All Discussion PAGE 839

  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 11 - 2 years ago
    Hello Curious,

    I was just studying this a few days ago. Only God possess true, unadulterated righteousness. He is absolutely pure and free of sin. He is completely separated from any evil. He is always true to Who he is essentially and constitutionally.

    No human other than Jesus is righteous of their own merit. Jesus alone lived a perfect human life as the God/Man. He obeyed the Father always. He never sinned. He never had a wayward thought, or unloving impulse or motive. He never said a sinful word or gave a sinful "look" or mannerism. Because of this perfect life lived by the 'Son of God and Son of Man, He was the perfect One to sacrifice His own life as a propitiation for the sins of the whole earth. His death and resurrection accomplished for us a righteousness we can possess through Jesus in which we are seen as morally perfect as Jesus is before the Father and can approach Him. This righteousness is Jesus' righteousness imputed to every believer. It is 100% His righteousness that we obtain with 0% moral goodness from any believer.

    Every "good' that any believer does is tainted with our sinful nature. They are unacceptable to God, because He requires perfect good to come before Him and not be consumed by His wrath towards sin. This is why believing that all that is acceptable to God is all of what Jesus did. This does not mean that we should not wish to be obedient to God and love one another in our lives as believers. The Holy Spirit is our sanctifier. We humbly rely on the Holy Spirit to help us do the works God has ordained for us to do in His power, grace, and goodness. The Holy Spirit will continue to sanctify us in this life so that we become more and more like Jesus in His humanity. But we can never be as pure as God. he is infinitely pure.

    In the life that follows our physical death, we will shed our sinful nature from our souls and spirit. When we are bodily resurrected we will no longer have any sinful nature in our new fleshly bodies.
  • Marcus Brazil - 2 years ago
    Please tell me the persons referred to in Daniel 9:25-26.Is it really Jesus Christ and the anti-christ?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    How is your daughter who is hospitalized today? I am praying for her to recover completely and that baby is saved from harm. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Margie,

    I believe it was olive oil, but perhaps mixed with incense such as myrrh, frankincense or, hyssop.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I appreciate your kind words and prayers.

    God took my husband home almost 2 years ago. It has been difficult for the entire family. He was such a Blessing to everyone who knew him. I cannot wait to join him in Heaven. God has provided so much for me and I thank him everyday. God knows that I have difficulty with some of my family I try so hard and I pray I can keep going.

    Take care and God Bless You.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Margie,

    In Exodus 30:22-33 you will find the mixture of myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil, it was to be considered sacred. The act of anointing with sacred oil emphasized that it was God who had ordained them with the authority to act as his representative. It was also symbolic of the one to come the Anointed One, the Messiah Jesus, who was anointed not with oil but the Holy Spirit/Ghost without measure, Luke 4:1 John 3:34.

    You can buy it online, not cheap about 20-25 dollars an ounce or you can buy the ingredients and make it yourself the quantities are in Exodus 30, you just cut down the recipe, I don't think one would need that much, ha ha.

    God bless,

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Luke

    1. Figuratively God married Israel, also Jesus will marry the church. It means that we are going to live together with God, like a man with his wife. arriage in those cases is a symbolism, it is not litteral.

    2. Fiction.I made a mistake and stole my neighbors car while I was a believer. Then I repented for my behavior. Can I keep the car? I think this is a good example that could give an answer about believers (who knew God's Will) who remarry and then repent.They must correct the mistake they made, they knew, they didn't have ignorance, no excuse. There is a difference though with people that were not believers when they were remarried and afterwards believed. They stay as they are, married. Because they thought the new marriage was OK,(while the believers knew what they did was illegal). The aim of God is not to split a family that was made while in ignorance but keep families together.

    3. Isn't it not enough that the requirement for faithful children is written in Titus and not in Timothy? When Paul writes something to Thessalonians and he doesn't write the same thing to Philippians, that means that it is not valid for Philippians too? How could one has his children in obedience and rule well his house if his children are worldly? If his children, say want to go out to a club and get drunk and bring their girlfriends home, is that a good ruling or managing? What is that pastor supposed to do in such a case? Young men in the world do not have the same morality as the ones in the faith. They can do all sort of strange things that the world consider as normal. Would you accept him as a pastor in your church? God's servants must have nothing to be blamed of, himselves and their families. They must be an example to the congregation.

