All Discussion PAGE 852

  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hours before I had heard of the Queen's death I had heard a report that she needed to cancel a zoom conference meeting. I thought then, she must not have much longer to live. It wasn't long before news of her death hit the airwaves. This is an instance of the Holy Spirit revealing something to me ahead of time when I had no knowledge of this situation. I have had this knowledge ahead of time with at least 4 other people who died soon after this work of the Holy Spirit. So, I can answer your question with this example.

    But, in regards to the Queen. She lived a very long life, as did her husband. They lived through so much history that changed our world. She did not do a lot of "governing" but she had her role and duties as Queen. I have thought that she represented her nation well with dignity and class. She has had heartaches along the way, especially in recent years. But she was steadfast in her service. Now her son is King. We shall see how that goes for him.

    I know that only God knows how Queen Elizabeth will spend eternity. Our hope is that she truly trusted the Lord for her salvation. We can certainly pray for Charles as he begins to reign as the king of the U.K. We can pray for all of the family in this time of grief.

    For me, this monarchy has very little effect on my life. But it has a role to play in history and how it unfolds in our world. I pray that God will show mercy to this kingdom and bring to be one that exalts Jesus and governs justly.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Fred,

    Every Christian believer has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. This is the promise Jesus gave the apostles at the Last Supper ( Jn. 14:15-18) I suggest reading this Scripture reference and continue reading through the whole Last Supper discourse. These verses are perhaps the most beautiful and reassuring words our Lord spoke and had recorded in His Word.

    Any believer who seriously desires to live obediently to Jesus and prays for our Lord to lead them and teach them will have real experiences of the Holy Spirit's direct guidance, words, restraint from certain situations and release in others, confirmations that come from outside and independently of ourselves, bringing to mind a specific Scripture that is most appropriate for the moment, and many other ways He works in our lives.

    I wonder why you ask this question, Fred, since you post often and by your words seem to know the answer to this question.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi.

    Thanks for your perspective but I am not clear on what you are saying.

    We all know Christ sacrifice is the way Adam and Eve and all of humanity is to be saved. My position on that has been clear and emphasized often. However there was no emphasis put on that in my post.

    We understand they gathered in the wilderness in a religious congregation and that's called a church.

    "ekklsia" a calling out that is (concretely) A POPULAR MEETING ESPECIALLY A RELIGIOUS CONGREGATION (JEWISH SYNAGOGUE OR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): - assembly church.

    Concerning the birth of Christ Church, Here in Matthew 16:18 Jesus is specific, he says he's going to build "HIS CHURCH"

    "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I WILL BUILD "MY" CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    And he says "HE WILL" build.

    Meaning it hasn't been built yet.

    When Israel gathered in the wilderness it wasn't the ministry of "RE"-conciliation as mentioned here in 2 Corinthians 5:18.

    And they wasn't to go out to all the world teaching the cross.

    Look what Paul says about the two ministries in 2 Corinthians 3:3-18. (The Apostles was part of the ministry which excelleth in glory.)

    We know Jesus was the rock in the wilderness but different emphasis here in Ephesians 2:20. "He's building a Church to carry the Gospel out to the world."

    A chief Cornerstone is the first and most important part of the foundation when a building is being erected.

    Look what Peter says about it here in 1 Peter 2:4-10.

    It was a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence to the Church in the wilderness but precious to us.

    Yes the Apostles was Apostles in Gos eyes before the foundation of the world, But they didn't function as Apostles until they were commanded to wait on the Holyspirit and then sent out to all the world.

