All Discussion PAGE 935

  • AP - 2 years ago
    Please consider Darrell in your prayers.

    Please pray that the Lord will protect & guide him, and for Darrell's salvation in Christ Jesus.

    Thank you very much.

    God bless you all in Jesus' name.
  • Richard H Priday on John 16 - 2 years ago
    John 16 Predestination

    This continuation of the discourse to the 12 Apostles was on the way to Gethsemene. This attitude of caring for His own is much reminiscent of Paul when he had an idea that his death was coming (although much delayed in comparison). Jesus from the end of this discourse clearly could see He had overcome and that He would have victory over death. This would allow for His death to atone for the sins of all His chosen; then He would be resurrected as verse 16 and on defines. The Holy Spirit coming as He did at Pentecost would be the benefit for all God's children based on the departure back to heaven.

    Of course they still didn't get what was being said; the plain talk seemed to convince them that He had come from God in verse 30. It seems puzzling why they didn't get it from what they said were proverbs in verse 29. Surely He had explained numerous times the situation including in this chapter but the Lord didn't let them understand in the flesh. Such things prove once again the Godhead is revealed by God's sovereignty; and that holds for each member of it. Therefore; it is an all or nothing thing; we either comprehend the Father; Son and Holy Spirit or we don't know any of them.

    This is why understanding the spirit that is controlling man or whether it is indeed the Spirit of God takes discernment. One could read the Word; attempt to be peacemakers; do all sorts of good things but it is in the flesh or in the spirit of humanism that is hypnotized to believe that there is something inherently good in man. This is why physical beauty; mental acuity; accomplishments; emotional empathy and so many other things can seem to be from God but it is from a fallen nature. To love those who love us compared to those who despitefully use us is no better illustrated than here where Christ died for those who were enemies to God. ( Eph 2:3).
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God allow Sue's heart to be filled with the Holy Spirit guidance in her life choices that she will have comfort, enlightenment and perseverance in faith trusting Your timing and way I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!!

    Please consider reflecting on these scriptures: Psalms 91, Philippians 4, Romans 12, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, 1 Kings 19 and Proverbs 24:16.

    Remember no matter what you are going through, God is always in charge and has the final word.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ronald. I agree that when any individual states that if you don't adhere to

    Certain beliefs God won't or can't work. The basics are Romans 10:9+10

    And to accept all that God accomplished through Jesus Christ for man and

    All that is required is believing with your whole heart. There were times when

    Jesus Christ healed and the person being healed didn't know who he was they

    Just believed , same grace today. Walk in love teach with love and grace.
  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 4 - 2 years ago
    Hi Jon, can you share more about what you mean by existence and what bad practices you're seeing in the church?
  • David - In Reply on Isaiah 4 - 2 years ago
    Jon. Most times because people even so called Christian's don't really

    Believe God's Word it's more like mental accent or just something to do

    Then taken to heart and with humility changing to that which is true. Also

    Most people believe the Goodness of God but not the absolute evil one

    Or his practices.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Amy,

    May I ask if what scripture you're referencing by "God says this is war" and how that reconciles with Luke 6:29?

    God bless you.
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago
    Jesse. The old testament reference I am that I am is God saying I will be what

    I will be, I'm intrigued by how many individuals state this is what it means

    Absolutely and yet their are 100 absolute interpretations, by even different

    Scholars. Just an observation. Answers for the different denominations

    Unfortunately that not what our Father intended.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Great job Chris, I missed the one.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Spencer,

    We have had discussions before and have called each other brother that I am honored to be. I think you know I do not believe Jesus became a son at the birth of Mary, for everything was created through Him. I replied to the thread of what Adam posted but it does not show under all, if you would like to read it.

    I love every one of you guys, the question, what % of God was Jesus? God is from eternity nothing was before Him, so shouldn't the question be what % of God are we? Nothing existed before Him, and all came from Him.

    The glory before the world was? Jesus the Son of God was before all, Col. 1:16 through Him was all created. Was that from eternity or the beginning of creation does scripture really tell us? Like John 1:1 In the beginning. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last, the beginning and the end. What division has this created?

    Like in the other post I said, He gave up the glory He had and lived a life in the flesh that only could fulfill the law. God could not because He is incapable of sin. I don't think anyone can say what was the glory He gave up was because no scripture tells us (speculation), we have to imagine what we cannot, truth is simple, not complicated, but we know He will return in the glory of his Father, Matt. 16:27.

