All Discussion PAGE 919

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Russell

    Galatians 5:19-21

    "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    Idolatry, WITCHCRAFT, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

    The ancient greek for "witchcraft"(sorcery) is "pharmakeia". "Pharmakon" in greek means "medicine", But in ancient times it meant "drug" (narcotics) and "poison" as well, since narcotics were made by natural chemicals (herbs) at that time, like medicine were made by herbs too. And since witchcraft was done using herbs as well, in ancient greek it was called "pharmakeia" (not in modern greek). It is not to be mixed up with todays english words like pharmaceuticals, pharmacy etc, which have to do with medicine only.

    The Bible doesn't deal specifically with narcotics since in ancient times they were not used by people extensively (probably only for divination, pagan prophesying), or not at all actually. But sorcery was something very common at that time. The Bible does not suggest to keep away from pharmaceuticals, medicine. Evangelist Luke was actually a physician himself.

  • Luke - In Reply on Habakkuk 3 - 2 years ago
    It's also referring to your smitings (with my stringed instruments ) which are your instruments , comparing you to the mobility of a deer able to smite on high hills in righteousness, with the authority of Jesus Christ, The Chief Musician!
  • Steve h - 2 years ago
    what does it mean to rightly divide the word of truth?
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It's called sorcery, sorceries, sorcerers (pharmikeia, pharmokon, pharmikos) Revelation 9:21, 18:23, 22:15
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pretty Good Mr Scanlan,

    Write Us something on Matthew 21 if you will, something to the effect of how Jesus came to us the first time riding donkey, but returns as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Hu Sheryl.

    Can you rephrase your question please.

    Thanks God bless.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Nats

    The belief that Jesus is the Second Person of the Godhead/Trinity who was born as a man, and thus having two natures both human and divine in one person is ancient. This belief (together with the Triune nature of God) has always been a cornerstone of the christian theology. There are literally hundreds of writtings of the early church christians of the first 3 centuaries AD(and afterwards), starting from the disciples of the apostles or believers who got to meet and hear them or lived a liitle bit later than them, that analyze this belief. In christianity this belief is called a Dogma (a cornerstone doctrine).

    At the same time there have been many attempts from others to diminish Jesus as either only a man or another God's creature (see eg Arianism) or even an angel. There have also been attempts to present Jesus as only God (eg Monophysitism), because to some the idea of a God becoming a man seemed unbelievable. Others claimed that Jesus had 2 natures in 2 separate persons (Nestorianism), also there have been tenths of other different beliefs. Some of those beliefs initiated from an attempt to explain God's nature logically, But in Christ we walk by faith, this means we have to take some things as they are written, and not try to understand how God really is, we cann't.

    Well, those efforts never succeeded. The ancient church made a huge struggle against all those so that the truth remains to us until nowadays. But still there are people/churches, now and then, who try to ressurrect those beliefs. And the funny thing is that those attempts are not coming from denominations like say the R/Catholics or other similar denominations but from reborn christians. It is unfortunate that the no. of various beliefs in the reborn christian's region exceeds the no. of all the rest denominations when added together. We, christians may as well apart from the Bible have a look in the history of Christianity and see what we have been through the centuaries.GBU
  • Brian on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    I want to ask you how do I receive the baptism of The Holy Spirit? I receive all the sacraments and was baptized received Jesus as my Lord in 1997. I have type 1 diabetes and high blood pressure and am out of work. I am 59 years old and pray daily for restoration of health and to get my own home to live in and I 100% I was healed at the cross and all financial needs are met. Where I use to work they put me on a disability retirement plan. That is wrong because I always worked. I must have a daylight work to take excellent care of myself. I trie to work other shifts with my doctors help with adjustments made to my insulin pump and could not succeed. I was so thankful to God finally a job with good benefits and retirement. I am trying to get work but, I am not finding work. I do not want to stop trying. Thank you for your help Brian
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    In the last days there shall be many false prophets.

    If you are watching as you should be, then you will see these things are becoming more true everyday. Depending on where you are looking, the picture you see may not even be real!

    With the advent of this technology, what we see and hear may not even be the reality of life!

    These are the works of darkness!

    The truth is covered and manipulated , deceiving the world creating its own image. These are the false prophets, spoken of!

    Imagine if you will, who Christ is!

    If you will not read, you can still see Him.

    It is the light that fills the sky both in the day and night!

    He is the one that spoke the light into darkness, He is the one that divided the day into night!

