All Discussion PAGE 861

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I was not saying that Peter is the head of the Church. I was quoting what Jesus said. And spoke that it was what Peter confessed that was the foundation of the Church of Jesus. Jesus was going to build His Church on this rock-the confession of Peter, not on Peter. You definitely misunderstood and misrepresented my viewpoint in your reply. I am good ending this conversation with you for today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again Henry,

    I believe that Giannis shared a Scripture during Jesus' ministry where they were called apostles. Either you accept what is plainly said in Scripture or you don't. That is up to you. As for me, if someone points out in Scripture something that shows me that my idea is incorrect, I will accept what the God has revealed instead of continuing to promote a view that has been proven as incorrect. On this topic of the apostles, Giannis showed you that she and I are correct on this topic.

    Anyway, thank you for discussing with me on this. I do not wish to continue this topic concerning the calling of the followers of Jesus "apostles" because the Scripture Giannis cited told us the answer and so there isn't much point in continuing to speak about it, as far as from my end is concerned. Have a good evening, Henry. We will speak to one another again on another topic, I hope.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amanda. One other point Christianity is not a religion which is an idea or

    Belief system developed by man's intellect. Christianity is the way God the

    Creator And Father of Jesus Christ communicated by example his love for

    His greatest creation man bacause He being The Greatest Father wanting a

    Family for eternity through his only son Jesus Christ. When born again you

    Receive Christ in you the Hope of Glory hence the term Christian or Christ

    In first proclaimed in Antioch. There is no other true belief system in the

    World other than Christianity. All correct moral law and order and ethics

    Originate from scripture.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Don,

    I just reviewed your post and my reply and I realize I did not address the things you itemized. They are assumptions about me, whom you do not know at all. Your assumptions about me are erroneous, and so I do not think I should spend time speaking to them. It seems profitless for me to do so. I do not need to prove myself to you, nor you to me. We are to accept one another as brethren in the faith with love and courtesy. I do so concerning you. I will say that I have been a believer all of my life, began reading Scripture seriously when I was 9 years old and have been in the Word since then. I am almost 66. So, I have a long history of turning to God's Word in matters of faith and practice. I trust God to lead me in what is true as I have always asked Him to do so with me. Hope this helps you know me a little better. Hopefully, we can discuss other topics on this forum over time.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Don.

    First of all, I do believe that the original writers of the Scripture wrote down God's Word perfectly.

    Secondly, I do not think that ANY translation is perfect because Scripture does not say so anywhere.

    Thirdly, The Scriptures do not identify the KJV as a perfect nor inspired translation.

    Fourthly, I appreciate your input and concern of me.

    Fifthly, I do not feel it wise to take YOUR word on this matter as being infallible any more than any other source of information.

    Sixthly, I do not think it unwise to use online resources, (as this site is) nor books, nor pastors, nor other believers as places/persons I can receive instruction from when I need more information, nor is it sinful to do so.

    In the Seventh place, I do think it is wise to know the Scriptures and to study them. In these Words we have what we need pertaining to salvation, the character of God and mankind, as well as spiritual beings, good and evil. In Scriptures we learn how to come into a loving, dependent relationship with God who made us and all that exists, seen and unseen. We need Him more than we could ever know in this life.

    And lastly, I think that we have exchanged enough on this topic here. I bid you goodnight and wish you well. We are both free to have our own viewpoint on this topic. Have a good evening and peaceful rest for the night.
  • Henry - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 4 - 2 years ago
    Ronnette. Howdy Ephesians and Collisions are my favorite Epistles love

    In Christ.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gianni's Thanks for bringing that to my attention but in function in the body of Christ did not happen til pentecost. That's why all of them ran out because of fear but Judas totally costing his life and ministry because he realized he betrayed inoccent

    Blood and out of condemnation suicided. What's interesting the other eleven ran out of fear also. So again thanks for bringing Luke to my attention but that does not

    Change my belief that men being born again of holy spirit didn't begin until Pentecost the birthday of the church of Jew and gentile the mystery of the body of Christ. Done God bless
  • Larry Jayawon Eyas on Exodus 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    I thank God for your all for sharing this bible link. I am blessed by this.
  • Don - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi, sorry for the delay; I've been sick, but I'm okay now.

