All Discussion PAGE 875

  • Karen - 2 years ago
    God created everything good. He knows everything. If evil did not exist then how was satan able to have evil in him. GOD knew that satan would turn against him and threw the people and world into sin. If GOD wanted only good then why allow sin to corrupt the good he only wanted. It's like we were set up to fail from the beginning. GOD knew what satan was going to do and allowed it. Why didnt he stop evil before it began. He could have. I believe in GOD but something's make no sense. Incest is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Murder is a sin. The old testament that's all it was. It confuses me. Why couldnt GOD prevent the evil before it began and we all could be filled with love and joy and be with GOD in his presence. I dont fit in this crazy evil world. I'm a misfit. I want to be with jesus.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse. I tell this to myself and other believers constantly on the cross our

    Brother said forgive them father for they know not what they do and another

    One in Hebrews 12:2 I can't begin to comprehend the who for the joy a spiritual

    Quality that was set before Him endured the cross dispising the shame this verse

    Is incredible. These things apply to all who are endeavoring to Agapeo so that being said I will see you here there or in the air brother.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jesse,

    Glad to be there for you. I think both Henry and I desired to dampen down what seemed like hostility towards you. I have been blessed again and again by your posts. We have not agreed on everything, but we have been respectful to one another, addressing the content of our viewpoints expressed here without attacking one another's character. That is appreciated. I, too, think this thread should close. We can always pray for one another when things get dicey. God's blessing upon you, Henry, and Luke today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Terry,

    I am so glad that you have been chosen by the Father to be a child of God! Welcome to the family!

    We are given opportunities daily to be Jesus' hands and feet and to speak to others of the goodness of God in Jesus Christ. May we continue to present Him to others who do not yet know Him. I will pray for you today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Terry and the salvation You brought to him/her. I ask in the name of Your Son Jesus, that You will continue to grow Terry up in the faith of Jesus Christ and establish Terry firmly in Your Word. I ask that You will give Terry a most sensitive heart to be willing to obey You in the circumstances of his/her life as he/she comes in contact with people who need to come to salvation in Your Son, Jesus. I ask that You will ground Terry in Truth that is in You and not allow him/her to be carried away by any false teaching. I ask that You will keep Terry's zeal hot and at the same time to give Terry patience and a calm spirit. Amen.
  • PHYLLIS on Revelation 6 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 6:6 - As a general rule, when most people I know read "and see that thou hurt not the oil and the wine" - most people think of bubbling crude for automobiles and champagne for parties. But, it occurred to me that, in John's time period - most people would not be thinking of crude oil and probably, for most - not about champagne for wild parties. It seems to me that the oil and wine which John would have known about would have had more of a medical benefit - oil for healing and wine for its germ-killing properties. For example, in the story of the good Samaritan, in Luke 10, Jesus tells about the Good Samaritan binding up the wounds of the fallen traveler, pouring in oil and wine. So the oil which John would have known about would have been perhaps olive oil or fish oil (the disciples were, after all, fishermen!) Even today, the primary ingredient in Desitin, the popular diaper rash prevention product, is fish oil. We were wondering if there are any commentaries in which the author discusses the fact that the oil and wine would be referring to the medical uses of those products.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jesus Knows. I will pray for you today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today in the name of Your Son Jesus and through His shed blood to ask You to guide and direct the calling You have given Jesus Knows. We ask that You keep Jesus Knows in the one true faith for all of this life. We ask that You keep Jesus Knows from error and apostasy. We ask that You keep Jesus Knows focused on what You want done for Your Kingdom through his/her actions and words. Fill Jesus Knows with the love that comes from You, agape, so that everything he/she does and says can be done in this love that covers a multitude of sins. Bless Jesus Knows with knowledge and understanding of Your Word and of Who You truly are. Do not let Jesus Knows swerve to the left nor right in his/her walk with You. And bring Jesus Knows into life everlasting with You when all is said and done for You.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Welcome to you, too. Glad you are among us here sharing what we know of Scripture and our experiences with the Lord.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Don,

    Welcome to our little forum here. We are glad to have you join us. With 60+ years of walking with the Lord, I am sure You have plenty to bring to us that will edify us.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Revelation 15 - 2 years ago

    That is actually a funny connection. I remember those disco balls. Glad that was short lived!
  • GiGi - In Reply on Galatians 3 - 2 years ago
    Hi BSP

    Makes me think of how the curse came. Adam ate from the tree that God told him not to eat. So, to remove the curse that came with disobedience, Jesus, died on a cross of wood (from a tree).
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Anna, I will pray for Claire today.

    Dear LORD GOD, we are asking that You will cause Claire to recover from her ill health and be able to resume going out of her home to take care of all of her business and personal needs. We ask that You strengthen her body to be able to get back to normalcy. Send people to her who will help her with whatever she needs. We ask this of You, Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Son, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Tatianna, I will pray for you today.

    heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of Your Son, Jesus, to ask that You quickly place Tatianna and her children in a safe home. We ask that You get them off of the "streets" and into a place to live that will suit their needs for some time. We ask that You help Tatianna recover from whatever has happened that has caused her to become homeless. We ask that You protect Tatianna and her children from harm and the dangers of being homeless. Father, help Tatianna today and give her peace and trust in You. Amen.
  • Helene - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Diane,

    I just don't know where to start. There is so much in life to enjoy if you are physically able which I'm not. I'm homebound and dependent on other people but that's no reason to despair. It is no reason for you to despair either. If you are over the age of 55 join the local senior center. I did prior to Covid and learned how to play bridge. It was a God send, as is this website. I became friends with so many women who enjoyed playing cards. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. Shelf books at the local library, deliver books or meals to the homebound. Join a book club, read to seniors in a nursing home or just visit with them. They are more lonely than you because they have been forgotten by their family. The opportunities are endless. Just don't give up. As Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, "If you're going through hell, keep going." God bless you.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No not really, but it does mention false teachers, false Prophesying, false Pastors, and Minsiters.

