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As long as law of sin is in operation there shall be sin waiting to come in. Unclean spirits walking through dry places as mentioned in Matt.12:45 "Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." We are the wicked generation while we have received Jesus Christ as our Savior we are freed from condemnation.(Ro.8:1) Only when hell and death are sent to the outer darkness we can say the law of sin is forever gone from our midst. "That God may be all in all"(1 Co.15:28) is begun in our lives when we are dead to sin and to the world. This life is 'life abundant' and our former life shall no more be remembered. There is only one hope of calling and this is it.
God knows who are his and shall delver them who keep the truth. Long ago I belonged to a cult group that taught that there shall be animal sacrifices as before. Their reasoning was that God never errs in His commandments. It was a mismatch of so many doctrines of man. They wanted to control the minds by mind-numbing 'tarrying' meetings for the Holy Spirit Their true intent was to enforce their will- worship (Touch not, taste not and in their dress ) over their congregants by enforcing themselves as the Levites under the Order of Aaron. As a Sunday school teacher the more I began studying the word of God by myself, the scales fell of my eyes as it were, and I left their Assembly.
Shortly thereafter they sent two of their two brethren to ask me what 'speaking in tongues' meant for me, intending to say it was of devil if I were to leave them. I admitted I was mistaken and the truth has freed me. They tried to frighten by saying that I would go back to them on my knees within two years. i simply laughed them out. There are many such e false shepherds out there and it is none of our business to meddle with them. God's promises are always yea in his Son.
Earlier I placed this reply which was shoddy having written half-awake and after posting my conclusion on Is.2. It gave me a sleepless night so I first tackled what needed to be written down and this is same and cleaned up of typos
I continue to pray for you and your wife. It is such a painful and discouraging way to live. I am sorry your life together is this way.
completeness, maturity, full measure, coming to a desired end, especially in regards to christian character and knowledge of faith.
So to be perfect in most of the verses that instruct us to be perfect or perfecting of the saints is in this vein of meaning. It does not mean to be perfect in the sense that God is eternally perfect with no change whatsoever in His holiness, purity, righteousness, and justness.
Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, and John were desiring for us to reach the maximum degree of Christian maturity in this life. But not everyone will reach the same degree because of such things as:
The age at which they come to faith,
The teaching and counsel they receive from those God places over them as pastors and teachers,
Their own rate of growth,
Their own personal practices of prayer, bible study, and the iron sharpening iron of Christian fellowship,
The degree to which they remove themselves from situations that pose temptation in their areas of weakness,
Their commitment to keeping godly company as opposed to spending time with people who wish to live unbelieving and sinful daily lives.
The closeness they are to their time of death as determined by God. One who came to the Lord early in life and lives a normal lifespan will have a different level of maturity than one who came to the Lord in the last decades of their life whether their life be long or short.
The influences of their upbringing, parenting, family life and adverse events such as divorce, abuse, etc. that do so much harm along with positive events that promote healthy growth and maturity.
Who they marry.
Whether they we in a cultic situation where they eventually separated from and needed to be recover from its effects.
Whether they face a life of ease or a life of difficulty or persecution.
And so many other factors. Truly, we just can't judge each other.
Instead of affirming any sinless perfection, I can say that I am living a victorious life in Christ, because His resurrected life and power works in me to will and do what the Holy Spirit leads me to do or to avoid. Only a believer will desire to obey God and endeavor to live a godly life in increasing measure. I wish I was completely sinless, but I know the depth of the sinful nature is something we often underestimate. The powers, principalities, dominions, and rulers in the spirit realm who war against us are so much stronger than we are in our present mortal, corrupted state. We need the weapons supplied from the Spirit to fight and have victory each day. It is foolish to think that we can fight against that which is outside of us, let alone the sinful fleshly nature within us on our own strength, wisdom, and will. We need to affirm that greater is He that is in us than any that are in the world, even our own sinful nature. Jesus is the one who is greater, not my "new man". And we can be thankful that God has so condescended to live within us to be our Victor, Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, and Shelter. Praise be to God who has blessed us so when we do not deserve any of His good work in us. We are debtors to God always, and will never have need to cease thanking Him or praising Him in this life and in Eternity.