    He is the one who stands before you in tatered clothing, this one who has died for you. He Is "I AM"

    Repent and be Baptised
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Denise, thank you so much for your post! I write my prayers down too because it's easier for me to remember everything. I've often wondered if this is acceptable to our Lord but came to the conclusion that it's what's in my earnest-heart attitude that matters to Him.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Nats - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You very kind .
  • Nats - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    When you do what God wants you to He remembers . He remembers and His memories of you obedient and good deeds and kind heart , His memories of you doing right are your treasures . Goodness is priceless most precious everlasting treasures . Only thing you can give God is heart and obedience all He wants and is most precious treasures .
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What a wonderful inspiring testimony Summer. And congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl - I'm sure you & your husband will make wonderful parents, especially knowing what the 'world out there' is like, and now also knowing what the Bible says in how to bring up your little pride & joy to know & love the Lord. The Lord will bless you mightily as you stay close to Him & continually feed on His Word, the Bible - oftentimes, it's through His Word is how He speaks to our hearts.

    And your testimony of leaving off drugs & a homosexual lifestyle will speak to some who come on here, who maybe having problems in that area. Many believe that this was the way they were born & now part of who they are. They would be very interested to know how you dealt with it as a Christian & how the Lord helped you change - giving you a new mind & heart. The Lord bless you both in your lives and help you grow closer to Him to serve Him.
  • Victoria Obeka - In Reply on Romans 4 - 2 years ago
    Oh great! I now understand the way this works! Our already gained salvation needs to be watered by our sustained sanctification, through the help of the Holy spirit at work in us, till the coming of Christ. Thank you!
  • Hazel carty on Revelation 7 - 2 years ago
    behold the Lamb of calvary I saw my JESUS with a nail in his hand and they take him to the

    toom and they berried him and he rose again upon the third day,

    GOD shall wipe away all tears from our eyes thanks your son LORD,

  • Sheryl Ross on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago

    I am praying for healing for my family. I just heard of Rahab's struggle for her freedom for her family.

    Who does she Mary in the New Testament?
  • Bee - 2 years ago
    What verses apply to a Christian wife who was a fornacator before she was married? Also, I am unsure of my husband's salvation. He ato have accepted Christ before we married but I'm not sure of his salvation? His response to my questions are now always answered with claims of disbelief in the Bible being the absolute word of God because it was written by so many different men. We go in circles over this. I try to point out that here's where faith comes into play. We go back to "Well, I believe in God but ", and you know how the rest of this conversation goes. I've given this over to the lord because I have no other options. I have shown him scriptures and explained in every way I know. He is stubborn and I am as well, however I will not argue the point and I will end the discussions because I refuse to try and force this on him. He knows my faith is not something to be played with. I will not bicker or play childish games about it. He knew all of this before we even discussed marriage. Incase you're wondering, we are going on 14 yrs. This has been a journey I could NEVER have imagined! Word to the wise, WAIT WAIT WAIT! on your answer from God, even if you're scared to death it's not going to be what you want to hear. Do not assume His silence is His approval. We know God's voice when we hear it. It's worth the wait, in more ways than you ever think, dream or hope for. Even if you don't get the answer you want; believe me, it will be the answer you will be endlessly and abundantly grateful for (Like that one back in school who broke your heart, the one you look back on and think -Thank God that they got away!). Our heavenly father wants to give us his very best and not clean up our "HELP ME JESUS!",mess! LOL Just came up with that one.

    Thank you so much for your time and help. All of God's blessings appon you and yours!

    Bee V.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Street preacher,

    I'd like to ask about the notition that marijuana is made by God and cocaine isn't.

    God made everything, including the box jellyfish, but that doesn't mean we should swim with them or eat them. We live on cursed ground. Thorns, poison plants, dangerous animals.

    Marijuana is less processed than cocaine, but both are processed. I've seen videos of them using gasoline to break down the compounds, but cocaine also comes from a natural plant. How is one "good" and the other "bad"? Isn't it possible that both can be harmful, that both can kill?

    A common repeated lie is that "no one has ever died from marijuana", despite it taking only seconds to search online and find articles about deaths as a direct result of it, like car crashes. It's similar to the lie that covid vaccines are "safe" despite more than 30,000 deaths reported just in the US. People freak out about a school shooting where 10-20 die, but 30,000 is somehow dismissed as being ok.

