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  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I just wanted to elaborate on what I said that "John got to see the future happen before it happens, while it's happening," because what I said sounds like a little Dr. Suess going on here.

    I like to use the analogy of when you watch a movie for the first time, especially where they create these moments when you're fixed on the screen, and then all of a sudden somebody jumps out and screams, and you just about have a heart attack. Or you really don't know what's going to happen and you're on pins and needles through the whole thing.

    Well, after you watch it once, and somebody says have you watched this movie? Yes I have. Well, I haven't, do you want to watch it with me? Sure, this is going to be good!

    And you're sitting there and you know exactly what's going to happen because you've seen it. It's already happened.

    If we understand this about God, we are living in the present, the now. Every second and every minute is new to us because we've never been there before. Things happen in our day. But God's already been there and it's already happened. It's a re-run to Him. He's not surprised!

    It is comforting to know that God, who is outside our time domain and space factor in which we live, but with God, He knows everything from the beginning to the end.

    But John got to see it all. John saw the future happen, before it happened, while it was happening.
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    Habakkuk 2:2-4.

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  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I hold the historical/prophetic view of the book of Revelation. I see the book of Revelation as being both historical and futuristic. I understand the seven churches in Chapters 2 and 3 were literal churches in John's day, and that the events in Chapters 4 through 22 are yet future.

    Whatever view a person takes, it must fit in with what John saw in the past. He just saw the vision of Christ, the things that are, that is, the condition of the churches in John's day, and the things that will be after the church (Chapters 4 through 22).

    It must fit into that past, present, and future scheme that the book of Revelation divides up for us.

    In Revelation 1:10, John says, " I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day."

    The phrase "I was in the Spirit," in the King James translation, Spirit is capitalized to indicate the Holy Spirit. But in the Greek text, there is no word "the." There's no definite article. And the spirit is understood to be not the Holy Spirit, but the spirit realm. And we see that throughout the book, he was caught up in spirit.

    And then he says on the Lord's day. And in the bible, Sunday is never called the Lord's day, which you also alluded to.

    The scriptures tell us that this is an OT term for the day of the Lord, or Lord's day, and it is a reference to the day of judgment.

    It is called the Lord's day in Isaiah 2:12, and Zephaniah 1:14-16. Even Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:2, he used that Jewish phrase from the Old Testament, and says that the day of the Lord is going to come as a thief in the night. But you don't have to worry because you're children of light.

    Peter also, in 2 Peter 3:10 used the same phrase as the day of judgment of God.

    When John was caught up to see the Lord's day, this period of judgment, he got to see the future happen before it happens, while it's happening. He saw everything from where he's at, all the way to the end, and what's going to happen at the end. It just hasn't happened yet for us
  • LaDean Johns - Johnson - 2 years ago
    Who was Melchezdick?
  • Sylvia - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus our Savior. I just want to thank you for breaking down the question from the Book of Revelation (the Day of the Lord). Many young Christians are not able to understand some of the writings. You have made it so clear that even a child can understand. I thank you so much. God bless and keep you well and protected. In Jesus' name.
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 7 - 2 years ago
    Commentary Rev. 7

    Chronologically; it would seem that this would be an event immediately after the seal judgments. It is entirely possible even with some overlap after the Tribulation begins that the 144,000 had already begun their ministry. We go then immediately to the great multitude of those in verse 9 and 10; and repeated in verses 13-14. This would appear to be resurrected bodies which would mean this signifies the Second Coming when they finally appear. What is not clear is whether these 144,000 were actually involved at all in witnessing to the multitude; we notice the absence of any mention of it here. What we do know is that they are given a seal of being "untouchable" much as Elijah was and will be along with the other prophet giving witness in Jerusalem at that time. The trumpet judgments destroying the earth will not affect them (verse 3). This reminds us of the angel in Ezekiel 9:4 where those who would decry the evil would be marked and preserved from destruction (also something like those who had blood on their door before the Exodus).

    Clearly Antichrist will mock this with his OWN mark either then or right after the 2 prophets are killed and resurrected. He also will imitate the works of Elijah bringing fire down from heaven; no doubt to authenticate his "divinity" and also to imitate what the 2 Prophets did.

