All Discussion PAGE 926

  • One Eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I believe the majority on this site are genuinely writing what they perceive what the Holy Spirit and Scriptures are conveying. Nevertheless, sometimes something may seem illogical. In such cases, my lack of understanding certainly does not make something false. Thus, I need to ask questions for clarity sake.

    My question: Is God actually the Source of His own suffering of grief? Based on the story of Abraham and Isaac, your conclusion might be true, which is a bit confounding and concerning to me. Is it possible that God can suffer in His Kingdom in which nothing but light and holiness abide? Can anything enter to infiltrate and pollute the peace of God which passes understanding? Is there anything that can literally usurp His Love; His omnipotence? Can fear inhabit the Mind of God in the form of wrath even though perfect love casts fear out. Love-fear/hate, light-darkness, innocence-guilt, life-death, peace-war, forgiveness-wrath, and so on. Can these opposing attributes coexist in God's Mind (Kingdom)? If so, it is reasonable to question; Can God be the opposite of Himself? If God is capable of what opposes Love, I would have to give in to the logic Satan is capable of what opposes fear. I can"t swallow that. It has become clear in my mind, in my opinion, that there is no compromise between opposites, and the truth of one thing must always make the falsity of its opposite perfectly clear. If Love is real, its opposite must be false (not reality). Consideration should be given that God's mind is purely non dualistic, unlike our minds which put our faith in opposites and every degree in between , which will ultimately consciously or subconsciously cause confusion. Faith in opposites should be considered as listening to 2 opposing voices; serving 2 masters. I think most here would agree, God (Love) is everything. Nothing and everything cannot coexist. Thus its imperative to understand all God is. Everything else is NOTHING!


    God Is
  • Larry B on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Let me greet with ' for GOD the creator, love the world that he gave his only begotten son.and prophesied in matt24. Take note in Ezekiel 43:7 GOD said that Israel will be cursed out of Jerusalem and that is also the time when GOD is building the 2nd temple,

    In Matt24:2 I say unto you there shall not be left one stone iIN 70 Ad Romans destroyed and killed all the Jews and Israel of the and they placed the fake Jews to take their place to hide the atrocities done and Jerusalem was destroyed and desolate.True religion was lost and world followed the Roman Catholic church 5. Then war ww1 and2:7-9 present day 10-14 great tribulation 15-30

    31 arrival of Jesus
  • Mishael - In Reply on Mark 15 - 2 years ago
    Luke Chapter 23

    40 But the other (prisoner) answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

    41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

    42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

    43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

    It's never too late to be received by Jesus: death bed, battlefield or other perils. Call upon Him TODAY while He may be found.

    All of heaven stands still when someone prays In The Name of Jesus. (per my grandmother)

    May God welcome you. Read the Book of John 3
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Agreed, I would suggest reading from the beginning of the chapter.

    James 1:9 The lowly brother is rejoiced, because he exalts God,,, He is rich in spirit.

    1:10 The Rich man is being compared to a flower whereas it die's, the rich man's flesh dies; the rich man is made low because he sought and made worldly riches, not spiritual, or heavenly; these worldly riches does nothing for him in heaven,, he can't take it with him,,, he is low in spirit.

    Blessed has become the man that endureth trials: for when he hath become tested, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.
  • Why We have To Wait 2999 years for Jesus to Return - 2 years ago
    "Jesus delegated His ministry to His disciples. He stayed on earth long enough for HIS DISCIPLES, THEN AND NOW, to continue the work.

    In Heaven now, Jesus is at the right hand of God, INTERCEDING FOR THE SAINTS. Those that are born again; or will be. He knows who His THIS DAY, disciples are now (men women and children). I've seen children that know the Word of God from their parents. They teach it to friends on the playgrounds.

    HEBREWS 7:23-26

    Do not allow Satan to shake your faith in what Jesus taught concerning His return.

    Don't get weary in well-doing.

