All Discussion PAGE 870

  • Aina - 2 years ago
    is it fine if i forgive someone but dont forget what that person did to me
  • Miss - 2 years ago
    Please pray. Something or someone is blocking my further growth//breakthroughs in the business I'm building. There has been a blessed growth, and then - silence. In obedience to God I declined 2 high paying clients. Please pray that I will trust God in this, and rest in Him.

    Right doors to be open, so I can move further into what God has in store for my life. Protection, peace, joy, redemption and complete healing over my family//relationships.

    Healing over my troubled soul.

    Wisdom from God - steps to take.

    Jesus Christ Himself bless you mightily for praying with me. Thank you.
  • Bertha on Psalms 2 - 2 years ago
    I needed this awesome, eye open massage this morning;Thank!
  • Jesus knows - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear GiGi

    Thank you so very much for praying with me. This I really appreciate. Amen I agree with your prayer in Christ Jesus Name. God bless you abundantly back in everything you are facing, His grace will always be enough for you and me. Amen.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for what you've shared Henry. Ordinarily, I could agree that God cannot use evil in any of its forms to accomplish His Will - that Satan alone is the instigator of everything evil & our problems emanate from our fallen state & our listening to him; but what then do we do with the Scriptures that tell us of God sending out an evil spirit, or even of Job, where God gave Satan permission to do whatever he wanted with Job except to touch his life?

    How do we then understand: "But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him" ( 1 Samuel 16:14), or when "the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart" ( Exodus 10:27), which ensured that further plagues would come upon the people, ultimately bringing on the deaths of their firstborn? Can we, from this point in history, look back at what took place when God's Hand moved upon people, & confidently state the modus operandi of God? From our present view, we can say that nothing evil, even the smell of it, can emanate from God, but what we might consider as evil is something that God has control over, which we may know little or nothing about.

    What could have gone on in Job's mind I wonder, as he always walked carefully before God, "perfect and upright, one that feared God, and eschewed evil", and then faced tragedy after tragedy? The caliber of the man was clear; when in spite of his losses, he still 'fell onto his face & worshipped God'; yet he never received an answer to his many afflictions, but had to accept the sovereignty of God in every situation, even accepting Satan's strikes against him.

    Even our Lord suffered & died by the hands of wicked men, filled & controlled by evil spirits that made them & Satan believe that victory was theirs by ridding this One from their midst. With the many other references in the Bible, I can only conclude that I yet don't have an understanding of God's Ways, both in sending forth an evil spirit, allowing it to work & fulfilling His Will.
  • Shandrika Autrey on Daniel 12 - 2 years ago
    No, I would love to have one
  • Gwen Johnson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mr. Roy: According to my sources,(The LIfe Application Study Bible), the book of Romans was written about A.D. 57, from Corinth, as PAUL was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem. Paul wrote Romans as an organized and carefully presented statement of his faith- it does not have the form of a typical letter. He does however spend considerable time greeting the people of Rome at the end of the letter. I hope this helps and answers your question.

    God Bless,

    G. John
  • Kristie Jamison - 2 years ago
    Please prayer for me and my family especially my daughter Amber she is so lost thank you
  • Gwen Johnson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ms. Smiley, my minister did a very informative sermon on Baptism a couple of Sundays ago. If you would go on facebook and pull up the Richmond Ave. Church of Christ video, and listen to that sermon I'm sure you will be edified and encouraged to obey the gospel. Also I know some people don't do social media: if that is the case with you you can always read from the King James version of the Bible these scriptures: Acts 2:38, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 22:16: I Peter3:20-21; Acts 10:48, John 3:5; Luke 7:30. Also read 2 Corinthians 5:17 with Galatians 3:27. If after reading these passages you are still unsure or have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (817) 739-4933. The scriptures I gave you are in reference to specifically the purpose of baptism. There are others that speak to the action itself and who are candidates for taking the action, let me know if you would like those. But God's plan of salvation for us all is a 5-step process given in the book. You must first Hear the gospel, believe what you hear, repent, you must confess faith and then be baptized. Just know this is GOd's plan. Not mine or my minister's. In closing just know,"We speak where the Bible speaks, and are Silent where the Bible is silent."