    It seems the 144,000 may be translated; there is no doubt that they will be persecuted which could explain Matthew 25:36-40. Those who help or don't help the Jews in prison at that time will be judged accordingly as to being saved or not; as once again we have to remember the sixth seal will mean any declaration of Jesus being Lord is moot; as all will KNOW that God and the Son are in heaven and starting wrath. If the wicked know certainly the righteous will. This is more like Christ when he went to free the captives in sheol; it is a declaration of victory over the grave to those imprisoned there; man; angels and nephilim.
  • Willie milton - 2 years ago
    Was the prophet Isaiah married when he went into the prophetess?
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ok. Anthony, Thanks for informing me. I was wondering what was triggering the breathing problems. My son has bad anxiety at times and also has trouble breathing properly. Keep me posted whenever you are having an anxiety attack so I can pray for you.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello May, I am doing well. Thank you for asking. How are you?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Colossians 4 - 2 years ago
    Hello Marcus,

    You can find biographical information on Marcus, mentioned in 1 Peter by asking the question, "Who was Marcus in the Bible?"

    I suggest you read from the Christian sites that explain who he was.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    Hi Delilah,

    I, too, believe that the angels were created before the creation of the physical universe. I think that God created the spiritual "universe" first. It says in the Word that the sons of god (angels) rejoiced with God when He created the earth, singing with joy. (can't find the Scripture right now). The rebellion and fall of Satan and the other angels happened after the physical universe was created, I believe, but before creatures and humans were created

    Jesus said that the angels do not marry in heaven. So, in that realm, which is wholly spiritual, there is no marriage nor procreation. Angels are God's messengers, protectors of humans, warring against evil angels and forces, and praisers of God. They do not accept any worship for themselves, nor do anything other than what God's will is for them to do.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What was it that the Church of Smyrna, and Philadelphia wrote that Christ found pleasing, and no fault with, that the other Churches did not?
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Not sure am understanding the first question, but Revelation 12 does mention past events, it refers to the birth of this 2nd world age i.e 12: 1-12. IN HEAVEN. (Woman, Child, and Dragon.) [Satan's First Rebellion]

    The events are not consecutive throughout but it doesn't interfere with the study.

    And In reference to the latter part of your comment :So to be clear, Christ return's just (after) the five month tribulation, thus ending this dispensation of time, whereby beginning the first day of the millennium, the 3rd world age (The Lords Day) where John was taken to in spirit in verse 10 where he is told to write it and send it.

    The events leading up to The Lords Day (or) just before, are written of in the Book of Joel.

    Joel's prophecy, No references are made to time, because it looks onward to the time of the end, and the events that will usher in "the Day of the Lord".
  • Coralee J Macdonald - 2 years ago
    Was wondering if anyone has heard of the book der messia the book I have is a first edition from 1749 by Carl Hermann.Im wondering if it has ever been translated more than once.Its in German( fraktur)?
  • Marcus on Colossians 4 - 2 years ago
    Who was marcus
  • Daniel Albert - 2 years ago
    I'm constantly blamed for being deceived and led down evil paths. I'm blamed for the choices I made while being under the influence of drugs and alcohol and more wickedly hypnosis. There are also very powerful and elite cults that use channeling and the deception of one mind joined in satanic and wicked ways; they have encouraged me and influenced me to go down paths that were all far from Jesus and Gods word, but every time I would realize what is happening it was usually to late. This even more so now that I've completely turned to Jesus my accounts are always under attack my phones and I'm under constant attack around every corner or street I go down to try to silence and destroy my testimony for the Lord.. Glory be to Jesus and blessings to the one and only true God our Father the creator has protected me and watched over me every step. Now I can't use my phone and my new job is using the entire factory to try and run me off. They think its me causing all these things to happen and don't see what they are doing. I've accepted what I did and and I'm a very wicked and lost soul who has done more wrongs than I ever can rights. Jesus has me and saved me once again this time I've been completely delivered from the sins that once defiled and destroyed me not all sins of course I am a man and do have to pray daily for forgiveness. Nothing can take me from the Lord unless Jesus allows it I'm ready to see my Lords face. I'm far more terrified of Jesus and Our Father Creator than anything in or of this wicked world we live in anyone interested follow my story and my life put the pieces together and always give Jesus the Praise And blessings to Father God in Heaven amen. Proverbs Chapter 28

    16 The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.

    17 A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.

    18 Whoso walket
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Spartacus. When you look up the lord's day or day of the lord the context is

    Always when he's either returning for the church or His personal appearing in

    The appearing or revelation of Jesus Christ. The first appearing he does not

    Touch down in thessalonians but we meet Him in the air. The second one he

    Does to judge mankind revelation. In 1Corinthians 4:3 Paul talks about being

    Judged by man's judgement that is who does the judging in courts around the

    World, another way of putting it is man's day. There are things in the book of

    Revelation that have already occurred. Revelation 12:1-6 have already happened.
  • May - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi GiGi

    How are you? Thank you for the prayers sis. Sorry I was not able to reply to you right away.

