All Discussion PAGE 893

  • Henry - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Darmin07. A spiritual leader is known by their fruit and over time walking

    By the spirit this all comes out. Remember signs miracles and wonders

    Follow those that believe also those who have exercised their minds and

    Hearts according to God's Word to discern God from evil.
  • Henry - In Reply on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    Gloria. Another question is what the purpose or motive in the time or thinking

    If it were Godly you would win to meet a specific need and the exact amt. Like

    When Jesus prayed a fed a multitude with a few fish and bread and it was

    Enough to meet immediate need. Not judging just an observation.
  • Henry - In Reply on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    Jesse. I know of a few Christian's that were told of persuaded by the spirit

    To wager a certain way to pay off debts and they received the exact amt.

    They needed. That is meeting a need other than that I don't see it Scripturally

    Being right. P.S. those believers never did it again.
  • Naomi on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Looking for five things lord jesus must do and scripture refrence
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God enriched Cindy with comfort, peace and prosperity that she will be a testimony in and through this adversity. Please Holy Spirit guide her in biblical scriptures of encouragement, peace and to keep her eye's focus on You, The Divine God head I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!!

    Please consider reflecting on: Psalms 91, Matthew 6:33-34, Philippians 4:12-13, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Psalms 55:22, Psalms 34 and Isaiah 41:10-13.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Gloria we should not visit Gamblins Halls..or Casinos....Or sports bettings ...Remember what PAUL said i have suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung that i might win Christ.... Rev. 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that you might be rich and white raiment that you might be clothed....Thats the shame of your nakedness not appear.

    ......God sees our evil nakedness when we go a whoring after money or materialistic things....Our affections should be on Heavenly things not on Earthy things....Where your heart is there will be your treasure be also....Our treasure is the H.G the gift of God a heavenly gift...I rebuke the Devil and his materialistic things and also his loads of Money ..Godliness with contentment is much Gain ...But todays preachers are preaching gain is Godliness and money is Ministry...From such turn away..Paul
  • Fred - 2 years ago
    A faithful servant is a steward of the things of the kingdom. He must be wise, hard working, doing the will of the master. He must understand what the law is and how to apply it in the strictest sense. How the law will convict the heart of sin, while proclaiming the forgiveness of this sin through faith in Christ. These studies of the word of God are a responsibility we do not take lightly. Called into the things that apply to salvation and eternal life!

    If you feel the law convict you in His sermon, applying the forgiveness of sin, then you can say without hesitation , that He is a true steward of the kingdom of God!
  • Delilah - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God grant your request .
  • Janes Bedsworth - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you

    I suggest two other books are so important to read. Dinesh D'Souza wrote "What is So Great About Christianity." He brings the strong intellectual material that is important for the serious Bible student to know and comprehend. Dinesh is an Indian who is American Citizens. He was framaed and targeted by White House to use the the Department of Justice to wrongfully to convict him because of all of his important books he has written. America should be deeply appreciative of his gargantuan work to teach that Americans the Precious Foundations that gave us the great nation status.He has been on of the most important forces to explain what was America we are seeing destroyed by Atheism, Post Modernism, and Political Left Marxism.

    One book that is making Catholic Church defense. The discussion and understanding of the terribly false view of the Christian Crusades is an important to read. Even the Christian Church masses has let the false interpretation of this era be accepted as a blight on Christianty. It is very helpful to get a correct understanding. Henry Kamen's knowledge and writings of this time in Spain is very important to know. The repeat again and again that this was where Christians killing Non Christians is just non sense. "Christianity on Trial: Arguments Against Anti-Religious Bigoptry" by Vincent Carroll & David Shiplett

    Have more but enough for now.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Lisa C, Jesus said in Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

    So, if you want financial blessings, live according to His will, which includes tithing your money, and He will give it back to you. You cannot out-give God. He will also give you spiritual treasures such as answered prayers, healings, and understanding of the Word that are far more blessed than monetary gain.
  • Darmin07 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Novice believers are on a church board or in leadership without be rooted in the word of God. Sure they are reading their Bibles but they are not there yet That is why I asked that question..
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree yet only got to tell him very little before he blocked me. Christ death & resurrection was for ALL. (All meaning All ) I just pray he continues reading Gods word and learning the truth. it was on youtube not on this site.
  • Ronnette (GTG - Glory To God) - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Gigi:

