All Discussion PAGE 916

  • Scott shafer - 2 years ago
    Melissa Faye s. Needs a good paying job to keep her home and needs salvation too!
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God protect Nolan and Holy Spirit guide Nolan to the church and organizations that will help. Please Holy Spirit Nolan with Your spiritual gifts that Nolan will have comfort I pray in Jesus Christ name!!

    Please consider reflecting on these Bible scriptures and chapters Psalms 46, Psalms 91, Psalms 139, Matthew 6:33-34, Romans 12, 2 Timothy 2:1, and Ephesians 6:12-20 and 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.
  • Rose Garland on Luke 17 - 2 years ago
    I don't believe in the pre-trib "rapture". I believe the believers are going to be here during the 7 years of tribulation. At the time of Christ's second coming, is when the dead and the living believers will be taken up in the clouds.

    However, I don't understand verses 34-36.
  • Adam - In Reply on 2 Peter 1 - 2 years ago
    Let's see what else God's Word has to say in regards to your snarky comment against Jesus.

    A few verses before in 2 Peter 1:11 it says "Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." Do you believe Jesus is your Lord and Savior?

    Do you know what "Lord" means?

    The same old straw man fallacy shows up again that God the Son isn't God the Father, but no one is claiming that. This attack on Jesus is repeated so much it seems to fall into the disingenuous and lie territory.

    God is powerful enough to do what you don't comprehend as a man. Whether you comprehend that or not doesn't change reality or the truth. The Bible says that in John 1 the 'word was God' and was there at the beginning, so do you believe it?

    More of God's truth about God:

    Luke 4:34 - "Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God."

    Luke 4:12 after satan put Jesus to the test Jesus says "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

    Isaiah 7:14 - Jesus is called Immanuel which means "God with us"

    Isaiah 42:5 "Thus saith God the LORD..."

    Isaiah 42:8 "I am the LORD: that is my name..."

    Hebrews 1:8 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom."


    Colossians 2:9

    Acts 17:29

    Romans 1:20

    John 1:18

    God is we and us plural:

    Genesis 1:26

    If the Bible flat out said Jesus is God like it does would you believe it?

    Where are the verses that say Jesus isn't God the Son? (none)

    Where are the verses saying Jesus IS God the Son (above, numerous)

    And where are the verses where Jesus verbally denied being God? (none)

    "I AM" John 8:56-59

    John 10:30

    John 8:19

    Philippians 2:5-8

    2 Corinthians 5:19

    John 1:3

    Matthew 28:19

    1 Peter 1:2

    2 Corinthians 13:14

    Deuteronomy 6:4

    John 14:10

    John 20:28

    1 John 2:22-24

    Matthew 1:23-25

    Colossians 2:9

    Acts 17:29

    Romans 1:20

    Isaiah 7:14

    Hebrews 1:8

    Isaiah 44:6

    Isaiah 43:11

    John 17:5

    John 17:21
  • Jaime scott - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'll be praying you find a Spirit filled church brother!! And you are baptized soon!!
  • Jaime Scott - 2 years ago
    Please pray for strength and courage to quit vaping. For my eyes to be opened to Deception and lies. I'm a teacher at a Christian school and I need prayer for this next school year and for the children I'm over. I want them to know Jesus and I pray I can direct them and be a vessel that leads them to Him. Thank you!
  • Jesse - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago

    The answer is yes, those who are raptured will not see physical death. So, if the rapture happens during our lifetime, we will not see physical death. Hebrews 9:27 does not fit with 1 Thessalonians 4:17. If we think about it, and if we had to wait for every person to physically die first, there would never be a rapture because someone is being born every day.
  • Dr. Bill Tobin on Proverbs 17 - 2 years ago
    Dear Friends,

    When is Church discipline needed for a born again believer in a fundamental Christian Baptist Church; Scripturally speaking?