    God bless you!
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    To be more clear on my first statement. If a brother is in need of help and you have it and turn him away, whether you're gambling or not it's a sin. So that actually may not make gambling a sin but it put something ahead of doing what is right to do.

    1 John 3:17-18. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

    My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
  • Archaeological digs at Bible Sites - In Reply on 2 Peter 3 - 2 years ago
    I recently viewed a program with an archaeologist who has been hunting for remains of Sodom and Gomorrah. He's found artifacts, coins, etc. but he found no walls.

    He was really at a loss to find the proof__until he waded out into the water nearby. He found bits of sulphur that had cooled when it hit the water. He searched the dry land and found melted sulphur in "disks" all over those 2 places; in varying sizes.

    He's a believer in God. He said, it seemed that the cities were not just set on fire. They had sulphur fire poured on them. He figured how hot it would have to be to melt the sulphur. People in those cities died instantly.

    He showed with his camera, possible remains. The landscape doesn't work with ancient maps. Residents in the area, say those ARE the sites of those 2 cities.

    The man panned his camera all around sites of heaps that may have been walls. The melted sulphur was everywhere. Enough for everybody to carry a souvenir in their pockets. WOW!

    Also, archaeologists cannot find the Garden of Eden. According to scripture locations of the 3 rivers in the current area; only one river is found. I think the Tigris.

    We'll find out what happened one day__those who choose Jesus Christ as Savior, and make Heaven their permanent home.

    The book of Revelation 22, scripture shows the Ark of the Covenant resides there. As does the Tree of Life.

    Whatever is in the Temple in Israel, is not the original Ark of the Covenant.

    I thought you'd be interested in these facts. As they say, Knowledge with evidence is powerful. The Ark will be brought back when the Lamb of God fights Antichrist's Army at Armageddon. We will be with Jesus.

    I believe the Ark will be opened, and all of Antichrist's army will fall dead. There will be great rejoicing everywhere. The Antichrist, False Prophet, Beast will be delivered to hell. Satan will be chained for 1000 years.

    Hallelujah to our King!! Jesus!
  • Spartacus - 2 years ago
    A question for anyone and everyone regarding the book of Revelation . An elderly brother in my congregation told me this and I'm interested to know what others think . Firstly , none of Revelation refers to things that happened before this revelation was given to John , verse one states : things which must shortly come to pass . Secondly when John says in verse ten : I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day , John is not referring to a Sunday but to The Day that we're all waiting for , the day of Christ's return and thirdly that as it is a day , that it's all about things that will happen in the one thousand years just before Christ returns , as one day is as a thousand years to God , and Christ returns at the end of this last day . Lots to think about there , what do you think ? All answers will be read and appreciated , though if I get lots I may not be able to reply to them all , thanks .
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    Hi Gloria.

    I never had an interest in gambling.

    Thanks for this question because it brought on some answers I never considered such as it being done for just entertainment.

    I see nothing wrong with that other than if it becomes a habit and you see a brother in need and you are able to help but you turn him away so you can support that habit, then I believe that that gambling/habit becomes a sin.

    I can also see a scenario where you have a need met by an answered prayer and the Lord persuades you to gamble as a possibility. "You would probably know by the results".

    And there is those who lust after wealth and have an uncontrollable desire that can cause anything he or she desires for to be a sin. So it's the intent in the heart is where the sin lies.

    Here's where it gets tricky.

    So if God does persuade one to gamble and we apply Romans 14:23.

    " And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN."

    If you do it and look at it as a gamble, Is that not doubt?

    If you do it and have faith in God and meeting the need, Is that really a gamble?

    What happens if God persuade you to do it and you don't. Isn't that sin?

    It's tough to know! We can make anything a gamble by placing doubt in front of it.

    God bless.
  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris. The difference was in their minds between chapter two in fellowship

    With God being naked and no fear, and in chapter 3 after the downfall hiding

    Themselves being afraid of God. First state total peace, second state in terror

    Because of sin conscienceless they knew they did wrong. Last point the bible is God's word and in Genesis 2:25 they were both naked before the fall and this is

    God's word giving their state and they were not ashamed still pure in thought.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Proverbs 15 - 2 years ago

    continued for our sins and sent to hell. Jesus' work of a sinless life, dying in our place on the cross, and resurrection from the death overcame all of the results of sin entering into humanity since the very beginning of time with Adam and Eve. He overcame death, hell, the grave, sin, the devil, and the corruption of sin for us.