    I prayed for you and your son as well. God knows the timing of all things. You are correct about the book of job. There is a great reason why Job is in the Bible. When you said there is depression involved. I am not a doctor but I research a lot with my nurse friend how to live heathy. We found out that some of the processed food we eat gets our body chemically imbalance and sick. I know and experience it for a fact. You can see it in your blood test with the right doctor to test it for you. Once you know, you may want to use a homeopathic remedy supplements. Try to find a refutable Holistic Doctor. Most of these doctors got away from practicing regular certified doctor because they had a close family near death experiences as a result of a wrongful practice of our health system. I have to share this knowledge to you and every Christian that reads this post. I am not against people who work in medical and pharmaceuticals industries. I am against all evil act from that practice. So I decided to take it in my own vigilance way, which I think FDA is not doing their job, to find an honest and Bible believing doctors. Anyhow, if there is any consolation to this post, I thought I share you this important way of life I found very helpful. I eat all natural produce. I wash them with baking soda for any impurities and fertilizers if it is not organic. Organic produce is a choice but it can be too expensive.? Grass finished is the best for cows. I actually just found out that it is better to drink distilled water as well. So with lots of reading Bible and making it my daily bread for my soul, I try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and take natural ingredients supplements. In conclusion, we have to trust God first and foremost and next best thing is to share knowledge that works towards others because we honestly care and love the saints. I hope that helps you. My prayers will continue for you until we see progress here on earth. GTG.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks so much for your input I greatly appreciate it yet he has since blocked me. I pray he reads all this however. God bless
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    thank you and may the Lord richly Bless you, please remember Kristie and I
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    Working for the rich has its benefits , but along with these benefits , come responsibilities.

    Watching over the property, making sure that the bills are payed, keeping those who perform the maintenance are keeping and doing the work.

    Even with all these things, a steward must be aware who is watching. Those who might benefit from His discrepancies, taking His job from Him ,if only with a rumor, it would behoove the master of the house to investigate from such rumor.

    Placing blame, revealing the goods that ALL have been benefiting from.

    As the world fills its silos, canning the oil, we ALL know that someone has dropped the dime, that may take us all down.

    It would be the call too the steward who is responsible! He will be held responsible, this steward we have had confidence in that He would do what is right!

    He will come, and He will make the decision on how much we owe! He will trust us to tell Him the truth, as He knows that His days may be numbered, that His job is at stake!

    We hear that He is on His way, this supposed one who must cover the cost of using the fields and pressing the oils from His tree's that are His, the Rich man's property.

    Even so, their is something certain about this rich man, Certain in He is a benevolent man, a man who forgives enough that we ALL benefit!

    If for only half the amount owed, The steward shall remain, and we will only pay half of what we owe!

    The question then remains, what about the other half! When shall that half be payed?

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Blackfoot - In Reply on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    Great post Henry . I don't think Christians should gamble . We are to trust in God to provide for our daily needs , remember when the Israelites wandered the desert ? God provided everything they could possibly need . We are like those Israelites now , wandering in the wilderness waiting for God to bring us into His Kingdom . We must trust in Him to care for us and if we don't always get what we want we have to trust that God has witholden something from us for our own good .
  • Delilah - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I guess Adam was aware of his sin and tried to cover it with vegetation but we know that that won't cover sin , as we read about Cains unacceptable offering of vegetation . So when Adam was naked and sinless he had no need to cover his private area , then when he had sinned he felt shame , the shame came from his consciousness of sin ( breaking the law that God had given him ) and he tried to hide his shame with vegetation but blood is needed to cover sin so God killed an animal and provided a covering for Adams sin , this points to Christ , he is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world . I hadn't thought of it the way Richard Cain had put it either so I just followed his post with my own train of thought and that's what occurred to me so I posted it . Christ is our garment that hides our sin from God because God can't look upon sin . Christ is our covering , he is the hen gathering his chicks under his wings to hide/cover our sin from God's eyes . God gave Adam a law and he broke it and was punished for breaking it , we are not under the law we are under Christ's wings , he is covering / hiding our sins from God's eyes . An interesting comment Richard , thankyou for that new take on Adam and sin etc . I hope you don't mind me interjecting .
  • GEORGE KING on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    We have heard and read of the names of so many male angels.

    Has there ever been a female angel? If no, why not?
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's right, Luke did write about parts which are relative to Paul's three fold ministry in The Book of Acts, along with Peter, John's and also Stephen, and Philip's; rightly called "The Acts of the Apostles"

    Thank you!

    The book is a record of the Acts of the Holy Spirit through witnesses chosen before of God
  • LaDale Phillips on James 1 - 2 years ago
    Love jesus
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father we thank you for your son Jesus the one and only Christ. Lord I ask that you be with Daniel, his brothers and sisters (biological & Christian ones as well) Lord put your arm around him giving him complete comfort & the strength to stand strong in the presence of the enemy that he can resist evil & as he searches your word daily he become aware of the truth Lord. In Jesus Holy name I pray amen.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Mishael,

    I know how to fast. God has called me to fast on many occasions.

