All Discussion PAGE 966

  • Darryl Phillips on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    Please explain verses 25 and 26
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Numbers 5 - 2 years ago
    NIV apparently indicates that her "womb will miscarry" while other versions seem to indicate just a physical condition making childbirth impossible. In either case; after that point physical malady occurs. This penalty is no more severe than that of David when he sinned committing adultery with Bathsheeba then summarily sending her husband Uriah to his death deliberately being put on the front lines of battle. ( 2 Samuel 12; also see Psalm 51). The sin of adultery was a capital offense as well as murder so only the grace of God could supersede this. In the case of the woman mentioned in Numbers; there was no proof corroborated beyond the husband's suspicions (2 or more witnesses were needed to enact punishment). Therefore; the Lord used this method to determine supernaturally guilt or innocence. We see with David's child as well as in this hypothetical case that surely occurred with real life examples that a child would die as the result of God's judgment for behavior of someone else. This is different than man's arbitrary decision to terminate life and peculiar to the Jews. The soul of the child was never in question here; but it shows how the sin of one can affect others; and we can't pretend to understand all of God's ways.

    Again; this showed the seriousness of God's covenant marriage relationship. It says nothing of how someone not engaged who commits fornication would be treated; other scriptures state that a man should marry a virgin in that instance; and there are other verses that say he must stay married if he finds nothing appealing in a wife (we see Leah having more kids to prove that point). Since adultery was a capital punishment; then by default sadly if she was already conceiving a child it would become part of the "collateral damage".

    We should see from this the seriousness of marriage and how it holds the framework of a society together. God used this concept of a Theocracy with His chosen people in that dispensation.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We need to be in prayer for Troy & your sister as well. But I trust your health is good brother & we simply misunderstood your first comment. These obstacles to faith & healing might seem insurmountable, but God is able to not only open the way through it or around it, but bring His Peace & His Light to dispel them and nourish our hearts. I pray for a clear resolution to these family matters that are weighing heavily upon you also & you will see the salvation of the Lord in their lives.

    And remembering Troy as well that He will sense the Lord's Presence & feel His healing power move through his body. I ask in the Name above all names, Jesus, the Giver of perfect peace & healing.
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe all of those scriptures that Christ is one with God and the Father is in the Son. I also believe that we are one in God and Jesus, but we do not exchange names with them and call ourselves God or Jesus. Some verses ... John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be (one in us): that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." I think when we use words that the Bible does not use it can complicate the scripture. Example: God the Son or God in the flesh. It is simpler to use the Son of God and ponder what that means. 2 Cor. 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. God dwells in us and walks in us, but we don't call ourselves "God in the flesh" just because he is in our flesh. Maybe a relevant point to consider concerning this topic is if we believe Jesus could have sinned.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Alex for your response. If I could nail down a few things.

    a. "a baby Christ which is the H.G"; "That cannot speak for a while simply b/c he is an infant". So are you saying that we can't receive the Holy Ghost & being born again because He (the Spirit) is still an infant? So when are we born again? If we can't be born again now, how do you account for spiritual gifts, power to live for God, a longing to be with Him? A carnal man without the Spirit cannot enjoy these things nor desire them - they are foolishness to him.

    b. can you give me a reference where God told Moses that His Name was Abraham, Isaac & Jacob? I only see references in my Bible such as Exodus 4:5, "That they may believe that the LORD God OF their fathers, the God OF Abraham, the God OF Isaac, and the God OF Jacob, hath appeared unto thee?" They never speak of God's Name being what you state, but that God is the God OF

    c. I know that "the night cometh, when no man can work", which means we need to do God's Work while it is still 'day'. But my point was, why should the Gospel be preached NOW, when, as you believe, that the day will come when all men will bow down to the Lord, those alive & those who have died? If God has determined that all will be saved one day, why is there a need to share the Gospel with the unsaved - they're going to be saved anyway regardless whether they know anything about Jesus' Sacrifice or not, or whether they have given any regard to their sinful state or not?
  • Ronnette on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    1 Thessalonians 3:10. I prayed and re-read the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15. Matthew 24:4-5. If you are guided by the Holy Spirit of God, Colossians 2:2-3. Grow in grace and Charity 2 Peter 3:18; 1 Corinthians 13:4-9. Colossians 3:14. Many of you 2 Timothy 3:10. Galatians 6:6. Galatians 6:10. All scriptures tie out-Old Testament and New Testament. God directed my paths to be a very honest Corporate Auditor on earth to testify that the Bible is true and indeed cannot lie. Men lie. Every word in KJV Bible you can follow stories upon stories for us to know and learn what to do. There is no man can pervert the word of God, except you are lost. I pray that all be saved. Read the Bible and be guided by the Holy Spirit; Cover to cover are blessed and believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. All scriptures directed in the end to The blood of Jesus Christ for the world salvation. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

    Revelation 3:2. Thank you for the opportunities to communicate through written comments to some of you. Thank you for the website Agape.
  • Q - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Roman's 10:9-10 is called the TNT of the Bible. Ten Nine Ten.