    Salvation also saves us to having eternal life after we die. It saves us to come to know God in a loving relationship that lasts forever. It saves us to a life filled with grace that empowers us to believe these things about Jesus and in Him and gives us the strength to live a godly life instead of always giving into sin because our human nature is so severely weakened by sin that we were enslaved to sin. Salvation breaks the hold of sin on us and causes us to no longer serve sin in our lives, but to instead love righteousness and what is godly, desiring to live obediently to God out of love and faith in Him. Salvation saves us to be in communion with the Godhead-which is the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirt, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each person who believes the Gospel of what Jesus did and Who He is.

    The Holy Spirit brings to each believer the grace to believe the Gospel message concerning Jesus, causes one to be born anew in a spiritual way that enlivens the spirit within us that was dead due to sin. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us by cleansing us from sin because Jesus shed His blood to allow us to be cleansed by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us and He helps us overcome temptation to sin. His presence in believers means that God is always with us all the time, never leaving us nor forsaking us.

    So, Noah, if you come to believe all of this then know that God has saved you! We do not save ourselves. It is the work of God from start to finish. It is by grace, not by works we do. It is a gift we accept without earning it in any way. We just receive it when we believe the Gospel message of Jesus.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Henry for that explanation, however I looked at Genesis 2:25 & Genesis 3:7-10 again and couldn't find where God said that they were naked. I agree with A & E being sinless in chapter 2 but the comment that their nakedness alluded to their sinlessness & had nothing to do with their state of undress, seemed to go beyond the intent of the relevant Scriptures.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    Helo George

    Angels do not have a sex, male or female. But in both Hebrew (malak) and Greek (angelos) those nouns are of masculine gender. So this is probably the reason they are presented as males in the Bible.. In both Hbr and Grk this word means messenger.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Proverbs 15 - 2 years ago
    Hi Noah,

    So glad you are desiring to be saved. Please go to the link that Adam posted on his post. That should help you in finding the way of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    As humans, we are all sinful, being disobedient towards God. Sin separates us from God who is totally holy and pure. If one desires to be reconciled to God, then their sins need to be removed somehow so that we can have fellowship with God, Who is our Maker and is sovereign over each of us and all things. Humans are unable to remove their own sins nor the sins of others because none of us are free from sin, thus being impure.

    But, praise be to God, He has secured our salvation and the removal of our sins through sending the Son of God to us by taking upon Himself humanity while still remaining fully God. Thus the Son, Jesus, lived a perfect life without sinning ever. He came to bear the sins of the world on Himself and be put to death for all of our sins on the cross. In doing this, He brought forgiveness of sins because He paid the just penalty for all of the sins of the world (which was God's wrath upon Him unto death).

    After dying, Jesus was put in a tomb and was dead for three days. Then, on the morning of the third day, He arose from the dead, just as He had said He would. His rising from the dead brought justification for all of us so that God the Father would see us as righteous and sinless as Jesus was in His earthly life. We receive His righteousness from Him. This is the only way anyone can be made right with God and have eternal life with Him. This is what salvation is all about, being saved from the just punishment for our own sins, being forgiven of these sins so that we will not longer be held accountable for any of them. Salvation through Jesus Christ saves us from the evil works of the devil and from the hold of death. We will live again after we die and the devil cannot claim us for deserving hell because we are completely forgiven and redeemed (bought back) from being judged
  • Jesse - In Reply on Philippians 1 - 2 years ago

    Henry has given you a good breakdown of Philippians Chapter 1, emphasizing the main thing Paul was concerned with was that Christ was preached. If you are looking for help on just Philippians 1:18, here's what I can share with you. Philippians 1:18 which says, What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

    The word rejoice means to be satisfied. Obviously, Paul's not happy that people are coming between him and other people, and there's a division happening in the fellowship in the body of Christ. But he must be satisfied with it all because in the midst of it all, Christ is being preached. And with all the things that are wrong about what these other people are doing, Christ is being preached!

    So Paul says that's my satisfaction. That also saves him from growing bitter against those who are treating him unjustly, and it allows him to keep the fellowship, the unity of the fellowship in the bond of peace.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Psalms 11 - 2 years ago
    Hi MacKenzie.

    Welcome to the site and on behalf of the admins. You're welcome.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Philippians 1 - 2 years ago

    We stated Mishael!!

    God bless you.

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