    Jesus is returning. The Father will stand up and tell The Son, go get YOUR BRIDE. (people ready for the rapture of the Church). All those invited to the Wedding and the Feast. Read parable of the ten Virgins. (be full of the Holy Spirit's oil of gladness.

    We are invited now. We must be born again. Looking for the Bridegroom. Men, women, children, infants, elderly, All Races. An invitation is printed with our names on it.

    Again I say to all countries served by this website, you are invited too. Take hold of JESUS. Your religion will not give you access to this event. Be born again according to JOHN 3:16. Give thanks and praise daily. We'll be doing a lot of that when we first see Heaven.

    To sinners: the invitations are gone out already. We must receive it and say YES. Don't chance it and procrastinate.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sheyibrown,

    I will share some reasons that I believe help me to strive to honor and keep Holy God's 7th Day Sabbath Command. Hopefully, others here can share the benefits that they may experience when following God's command for us to rest on this Day!

    1. God commands us to keep the Sabbath

    2. The Holy Sabbath is God's sign to His People

    3. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath

    4. Jesus Kept the Sabbath

    5. We should obey God rather than men

    6. The apostles and the first century church kept the Sabbath

    7. The Sabbath reminds us of who our creator is

    8. The Sabbath provides us with mental and physical rest

    9. The Sabbath helps to deepen our faith

    10. The Sabbath strengthens our relationships, with family, and brethren

    11. The Sabbath brings us closer to God

    12. The Sabbath provides dedicated time to draw closer to God.

    13. The Sabbath provides us additional blessings from God

    14. When we observe the Sabbath we also let our working animals rest on this day.

    15. The Sabbath reminds us to help others.

    16. The Sabbath reminds us to not be part of this world!

    Happy Sabbath Day!
  • Luke - In Reply on Psalms 103 - 2 years ago
    James 1:5 But if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask from God,That giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    6 But let him ask in faith, nothing doubting.

    For he that doubteth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

    7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

    8 A double minded [unstable] man is unstable in all his ways.

    Be patient, have no doubts, ask God for wisdom.
  • Fourth Commandment - In Reply - 2 years ago
    EXODUS 20:1-26

    7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will NOT hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    I think it is pretty clear that using Gods name in cursing and swearing is forbidden. We praise His Name, as His children. We know in our hearts that it's wrong.

    If you read through the prophetic books (Isaiah, Ezekiel etc) you will see the angelic beings in Heaven praising God. It impressed me when I read that.

    If we can put God's Name in a swear and feel no shame, or nothing (in our hearts)__we are not born again.

    John 3.

    Read 1 Corinthians 12:3

    People curse God every day. If we hear it endlessly, we might curse God too. That's why we are to separate ourselves away from that. I do ask people to not swear on Gods Name in my presence. They know it's wrong, but they still do it. Sometimes I have to excuse myself and go home.

    Truly, it is a call to pray for people who do it without thinking.

    I do not watch any TV or movies that speak Gods name as a curse. There are 100's of Christian Movies on YouTube: Jesus of Nazareth, Book of John movie, Paul, Peter. This kind of media can edify the Christian. We can learn. If something is unscriptural, we can spot it, if we know what scripture says.

    People will respect us more if we ask them to not swear on God's Name. Truly we don't need to attend parties or other places where alcohol is being served because that's when self-control is diminished.

    Hope this helps?

  • Dale Moore on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    What is a sabbath days journey ? Is it a day or more than a day?
  • Ilya Bykov on 1 Corinthians 7:15 - 2 years ago
    Hello! Is it good if I don't want to worry about marriage, if I'm virgin male?
  • Nats - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I so ashamed . Fourth is keep Sabbath . Do no work . No business money deals no labour . Rest relax thank God for all things .
  • Nats - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Be good to you mom and dad or you won't be able to live in Canaan land I give you to live in. Simple .
  • Nats - In Reply on James 1 - 2 years ago
    James 1:10 you need previous verse and after verse for context please read them all in order . James 1:12 is eternal life which we have in Christ .
  • First Family of God and The plan of God - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If you read Genesis very slowly, underline the words: created, formed, made, moulded__you will understand better how God created; what he used. Eve was taken out of Adam, to be close to his heart.