    It says all you need to know. Sounds to me like you may already be saved. Pray for joy and more faith. I will join you. Believe !!!
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Chris GM...Sorry for taking so long to answer you... i just now noticed your reply...Sorry again....OK ...Chris God wants perfect praise thats the only way he will recieve any thing from man is by man being bornagain of an incorruptible seed...Outa of the mouths of babes and Sucklings thou has Perfected Praise....We are are gonna have a baby Christ which is the H.G...As that which is born of the spirit is spirit....Thats our new innerman the H.G. That cannot speak for a while simply b/c he is an infant...Remember Jesus said when he the spirit of truth is come he wd not speak of himself...Simply b/c he is a spiritual infant

    .....Chris God cd not have told Moses that his name was Abraham Issac and Jacob and my memorial to all generations...If his Kingdom were a not a Abrahamic Type Trinity....When Abraham offered up his only son Issac it points to God offering up his son Jesus...Infact the ram caught in the thicket by his horns was a type of Christ and his crown of thorns....A 5 yr old can see this. So with this in mind we see that Gods name is indeed Abraham Issac and Jacob...FATHER SON AND GRANSON like Abraham Isaac Jacob...Just as Issac was the Child of Promise in the O.T....Now in the N.T. Its Christ that is the Child of Promise...Thus Jacob is a type of the H.G. the 3 rd person....That heavenly Jacob that Isaiah writes about in 49 is a spritual Jacob An Israel of God that is gonna be multiplied as the stars of Heaven...A spritual ppl that are gonna be born in humanity the H.G..The Children of Promise the multiplication of very God in Humanity via the seed of the sower.

    ....Christ you asked y should we preach now if everybody is gonna be saved....Chris ya gotta remember what Jesus said I am the light of the world BUT the NITE comes when no man can work....Impling a time of darkness.. That great falling away...The day of the lord cannot come till there 1st come a great falling away and that man of sin be revealed....Nothin can be done till the book is open.
  • Selasi - 2 years ago
    what does spiritual death mean
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Bri, as I told you yesterday, we do not walk by feelings, we walk by faith. If you have been born again, you are sealed--you can't lose your salvation. You can stray away. You need to get back into His Will. He convicts, you respond. It's up to you to confess your sins and repent from them and keep His commandments. It's also your responsibility to find a church that teaches His way. See, we aren't robots. We have a choice. Some prayers hinge entirely upon Him. Some are such that He expects us to help ourselves while He helps us do that.

    God bless you!
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers
  • Mishael - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    I was looking into that today. You're not the only one wondering about marriage, sex and babies, in heaven.

    Babies born now, to unsaved mothers; will be raptured. Not the mother. God will be their Father. That's just the way it is.

    If you read what is to come, upon the earth: in 2 Peter 3

    You can make an informed choice. It's burning now, but it's being sold to us as GLOBAL WARMING. The earth is heating up for the End of Time. Carefully and slowly read that chapter.

    We should desire to go to heaven, to be together with children and family of course. But Most importantly, to be with our Savior, Jesus.

    Now is the time to be born again; marry and have your babies.

    The way I understand it, only humans who choose to go through the Tribulation, followed by the Great Tribulation (when Antichrist will murder anyone who does not have his mark in their hand or forehead) will be slaughtered. There will be no food. No fresh water. It will be poisoned by destroyed nuclear reactors.

    So you'd have to survive all that and Armageddon to have Jesus take you to heaven IF you had received Him to be your Savior. If you miss the rapture, you have to make it through the destruction of earths inhabitants, to make it to heaven to be able to bear children.