    There was a deadly plane crash in Africa where all passengers died and the pilots tested positive for marijuana use. Maybe there would be more reports if people wanted reports and if it stayed in the system longer by the time the autopsy was conducted. Just like the corrupt pharma industry there are millions in lobbying and grants for studies showing positive effects, but probably zero money for showing its negative effects. People will then hear what they want to hear and proclaim that as truth. It's addictive and people become slaves to it as a stronghold and as even an idol above God. It also serves as a stepping stone into harder drugs. People's lives have been absolutely destroyed from drugs. So, I do not recommend it for anyone, especially a Christian. God bless.
  • Amos on Job 34 - 2 years ago
    Ankara Eitim Kou

    Greetings! Very helpful advice within this post!

    It's the little changes that produce the most important changes.

    Many thanks for sharing!
  • Lisanne - In Reply - 2 years ago
    "I think in those days they may not have used the term drugs or pharmaceuticals but maybe used the word "medicine" for the sick and terms like "sober" vs not sober for being in a state of mind altering substances."
  • Lisanne - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I think in those days they may not have used the term drugs or pharmaceuticals but maybe used the world "medicine" for the sick and terms like "sober" vs not sober for being in a state of mind altering substances.
  • Lisanne - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Try this;


    Back in those days, I don't think they referred to drugs as drugs but more like sober vs not.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 13 - 2 years ago
    Page 3.

    In my mind, this becomes a salvation based on human effort to please God, rather than a believer's spirit & Will secured & resting in God's Salvation & living the Christian life (with its ups & downs) in the power of the Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit that secures & nourishes the believer to remain faithful & true to the One Who has purchased him and not our efforts to ensure our salvation is secure.

    What the apostles did by warning the Churches was to alert them to false teaching & if they were truly saved, to avoid the disciplining of the Lord, which He gives to all whom He loves. Just thought to add my belief to further define the life of a truly saved believer & God's continual work in him, ensuring nothing separates him "from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". Blessings to you brother.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 13 - 2 years ago
    Page 2.

    Even if I use a personal example: when have I strayed into some sin & not felt the gentle tug of the Spirit - when have I persisted in that sin & not been drawn into deep conviction & sorrow for grieving the Lord Whom I love? Can I ever see myself being so drawn away, that I am willing to give up Christ for the World? Never. God's Spirit will persist with me, bearing upon my self-will & obstinacy, to restore me back to the Father. At least that's been my experience, & I perceive what Jesus spoke concerning the eternal security of those whom the Lord has secured ( John 6:39; John 10:27,28). But if I sense no conviction & a life of sin is more preferable, I would readily admit that I wasn't even saved - at least not saved by God, but saved by my reckoning.

    Then in contrast & what perplexes me: if I would believe that my salvation could be lost due to gross sin or leaving the faith, that would mean that I would never know in the present, that I'm truly saved & accepted. Why? Because of the real possibility that I could become unsaved. Then what should I do to return back to the Lord & re-gain His Holy Spirit? Obviously, to repent of my sin & cleave to Him, as I did at the first. But would that be enough, since I would never know the intensity of the sin that separated me from God, to the measure of righteousness that would please Him & send His Spirit back to me. Then how much could I obey Him & earnestly follow Him to ensure my salvation? Or maybe, to hold such a belief means that only in that Day of Judgement will a Christian know whether he has believed enough, done enough, repented enough, to be accepted by God?
  • Chris - In Reply on John 13 - 2 years ago
    Page 1.

    Thanks again brother for your response. Actually, I see that my understanding of who are blood-bought, Spirit-filled believers & followers of Christ are not always the same as another's understanding. Maybe, my view is too restrictive, too narrow; but I feel compelled to hold this view considering what Jesus & the apostles described of one who is genuine & a true believer. As well, I try my best to avoid making judgement on the spiritual condition of others who profess belief in Christ - I simply don't have that authority or the ability to discern a heart's condition. If I have to deal with struggles within myself, I certainly would not be in a position to discern where a person is at before the Lord. Therefore, in the Church, there can not only be false teachers (as we've already discussed & seen in the epistles), but also false Christians (i.e. amongst the laity & Church leadership). Just because a 'Christian' appearance is seen by man, doesn't mean that this reflects the condition of the heart before God. And yet, we must accept one another as those in Christ, & encourage one another in our walk of faith.