    God performed the first marriage after Adam and Eve's creation. First man and woman and First marriage.

    They were both told NOT to eat of the Two Trees God forbid them to eat of. They did. All peoples on earth descended through them. Jesus's bloodline came through their child, Seth.

    It is interesting and revealing to read the genealogy of Jesus. Throughout time, God directed the bloodline of Jesus. Then in Matthew, Mary agrees to become the mother of Jesus. He sets aside his deity to become a human child. Why? Because EARTH was created for humans ONLY.

    Jesus came to Take Back authority that Satan stole from Adam. The grief God would suffer was demonstrated when Abraham raised his sword to slay his own son, Isaac.

    On the DAY Jesus hung on the Cross between Heaven and Earth, and died for the sins of All Mankind; the Father had to turn His head. Jesus died. He secured SALVATION for those who would accept it. It is a gift to all who will receive it and live it. What did He give us? He took away authority from Satan_and gave it to believers in Jesus for the gift of salvation.

    We become Jesus's Body on earth NOW. Our hands to bless, our feet to carry the Good News to people that salvation is available. We have to confess our sins and receive the gift of salvation. Paid for with Jesus's Blood; poured out on the Cross. Revealed to the World when He was resurrected from the grave. Seen by hundreds of people in Jerusalem; and his disciples.

    On Pentecost (50 days later), he sent the Holy Spirit to baptize disciples and believers in the Upper Room.

    We have to receive the Holy Spirit too. ( John 3)

    Read of what the Holy Spirit enables us to do, in the Name of Jesus.

    Jesus said to all, "Follow Me."

    Let your prayer life grow big on what Jesus taught.
  • Growing Up Our Faith every Day__mishael - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Faithfully open up the Bible daily and obey Gods will for us. It is the Word of God that washes us of worldly attitudes and acts. Jesus called to His disciples to, FOLLOW ME. That's what we are to do.

    The New Testament should be our daily focus. That is what helps us to follow in Jesus's footsteps. We all are aware when we commit sins against His known will for our lives as Christ followers. You won't feel like it, but just repent in prayer, leave it at the cross. It's a daily cleansing. A lifestyle of prayer will keep us on the right path, because we are conscious of our good deeds and the "not Like Christ" deeds. Walk in forgiveness. Bring glory to Jesus Name.

    We can ask God for help when warfare against our Christian walk, is bombarded daily by satans agents. I ask for angelic protection when I need help. God has given us everything we need to walk like Jesus did. We just have to learn what that means, and then use that knowledge in our daily lives.

    If we get to thinking we don't have to pray, because we did in the past; that's not scriptural. Our lives are measured one day at a time. So "thankful prayers" are to remind us we are blessed coming in, and blessed going out. Give Glory to God, because Jesus did. He's worthy to receive glory, honor and praise. We're going to be doing it in heaven_ so start now. :)

    It's not a continual drag to give praises to God for the good things we experience. We see the angels of heaven praising God in the Bible.

    Society and Media compete to pollute our thinking. To believe Evil is Good, and that God is dead. That Jesus is just a person in a Bible storybook. None is really real.

    We resist those thoughts in the Name of Jesus. We praise the day Jesus arose from the grave!! He made it possible for US TO FOLLOW HIM TO HEAVEN TOO.

    Help your faith grow bigger, reading the Bible every day at lunch. Eat your food; remember your born again spirit needs food too__the Bible. Grow it up to huge Faith.
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    If you know Job, then you will know what to expect when it comes to the supreme power or authority Of God.

    If you have experianced the loss of a family, in some of us the imprisonment of the innocent, then you may only begin to know what loss is and why it is!

    Satan who comes before God and accuses us and our faith, is determined not only to desroy us , creating in his own mind what power he thinks he has.

    In effect He destroys himself going against the very reality of who God is in the face of Jesus Christ!

    Not our beloved Mary, Only the Son who died for the sins of the world!