    Thanking you in advance, Bill
  • Nolan Karma - 2 years ago
    I don't feel safe or at home anywhere with a single human being on the planet. My family abused me and then abandoned me and I feel like a lost orphan in need of a new home of actually safe loving welcoming people who are willing to give deeply to me who is severely I'll spiritually mentally emotionally. Need prayers to find a safe home and safe community and get the depth of help and support I need to endure this horribly difficult and dark time. Thank you
  • OurLordandSaviourJeusChrist - 2 years ago
    Hail Mary Prayer for myself and us all now and at the hour of our death, AMEN!

    Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. the blessed are thoutght among women and blessed ist thein fruit of thy womb Jesus Christ. Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen!

    In confession,

    Father, I do not not believe I have ever broken Your LAWS and committed such beyond note intra-spectoral atrocity and sin. I pray off and out of my soul, my spirit, my ghost, and my body, in the name of the Father, the Son, the holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit, AMEN! ....all the wrong-doing I have ever done, everything bad I have ever done, all in-exchange for and of serving you, almighty God, your Father, my Father from nothing - return - restart if something goes wrong, already in progress, including any transgression of the LAWs of God and Country and Mankind, forego it not to see to it that i hope i never ever again violate you! Heavenly Father, when it is time, take me then, now! But please, make it not to hurt!

    For my myself, and all and my family in all ways, you too Dad and Mom and family, I also prayed for, and all persons, places, and things, too all the same I pray next time, WITHOUT HINDRANCE ERROR OR MISTAKE, to be your NEW STUFF ACTUAL Son of God, Jesus Christ Immanuel, the Lord is with Us. Amen. LW&TW&E&T&LRG&RIP A "Scott Philip Milano" who writes, as was Biblical. AMEN.
  • Username - 2 years ago
    Hello, my name is Robert Carlos Lebo, pray I get stronger in the faith. I also pray I will be baptized soon at a Holy Spirit filled church. Pray for my guidance from the Lord for he is coming back soon! Hallelujah. Also pray for my family to soften their hearts and turned to the Lord.


    - Robert Lebo
  • Nats - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No not always catholics made it up . Apostles didn't believe it catholics brought it in after all witnesses who saw and heard Jesus were dead . We make big mistake believing same things as catholics do . Roman catholics are the whore of babylon their doctrines are poison to true Christians . Devil is sneaky tells a little truth with many lies he did that to Eve and does it to us beware ! I dont go by what lots of people believe lots of people don't think or read for themselves . Not to offend you sorry .
  • OurLordandSaviourJeusChrist - 2 years ago
    I think several NEW elements have been added-into the Biblical world, including the Jedas and Judas -Christo "sects".
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    good morning everyone!!!

    please pray for my family and I, for the Lord has given us another

    day to repent our sins and to get closer to Him!!

    The days will be shortened as the Almighty God says it will be for the Elect's sake!!

    Dear Lord, give all Your children the strength to carry on Your work today, tomorrow

    and forever!!!

    Bring us Your words, Your wisdom, Your divine grace, Your mercy upon our hearts, minds and souls!!

    There is nothing but You, Oh Lord above in the Heavens, that can ever take us from Your love,

    for You loved us first!!!

    We pray for all peoples, great and small to share our Lord's words with the whole world

    as it should be!!

    Please Lord, we ask for You to open Your store house for rain!!

    Water is life, Your word is life,You are our life everlasting!!!

    On that Great Day, all who will see you will bow to You for You are the King of Kings,

    ans Lord of Lords!!! May we as Your Creation be worthy of You!!!! In Jesus's name i pray, Amen!!!!!
  • D W L on 2 Peter 1 - 2 years ago
    2 Peter 1:17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Was Jesus a ventriloquist or is he the Son of God? I'm convinced Jesus is the Son of God)
  • Steven - 2 years ago
    My mother never wanted me to be born: she did not love a son; she wanted a daughter who she loved and controlled. As for me, she beat, chocked and pushed me down the steps. She cheated on my father many times; when he found out, she beat me to get back at him. This was my life from as far back as I can remember. I told my father one day what was going on, he said he would talk to her. Then she beat me more. Then she left my father and me when I was 18. Thought out the years that followed I tried to resolve issues with her but she still tried to control my life and my wife. Then came the letter where she told me she was in a time of her life where she did not need a son and sent back baby photos.