    God bless.
  • Fred - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If any of us could have come close to being this example of a dedicated servant of the people! The queen of England was just that! Pray for England! pray for the world!
  • Angela on Psalms 10 - 2 years ago
    Today is the Blessed Virgin Mary's Birthday! Happy Birthday Sweet Mother of God! What could we ever give to you for all you have given to humanity? Thanksgiving ! Roses ! Rosaries! Prayers! A heart filled with gratitude and joy. she has saved all of Humanity and Creation from being doomed to a curse place over us. The Universe smiles today because of The Virgin's Yes! to The Lord God Almighty! Queen of all the Angels ! Now and Forever More. Thank you Mother for saving me from my sinful life I was leading. I am forever yours and my life is not my own. The slavery to Mary is unspeakable, once she calls you there is no turning back. The New life awaits to all who say Yes to Her. She will take your hand and walk you straight to Jesus. The Blessed Virgin asked to have Psalms 9 & 10 posted for Her.

    This is her song for her Birthday! As you read the history on these two special verses you will see there a waiting as to whom this belongs. It is the for The Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy Birthday Our Lady of Victory! Forever a surrendering slave to my Mother! All I have is yours. Father Chris said it best Happy Birthday Mom! so funny !
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 2 years ago
    That question may always remain a mystery to us, though I'm sure the name, 'Essenes' might come up often in your travels in that area. All the best Gregory, as you excitedly embark on this very memorable journey - hope it will turn out to be everything you hoped & planned for.
  • Linda Thompson - 2 years ago
    My son is non binary and he wants me to respect him by using they and then can I do that since I am a Christian even though I know it says in the Bible that that's a sin.

    Also my granddaughter is non binary /him. Can I call her he or him out of respect even lf I let her know I am not in agreement Let her know what the God says is a sin
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Delmarie Crandal,

    I believe you are correctly stating, here are scriptures to back that up: Matthew 18, Matthew 18:2-4, Mark 9:36,37, Mark 10:13-16, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 9:46-48, Luke 18:17,

    Hopefully these help
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Over the past few years, I have wrestled & The Body of Believers have, to try & find peace,encouragement & guidance during the controversial leadership roles, mandates, oppressiveness & wickedness.

    We have discussed many scriptures.

    Recently I felt a deeper encouragement & understanding I believe from Romans 13, Romans 13:3, sometimes in example of injustice repaid._._ exposed, living examples. Daniel 4, 1Samuel 13, - 1Samuel 31 = Psalms 73, 1Kings 1,

    Here are some: Psalms 37, Galatians 4:1-8, 2Chronicles 7:14,

    2Peter 2, Jude 1, 1Corinthians 6:3,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply on Acts 20 - 2 years ago
    Hello Donna,

    I think that you have been given mostly good references to commentaries. The only one I would not recommend is Bullinger, as he was am Ultra-dispensationalist. You may wish to find out more about Ultra dispensationalism before referring to Bullinger to see what e promoted.

    I have not spent much time reading commentaries or online sites for most of my life. But I find them helpful when I wish to get a bit more information about certain things presented in Scripture. I often find that after I have sought understanding from the Spirit in Scriptures, and then I read a commentary or site, there is so much agreement with what I understood from Scripture and what the commentators understood. So, seeking such sources can be helpful. I would not discourage you from checking for more understanding using them. I would not read Bullinger, though.
  • A sister in Christ - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please be merciful to Destiny Lord. Heal her according to Thy will. Please help the family to seek You and draw them closer to Yourself through this. Bless all those who are caring for Destiny. Give them wisdom. We thank You for being a loving and compassionate Father. And we ask it in Jesus name.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Sister,

    It sounds like your son has selected someone toxic to have a love relationship with. That is very hard to go through. I agree that we need to love others, especially our enemies, but I do not think it means we let them take advantage of us, because allowing this does not truly help them. I do think that you should cut off ties with her, especially if your son has done so. Be prayerful for her, but set boundaries that don't allow her to continue to sin against you and your son. That is the loving thing to do for her.

    I will pray for this situation.