    The Bible tells how these will be Judged First i.e in 1 Peter 4:17 For it is the season of judgment beginning from the

    house of God: and if it first begin from us, what shall the end be of them that are disobedient to the gospel of God?

    There's a lot in this passage which gets lost in translation by most

    And sadly enough misinterpretation IS false teaching when preached or taught to others, it IS false teaching, and they will be held accountable, for misleading others just like the Ministers of The House of God.

    The Bible wasn't written in English, it was transliterated from the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic language, we are to Translate, e.g the word Passover is "pesach" a made up word from two English words,,, Pass and Over

    Most readers take the English definition far too literal, when we must take it back to the original and translate,,, And so it is.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My dear brother and sister in Christ (GiGi/Henry),

    I just wanted to thank you both for your kindness and support. Last night, I told myself that I was going to move far away from this thread, but then received notification of your messages and felt the need to thank you both. There is so much more that I would like to say but I think it would be best to just move on.

    God Bless both of you, and please, please, keep me in check if you feel I am being out of line with anyone in this forum. I do take those things to heart, and I trust and respect the both of you, along with many others here that I have come to know over these past few years. One thing that I can say with certainty, this person will never get another disagreement from me. I can promise that!
  • Thank you for praying - 2 years ago
    Thank You Father that You have provided a way for me already now, even though I can't see it yet with my physical eyes. I sense You are whispering to me: "You don't need to be under this." I'm the head, not the tail, I'm over not under.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus I invite You into Melody's situation.. You have Your own Everywhere.

    Send helpers in the Yukon hospital to uplift and uphold Melody and her Dad .

    Work mightily through all involved. All by Your grace. All for Your glory. Alleluia.

  • Pamela Smiley - 2 years ago
    I want to know everything about being baptized I'm 56 years old and I've not done this . I would like to know everything about this so I don't mess it up
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Diane, I stand with you in faith in Jesus mighty name.

    Lord Jesus I come boldly to Your throne of grace as Your blood bought daughter

    by Your grace. I lift up Diane's urgent need. Make haste to Help her Lord. Strengthen her by Your Holy Spirit. Give her Your peace that passeth all

    understanding. Thank You Lord Jesus. You are mighty in battle! Alleluia


    Hebrews 4:15-16 kjv, Hebrews 13:8 kjv, Exodus 14:14 kjv.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    Hi BSP.

    You have a lot to offer and we thank you for that, but have you thought about fitting much of that on one post or one thread so some of the other post can stay on the 1st page a little longer? It makes browsing a lot easier.

    Not a demand. Thanks and God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Paul.

    I suppose you are referring to this reply of mine.

    "The Holyspirit does not have unwritten revelation to reveal he will make what Jesus said "AND LATER WRITTEN" comprehensive to us."

    The key here is UNWRITTEN REVELATION.

    Prophesy is WRITTEN Revelation. The verses you given is WRITTEN Revelation.

    My point is there is no NEW Revelation apart from what has already been written.

    For example there is not another prophet coming to give us a word that hasn't been written in the Bible.

    The verses you have given is written but nothing saying to look for something NEW or someone NEW.

    Are far as Jacob goes he wrestled with the pre Incarnation of Christ!!

    And all those other scriptures you give that says seek Gods face doesn't mean SEE Gods face.

    The Hebrew word for "face" in the Old Testament is often translated "presence." When we seek the face of God, we are seeking His presence. The call to seek God's face was issued to His people because they had abandoned Him and needed to return to Him.

    Again this is not a contradiction but a misunderstanding.

    We will have to agree to disagree.

    Would you like to discuss the discrepancy between the book of Mormons and the Bible? If so let's do a separate thread.

    God bless.
  • Tatianna - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me and my children that we will get our own home to go-to asap were we don't have to be uncomfortable and no longer homeless and financially struggling thank you
  • Anna - 2 years ago
    In Jesus Name, please pray for Claire to be well so she can leave her house.

    By His grace. For His glory. Alleluia. Amen.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Gigi.

    Well spoken.

    God bless.
  • Yasmin - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks!! I pray that he is able to breakthrough or have an encounter with the Lord.

    Only he can make that change.

    And I will share the bible verses to him.
  • Kathy A hall - 2 years ago
    I don't believe it was called the book of Enoch, but book of divisions , the watchers , ect....
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    But notice Leviticus 26:1-13,

    Your scripture quote is resulting from Leviticus 26:14,15,35,

    There is always hope Leviticus 26:40-45,

    Scripture out of context can be sad, with undue heaviness
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Romans 1:1, Romans 16:27,

    Acts 18:1, possible during 2Timothy 4:20-22, Acts 18,

    During Paul's lifetime, sometime after Jesus rose from the grave, Acts 1, Acts 9, because Paul was preaching with those who where close with Jesus. Galatians 1:18, Acts 10, Acts 11, Galatians 2:1,7,8,11,14, Matthew 4:18,

    Hopefully you find these helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Corinthians 9:27, 1Peter 4:7, 1Peter 5:8, 1Timothy 3:2, 1Corinthians 5:6-11,
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Samuel 15:23, 2Chronicles 33:6-11, Galatians 5:16-24,

    Isaiah 47:9-15, Malachi 3:5, Acts 8:9-24, Revelation 9:20,21, in context Revelation 9:15-21, Revelation 18:23, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15, in Context Revelation 22,

    James 1:5,

    Hopefully these help

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