    How can I honor them, I have forgiven then, is that enough?
  • Joe - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Cheryl: I believe these 2 verses will answer your question

    Mathew 22:30

    For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

    Mark 12:25

    For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.
  • Makram Attalla - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Even without talking evil or denying him loudly, just denying the Holy spirit presince in our life is blasphemies.

    The Holly spirit guides us to do and to say the right things, it doesn't matter if you are believer or not, denying this inner sound in our life (the sound of God) is blaspheming.
  • Theresa on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    I've often wondered how you square 1 thess 4:17 with Hebrews 9:27.

    Is it that living, raptured believers will escape physical death?

  • Luke - In Reply on Matthew 12 - 2 years ago
    Guy's, this is a tricky one, and cognate's are relevant when rightly dividing the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15,

    One must be aware of what happens in the end times, and use of different phrases to describe or indentify said events such as "The Hour of Temptation" (The Great Tribulation) often times referred to as "in that hour" or "the same hour",, God's not going to allow unforgiveness to be easy,,,

    Read Luke 12:8-12 this only takes place during a certain time by certain chosen people.

    Here in v10 the use of cognate am referring to; And whosoever shall speak a word against/TO the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against/TO THE Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven.

    12 For THE Holy Spirit will teach you in the (same hour) what ye should say."

    This only happens during the HOUR of Temptation, (The Great Tribulation) by certain chosen people being delivered up unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and authorities.
  • Naz Williams on 2 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    Yes, I enjoyed reading the commentary on 2Cor. 7. Can you speak and explain filthiness of the spirit more for me please?
  • RevJoe - In Reply on Matthew 12 - 2 years ago
    Thats absolutely true.... we ought to watch our utterances carefully in our walk with Christ. He's our ''ROLE MODEL'' in life! God bless u soo much.
  • David - 2 years ago
    remember my family and me in your prayers today please
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    Christ comes to the pool!

    The five porches that lead down into the water of healing! He stops, and considers those who are watching Him as He stands considering the souls waiting. Souls waiting for the water that will move and heal those who enter first! How God works, even while they wait and watch, unaware that He who can do all things, is standing before them!

    One is there, who has been waiting a long time! 38 long years, unable to walk, when the water moves they run over Him!

    Jesus knows who is there, He knows who has been waiting the longest, He knows whom He shall heal!

    These are the condions of the heart our Lord looks for!

    A heart waiting, a heart longing, a heart looking for help!

    Is this your condition? Are you watching and waiting! Or, are you sitting, and debating, to stay or go! No longer waiting for movement of water? No longer waiting for this Holy Spirit? No longer waiting for the spring that flows unto eternal life!

    If you stay, you will see what He can do! You will see the healing of Him who has been waiting the longest! Now hear Him as He says take up your bed and walk! You cannot see the eyes of those who sit and watch, saying, how can these things be?

    You will see what it means to wait! You will see what it means too hope! You will see what it means to forgive!

    This one sees you waiting at the pool, waiting to heal you. Waiting to forgive you!

    Repent and be baptized
  • Joykamuyu - In Reply on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    true God is good
  • Free - In Reply on Matthew 19:23 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Abigail Watts" i see that you have not received a reply for several days. It is correct to understand that only adultery can justify remarriage. If it is important to a person. Now this applies to the husband.

    Join me on a little journey in God's word. Jesus says several times that He is one with the Father, example John 17. Actually, you get your answer there. We are also one with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

    We have a Father God, (and a husband Jesus). So when we are unmarried, for example, when we meet Jesus we become one with Him as a spouse would become. And we become one with Him if we are married too.