    I encourage YOU to do spot-on research, not online, but in your KJV Bible because the solution to your confusion here is certainly not OUTSIDE the Scriptures. On Judgment Day we won't be judged by our online sources, but by the perfect Word of God. What you find there is right by Divine definition. Fallen humanity cannot rely on the graphic Word of God to tell us the truth through a multitude of imperfect translators. Truth itself can't be revised, but only discovered, for God Himself is Truth. If we need OTHER translations today to straighten out the errors in FORMER translations, then the logical conclusion is that God failed to reveal His truth to FORMER generations, which is completely absurd!

    Three things you should clarify: 1. It seems new to you that the written Word of God is perfect in itself. 2. You seem to think God needs an array of IMperfect translators to perFECT what His omnipotent power of ordination has already perFECTED. 3. You don't seem to realize that God's choice in the matter of his Word is arbitrary. He doesn't require an army of translators to confirm whether or not his Divine Word is accurate. No, he needs only to ordain himself a TRANSLATION as he sees fit to carry his Perfect Word through the generations. Then, once chosen, he identifies it to fallen humanity. The current translation he is obviously using is the KJV. It has been doing God's bidding for 400 years, and does not appear to be waning in the eyes of humanity. Even the majority of other languages use the KJV as their base of translation.

    You have a choice to make: Either God's written perfect Word of Truth moves through the human generations by the arbitrary power of God's ordination, or else imperfect human translators (some of them not even saved!) took it upon themselves to re-translate the Scriptures according to their own calculation of what is right or wrong.

    I'll say much more on this if we continue.
  • Donny Pearson - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my family--including my dad, who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and having some health-releated issues--and I. I always pray every day and night--before every meal and before bed--and ask for forgiveness. Please pray for my dad's speedy return to good health and that he would turn away from sin and place his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Please pray that the rest of my family and I would turn away from sin and place our trusts in Jesus alone.
  • Cort - 2 years ago
    Does gay ppl go to hell
  • Bill - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amanda a very good point you bring up . My answer to you is Those hypocritical people that do not live better lives but claim to be Gods people are just stumbling blocks to those around them . They cause people like your self to question the whole validity of it all .

    And sinning even a small amount is not normal for Gods people . Sinning people can not be happy people . Deceived people think it's ok to sin since they received the gift of forgiveness. But that's just the beginning, not the end of the matter . If they go on sinning they are deceived. A real converted person is able to honor God by the help of God through Jesus . Ask Jesus for your help and needs in all things . Sinning is proof of a failure in a life . The fear of God will keep us from going away from God , but the grace of God will help us get closer to God .

    Please read the Bible prayerfully ask Jesus for help to understand it and empower you with the word .

    The word of God is spiritual food we all need to overcome the flesh that feeds on the things of the world .

    Do not let the hypocrisy of others stumble you . Go on and seek the Lord .
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi. Jesus Christ at the last supper never called them apostles it says disciples

    They didn't become Apostles til after Pentecost. Just reading what's written

    It is God's word they in the gospels are caled followers and disciples and brothers

    But not Apostles, not going to argue with God who chose the words, they became after new birth Apostles. Take care moving on.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gianni's. Again some of the things stated I never said so best I move on to

    another subject in God's word. Good Day!
  • Gavin - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It's taking it's time I just want to be happy again
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi I'm not confused at all and your Reference to Peter being the head is a

    Well known Roman Catholic train of thought when the Church in the age of

    Grace Christ Himself who the gates of Hell will not prevail against is the Head

    Of the body of Christ not Peter. So I'm moving on take care Agapeo.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Adding Romans 2:12-16
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi. It is their privilege to reply or not and as you said nor everyone has your

    Point of view but I discuss I don't argue because Either you believe or you

    Don't that's up to you. So have a great day.
  • Henry - 2 years ago
    Amanda. Perhaps Romans 2: 6-11 will answer your question because God is all

    Love and just and fair and Obviously all mighty. Verse four it is the goodness of

    God that leads or lovingly guides to repentance a change of heart directed toward

    The giver.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, this exact topic is currently being discussed in another discussion thread you might want to look for that- has lots of replies.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Luke 6:12-14

    "And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

    And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named APOSTLES;"

    Now let's see the definition of the word "apostle". It comes from the greek "apostole" which means mission and "apostolos" (engl. apostle) means missioner, one who is sent (by God) to missions(to preach Jesus to people and establish churches). So don't get confused by the name apostle, it is not a mysterious title, it is a specific service, it simply means missioner.