    Love all of you guys,

    God bless,

  • T Levis - In Reply on Romans 8 - 2 years ago
    During our discussion I thought of how sometimes someone will in a way "set someone up" many times law enforcement will use this technique, by allowing the "bait" to be placed before the suspected criminal, the person has the choices to turn, walk away, not respond. Even in less serious situations people will start arguing, gossip or other bad activity, even to "bait or trap". The other person depending on self control, wisdom, willpower & integrity, sometimes will have the ability in themselves to walk away not taking part. Sometimes however fall into traps set by the enemy. 1Corinthians 10:13, James 1:12-15, 1Peter 5:8,

    Hope this is helpful in discussion
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    The sword of the spirit has been drawn

    Stand or go home

    God says this is war

    Walk through the door

    How do you defeat the enemy this day its with your praise

    Begin to pray in the spirit

    Take courage in the night for I will back your feet and my word will be your light take courage soldier for am your light for this day i will speak to you and you will see it through

    There is a shaking and a rising in the land

    He who abides in the shadow of the almighty you go to the secret place is where you hide give in the secret place of the most high the enemy dont have your address when you are in the secret place of the almighty
  • David - In Reply on Jeremiah 15 - 2 years ago
    Sharlene. God's desire is for us to believe by love and trust not force or make

    Us that's not love motivation. That's why in the church Epistles we read

    Romans ,13;9,+ 13:13, Ephesians 4:28,29,31 also ,Phil.,2:4 and ,Col.4:6 the reason

    It's let because as we read believe and do we will change because we are

    Letting His sword work in us to do his good pleasure.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago
    (Part 2):

    When Jesus said to them "I AM," they went backward and fell to the ground. Could this have been the same voice and power of God they heard in Matthew Chapter 17, the voice of the great I AM that caused them to fall over?

    Well, it was very powerful. All Jesus said in response was I AM, and they fell over backwards, all of them including Judas. But the funny part of this is that they must have got up because Jesus asks them the second time "Whom seek ye?"

    Now if they had any sense at all, after what just happened to them, when Jesus asked the second time, "Who are you looking for," I would have said, "Never mind, He is not here!" I would have just turned around and gone the other way. Why is Jesus doing this? To show that He is in charge, to show His power, the same power that Peter, James, and John got to see at His transfiguration, the power of God Himself!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago

    Matthew 17:1-8, the transfiguration of Christ is very powerful. They (Peter, James, and John) got to see something amazing. Verse 2 says that He was transfigured before them. A more accurate word would be transformed rather than transfigured. In fact, it is the Greek word where we get our English word metamorphosis from. He was completely changed in form and in substance. He was transformed before them. But notice His countenance: His face did shine as the sun; Notice His clothing: and his raiment with white as the light. So we are talking about transformation!

    I agree that that alone should have been enough knock them over. It wasn't until verse 6 (As David mentions) that they fell over. They fell over once they heard the voice from heaven. But there was so much power and energy force there that would have knocked anyone over.

    Now here is something I also find interesting. In John Chapter 19, we see this same power being demonstrated as we see in Matthew Chapter 17. When they came to arrest Jesus in the garden, and some historians say that there were at least 1,000 people that came to arrest Him. We know that Judas came with them because it was Judas that led them to this place where they could find Jesus.

    But look what transpired. In Verse 4, Jesus says, "Whom seek ye?" Who are you looking for? Now this part is awesome. After they told Jesus who they were looking for, Jesus says, and please notice this because it is very different than any of the English translations. Jesus said unto them "I AM." He did not say I am He. He just said I AM (EGO EMI), the name of God in the Old Testament.

    I am running out of space so I will send a (Part 2)
  • David - In Reply on Jeremiah 36 - 2 years ago
    Dwayne Angels are spiritual beings they don't have offspring. Also we don't

    Look for signs then believe we believe and act then signs miracles and wonders

  • David - In Reply on Exodus 24 - 2 years ago
    Gigi. I never read in the exodus where Jesus Blood was in any sacrifices

    That's opinion and adding that which is not their and I'm very aware that

    Those sacrifices were an indicator of that which is to come. But in

    Hebrews it says those sacrifices weren't good enough so let's not add to

    God's Word.
  • Tobias Massagli - 2 years ago
    I'm a Christian and sometimes i get tempted by the devil and we all have but is it a sin if I have masterbated but not watched pornography Please let me know have a blessed day you guys.
  • Jon Esqueda on Isaiah 4 - 2 years ago
    Why,. Aren't gospel churches talking directly to this " existence?". During the service, at meetings to rid of the satanic influence and erroneous practices!? God be with us all.
  • Sue - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me to make the right decision in God's eyes . To change my life drastically from the last 22years and brake someone else's heart in order to save myself . I'm so tired and can't go on the same way for the next 22 years . I'm emotionally overwhelmed so know it's not the best time to make a choice but I have to very soon . I just want to do what God knows is the right thing for me , for him and in God's sight . Please pray I make the right choice in God's eyes . Thankyou .
  • Ursula Lawson Mcintosh on 1 Corinthians 16 - 2 years ago
    As God has loved us, we also should be in union with the Lord. It gives respect an in turn we reap a harvest of blessings in every way
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi.

