All Discussion PAGE 886

  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    This part of God's word is misinterpreted,,, It's Satan who's first on the scene sweetie, Jesus comes after
  • David - 2 years ago
    "The Old Testament forbade Israelites from charging interest against one another ( Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35-37; Deuteronomy 23:19; cf. Psalm 15:5); but interest on money loaned to Gentiles was permitted ( Deuteronomy 23:20)By New Testament times Jewish scholars had already distinguished between 'lending at interest' and 'usury' (in the modern sense)." Carson/Enduring Word2018 David Guzik

    Praying this helps the discussion in CHRIST JESUS name. GOD bless everyone.
  • Bizz028 - 2 years ago
    Please keep I and my family in your prayers.

    Thanks Bizz028
  • Tim - 2 years ago
    Hi, please pray for my dog, Macy. She is very sick and needs long-term treatment.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Henry.

    The book of the "generation" of Christ. singular as you mentioned.

    The phrase "The book of the generation" is only mentioned 2 times, the other is Genesis 5:1. This is the book of the "generations" of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; here it is plural. I've heard there is a significance to this, However I haven't done much study in this and forgot what I have heard.
  • Anna - 2 years ago
    Does the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:6 not allow a woman to cut her hair forever?
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Then Matthew 7 picking it up in verse 15: Study them for a minute, The Tree of Life.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Start with Jeremiah 24
  • Walter and Debbie on Hebrews 4 - 2 years ago

    Context Summary

    Hebrews 4:1-13 reassures Christians that they have not missed their opportunity to enjoy the ''rest'' promised by God. Chapter 3 warned about the dangers of losing faith and disobeying God. In this passage, the writer points out that psalmists like David, who came long after Moses, encouraged Israel to obtain God's rest ''today.'' Since God's rest on the seventh day of creation came only after His work was done, and Israel only suffered loss when they failed to complete their assigned work, Christians should strive to complete the work given them by God, in order to obtain the greater heavenly rewards. The most potent tool we have in this effort is the razor-sharp Word of God.
  • Honey on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    This part of God's Word is where my hope lies. No matter what I go through before these things happen, I look forward to seeing my Savior come, receiving the full redemption of eternal life and being caught up to meet Him and forever be with my Lord!!! Hallelujah, Glory to His Name!!!
  • Linda - 2 years ago
    Asking for prayer today, stuck on loneiness and depression all of my family members are gone and i'm alone and desperate for happiness i feel alone and desperate all the time . my children arent in my life and that hurts so very much please pray for me thank you father and mother god bless
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 8 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 7.

    We need to consider the conditions that will be in effect; therefore once this mark is finally enforced compared to today. There are many that will decry injustices of the rich and proud of the earth; and in the right spirit; rightly so as we see warnings in the book of James for those who hoard gold and silver as well as cheat others in the last days. Many of these who speak out against society hardly work a day of their lives and live in ivory towers; giving a portion of excess wealth much as the Pharisees to look good. Some don't; my point is that those privileged in America; for example will find things far different as much of the developed world right after the Rapture; which comes on a day we don't expect like the days of Noah or Sodom and Gomorrah. After that event there will be mass starvation and as my earlier posts stated war; famine and pestilence. My point here is that those who think that the earth in that compromised a state will offer any utopia compared to the promises the Antichrist will offer in the first seal timeframe will not be a very convincing message for taking the mark to avoid starvation. It appears more of a "red herring" to offer the little that remains to the wicked; to the righteous at that point they will either be in hiding protected by God or quickly martyred and disposed of by the Antichrist beast system. At that point too; Satan will have used the 10 nation allies to burn the woman with fire ( Rev. 17:16). That woman will be the false Babylon "whore" world religion.

    Satan demands and desires worship only for himself; the world will be so enamored with his apparent resurrection that they will all believe the Lie ( 2 Thess. 2:11). This will be the point where men will stop fearing God and hiding from him; and outright blaspheme (curse) His name as their leader will do. Therefore; it is worship of his image that causes them to take the mark; which could be an injection of DNA from the beast to be immortal
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    David. That is true because the justice of God deserves judgement and

    King David was told by Nathan the prophet he was going to lose the child.

    Also a dinner is in that constant state David was not in that constant state

    Or God would have never said he was after His own Heart also God gave

    him tremendous knowledge and understanding and showed Him things

    Concerning Jesus Christ. God doesn't do that for a person in a constant

    State of sin. I am born again now I sin or break fellowship not intentionally

    In God's eyes we are saints no longer sinners or in a constant state of without

    God and without hope. There is a difference.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Paul Sir in all your replies either your not looking at entire context or God talking to Moses face to face is a figure of speech look it up that's why anyone has got

    To study God's Word honestly looking at context or who he's talking to at the time

    meaning the way he dealt with the children of Israel is not the same as he deals

    With the church of God. Jesus Christ came for the lost sheep of the house of

    Israel that's why all of His communication has eastern thought or customs

    Pertaining to the people, they rejected Him which opened the door for all to receive

    God's Grace. As I said there are many things to consider when working the

  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 8 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 7 commentary.