    So apostle is a person who is selected by God to send him to missions, that is to send him to the world to preach Jesus and establish churches. The 12 were the only ones who were sent to missions? Of course not.Those were for the Jews only. Paul was an apostle too, to the nations. Titus 1:1 "Paul, a servant of God, and an APOSTLE of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;"

    Only Paul was an apostle to the nations? No not only him, all of his accompanions were, Barnabas, Luke, Timothy, Titus, Silas etc.

    Also many others. Who established the church in Rome? In Collose? Not Paul, those churches were not established by Paul. Some other apostles(missioners) established those churches (although the Bible doesn't give any information about them). The 12 were the ones that lived with Jesus, the most formal ones, but there were many other who went and preached Jesus to the world and established churches. All those were not just disciples, they were apostles. Even in the following centuaries christians that went to all continents and preached the Gospel and established churches were apostles. As you said one of God's gifts to the church is the "apostle". Apostles never stopped existing in the church. Even today christians that perform that specific task are apostles.
  • Sharon - In Reply on Mark 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi brother,

    There are a few. However, the one that jumps out immediately is John 14:6. Jesus told us, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again Henry,

    In Acts 1:13 it says that they were staying in the upper room. In Acts 2 it says that they were gathered all in one place. It does not say they were in the temple.

    Many people do think that the Church began in Acts 2 at Pentecost, But many others believe that the Church began with the life of Jesus (for He is the Head), and the disciples were added as they were called by Jesus. Even before He ascended into heaven, Jesus instructed the disciples concerning the church in Matthew 16:18. He called Simon Peter, or Rock and said that upon this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. In this passage, Jesus said that the church was begun then and there, upon Peter's confession of Jesus being the Christ (Messiah), identifying Jesus' humanity; and the Son of the Living God, identifying Jesus's deity. The church was established upon this confession and anyone who professed this belief was part of the church Jesus was building. So, there were many who believed this before Pentecost. Jesus appeared to over 500 brethren before He ascended to heaven, as said by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:16. These were Christian brethren before Pentecost.

    I realize we differ in our views on this and I do not wish to belabor this discussion further, but I keep in mind that when we discuss with one another that there are many people who follow the discussion on this forum who may not reply. It is for those that I present my viewpoint more so than to someone who is obviously set in their own viewpoint, as I am also.

    Have a blessed day, Henry.
  • Sharon - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I stand in agreement with your prayer, brother. May our Lord hear and answer from Heaven.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amanda. Perhaps Romans 2: 6-11 will answer your question because God is all

    Love and just and fair and Obviously all mighty. Verse four it is the goodness of

    God that leads or lovingly guides to repentance a change of heart directed toward

    The giver.
  • Blackfoot - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    Meet means ' suitable for ' in this instance .
  • Blackfoot - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God bless you and grant you health and happiness . Be patient and strong and wait for Him .
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Me. If your given a free box of mechanics tools to use you have a choice

    Either you put them to use or not. God's gift of Holy spirit is free you can't

    By something that is so incredibly valuable communication with almighty

    God. Now if YOU choose not to Go by the quite book of God's Word for

    Guidance on application and renew your life to walk by God's Word the gift

    Is still there but not being utilized to it's fullest potential or not at all. But

    God is not an Indian giver he cannot do more unless we operate what we

    Have been given and not sit on the tools. That's why in Phillipians we the

    Christian with God's spirit working in us work out our salvation or wholeness

    With respect and awe. We as saints should never be fearful or terrified by

    Our Father God who always wants the best for us working within us to do

    His good will and pleasure.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi. First. On pentecost they were in temple not the upper room and second again

    the disciples not the apostles the twelve were first called followers then disciples

    But it was not until after Pentecost that they except Judas were called Apostles

    Biblically also I know many people who were never water baptised in water who are

    Born again of God's Spirit. So you have the privilege again to believe what you

    Want I don't take that privilege away from anyone. Also I know all the places you

    Will show me as proof but the truth still stands the birthday of the Church of God

    When men received power from on High as permanent not based on works lest

    Any man should boast all grace was pentecost. Now here's a question if Judas

    Was born again did he lose it or what happened or because he missed pentecost

    It was incomplete?
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for strong protection, breakthrough and the Lord's intervention, help and guidance concerning a very painful situation.

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