    Actually i think it fits well.

    Adam asked, Direct Quote: "My question is: do you believe Jesus as the Son of God has any % of God the Father in Him? If so, what %?"

    Now we who believe Christ has no beginning, we're in contrast with those who believe Jesus BECAME a son at the birth of Mary.

    Here in 1 Corinthians 15:28. Paul states "THAT GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL." This emphasizes CHRIST/EMANUEL/GOD WITH US is returning to his Glory he had with the Father before the beginning of the world! It echoes this;

    And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17:5.

    ( O FATHER, GLORIFY THOU ME WITH THINE OWN SELF ) Is an amazing statement! We know God shares his Glory with NO MAN! 100% God!

    1 Corinthians 15:28. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL. suggests Christ is a 100% of God.

    God bless.
  • Lokesh V - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mother who recently underwent angioplasty with one major block removed by inserting a stent. She got a few blocks(3 valve disease) and MR grade(regurgitation ) in her heart. Heart function is reduced. Please pray for her little hope for strength, energy, positive recovery and self healing capabilities.

    Her body is experiencing accelerated /hypertensive blood pressure followed by fluid accumulation in lungs and the body that causes onset breathlessness. She has elevated sugar levels,leg pain, calf muscle pain, constipation, fluid accumulation in the body, blood circulation issues,

    throat , eye sight issues, cough , sternum pain, back pain and allergic reaction, respiratory issue and indigestion and other bodily symptoms.

    Mentally she is hopeless, helpless, emotional, anxious. She is going through low energy levels. She has experienced husband's death during her married life and has gone through a lot of emotions and trauma. Recently Her son-in-law passed away and she worried a lot about her family.

    Please pray for her to manage medication side effects and to improve and strengthen kidneys, digestion and all the organs including heart function.

    Please pray for her to restore her heart health completely without any complications and gain calmness and peace of mind , complete acceptance and strength. Please pray for her to let go of emotions gently and fulfill her desires.Please pray for her family to protect and bless them with peace, hope, health, prosperity and wisdom.

    With gratitude

  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris. The answer is signs miracles and wonders follow what's known as

    Right doctrine. What's amazing to me is how many delivered people I know

    That simply believe certain scripture and God healed them. You don't have

    To have a ton of knowledge it's what do you really believe determines outcome.

    The problem today is too many so called belief systems like you said

    Reminds me of Jeremiah 2:13 the church has not followed that which Jesus Christ gave to Paul in the Epistles to the Church Of God. This needs no response.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse. You are one of the few believers I've ever read say that, scripturally

    We are born again and receive the faith of Jesus Christ spiritually the as we

    Walk via the spirit and put on God's Word and act our believing increases because

    We are exercising our minds to renew. As I say believing is more inspiration

    Than persperation.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Did you mean amputated? And if I might ask, was his leg healed? I am curious of the outcome because if he was not healed, some might say that it was because either he or the person praying lacked faith, which is not biblical. There is no such thing as a believer lacking faith.
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago
    Lorraine. When you look at verse six in that event they did fall on their faces.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris. Considering God looks at the heart and not the intellect I know many a

    believers that don't agree on all beliefs including the triune belief and God still

    Works in their lives, I know people who believe in speaking in tongues and those

    Who don't and God works in their lives. The idea is where's your heart, another

    Point is we don't fight for God or His Word we speak the truth in love. One other

    Point when we are born again it is a spiritual or supernatural event, the miracle

    Of all miracles and the biggest reason we don't see more is our unbelief because

    As I was told that the miracles were just for that time yet the scriptures don't say that. I would

    Rather discuss how to get healed or how walk with God greater in Christ than

    Get into original language interpretations which others don't believe and can get

    Complicated instead of teaching how to believe in love. Jesus Christ healed

    When the people didn't even know who he was he just ask to believe.
  • Thomas Posey - 2 years ago
    We desperately need prayer.. Pray for me and my family to be delivered and protected from evil. Pray that God heal my head aches and pray for my son Gabriel who is headed to Marine boot camp..
  • Lorraine Magarian on Matthew 17 - 2 years ago
    Verse 2 - it's amazing that the three didn't fall down when they first saw The Transfigured LORD!

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