I agree that humility is the virtue needed by all believers when considering whether we can stand before God. We are not and never will be on equal footing with God in the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Even when we are glorified in the resurrection, we will still be a creature made by God, graciously adopted as a child of God through the new birth. But we are not natural children of God. We do not have a divine nature as some who believe in sinless perfection say that we acquire in the new birth. We will always have a human nature in this life and the next. The difference being in this life, this body of death, the life we have affected by a sinful nature that has been spiritually reborn, a "new creation" fitted to serve God in faith, devotion, and love, continues to be affected by sin in this world and in our sinful flesh. We are still corrupted by sin in this life. This is why we age, get ill, and die. But when glorified, we will no longer have this mortal body that can die again with its corruption and sinful nature. That is all left in the grave. We will put on the incorruptible immortal nature that is from above. not of earth. We will no longer be tempted by sin, for sin will be completely defeated and relegated to the lake of fire with the devil and his angels, and all unbelievers, and death, the final enemy that comes from the condemnation of sin in man,
As a life long believer, I can look back and see how much I have grown in grace, holiness, and knowledge in and of Jesus Christ. I can remember the sinful ways I acted along the way to today. I have been gradually sanctified and have been able to overcome sin more victoriously the longer I walk with God. And yet, I know the need to put to death the sinful nature daily, to refuse to let it hold reign over me because I belong to Jesus and He is my strength. righteousness, and salvation. I think this is the experience of most believers who walk long with the Lord. cont.
Sinless Perfection continued.
The forums I have read with this topic being discussed have shown that those who hold this position are inflexible about considering any other possible interpretation of Scripture than that which they hold to. They seem to be quite prideful and almost Phariseeical in reaffirming their sinlessness over and over again and accusing those who do not believe as they do as being advocates for sinning in believers (antinomianism) which is not what I believe nor most people who admit that we war against the sinful nature and, even though at times we fail and sin, we continue the fight against sin and rely on the power of God to strengthen us, sanctify us, and consecrate us to God more and more until we reach the resurrection or the return of Christ.
Thanks for your responses. I respect how you can help me in my understanding.
I wanted to get back to you a bit on this topic. Perhaps you have some knowledge of this teaching that you can help me understand.
This teaching seems to teach that when we come to repentance and surrender to Jesus we will no longer be able to sin.
They teach that sin their is no sin in Christ and we are in Christ, no one who sins is in Christ.
They teach that the "old man" was crucified at the cross with Jesus (which is true positionally) but in actual time we were not alive when Jesus was crucified. So, it seems to me that Jesus death was efficacious for all time and when we come to faith in Him we can know that He made us a new creation spiritually. But we still have this corrupted self and nature, which was crucified with Christ so that it has lost its power to enslave us in sin. We can walk in newness of life and can resist temptation by the power of grace.
They say that anyone who claims to be a believer who sins is not saved and a false Christian.
They say that sinless perfection makes us righteous and holy like Jesus was in His earthly life.
They say that since our sinful nature is dead, it no longer affects us in any way.
They say that only those who do not sin anymore will enter heaven.
I am sure I will find out more of what some teachers of sinless perfection teach as I study it more. While many of the Scriptures they cite speak about living free from sin, they ignore so many other Scriptures that tells us to fight against the sinful nature because it wars against the Spirit in us and those Scriptures that say that we have not attained perfection and our bodies have not received the redemption promised in the resurrection when we will be made incorruptible and unable to sin anymore like Jesus.
I was hoping you may be able to give some clarity on this. I am not sure if it is worthwhile to refute this doctrine with someone who believes it because of what I have read on other forums on this topic. Cont.
I will be praying for Danny and Jean.
Holy God bring Danny comfort and peace during this time that is so trying. Help Jean as she attends to Danny whom she loves so much. Prepare each of them for what lies ahead and cause them to know Your love, grace, and power in this time.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus for the sake of Mark, our brother. Be gracious to him and provide him with adequate employment to meet his financial needs. Protect Mark from poverty and lack of daily needs. Deliver to Mark an upswing in his life situation that brings everything he needs to live day by day. Bless him abundantly in all ways. We trust You to supply Mark with what is needed. Amen.
I will ray for you.
Heavenly Father, Matthew is facing opposition in his family because he is following after You. We ask that You strengthen Matthew to be give himself over to You for Your glory and love You more than his own life or his family and their approval.
Help all of us walk the way You call us to walk and seek righteousness in our inward parts through the cleansing work and power of the Holy Spirit and Your word. We ask that we agree with the Spirit that the blood of Jesus washes us clean and empowers us to live holy lives in this sinful and wicked world. Set us all apart from the ways of the world for Your glory. Give us boldness, courage, and conviction to pursue the life You call us into as followers of Jesus and children according to Your promises.
Keep us from falling into sin and ways that lead us into temptation. Deliver us from all evil. Thank You for all the gracious gifts You have given to us according to Your grace and mercy and love. Keep us in the way eternal, forever and ever. Amen.