    Dear Heavenly Father, our sister, Your child, is involved with a woman and group of people that are harmful and hateful. LORD GOD, please send these people elsewhere, causing them to leave our sister, her son, and her family behind them. Father, bind the evil influences in this situation and release Your protection and wisdom to this sister, her son, and his family. We ask that You help this girlfriend become an ex-girlfriend and place her in a situation which will cause her to turn to You and seek Your pardon and grace. We ask that You help her to end her relationship with those who promote the evil ways brought upon our sister, her son, and her family. This (ex)girlfriend is in over her head and has problems that only You can truly solve and save her from. We ask that You will do miracles in her life to bring her into a saved relationship with You so she will no longer be Your enemy and the enemy of our sister, her son, and her family. Father, You love all who are involved in this situation. Teach our sister and her son and family to be loving to this woman, but also give them wisdom to know how they are to interact with her.

    We ask this of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Acts 21 - 2 years ago
    Hello Frank, I do not think that the Jewish believers necessarily preached a different Gospel than that of Paul's. The Gospel of Jesus is the same for everyone. He is not "divided". But legalism was evident among some believers, probably both Jewish and Gentile, as some Jewish Christians were legalistic about the Law, but some Gentiles were legalistic about things like: foods sacrificed to idols (Jews would not partake of such foods as Jews); eating of meat or refraining from it altogether, being married or staying celibate. Even today, there are sects of Christians who follow legalistic practices. Each one of us probably have one or more things we refuse to participate in due to it appearing lead one into sin. Paul spoke to all of these things, not advocating antinomianism (all things are o.k. even what God has called sin), but saying that we are to live holy and godly lives and to not cause anyone to stumble due to our liberty in Christ. We are to do what our faith allows us to do and not offend out conscience.

    I do think that Paul's Gospel was the same as that of the apostles, for Jesus had taught them what they needed to preach before He ascended into heaven. But He did ask them to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them to witness to the Gospel. The Holy Spirit did not give them the Gospel message, Jesus did. But the Holy Spirit gave them power to do signs and miracles, courage and boldness to preach the Gospel and face martyrdom, and consolation and assurance of them being in Christ and secure in Him.

    The ONE TRUE Gospel was preached for a few years before Paul was even converted. And, although Paul was called to primarily take the Gospel into the Gentile world, he did preach to Jews and the other other apostles and disciples preached also to Gentiles (Phillip, Peter as two examples from Acts).

    I think that as believers we truly need to believe what Paul said as there no longer being Jew nor Gentile in Christ, yea, we are all one people in Him.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amos 2:1,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, I believe all the time.

    Even recently my inner spirit has been stirring, my heart even. Today we hear the sad news of The Queen.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Timothy 3 - 2 years ago
    2Timothy 3:17,

    Greek = translation in English alphabetical sounds = exartizo

    Meaning here "finish out " also "equip fully"

    If you click the scripture, in this sight it will go to another page; focused just on that scripture. Then scroll down, hover over the words/small phrases. These words are what was translated from the Greek, or other languages. If you click much deeper study.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Henry,

    I was just reading in Exodus 32-34 in the past few days and we see that God did extend His grace and mercy towards the Israelites, so it was in effect with the Church in the wilderness ( acts 7:38). I happen to think that the "age of grace" spans all of human history. I sense that you are thinking of the administration of grace as being a time period or dispensation rather than God's administration of His grace throughout history. But, there is something to be said for the period of history after Jesus' death and resurrection being a time of fulfillment of this administration of grace, but that does not mean that it did not exist or operate prior to this time. John the Baptist would certainly have been under grace, as Jesus proclaimed Him to be the greatest person to come along in human history. I do not really wish to engage in a lengthy discussion about dispensationalism in this thread, as I think it is outside of the focus of this discussion, it being when did the apostles become apostles and when did the church begin. You can see my post to S. Spencer to read more about my perspective. Have a good evening.
  • Simon lamptey on Luke 12:24 - 2 years ago
    This chapter makes me aware that God have great care and attention for we humanbeings. Thank you Lord
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Wow! That's beautiful!

    Your words have blessed me. Thank you for sharing your significant history with us all.