    Thanks for the info, though. And especially, thank you for praying for my sons. There is certainly a battle for their souls going on. It started in 2000 during a time when the Holy Spirit was directing me in some very serious ways as to what to say and do in the church situation we were in at the time. Much fasting and prayer. So, my kids were targeted by the enemy and they have suffered from this for 22 years. It is a long battle, but I keep on contending for them. They were given to my husband and I to be saved by the gospel message of Jesus. God will have His way in this matter, but it seems that perseverance in faith and prayer is asked of us. I look forward to the day when God restores all that the enemy has taken from my sons and our family during this time period.

    Like, Job, God will not allow any of us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. And, like, Job, being faithful and refusing to give up our trust in God is what we are to do as we wait for God to bring our sons back to Him in faith and gives them soundness of mind, soul, and spirit. I do not understand why He is taking so long to do this, but i trust that He will, indeed, return these prodigals back to Him and bring blessing upon blessing upon them.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord Daniel Albert has hit a home run in what all should be praying for daily, these days. *Heavenly Father thank you for your son Jesus, your love, forgiveness, grace, protection, & guidance Lord as well as keeping us safe from anything that keeps us from reaching to you for all the wickedness satan and his minions throw our way. Let us all come to an agreement for the strength from the Holy Spirit showing us your will for us making/keeping us stronger in your word so we will stand in strong in your now and be in your presence in heaven soon because we excepted Christ as our Lord and Savior having Him in our hearts. As well as Loving you with all our being..heart, mind & soul. In Jesus name I pray these things, Amen, amen & amen!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Tho I do not have verses memorized as I pray for those in need anyone that truly knows the bible Lord should know the jist yet not word for word. I pray they understand prayer is from the heart trying to help those in need. *Thank you Heavenly Father for your son Jesus. Lord we are all sinner and fall short now and then. Lord you know well The tongue is the hardest thing to tame especially when we are angered or if we are around others that it doesn't bother. Making us feel is is okay in saying a foul word in their presence. Yet Lord because you are with us always and hear all, even in our silence, I ask that you remind her, just before she opens her mouth to speak, & giving her strength to say things without cursing or fowl mouthing other, especially when fixen to speak around those that are not as Christian as she is trying to be. So Lord I ask that you be with Gladys to strengthen her and cause her to loose the ability to say things that she normally wouldn't say as if you are standing next to her. Thank you for all you have done in her life and continue to do, In your sons mighty name I pray Amen!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    *Thank you Heavenly Father for your son Jesus for without Him we wouldn't be able to forgive so easily. Karl has already done that so now Lord I ask that you continue comforting him and fill his wife with your love and forgiveness as well bringing her back to him keeping them both safe in your arms. Upon her return Lord be with them keeping you in their hearts.

    Restore the marriage to it's fullest sending a legend of Angels to protect them both from any evil satan is filling her heart with. Lord fill both their hearts with the Holy Spirit and your word keeping them from any further evil. Lord the fact he has already forgiven his wife show tremendous love, strength and courage on his behalf yet I pray he keeps that love, strength & courage in his life always, in always & always!!! I pray these things in Jesus name Amen! my prayers with be with you daily
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Heavenly Father for your son Jesus. Yur daughter Cindy is in the same boat as I. Lord we're in dire need of your endless love and strength for our children & grandchildren so they keep their Faith trusting in you and you alone Lord. ppl turn away from you when they get weak because this world is so evil and it seems easier, at the time, to cave into evil and slip thru the cracks. Lord, oh Lord don't let that happen to her the children around her. Very few ppl pray these days so the fact that she is asking for prayer shows how much she loves and wants the best for them. The best is you! Hold & comfort them and keep their eyes open to the truth. I pray these things in the precious name of your son Jesus, Thank you for all you have done and continue to do, Amen! Cindy, I am a mom & gma myself and believe me I can tell you..oh how hard it is. it took 17 yrs for my satanic son to see the light! So know with all the strength in your heart God will never leave nor forsake y'all. His will be done. We don't understand why, how or when things will be better yet know with all your heart He will turn evil and our pain to good. Suffering makes us stronger and teaches us to be the person He made us to be for His glory. If we were handed everything we would not learn. Why most rich ppl have their mansion now cuz they won't in heaven unless they repent. God bless, & be with y'all always, your sister in Christ, Texsis
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Richard. Genesis 3:7-10 seem to indicate that Adam & Eve knew they were naked & when God called out to them, it was Adam (not God) who said that he was naked. If 'naked' means 'without sin' as you suggest, was Adam actually telling God that he was hiding from Him because he was sinless? This gets confusing.
  • Cindy A - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord:

    I am your child and in need of financial miracle. This is an emergency situation. I have been in debt for 2 years due to someone who i thought was a God fearing person. Due to her wickedness by debt burden is now in crisis. I have no family support so is only you Lord can help me.

    I know i have fallen very short and not even suitable to eat the crumbs from your table but i know that you are a God of justice and a deliverer in times of need. Thank you Lord.

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