  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I apologize, I should have dissected Matthew 5:32 more closely.

    You see their are exceptions to divorcing without causing one to sin on one another, and it is fornication.

    The verse should be interpreted as Jesus saying (except) for fornication, if one takes the word (saving) back to it's original language it means (except) for fornicating

    Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving/except for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

    So you see there is an exception to divorce, God put away Israel for fornicating/adultery, and He forgave her so she can be.

    Bible Hub interlinear study.
  • Don - 2 years ago
    The most egregious error made in opposition to the fact that the KJV is the perfect Word of God, is the dismissal of simple logic. You see, unless we finites believe in Divine Bible preservation, we deny ourselves the possession of a Divinely authoritative Bible. The simple reasoning goes this way: How can genuine logic believe that the infinite God would prompt his anointed kings, prophets, priests, and apostles to record His Holy Words, only to have them lost in a muddle of imperfect translations? As many have observed, the Holy (that is, perfect) Scriptures are Christianity's one and only infallible rule of faith and practice. Christians simply have no higher authority! Someone wisely said the Bible is self-attesting and self-authenticating.

    Christianity at large just simply knows what the surveys show, that the KJV is what they identify as THE Word of God. We should ask ourselves, "Is the Holy God we serve VOID of the power to preserve his Divine Word of truth?" No, of course he is not void of it! By his Divine power he has surmounted human intellect and ORDAINED the continuance of his Divine Word of Truth, and even identified it for us by the God-given enate witness he instilled within us! That witness has been faithfully operating before and since the close of the canon and, at this present time, and for the last 400 years, has been Divinely thrust forward as the King James Bible.

    The very day fallen human intellect manages to sideslip total human depravity and become God's advocates of perfect truth, that is the day subtle error tiptoes in to neutralize God's Truth. The whole of humanity, through sin, has fallen into total depravity, and finds it impossible to postulate a condition that supersedes itself. For imperfection to fully decipher itself is an impossibility. God's Word should be read with that truth in mind, for He has ordained that such an arrangement will never happen to His eternal Word of Truth--we will only hurt ourselves in the attempt.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Alex. I agree with parts of your comment, but if your belief is that Jesus mass produces gods like a factory equal to the one and only God, then no, that is not what I believe or is what the Bible says. This may not be your belief at all, but it is of others I've noticed on this forum so I'll explain...

    Gen 26:4 is regarding the seed and lineage from Abraham. It's talking about people, not gods. He's giving countries to people, not gods, for example.

    If the comment is referring to 'gods' as in Psalms 82:6, Acts 7:40, notice it uses lower case 'g'. The word God is not used in the same manner as the one true God uppercase, but plural lowercase, which indicates a metaphor for His followers having characteristics of His authority. Psalm 82:1 demonstrates the difference.

    If believers can be metaphorically considered 'gods,' how much more is the One whom God has chosen and sent ( John 10:34-36)?

    Before believers start running around assuming they're deities from these few select verses (exactly what satan wants), the scripture must also be balanced with the entire context of other scripture in God's Word, such as:

    Rom 13:1-4 - calls followers the "minister of God", that all power comes from God, but all are subject to God's "higher powers".

    John 17:3

    James 4:7

    1 Peter 5:6

    Romans 13:1

    Romans 12:1-2


    God bless
  • Margie smith - 2 years ago
    What kind of annoiting oil was talked about in the book of exodus.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God divorced Israel when they broke the covenant: Jeremiah 3:8 Though she saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding

    Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

    Matthew 5:31 It was said, 'Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:

    32 But I say unto you, That every one that shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to

    commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

    If one truly repents, I believe ALL sins are forgiven, but I guess churches don't see it that way, they have their rules, can't change that. sry!

    Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and turn ye again to Me, that your sins may be (blotted out), in order that ... times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;

    Then Peter said unto them, "Repent [change your mind for the better and morally], and be baptized every one of

    you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and ye shall receive the free gift of THE Holy Spirit.

    1 Timothy 3:12 Must be another rule of The Church, because Titus doesn't state Children must be in the Faith.

    The verse states "well managed children", and not "Children of Faith". Where do you get Children must be in the Faith out of ruling their children, and their own houses? In verse 12

    Managing their children is the same as ruling, It means (Well Respected) honorable,commendably,kind enough,honestly,usually morally.
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Please don't be too downcast if you haven't received a response to your prayer request yet.

    People pray down the list of requests without responding or hitting the PRAY button. I do. Trust that The Lord has heard your prayer. And the answer is on the way.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praying over your requests. The Lord is with you. Glory to God.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alleluia. Amen.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord be merciful to A & A's loved ones. We pray over each of these health problems asking You to heal them. Touch each person in their spiritual walk with You Father draw them to Yourself through Your Son Jesus Christ. IJN. Amen.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John 14:6 kjv, Psalm 12:6-7 kjv, Psalm 119:140 kjv, John 1:1-3,14 kjv,

    John 6:63 kjv, Isaiah 40:8 kjv, Matthew 24:35 kjv, Revelation 19:11-16 kjv,

    1 Peter 1:23 kjv, John 8:58 kjv.

    God bless you Brenda. In Jesus name.And
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ruben, I am praying for you as well. Jesus is calling you, come home. There's nothing in the world worth having and losing your soul over. Come home. He loves you.
  • Joyce Hobson on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Please explain what it means about the soul of the saints in heaven "under the alter".
  • Barbara Wright on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    GOD is our protector from harm ,no matter what may come our way. We must Praise and serve the Lord all the days of our life while we are here on earth and eternity, Thank GOD FOR JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR. Thank you LORD. Amen
  • Langley on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Jesus brought and taught the homeless ministry. The ministry whereby those chosen by God

    would give up all and give to the poor and go out penniless in twos as Jesus taught.

    Two women together --- two men together. Go out and preach this gospel to all the world.

    All will have an opportunity to hear the original Gospel taught by Jesus. Pray to be awake

    spiritually when your own opportunity presents itself.
  • Luke - In Reply on Psalms 11 - 2 years ago

    The Just, lawful, righteous man, who are in the right

    Psalms 11:5 The LORD trieth/tests a righteous one: is referring to a righteous man, his soul. And tests the lawless one and him that loveth violence He hateth.

    Why does God test the Just/righteous!
  • Don - 2 years ago
    Why the KJV is God's Word: As this KJV site says of itself, "The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English translations in existence. A skilled committee of 54 translators worked for 7 years to carefully complete the King James translation project The book is cited as the most published book in world history with a significant influence on literature and culture. It is estimated that more than 1 billion copies of the King James Version have been published."

    Almost all readership charts show the KJV at 31%. The nearest to it is the NIV at only 13%. All the rest are near non-existent. The NKJV by its own description is not a new translation, but a language correction of the KJV. The KJV and the NKJV combined puts the preferred readership at 38%, far and away humanity's favored translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    We call the Bible the Holy Bible, or the Holy Scriptures. The word HOLY means perfect, without blemish, non-erroneous. Whatever declaration it makes, that is the truth of it. It may not direct itself to a specific subject such as science or logic, but whatever it touches, it is the truth of it by definition whether or not humanity agrees with it.

    Virtually 100% of fundamental Christian theologians agree that God reveals himself to fallen humanity in three ways: 1. The God-made outer witness of creation (Atheists almost never win debates with Christianity's scientists; in fact, one leading atheist scientist advised her chums to never debate Christianity's scientists because they always win). 2. The God-ordained written witness of God's perfect Word. (The perfect logic of God's omniscience demands Divine perpetuity of God's perfect message to lost humanity). 3. The God-prompted inner witness in mankind's soul and spirit, inspiring an inner hunger for perfect Truth. All three of these work in harmony with one another toward the salvation of fallen humanity.
  • Donna; A sister in Christ Jesus - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Deuteronomy 22:5

    1 Corinthians 11:15

    A woman's long hair is her glory and covering.