    Sister Gwen Johnson
  • Hannah - 2 years ago
    How old was Mary ?

    How old was Joesph
  • Don - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If you will carefully follow the simple logic of my post, the truth of what I said will be clear. Nowhere did I say that the KJV is mentioned in the Bible. Please read more carefully. I put a lot of thought in every word and sentence of that post so as to stay within the word limit. Based on the Scripture references I provided, I said in the second sentence, "God by divine fiat ordained the perpetuity of his perfect Word through human history. Note the words ordained, perpetuity, and perfect Word. Virtually all Christian theologians will agree with that sentence. They must; it is the only way God's truth travels through the centuries (perpetually). Please read the Scriptures I cited. Therefore, God himself must ordain not only who graphically records his perfect Word, but also who translates that perfect Word as it travels through the generations. The KJV is only the latest of the many consecutive writings and translations of God's perfect Word, the earliest being God's perfect Word he gave to the ancient Hebrews. But the Scriptures I cited make it crystal clear that he is the only one who decides (ordains) which Word, Manuscript, and author who bears his Divine signature. Through the centuries, when God made a choice in the matter, he always identified it-as he has done with the KJV. Anything else is a commentary, of which some are better than others. I should also say here that the plethora of new translations have come about in the last century, but the KJV just celebrated its 4th century. That should say something of God's choice in the matter. I too refer to other translations from time to time, but only as a commentary, not as a Divinely selected translation. For that I refer to the KJV as the last word.
  • ALAN JAMES - 2 years ago
    Who believes that the two by two unpaid ministry as Christ instructed is still going on in all parts of the world today....I know it is.

    Also that salvation should not cost one cent to have?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Amy, I will pray for Jeremy,

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today to ask in the name of Jesus, that You will make Jeremy's ankle heal correctly and strongly. We ask that You will not allow any setbacks in this healing rather that You will cause the healing to continue on it's course as You have determined. Thank You Father for Your care and help for us. We need You more than we really know, but these instances help us to turn to You for help. Please bless Jeremy tonight with restful sleep, no pain in his ankle, and a sense of peace knowing that You have this all covered by the blood of Your Son Jesus. Amen.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris. Brother to think or even contemplate that the God and Father of our

    Lord and saviuor would use anything of the devil's abilities or devil spirits to

    Accomplish His will is beyond absurd. John 10:9. The thief cometh but to

    Steal kill and destroy that's the adversaries job nothing else. It's a tremendous

    Manipulation of the enemy to get people to think or believe that the true God is

    Causing any problems when He has Nothing to do with man's unbelief! Sin

    Sickness disease and death physically or spiritually did not occur until Satan

    Stole the rulership of earth from Adam. Luke 4:6 it was delivered to Him the

    Adversary also known as God of this world. So all of mankind's problems

    In all categories are because of unbelief in the true God and Jesus Christ and

    Being tricked by the God of this world which the true God has nothing in common with!
  • Lisa Berry - In Reply on Revelation 9 - 2 years ago
    The 6th trump is when the antichrist comes to earth for 5 months. He will be convincing. He'll promise to wipe your debts clean. Why will I worry about earthly debts? Jesus comes on the 7th trump. The people who bow to the antichrist will sicken when they realize they've been deceived.
  • Dr. H - 2 years ago
    Did Mrs. Noah have triplets. Was she really Joan of Ark?
  • Dr. H - 2 years ago
    Many saints came out of the grave when Christ died. They were seen by many. Did they go up with Jesus or die again. What about Lazarus? Same question.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Delilah. I understand what you're saying & it does seem that way in the Old Testament. My understanding is that there are various sorts of evil spirits, whether in their powers or purposes, being directed upon man. In 1 Samuel 16:14-23, we see an instance of Saul being troubled by an evil spirit. We don't know whether that was confined to just a mental turmoil or whether there was any other manifestation of it. But after David played upon his harp, the evil spirit departed, indicating that this spirit that was directed from the LORD upon Saul was limited in its power. Also we have other instances of this, as in Judges 9:23 (an evil spirit sent by God to foster hatred by the men of Shechem to Abimelech). So, it appears that evil spirits were active in those days also, though how they were manifested & the extent of their work in different lives, can vary.