    Only Jesus can forgive Sin!

    Job knew these things, Job knew the promises of God! It was and is because of His Faith that the Lord restored Him sevenfold! Wait and see, this will happen to those who have such hope!

    It has happened even so , unto me! Watch,I say WATCH!

    Repent and be baptized
  • Doug - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Romans 11:22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. There are a lot of promises to the believer in the Bible as well as to the Jews concerning the city of Jerusalem. The Jews had a hard time grasping that anything could ever happen to that city. What they missed was those promises were based on them responding properly to God's grace toward them. God gives us all the tools for that not to happen. The man that owed the ten thousand talents was saved by grace, but he ended up falling from grace because of his response to it.
  • Dgjot - In Reply on Numbers 35 - 2 years ago
    Thou shall not steal. But if you have no problem with people taking things that don't belong to them or that they didn't pay for, you should put all your stuff on the curb so the thief doesn't have to break into your dwelling to get it.
  • I do not want it be public - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Wayne thankyou for sharing your Testimony! I will keep you in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you. Peace be with you. Praise The Lord Almighty our only one true God and Bless Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

    Read this comforting verse; Proverbs Chapter 3: Verses 5/6 Dee.
  • I do not want it be public - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Wayne thankyou for sharing your Testimony! I will keep you in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you. Peace be with you. Praise The Lord Almighty our only one true God and Bless Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

    Read this comforting verse; Proverbs Chapter 3: Verses 5/6
  • Sharon Brown on James 1 - 2 years ago
    What does James 1:10 means and James 1:12 also
  • Sheyibrown - 2 years ago
    Please i want to know more about the 4th commandment given by God.
  • John anonymous - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door."

    Genesis 4:7

    "That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel..."

    Matthew 23:35 KJV Crown copyright in UK
  • Alex N - In Reply on Matthew 27 - 2 years ago
    Amen Godlions as God is gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh...And our God is a consuming fire ...But his fire is spirit which is the H.G. a consuming fire....That is gonna consume mans adamic nature....which is the rich man satan That owns everything...The slain of the lord is gonna be many....Which is mans adamic nature ...satan and his angels in our hearts and minds.

    ...... Malachi 4 :1 For behold the day of the lord cometh that shall burn as an oven ( furnace ) and all the proud and them that do wickely shall be burnt up....Which is satan and his angels and mans adamic nature that is in rank with satan....Remember Jesus called peter satan simply b/c peter had not been converted just yet...Remember our God is a consuming fire and thank God thats what mankinds needs....A new heart and a new spirit...After our old heart and spirit is consumed by his fire of the H.G. WHICH IS HIS JUDGEMENT....Whom the lord loveth he chastens with the fire of the H.G....The day of the lord will indeed burn as a furnace and thank God for that furnace....The fire of the H.G. THE FURNACE OF GOD.

    ......I Dreamed one nite that went to heavens Gate and i asked the angels to see Jesus..Finally he came and i asked him to be with him and he asked me if i cd go thru the Furnace of fire and i replied yes....And he said step back till we get the furnace ready....And there was a phone near by and i called my mom and told her that i wd not see her again i was gonna die in the furnace of fire....And here comes an angel saying the furnace is now ready....Then i instantly became 3 ppl...My 1st person ran into the furnace and my 2 nd person ran to it also...But when my 3 rd person got to the door of the furnace i thought about my Children and i stopped....And i woke up crying praying plz lord be merciful to me sinner...That was back in 1968...55 yrs ago
  • Learn How To Fight the Devil and Be Strong in Faith - In Reply on Psalms 103 - 2 years ago
    Everything negative that results in unbelief in what Scripture, is at WAR with your mind and faith in God. If Satan is going to always attack our faith in God.

    You need to understand what Jesus did after Adam and Eve sinned. They lost their dominion and authority to exercise it, to Satan.