    Now it is the case that Jesus knows all our thoughts and needs of various kinds. Because He Himself has experienced things by being here on earth as a human, right? But the gifts we get by believing in Jesus, i.e. the Holy Spirit, will guide us to the whole truth. John 16:13 and mm. The Holy Spirit should be able to make us strong to stand against all evil, including carnal desire.

    But to cut a long story short. Shall we say that the day we made the choice to follow Jesus we were married to Him. On that day we put away all sin, for sin shall have no more dominion over us. Romans 6:1-11

    Because we have been born again into a sinless human being. Became a lover with Divine love and got to meet the Truth Himself, and receive all the good gifts Lord Jesus gives.

    Now the question is? Are you standing in this first love. Yes, you will be because nothing should be able to separate us from God's love. Romans 8:35-39

    We will always long for Him, have fellowship with Him whom we love, right? Revelation 2:1-7

    I read the word that you refer to as adultery on all sides. The only one who can do right is the one who has become a simpleton. Or the person who has never married, he does not get carnal desire either. And that is good. In marriages of true love, there are never questions or accusations. Jesus will also be there He loves us, i loves u in Christ. John 19
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear God, please convict Mauricio to surrender his anger to you Romans 12:17-21, to pray for your help to cut the chains of those things that anger him, to pray for those people he may hate, for it is impossible to hate for those you pray for. In Jesus's Name, Amen.
  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Dgannett" i see that you have not received a reply for several days. I'm no expert, but i will try and guide you to the bookmark in any case.

    I'm not quite sure how you use it, never done it myself. But look at the top of your PC, there you have a small star also together with an arrow and magnifying glass where you search on websites. If you hold the mouse on the little star, you will see that it is a bookmark symbol. Then you create a bookmark next to the tab you are on.

    But if you are talking about a book such as the Holy Scriptures, you only need a note. I love my Bible and try to remember where i read last. This is to have a word and share with others. So you can train brain cells in many ways (smiley). Good luck and i hope you make it.

    Stay strong in the word and Jesus loves u, i in Christ. John 19
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father thank you for your son Jesus. Lord I pray as ppl read the Holy word let them learn from your, man written yet God inspired, word. Lord I pray they stop changing your word (+ or -) to suit them. Please Lord let them know that *only ONE to heaven: Excepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior believing everything about Him. His crucifixion/Death and Burial then His rebuilding of the new temple, coming back (Resurrection) in 3 days! On the other hand; the ONE thing to keep us from heaven is to deny Christ. Father I pray these things in Jesus Holy name Amen!* My opinion..The KJV bible is the best (google 1611 King James to learn more on why) other versions changed words which changed the meaning from original language. Plus, once Christ died & resurrected for our sins we don't go by old (Gen-Acts12) testament laws & rules written for the Jews "back then" not now Heb, 1:1-3.! Yes, we need to know the complete bible. Yet, Acts 13-Philemons is for NOW & how to be after resurrection in order to see heaven. We do not sacrifice or burn anymore. The rest thru Revelations is preparing all of us for the end times. Giving all time to repent because... John 3:16. If more ppl would study the bible and it's meaning and not merely listen to a pastor, bishop or priest they'd know Gods truth. Also, be sure to read the paragraph(s) before the chapter starts so you know the who, what & why it was written! Yes, 10 commandments are old testament yet with Jesus in your heart you'll not want to disobey them for we are to Love EVERYONE. You won't hurt those U love unless U allow satan to manipulate your heart & mind. Then you deal with God. For He is our ONLY condemner! 1st; Love God w/all your heart, soul & might.-With every breath you take-. 2nd; love your (thy) neighbor as you love yourself. He will NEVER leave not forsake you, if it feels that way it's because you turned from Him & allowed satan to win!!. God bless & be w/y'all. Do you have an app I can watch?
  • Anthony - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me, the last few weeks I cannot breathe properly and cannot sleep at night.

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