    Then also today, the work of evil spirits still goes on, but limited by God to what they can actually do, as seen in the example of Job. And those who have mental illness does not necessarily equate to demonic possession, though other spiritual influences (of oppression or possession) cannot be ruled out either. And then the matter about whether God has control over such spirits to do His bidding, or whether what we read in the Bible is God granting permission to them giving them varied amounts of access & control in certain lives for a specific purpose. Maybe, a question that cannot be easily answered, for want of more information.
  • Vladimir - 2 years ago
    Please pray that Lord would my right kidney .

    Thank you
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Old Testament has a very descriptive account in please read all chapters involved to get the whole WORD of GOD not taken away from, because there is so much inside of each descriptive moment & The HOLY Spirit can & does teach us so much more when we read entire accounts, that no person can teach. I've broken down interesting scriptures here to show several accounts that happened to help your study 1Samuel 13, 1Samuel 15, 1Samuel 16, 1Samuel 17, 1Samuel 18, 1Samuel 19, 1Samuel 20, 1Samuel 22, 1Samuel 23, 1Samuel 24, 1Samuel 26,

    1Samuel 15:23, 1Samuel 16:14-23, 1Samuel 17:23-58, 1Samuel 18:6-29, 1Samuel 19:1,4,5,6, 1Samuel 19:9-18, 1Samuel 19:22-24, 1Samuel 20:25-34, 1Samuel 22:6-23, 1Samuel 23:7,8,24,25,26,27,28, 1Samuel 24:1,2,9,10,11,14,16,18,19,20,21, 1Samuel 26:1,2,3,17,21,25, 1Samuel 28:5,6,9,16,23,

    1Samuel 28:16,

    David pretended to be 'madd' 1Samuel 21, (1st time I've wondered, after reading this right now, did David learn the traits from witnessing Saul?)

    For discussion: the king (Saul) not in his soundness of mind only cared about his political opponent seeking to destroy him constantly, using Armed Policing official forces that are supposed to protect the country, to chase after 1 political opponent, putting the entire country in danger & subject to attack!

    Using 1 servant (because the rest of them knew better, not to touch GOD's children) to kill GOD's unarmed priests, patriots that loved their country served to death, loyal in sacrifice, crazily killed their families, everything. The very ones that prayed for him, served him, directed him._._

    It's amazing how GOD's WORD is able to teach us, direct us, give us hope, encourage during dark moments, even show us examples of how to endure, be wise, Psalms 37, may be connected to this very moment in times
  • Suzette Wade - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I will defeat demonic entities networking against me in Jesus name. Amen.
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please agree with me for the healing of Jeremy's ankle
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Delilah. In Samuel 1 chapter 21:11-15 David was running from Saul's Men

    And went to another king that didn't respect the true God and David by God's

    Telling him what to do and how to do it that why it says he veined Himself

    Or made himself to appear a mad man and as a result they left Him go.

    It's a fantastic example of a man obeying what God told Him to do.

    The end result was he left and moved on to further do what God wanted.

    God is always there to deal with any situation and he will never put you in

    One and not have a way out if your listening. Also their are times when another

    Believer may tell you the same thing God already told you but you weren't

    Listening that's Grace. I have personal experience in the second.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Don,

    This is an interesting post. I don't recall reading anywhere in the Bible where the KJV is mentioned as the perfect translation. I think it is fine for some to use it as their preferred choice to translations, but it is also good to remember that in cultures that do not speak English, they have a translation in their own language and it is still effective to bring about the work of salvation through the hearing of the Gospel and the bestowing of grace from the Holy Spirit. The Bible is an instrument God uses to "cut people to the heart" as it happened in Acts 2 when Peter preached the Gospel of repentance and faith towards God through Jesus Christ. It is what the Holy Spirit enlivens by His power to bring about regeneration. Throughout history millions upon millions of people have had this happen to them by the Holy Spirit with translations that are not the KJV. They truly are saved and made a new creation.