    Once again here; we see incense of the prayers of the saints going up (verse 3) before judgment of God commences--in this case the trumpet judgments; and the first the seals.

    This indicates either after the spirits of those martyred (great multitude) or translated (2 Prophets/144,000) in the previous chapter that were praying and/or those already in heaven (us). This fascinating insight reveals that even though God's judgments were predetermined proportionate to sins committed; in time and space when the offenses reach a pinnacle they are sort of triggered by prayers of the saints. This interaction shows how even now with Christ as high Priest ever interceding for the saints ( Heb. 4:14-16) that there is always an interplay between Him and His Body; the church and all saints. I should also note the silence in heaven after the seventh seal with no apparent judgment but intersection into the next series of judgments is a sort of ceremonial procession preceding the main event where there is perhaps a brief event honoring the multitude that just arrived in heaven who "no man can number" ( Rev. 7:9).

    The rest of the chapter from verse 7 onward describes the first four trumpets. We see the repeated pattern of a "third" of things being destroyed which certainly can be a not so veiled message to the third of the angels that fell and are about to be cast down to earth from heaven after these events. That; and those demons released from UNDER the earth (likely offspring from Nephilim and/or other fallen beings that were given special early imprisonment under the earth for extra sins) will all show how things will get even worse as the angel warns in verse 13.

    It would appear that until the 5th trumpet; the 2 prophets hold back things. Once the beast comes out of the pit and enters Antichrist; many will have already died.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In Isaiah 1:15, God indicates he does not hear a sinner's prayer:

    "...when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood."

    Notice how David's prayer for his dying son was not heard. 2nd Samuel Chapter 12
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 24:26-28 states that where the carcasses are the eagles (or similar birds of prey) are gathered. This would indeed; make it seem that those taken were taken for judgment and in Revelation about half are taken out that are listed in the one fourth dying in the first four seals; and another third in the Trumpet judgments. We can look at the tale of the ten virgins in a similar light. It would seem indicative of this being representative of God's church as they were all "virgins"; but clearly those who Christ stated "I know you not" or "I never knew you depart from me you workers of iniquity" ( Matt. 7:23) never were believers. There are difficult passages which could just be allegorical warnings; as well as different scenarios (such as that of the servant who hid his talent); in Luke 19 and lost his reward; contrasted with the version in Matthew 25 where he was "cast into outer darkness" which sounds like hell; but it could be into the Tribulation as well! The virgins who went out to buy oil seems to be at least a possible hint that in order to have more "oil of the Spirit" they had to buy gold refined in the fire such as in Revelation 3:18 which again COULD represent works through the "fires" of the Tribulation.

    Basically; these are eschatological issues. What we can b certain of is that FAR less than half of ANY population will be raptured.

    Even if we take at face value the Rapture as a salvation and not a reward issue; Christ made it clear that FEW are saved. There is always a believing remnant among those confessing faith; in the O.T. as well as the New. Thus; the passage in question sounds more like God taking half out for judgment; but even that is in question as only FEW will live through the whole event (one third of Israel ( Zech 13:7-9). and those of the Gentiles will be rarer than the "gold of Ophir" ( Isaiah 13:12 on how few remain in the Day of the Lord). This verse could speak of Israel's casualties, SPECIFICALLY.

    Agape; RP
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I had not heard of this verse being used to deter from gambling. I wonder how they arrive at this understanding? As far as homosexuals are concerned, I would see them, if they desire to attend a Fellowship, as those in need of help & guidance, as much as any other seeking sinner might need help. But when they are openly accepted & allowed to perform duties in the Church, then something is clearly wrong with the leadership & Church policy. Thanks for your further comments on this, brother.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Billy. By their fruit ye shall know them this isn't wealth this is spiritual I.E.

    Attitude of heart and walk love Joy Peace long-suffering meekness and

    Temperance against such there is no law. Also a requirement is renewed

    Mind Romans 12:2. Which is not just changing your mind it's putting on the

    Mind of Christ which cannot be done unless born again confessing Romans 10:9+10?. This is not done naturally it is Phil.2:13 God working in you to do

    His good will and pleasure. This requires reading and working the word daily.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Daniel. From what you've shared you need fellowship with strong mature

    Believers and think more about God's goodness and ,Romans Chapter 8:28-39

    Also other places where God talks about our deliverance in Christ. We believe

    What we have been taught be careful of who you give heed to, if it's positive and