    1Thessalonians 4:13-18

    As my youngest son has been considering entering The U.S. Space Force for multiple years now, it's especially exciting the depth of details in your achievements & jet. Isaiah 40:31
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good afternoon S. Spencer,

    Good discussion going on here. I happen to think that Jesus has eternally been the chief Cornerstone of the Church, the Rock, as Paul says in 1 Cori. 10:4, that gave the "church in the wilderness" water ( Acts 7:38). so, from these Scriptures it seems that the "church" was present in the Exodus with Jesus being the Rock. I have been taught that not only does the work of Jesus on the cross reach forward to be efficacious to us, but also reaches back, even to Adam and Eve, to bring God's grace and forgiveness to mankind throughout history. This is a mystery of sorts. But those who believed in God in the O.T. were justified by faith just like us, as Paul states in several places ( Rom. 4 and Heb. 11). So, those that were justified by faith in the O.T. comprised the Church in the O.T. just as we who are justified by faith now comprise the Church in this age. They did not need to be born after Jesus' crucifixion to receive God's favor and grace, which only what we have to go on anyway.

    Sometimes, it may be that we think too narrowly about the beginnings of the church, thinking chronologically, that it had to have begun after the crucifixion. But God does not always operate within chronological parameters in matters of salvation.

    I do think the disciples and apostles were "in Christ" before the crucifixion and were justified by faith in Him as well. Surely some disciples may have died before He was crucified. Does that mean that their faith in Christ was useless?

    It isn't time frames that determines salvation nor do I think that it is so for determining when the Church began. Both are founded on Jesus, who is eternally our Savior and the foundation stone of the Church, even from before creation. But time does matter in some ways, since we live in a temporal world. Our thinking is often bound by time, too. But by the Spirit we can think in light of the eternality of God's plan of redemption for mankind. That is where I am coming from.
  • Henry - In Reply on Acts 20 - 2 years ago
    Donna. That is Bishop K.C. Pillia not pillow.
  • Henry - 2 years ago
    Hello Terry. Naamans Heart. When you look at 2 Kings 5:1 gives great insight

    To the man's heart he obeyed his master and honourable and a mighty man

    Of valor all gualities of a man's heart. When he was angry with Elisha sending

    His messenger out and told to wash in the Jordan which was not known to be

    Clean naaman being the great leader thought it was an insult. But when his right

    Hand men waited until he was calmed down and reasoned with him saying he

    Didn't ask to go to battle just go dip seven times in the creek. He was healed

    And a remarkable point is he went back and told the prophet that he had to go

    The house of a pagan god with his boss and the prophet said go in peace.

    Talk about grace!
  • Donna G.Warren on Luke 12:10 - 2 years ago
    Well as we all continue to read ,study, our Bibles,pray ,live our lives with our respective families or by ourselves, today I also include prayers for the British Royal family & the entire British Commonwealth due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II . she had quite a full life,navigated alot,had the longest reign.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Freda, I will pray for you.

    Lord Jesus, in faith I ask You to touch her. Refresh and Restore her .

    By Your grace. For Your glory. Alleluia.
  • Van Frietze - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me I am very sick
  • Delilah - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What a wonderful love story Don . You and your wife were a blessing to each other . A marriage made in heaven .
  • Aina - In Reply - 2 years ago
    wow thank you so much this answered all my questions
  • Sage Lindon on 2 Timothy 3 - 2 years ago
    What words are 'through furnished' translated from?
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord heal Freda from this surgery that Freda makes a full recovery as testimony for Your Glory. Please Holy Spirit continue to enrich Freda with Your spiritual gifts and guidance through Bible scriptures bring encouragement through the healing process I pray in Jesus Christ name.
  • Need Prayer Now - 2 years ago
    I would like to come in agreement with you in prayer. I have a family member named Destiny who is on a ventilator and is not doing well and the doctors said there is nothing they can do. I would like to for you to pray with us in agreement for her complete healing. Thank you in advance and God bless you all.

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