    We are so blessed to have the Bible in our own language to read and study for ourselves. But for centuries, people heard the Scriptures read or preached to them and God's Word was still effective in its part of bringing people to salvation. '

    I guess what I am getting at, is that, because Scripture does not say that the KJV is the only truly perfect translation, I cannot believe that it is. The Scriptures were completed 1500 years before the KJV was translated. So, I use the common sense given me enlightened by the Holy Spirit to not go with this belief. But I do prefer the KJV to other translations, but also have found reading other translations helpful in understanding the archaic English used in the KJV.
  • Halerandj2 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for guidance, for God to help me to know and do the things he would have me to do, to glorify his name. I also need His healing touch, my neuropathy has gotten really bad in my hands. Besides the diabetic neuropathy, I have bi-lateral carpal tunnel, ulnar neuropathy in both elbows and arthritis. My hands have become almost useless. I want to praise Him and thank Him for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. He has been with me through all the trials I have had, and I have always been blessed in that I have always had my needs provided for. I may not have had all my "wants" but I have had all my "needs". I know there are others in the world that are in worse shape than I, and I pray He will forgive me for complaining, it's just that it is getting hard to feed myself or bathe. Little things I never thought much about and basically took for granted, has now become a struggle. I thank you all in advance for the prayers and I pray He will bless each of you acording to His will. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Kathy and John,

    I am sorry to hear that Christine is still suffering so from this bone cancer. I will pray for her today.

    Heavenly Father, Christine needs Your help desperately today. So we come to You in the name of Jesus for her healing and relief from this suffering. Heal her back so it does not give her so much pain and begin to kill this cancer in her. Be with Kathy and John. It is so hard to see one's child suffer, as You, Father, know so well. We ask for Your mercy to cover Christine and that Kathy and John will be strong for her and for one another. Bind this family together with Your deep and lasting love. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Debra, I will pray for you today.

    Dear LORD GOD, we know that You already know all of what we need. So, in the name of Jesus we come to You today to ask that You will make a home or apt available to Debra that will give her two bedrooms and enough comfortable space to reside for some time. Dear Father, You know before we ask what You are going to do, so we trust Your holy and perfect will in this matter and that Debra will be so happy with Your answer to her need. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jesus Knows

    I will pray for you today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus name we pray to You. We ask that You bring to Jesus knows all that is due her, all that rightfully should be her possession. We ask that this be given to her soon and that those who are withholding or have taken this from Jesus knows will give it up without a tussle, argument, or any legal battles. We ask, Father, that You being peace into this situation and that everyone will do what is right and loving. Amen.
  • Delilah - 2 years ago
    I find it strange , in the new testament people are sometimes referred to as having a demon or possessed of a devil etc . In the old testament people are referred to as mad , what we might call mentally ill today . 1st Samuel Chapter 21 verse 10-15 .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Mark,

    I will pray for you today.

    Heavenly Father we come to You today to lift up Mark in the name of Jesus. We ask You to direct his path daily, moment by moment as he seeks to do Your will in his life. Guide Mark to what You desire him to pursue in his life. Ground Mark in Your holy Word and teach him to know and love You more through the intake of Your Word. Grant him the wisdom to discern Your voice and the way You wish for him to serve you. Give him a full measure of faith and trust in you and in Your Son, Jesus. Grace him with Your Presence every moment he turns to you in prayer and fellowship. How great You are Father, able to do all things possible within Your will and nature. How splendid are Your ways. How abounding is Your love for each of us.

    Thank You, Father, for brother Mark and for having him come to You and us for answers to prayers we give to you for his needs. Amen.

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