For us to be sinless would mean that we are in Adam's state, pre-fall - and to get to that state will have to require us to be removed from this body of sinful flesh & from the sin nature that still resides therein. Christ's sacrifice only dealt with a spiritual re-birth (renewing) & not a physical re-birth. If a physical re-birth was also part of the deal, then yes, we would indeed be sinless - at least until Satan had another crack at us, for our spiritual demise. Maybe, our discussion should be on examples of what are errors/faults & what are sins. I think we'll learn that a lot of our errors are actually sins - things that were never a part of Jesus' 'sinless' life. Once we can agree on this, then we can see what 'being holy as He is holy' actually implies for us sinners saved by grace. Blessings.
Hello Momsage. My question that you referred to was: "You stated, "I never said I was as holy as Jesus, although I am sinless because of His divine blood and being fully sanctified. I was wondering whether you actually meant: 'because of Jesus' Sacrifice for you & your coming to Him for forgiveness, you are now both forgiven & made RIGHTEOUS before God' ".
What I was trying to find out, was whether your reference to 'your sinlessness' is better understood as 'your righteousness'. This I see as two completely different things. To be sinless obviously means that no sin can ever be found in a person; once that person commits even one sin (even a wrong thought or feeling as I gave in my personal experience), then that sin proves me a sinner & shows my imperfection as one still in the body of flesh, hence my ability to sin again (as much as I don't want to or plan to do).
Being "righteous", as I stated, "shows us our standing before Him & acceptance by Him because of Christ's Sacrifice." By virtue of Jesus' Death & God's acceptance of that Sacrifice for those who come to Him in repentance & faith, we are forgiven of our past sins, & made 'a new creation in Christ Jesus', with the Blood still efficacious when sin still overtakes us in the future.
God makes us righteous based on His Work alone, or else our righteousness, which are as "filthy rags" will get us nowhere with God. Thus we have a righteous acceptance & standing before God, but this position doesn't remove the sin nature we have & the ability to commit sin (I think you agree with this). Adam & Eve did not have this sin nature, for they were pure in their creation; Satan's work was to cause them to sin thereby relinquishing their pure nature for one marked with sin. And Jesus too faced Satan's onslaughts to cause Him to resemble fallen Adam rather than the sinless God. To Page 2.
(Continued from the previous post)
I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."(Is.42:8)
Coming back to Isaiah we have the glory of God expressed in terms of the Law, which is the truth. I am the truth". So we need look at the truth expressing 'that God may be all in all" fulfills the ministry of Reconciliation by Jesus Christ. "Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.:(Is.8:18). So the clause in v.2 "and all nations shall flow unto it" is to be understood as referring to the Throne of God and of the Lamb.
"Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made/And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not." Here we have judgment about to visit Israel as we have in our times culture wars and super rich treating themselves as cream floating in the cauldron. "this city is the caldron, and we be the flesh." (Ez.11:3). Those who makes idols of men take glory in the worthless " and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth./Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of ?"(Is.2:21-22)
Those who do not abide in Christ as many branches to the true vine may say they are justified and saved by faith. But their glory is in their idols. God is not fooled by their professions when they glory in their worthless gods and not in the true God. "And theLordalone shall be exalted in that day./And the idols he shall utterly abolish." (vv.17-18)
I always wonder what happens to those Church members who don't 'make it' as a result, who give sacrificially to the Church/to its demands upon them to line the preacher's pockets but get no promised return - what happens? Some press on regardless & I think, many leave disheartened & back into the world. When believers blindly accept the leader's words & not search the Scriptures for themselves, error breeds & believers are led further astray.
So why does God allow them to come in & worse still, continue? Unfortunately, the wheat & tares must grow together, & I would still like to believe that those who are truly saved among them, will receive the conviction of the Spirit, just as those trapped in catholicism, cults, etc., that they will come out & be free. The work of Grace & overpowering Love for His Own, won't leave the true child of God without witness, emboldenment & strength to search for & hold onto Truth.
"The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem."(v.1)
The prophet tells us specifically that the word concerns Judah and Jerusalem. Nevertheless we do not take it at face value. The Spirit invites us to compare spiritual with spiritual. Let us compare the first chapter and it says itis a vision a burden. ("The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz"-Is.1:1) It is similar with the Revelation, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, ...and signified it by his angel unto his servant John." (Re.1:1)The messages to the seven churches is of the same value as the vision of Isaiah and in chapter what Isaiah says in the key verse is equivalent to this verse "I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation.(1:9) Thus God places a burden on Isaiah which by repeating in the next chapter places it as the testimony of Jesus Christ,- ("Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ,-1:2) The key verse is the testimony of the Son.