    So, if we understand that a true believer is one who is saved through Christ's Sacrifice & has the Holy Spirit in residence, becoming God's blood-bought child, what would it take for God to allow such a child to increasingly become wayward, returning back to his old sinful life, & be lost into Satan's clutches? I not only see that God would not permit it (as His Spirit cannot be willy-nilly given & taken away making God's deep work in the heart a farce), but also He immediately lovingly applies intervention to alert & restore the wayward one.
  • Chimwemwe shaba - 2 years ago
    I need breackthrough prayers
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago

    The theme of "was; is and is to come" is seen in both Revelation 1:8 and 4:8. With the book of Revelation talking about the "Alpha and Omega" and describing the glorified Christ where John fell at His feet as though dead (1:17); not to mention the theme of His opening the seal judgments; being the sole victor at Armageddon; and ruling on earth it is inconceivable that some have actually suggested that Christ ISN'T the main theme of the whole book of Revelation.

    The fate of every individual; whether taking the mark of the Beast or not; and of all who are saved or lost; what their judgments will be; and the absolute determination of the time and manner of judgments is determined by the Godhead alone; specifically the Father and Son. Only those who have the Spirit are those "wise who will understand". ( Daniel 12:10; to be read in context with the rest of the verse). God will indeed use the Tribulation to sanctify some; to do a quick work on the earth. But the unregenerate despite whatever facts that they have at their disposal curse God; and rebel against Him whether during the worst trial the world has ever seen ( Mark 13:19); as well as after the descendants of the survivors of the Tribulation into the Millennium who have the BEST world imaginable who follow Satan in the last rebellion.

    The wicked truly will think they are doing God a favor in killing true believers ( John 16:2). We have seen these things before in history with martyrdom; but never at the scale and madness of the Tribulation. We need to see the intensity of that time as part of the great final harvest; a purification to finally wake up the nation of Israel (the one third who come to faith in Zech. 13:9) as well as bring in those of an uncountable number who hear the message of the 144,000 ( Rev. 7:9-17). The consummation of the ages brings His church back to rule and reign with Christ and then final judgment of the wicked. Then comes a sinless new heaven & earth.
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Exodus 27 - 2 years ago
    God the Father is the creator! He is the perfect one! No one ,No one can stand before Him or look upon Him! He sends His Son, a part of Himself to reveal Himself unto us!

    I know, and do not know ,why He would do this.

    In all His benevolence,in all His person of who He is ,He reaches out to man in and through His son Jesus! These things started long ago through a promise given to Abraham! This is the explanation in His word!

    So, our God wants us to know who He is!

    Our God is who He says He is, the creator of all things!

    Even so, we cannot know Him on our terms, or with the nature we have. There must be reconciliation. A reconciliation (A Path ) that will provide a way unto Him.

    These are the conditions. Only, Because of sin.

    The same sin as was from the beginning and is still born within everyone of us! (original sin).

    Knowing these things is the groundwork required for knowing the heavenly of Him! If you are drawn unto Him, then this is the treasure that is before you! Jesus died that you and I might know Him! This is the treasure set before you!

    Repent and be Baptized
  • GiGi on Exodus 27 - 2 years ago
    Ex. ch. 27

    In this chapter the altar of sacrifice is described. It is made of brass (brazen) not gold. It is outside of the Holy of Holies, separated from the Presence of God on the mercy seat of the ark in the Holy of Holies. It has a brass grate in a hallowed out center with a catch basin to collect the ashes that fall through the grate when the sacrifice is burned on top of the grate. Wood is used as the fuel that burns the sacrifice, not oil.

    The altar is were the sacrifice for sin is made. This reminds me that the cross is where Jesus took all of our sins upon Himself. He became the sacrifice for our sins. They were all destroyed, like ashes, at the cross, just like the ashes we collected beneath the altar. So the altar of sacrifice was the place of removal of sin from the Israelites, and the cross is the place of the removal of all of our sins, once and for all (unlike the brazen altar where sacrifices are made daily for the sins of the people).

    This sacrifice needed to be done outside the "temple" because sin cannot come into the presence of our holy God. Jesus was crucified outside the temple, outside the walls of the city on an elevated place (altar), Golgotha (place of the skull).

    This altar in the tabernacle reminds the Israelites that sin requires an atonement of death of a sacrifice. It required the shedding of blood unto death. It requires the death of one who is without sin to (without spot or wrinkle) to be a substitute for our sinful persons. The differences between the sacrifice of lambs and bulls on this altar and the sacrifice of Christ are that animals are not a perfect substitute for man. The perfect substitute must be a sinless human. And that the animal sacrificed stayed dead, but Jesus, because He was God, too, rose from the dead, thus justifying us with His righteousness. He did not see decay, no, not as the ashes of the sacrifice on the altar. He rose up bodily without decay, but with the wounds of His crucifixion upon his body.

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