    Lines up with God's Word go for it. Remember God loves us more than we love ourselves John 3:16 and 17. It's not just that we believe it's what we believe also.
  • Dawn - 2 years ago
    Please pray please pray that my aunt Donna my Aunt Janice will be at peace in their relationship please pray I go to my aunt Donna's house more often to visit and do overnights please pray for my pets at the house people want to hurt and kill and harm them and their God's creatures please pray for their safety and their protection please pray to my aunt Donna does not sell her house it is part of the family's house please pray that I spend more time with my cousin she's moving from Florida to Connecticut please pray that I spend more time with Donna and my cousin Amanda my case manager called 65 places there were no available openings for a bed the group home I'm living in is mentally emotionally aggressive so it's me please pray that available opening will come up in October that my aunt would get me housing from Florida that she will work with my caseworker and work on getting me houses please wait on my caseworker work and get any house and to look for a place and not give up looking for a house and that somebody will call her and has available openings please pray that I'm on the waiting list for how so please pray that I get my allowance every week to survive and live on please pray that God will forgive me my sins and God will have mercy on me and wash away all my sins that I become born again Christian that God would take away all my darkness all my sinful darkness I committed from the past since I'm going to come in in the future only God knows it since I have committed please pray that my soul that God will heal me spiritually that God will cleanse me for my sentence passing present since that God will have mercy on me and save my soul where I could be at heaven and peace with God Amen
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago

    You claim that Exodus 33:11 and Exodus 33:20 is a contradiction.

    Exodus 33:9-20. And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the CLOUDY PILLAR DESCENDED, AND STOOD AT THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE, AND THE LORD TALKED WITH MOSES.

    Paul I believe what is mentioned here is the Lord spoke to Moses "DIRECTLY" as a man speaks to his friend. He spoke to him from the cloudy pillar. Moses never saw his face. They interact as friends as Abraham interacted with the Lords angel in Genesis 18.

    I believe the emphasis in verse 11 is on the Lord spoke to Moses as a friend and directly.

    The children of Israel also saw the Cloudy pillar at the door as they did in Exodus 19:18 and Exodus 20:18-19. but they didn't speak to the Lord as Moses did.

    AND ALL THE PEOPLE SAW THE CLOUDY PILLAR STAND AT THE TABERNACLE DOOR: and all the people rose up and worshipped, every man in his tent door.

    And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

    Verses 17-20. And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.

    And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.

    And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.

    And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

    There's no contradiction here.

    God bless.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S.Spencer. Brother notice in Mathew chapter one verse one the generation

    Of Jesus Christ singular not plural the believing line then there's what you shared

    Being born by Mary with pure blood because God was the contributor in that

    Category Hebrews 2:14 He Jesus Christ took part of the same his blood was

    Sinless because the life of the flesh is in the blood Leviticus 17:11 and that life

    Came from God who created sperm in Mary.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Okay, but who was Jesus before He came to US in the flesh?

    When was the timelime of the occurrence When the Melchisedec visited Abraham ?

    Is Jesus not GOD in the flesh?

    Who was GOD speaking to in Psalms 110:1

    Do you know the Key of David?

    If you know the Key of David, one can locate in scripture Jesus referencing David's Son to the Pharisees, whom King David wrote "sits at the right hand of GOD"
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago

    God cleans house on earth and uses angels after that for Satan's binding; although it isn't clear who casts him into the lake of fire.

    Thus; in the end heaven and earth are cleaned of rebels.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I suppose we could apply the verse "judgment begins in the house of God" to this event. ( 1 Peter 4:17). Since Satan is cast out in the battle of Rev. 12:4 along with his ANGELS; then God is using the principal he does later on separating the wheat from the tares that is not fully realized until the Second coming ( Matt. 13:29). In real time; transgression comes to the full before; for instance whole NATIONS are judged. ( Gen. 15:16). God Himself calls and chooses as well as KNOWS who are His own. In that sense God creates good and evil ( Isaiah 45:7). In that context we may substitute the word calamity; such as that Job suffered as an example to test his faithfulness and God allowed Satan's will to cause these torments; but his life had to be spared. In any event; God is not the author of confusion. In due course; the rebellion occured in heaven (probably long before the earth was created or restored in Genesis in my opinion although some use the "gap theory" between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2 to explain that the earth was recreated). It would have taken some time for that many angels to rebel I would think. There would be no need for delaying their punishment as they saw heaven and God and therefore could not plead ignorance. The punishment would have been in stages from what scripture appears to say going from losing place as the "anointed cherub" described as a type of musical worship leader in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28; to be kicked out to ruling over the 2nd heaven; that is the physical universe; particularly focused on the atmosphere of the earth. Certainly at a minimum Satan has authority over the earth and mens minds; it seems from Revelation he may still be able to accuse us before the throne. His control over death keeping all under the earth (even the righteous in the paradise part of sheol); was broken after the death of Christ and Resurrection. Once the Rapture occurs; we are free to praise God unrestrained.
  • Donnie - 2 years ago
    Why does the discovery of an ancient document rekindle interest in the circumstances surrounding that document? The Dead Sea Scrolls discover in 1940s.
  • Charles M Layne - 2 years ago
    Where can I find the parable of the fig tree in the Bible?
  • Charles M Layne on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I would like to know the Biblical referemce of the parable of the fig tree ?
  • Sumanth Solomon Talluri - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I migrate to Canada in a few days.

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