We have also another example in the book of Daniel. Compare the v.1 from ch.7 and ch.8. One is from the Father and the second is from the Son, and the tag Three tells it all. "In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first." (Dan.8:1) Literal meanings give us only in part and it is not the truth. "In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon" in 7:1 was not for the sake of glorifying the king of Babylon but to tells us from his authority came from. The Spirit has warned of the glory factor in the God document. "
I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."(Is.42:8)
Coming back to Isaiah we have the glory of God expressed in terms of the Law, which is the truth. I am the truth". So we need look at the truth expressing 'that God may be all in all."
I am sinless. As He instructs me to be because He says in His word for us to be perfect as His Father in heaven is perfect (Math. 5:48) and we are to be holy as He is holy. ( Leviticus 11: 44-45, Leviticus 19:2, Leviticus 20:7, 1 Peter 1: 15-16). People think these verses are just suggestions, or they don't count because they are in the OT. God's word from Genesis 1:1 to Rev. 12:22 all matter and tells us exactly how God wants us to live holy, righteous lives. I, of course, cannot be sinless as Jesus was because I was born into original sin and He wasn't. But when I was washed clean and made new by His divine blood, He rid me of the desire to sin. The devil tries to tempt me, but because I am without the nature to sin; the adamic nature, I have no desire to sin. I am also filled with the Holy Ghost, so I have all the weapons I need to resist him and as long as I keep these weapons, of prayer, reading and the study of His word, and fasting, new and at my side, I will be able to resist the temptation. It's when a christians gets lax or distracted or lazy that they can eventually fall back into sin. But if they want to make heaven they must do their first fruits (asking forgiveness for sin and asking that the desires for son be removed) again. These verses of perfection and holiness are exactly what God expects of us and He wouldn't tell us to be that way if He didn't make a way for us to be like this. I wasn't sinless until I gave my heart, soul and "old man" to Jesus. When I was saved, I not only prayed for my soul to be washed clean through His divine, forgiving blood, I also prayed and told the Lord that I didn't want to sin anymore and asked if He would take the desire to sin from me (the human nature I inherited from Adam.)
Romans 6,
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
The people in these verses are those who refuse to believe they are sinners in the first place, scoffers who don't believe in sin, don't think they need salvation because they don't believe they are sinners.
When Paul was writing this letter he expected the Roman church to read it from beginning to end, as a letter would be read, and to understand that, although the law needs to exist to show us what sin is, and that we can be tempted to break these laws and sin when we are tempted of satan, that as christians, God expected the church to live sinless because God forbade them to believe they could sin under Grace.
For those who may wish to respond to this discussion, I welcome the replies, however, please discuss the sinning/christian doctrine with scriptures and Godly common sense. Please show me where I am wrong with the scriptures I have used by telling me why the interpretation I have given is incorrect. Not simply by your opinion, but by other scriptures. What God says not man. God Bless :)
Heavenly Father, You blessed me, and I believe You also will heal, now, Mike, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, you said when two or more agree on Your promises You will answer them.
Blessed be Your Holy Name, Lord God Almighty. Thank You and Amen.
I will pray for you, 1200 dollars sounds like you are several months past due. Been there done that, not with a storage unit. I pray you do not loose what you have.
Some times it is like the Lord comes up behind you and hits you in the back of your head with a two by four and when your face is in the dirt, He says do I have your attention.
There are companies you can get your refunds when you file. I understand that sometimes this life is hard, but much of it is our own fault. You are in my prayers, put you faith is Jesus and regardless of what this world throws at us this world is not where our hope is.
I say this in love,
God bless,
There is a lot of evil in this world, fallen angels, demons, evil people, and the head honcho Satan the devil. As we see in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
They make merchandise of those who fall into their deception, 2 Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. They look up to heaven and see all the stars are 20-dollar bills, the love of money is so powerful, that many cannot resist.
Does God allow it? Since it is so prevalent, I am sure God has His reasons, but we do not see the result. Deuteronomy 18:20 and Matthew 18:6 and many more their punishment will be great. We are to go humbly and in prayer to the Bible with open ears and trust God through the Holy Spirit for the truth and share it in how we are led.
Their intentions only God knows, God will allow us to choose the road of this world, filled with riches but we know all the wealth of this world is filth compared to the true riches we have in Christ, that the narrow rocky road leads to. As Jesus said take heed that no man deceive you.
God bless,