    Jesus would retrieve it in the future. He set aside his power, to be born as a Human. EARTH WAS MADE FOR HUMANS. Only a human could redeem it. Satan did not know what God was doing. When Jesus was anointed in Luke 4:18-19, His ministry began. He had all of His Powers returned to Him. He healed people, cast out demons. He had all AUTHORITY and POWER to do miracles. Satan was stripped.

    Jesus IMPARTED THAT AUTHORITY into BELIEVERS only. His followers who received His Baptism of the Holy Spirit ( John 3), have the authority of Jesus to do the same things Jesus did: heal, bind and cast out devils/demons; cleanse the afflicted, raise the dead (spiritually). Concentrate on what Jesus did and imparted into His FOLLOWERS. Our FAITH IN JESUS is our strength to maintain our peace and healing.

    Satan attacks our faith. HE IS NOT HUMAN. He has no authority to attack believers. But he still tries. He wants DOUBT to threaten and SHAKE OUR FAITH IN JESUS. If you let DOUBT enter your mind, it brings in other spirits to destroy your faith.

    Our faith is precious to God. Turn back to when your faith was new & strong. Stand on Gods WORD. As Jesus taught, BIND THE ENEMIES and CAST THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS.

    Kick out DOUBT. Stand on Scriptures. Ephesians 6: scriptures are your SWORD. Enemies of your Faith are INVISIBLE. Perceive their Fruits: doubt, sickness, perversion, destroyer of faith. Ask Holy Spirit to give you the names. Only Bible will feed your faith. TV will erode it. Google Spiritual Warfare to learn how to fight back

    Jesus sits at the right Hand of God, interceding for us. He wants us to prevail and have what we pray for.

    Pray at all times. Be strong.
  • Luke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 18:23 And the light of a lamp shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of ... bridegroom and of ... bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorcery [witchcraft] were all the nations deceived."

    Sorcery = PharmakEia in the verse

    Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells

    pharmakea (from pharmakeu, "administer drugs") - properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.

    Marihoochie is a Psychedelic drug.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Mr. David & Heather Lorince, I pray that the Lord lifts you up to a better status and gives you a stable apartment to live in. But sometimes He allows us to remain where we are as He did Paul.

    2 Corinthians 12:7-9

    7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

    8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.

    9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    May the Lord's will be done in you and your wife's life.
  • NOW and THE END OF TIME__mishael - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Heaven existed before God began creating. Everything wonderful and beautiful; mysterious and plain, came out of God. He is the Great God of all wonders!

    How cannot we worship and love the God who made all we know? Our souls came from Him. When we give ourselves fully to Him, He comes and makes his abode within our hearts, and abodes with us.

    We are completely conscious that he's in our heart, mind and soul. The Creator of all that we know of. Merciful and Kind.

    He is Holy. Our souls know this, but sometimes the fleshly, earthy part of us can rebel against true reality, that humans are not gods. We were born to be the receivers of the love He desires to give to us.

    We cannot be gods ourselves apart from God. This is what Satan tried to do. his future is completely recorded in the Bible.

    God exists inside of Time, and outside of Time.

    He knows you and desires that you will choose to live with Him in Heaven. We will see Him every day.

    After all the end times wars are fought between nations_it will be finished. 2 Peter 3, teaches that Earth will be burned up. All of man's scars upon it will be burned. God will re-create it again. Those who chose Jesus to save their souls, will return to the New Creation.

    What will be different is that Satan the Destroyer will be chained up in hell 1000 years. He will be let out to tempt the people who who survived the horrors of the Tribulation (physically), and called on God to save them. They will still be human. In Heaven they will have that 1000 years to choose Jesus as Savior and Lord. Satan will try to recruit them to fight against God, one more time. It's a short period of time.

    At the end of that war in heaven, Satan and those who fought With him, will be judged. Satan will be thrown into the Lake of Fire eternally. That's his final END. He will never escape again.

    Choose Jesus NOW. Everything I wrote is scripture in the Bible. I saw Jesus at my salvation in a vision. HE IS ALIVE!!
  • Nats - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Because God is the God of all creation He do what He like He is creator sustain everything Himself . He is life everything .
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family

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