    About the clothing don't wear mens clothing, men don't crossdress either!

    Dress modestly. That goes for men nowadays as well. Even in the church world sometimes I literally have to look away from the tight revealing clothing that distracts and reveals private matters.

    I can't help but wonder how different this world would be if every woman covered her lady parts in public. And behaved modestly and shamefacedly with sobriety. Not flashy and decked out with gold, pearls, braids, face paint, etc. I do believe that has defiled our world in so many ways.

    But then I also think women who are natural and modest and are full of the sweet Holy Spirit are absolutely beautiful! Men too!

    I have also had the privilege of knowing many of these modest Godly people. So it's very easy to see that the Bible is correct.

    We should not force people to obey these things it should come from the heart. And some get way too judgy and mean in the churches. I have seen many in Holiness churches wearing correct clothing in a very revealing or seductive manner. Pray about it. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Who are you trying to please? Your flesh? The world? Or the Holy Spirit?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You might consider sharing the link with the verses 'become a Christian' on the bottom of this page. Others can pray but not to 'save' someone else, she must make the decision and choose to believe and follow Jesus herself. God bless.
  • Mary Mcnamee - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Pattryk I want to recommend to you to watch on youtube a wonderful man who is named Prophet Lovy Elias..he was born in Nairobi Kenya but came to Los Angeles USA in 2005 (i think ) anyway he had a calling on his life at the age of 6 years old...Patryk he is taken to the Heavenly realms by Angels or the Lord God Almighty will come to his room and talks to him he has talked with the prophets of old Moses, Elijah, Abraham ect...He was taken to hell by the lord God and shown many things some that he cannot say to us at the moment...he heals people in his church (Revelation church Simi Valley) He has cured many people right there in his church, he has made blind people see, he has cured people of cancer, he has seriously changed the life of many Christians by what he preaches...he tells us that It is the Lord God that tells him what he is going to talk about and it is not of his own mind...Patryk he is such a lovely man indeed, he has a very kind nature and is funny as well...he makes everyone that is at church feel so good and the love he has from the Lord God.....He is truthful thats why I love him, as you know there are many false preachers out to find this Man Of God is like finding a pure gem....and what he tells us about heaven...well Patryk I pray that I will go to heaven...You will also be happy to find him...I really hope you will be ok....Mary In Ireland.............X
  • Mary Mcnamee - In Reply - 2 years ago
    hello Terry, I just read your testimony.....I would like to recommend you to watch this man. He is named Prophet Lovy Elias from Revelation church in Los Angeles California. I feel so very fortunate to have found this wonderful man of GOD a few mnts now...well Terry he had a calling on his life at the age of 6yrs old....he is from Nairobi Kenya and he is a real prophet indeed. he tells us the most amazing things about The Lord God Almighty and how he is taken to the heavenly realms often and has talked with the Lord God and many prophets from the past like Abraham Elijah and Moses and so many more. He actually heals sick people from their illnesses. He has made the blind see, he has cured people from cancer...Terry he is brilliant...he tells us things about heaven and hell that we would never had known unless we find him....He tells us that The Lord God tells him what to speak about when he does his preaching....I think you also will be amazed when you listen to him...I mean you cant get better than that....he speaks straight from The Lord God..and you are being told the truth.....I hope you can find rest and you will.....Mary Mcnamee Ireland........x
  • Curious-L on Psalms 11 - 2 years ago
    What is "righteousness" according to the Bible?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello FREE,

    Nice to hear from you once again. I was wondering about you since you haven't posted for a while. Hope you are doing well.
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord God enrich Percy with spiritual wisdom and blessing of peace, patience and prosperity of servitude and stewardship with the job you provide allowing your the Divine Light Of Jesus Christ shine on and through Percy with those they are around as testimony for You. Please allow longevity of Percy's mother that she will be to see her family grow I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!

    Please consider reading and reflection on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Matthew 6:33-34, Philippians 4:12-13, and Psalms 37.

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