needlessly. Or negative presse on ageism that I see putting mental limits on. Amen.
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    How can you join with what God is doing in your life? pertaining to purposeful
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    I have 4 questions pertaining to Amos 5 What does pursuing good and establishing justice look like in your Bible study group?

    What principles should guide your group as you seek God by seeking to do those things?

    Look for ways you may be seeking a substitute for God rather than seeking the Lord.

    How can you more fully seek the Lord in your life.
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    Why are loving good and upholding justice indicators that aperson is seeking God? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:14-15
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    I have two questions pertaining to Amos 5:12-13

    Why it is easy to remain silent in the midst of injustices around us ?

    Why is it difficult to remain silent when we are in the middle of God's discipline?
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    Why might a person believe that God would overlook the mistreatment of the poor and unethical gain because of that mistreatment? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:10-11
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    How does focusing on God's role over all things created impact a person's worship? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:8-9
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    What are sustitutes that people seek instead of God, and how do those substitutes fall short of true worship? this questions is pertaining to Amos 5:7
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    I need a better understanding about the background about Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba. Note what events recorded in the Old Testament happened at these locations in Israel's history and consider how Israel allowed commemorating those events to become a substitute for their own devotion to the Lord. What should believers today learn from what Israel did in Amos's day?
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John, I've been praying for you and your requests.
  • Don - 2 years ago
    Why the KJV is the True Word of God: It has long been known that God's perfect History Book, the Word of God, has been the Catalyst in every age, period, phase, development, kingdom, migration, and religious movement of human history since creation. God's KJV History Book reveals seven ages, or dispensations, of human history, known in Christian ranks as the ages of innocence, conscience, government, promise, law, grace, and even a future age called millennial. These are but one-word names assigned to historic eras through which humanity at large has passed. We are now passing through the age of grace. All of those named eras of human activity are well known by professional Christian instructors, and even much of the laity. They are the clear teachings of the KJV Word of God. Sadly, some not only miss the truth in Biblical prophecy, but also that human intellectual genius too often saws off the limb on which it is perched. Allow me to explain: You see, God's people have a strange quirk called back-sliding. They simply fall out of touch with reality and stand on their heads instead of their feet. Then suddenly without notice, the blood runs to their noodle and they flip back on their feet again. It's called revival. The Scriptures record this common behavior. It is a historic commonality. God's pure truth never changes. What we do is like a yoyo, we fall out of touch with it for perhaps centuries or millenniums, but one day we rediscover it and treat it like it's new! Martin Luther only rediscovered the salvation by faith that existed over a millennium before he was born. The Ephesian church backslid, but Revelation 2:5 told them what to do about it. The Jewish officials said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" but their Christ was a Nazarene. There are those saying the awakening to Bible prophesy rose up in the 1800's, when in fact what was inscripturated thousands of years ago was simply rediscovered by God's people of faith in the KJV Word of God.
  • James mbale - 2 years ago
    We are saved forever by the faith in the work of the cross. Galatians 2:21

    [21]I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

    Death of Christ was not in vain.

    Old testament law and it's requirements are not applicable more in newtestament the righteousness.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good evening everyone!

    Jesus our Lord is so good to us!

    He watches over us with His love, patience, guidance,

    and never fails us.

    Our faith in Him is so wonderful, how could anyone deny Him, for HE is our true Father and always will be, for ever and ever!!!

    Lord Jesus, when You call me home, I will answer You and say, 'Here am I'!!!

    Thank You my Lord Jesus for choosing me and my family to be with You through all eternity!!

    Praise, glory, honor, to our Prince of Peace!!!

    Our righteous and Glorious King!!!!

    In Jesus's name we pray, Amen!!!!
  • Leroy Geames - 2 years ago
    God bless repent and believe the gospel. the good news of jesus christ.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Fred, being sedated is a weird experience. You "go to sleep" and awake as if no time has passed and no memory of what happened. So, in this life, this medical breakthrough really is a blessing when we need it for a procedure to be completed. It saves us the pain of the procedure, keeps us calm, and allows our body to be unencumbered by our fear or anxiety or anticipation of pain as we have a procedure that our body needs to get well.

    I am glad that the life to come will be a full, wide awake life with our Lord Jesus. We will come to know Him in far more amazing ways than we do in this life. We will know the Father in Jesus, as He is the exact image of the Father. The Father forever abides in Jesus, along with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jesus isn't the Father, nor the Spirit. But in Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, the whole Godhead dwells together. They are and have always been unified, yet three distinct Persons.

    Can't what to experience the LORD GOD in the life to come!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Travis,

    Now I will pray for your girlfriend.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Salvation comes only from You and yet you ask us to pray and ask according to Your will. We believe it is Your will for Travis' girlfriend to be converted because we already see that You have begun this conversion by regenerating her to then seek salvation. Praise You for what You have done in her already. We ask that You swiftly bring her to full conversion through the Work of you Holy Spirit and founded on the salvation accomplished for us through Jesus' death and resurrection. How wonderful that this girlfriend is a new creation in You already and will soon come to the full realization and actualization of the salvation You have determined to bring to her since even before the beginning of time. Bless her richly with wisdom from Your Word. May Jesus become so very precious to her and may she have a deep hunger for You Your ways. Fill her up with Your Truth and sanctify her by Your Holy Spirit. We thank you as we ask these things for Travis' girlfriend in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Travis, I am praying for your girlfriend. How wonderful that she is seeking the Lord.

    Please know that our prayers are heard by our Loving God, but prayers do not save anyone. Only God saves people. We ask that He will bring one to salvation, and He does what He sovereignly has chosen for this person. This does not mean that prayers are meaningless. It just means that God has chosen to tell us to seek Him in prayer and He answers our prayers perfectly. I tend to think that, although He can sovereignly save your girlfriend without our prayers for her, He may have appointed the effective salvation of her to follow our prayers for her. What a generous thing God has called us to in regards to prayer!

    But, as with everyone who is converted, God alone saves. The Holy Spirit will regenerate any and all God has ordained to be saved. Humans who are dead in sin cannot turn to God nor make themselves come alive to God. The Holy Spirit will ensure that the Gospel of Jesus comes to every believer after this regenerative work. The Holy Spirit also empowers the Gospel delivered to a regenerated person to create faith to believe it in this person. The Holy Spirit will then bring the person to avow that they are now a believer, or born again. They are now aware that they have been regenerated and saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus, our Savior. Because of His death and resurrection, a new believer now has the righteousness of Jesus imputed to them so that the Father can look on him/her and declare him to be pure and spotless, without sin, and acceptable to Him. The blood of Jesus has taken away all sin from this new believer. All iniquity was forgiven at Calvary. His resurrection justifies us before God.

    From start to finish, salvation is all of God alone. Although it seems that we "make a decision for Christ" in reality, this confession we make is only the result of what God has already done in a person to bring them to rebirth, faith, and conversion.

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