    You're not the only one asking this question. There is a Tribulation Movie you can watch on YouTube:

    "Blesson Tribulation movie"

    You'd have to live through the Entire book of Revelation to be a candidate for marriage & motherhood in heaven. Have you read it through?
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Acts 20 : 28 Feed the Church of God that he has purchased with his own Blood....The redemption of Humanity wd be of no effect unless Jesus was God the Son....Man's Blood cd not atone for sins PERIOD....All men carried the stain and the spot of Adam....There was none righteous no not one....Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.....The blood of God...Jesus....As he was the LIVING WORD made flesh and blood.
  • Predestination - In Reply on John 10:36 - 2 years ago
    I'm probably not going to answer this Biblically enough. If you have a destination in mind_you buy a ticket and go stand on the train platform for boarding.

    If we wait to do something or respond; until "we feel like it", the moment can completely pass by us.

    No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Best to move on it when it today. " Today if you hear My Voice"
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hebrews Chapter 10

    23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)

    24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

    25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching

    26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

    Comment: in verse 25 we see the reason to attend church. To encourage each other, to pray together. Some people come in the doors beat up by life that week. This is our chance to please the Lord by being obedient to these Bible verses. One arm squeeze can mean a lot to someone; it says "I care."

    Social media doesn't offer that. It's everyone at home typing on a keyboard. I don't group this website into that media. We're typing yes, but we are genuinely interested in helping others with spiritual questions or just in need of prayer.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well Rob, I don't struggle with this as the Scriptures are clear to me. You asked if there was a "man at the right hand of God?" To answer that as you gave it, I would say NO, only because that short statement doesn't reflect Christ's true personality & remains open to confusion & speculation. It only reflects His Humanity, devoid of His eternal existence & the Nature of His Resurrection.

    But if you asked, 'is there One called Jesus Christ, who came to Earth from Heaven ( John 3:13; John 6:38), from within the Person of God ( John 1:1-14), to become Man, died, arose from the grave, & now ascended to the right Hand of the Father, ever living as the Word of God made flesh (where Divinity has merged with Humanity) making intercession for His people, & one day returning to Earth in the same state that He left this Earth (as the Word of God: Revelation 19:13)?', then I would say, YES. Any other Jesus is, from my understanding of the Scriptures, to be another Jesus - One assumed maybe from incorrect teaching and/or a bias against the Plan of God to secure our salvation.

    If I avoided certain pertinent Scriptures revealing the full Nature of Christ, I could well agree with you. And some of us have shared those Scriptures, but receiving no exposition.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you dear Lord Jesus, let Your strength and power be shared with us humans. We give thanks for Your salvation, Lord, and for human souls who come to You, Lord. Thank You for not leaving anyone to themselves, You are with us all the way in the good.

    Hallelujah Abba Father look "Anubhab Mallick and pours out Gods Word like from a spring of living water that gives salvation to other people as well. And for all others also who live today who want to be with the Lord. Thank You for being just and knowing about everything. Thank You that You are Lord and fill all the ppl with the Holy Spirit who asks You. Thank you for awakening the grace/s that have been given and never ever departing from Your Word Lord! And forever will thank and praise You, You who are worthy of everything. Thank you Jesus Christ, Amen.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Daer Almighty Lord and Creator. You who know about all things. We honor Your Holy Name. We raise this matter to You Lord, You see how hearts tremble for yet another disturbance under Heaven. We pray for those in charge that they choose the just solution. We also pray for the authorities in this matter that they choose the just path and everything according to Your Will God Almighty. We pray that You will give them strength and power to persevere in Justice.

    Thank you Lord Jesus for Your word and Your Holy Spirit that You have given us. We will always trust You Lord and love Your community. Thank you for hearing our prayers, Amen. Luke 21:34-38
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother. I believe you've shared a well reasoned & fair understanding on this subject, one that the Word doesn't address with much detail.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother Jesse. I had not looked at Matthew chapter 1 in that way. That gives greater clarity & substantiates the miraculous birth of Jesus as One wholly from God without any human input.

    I've always maintained that Mary contributed nothing to Jesus' Conception except being the 'vehicle' for delivering the Son of God, but often hear that Jesus received His Human side through her (i.e. her blood, DNA, etc.). Maybe that's true in part but I feel that this Holy Embryo had no human contribution to it.

    I believe that what you've shared in these pages now, prove that this Birth was wholly of God, & His Humanity was in fulfilment of the prophecies that went before Him, His identification with the people He (primarily) came for, and of course, that His Life might be sacrificed as an atonement for theirs & our sins. That the sacrifice had to be from within the Deity (seen now as His Son in the flesh), or else any other sacrifice would not satisfy the oft declared Nature of God, i.e. of His great Love for all mankind.

    Would any other sacrifice suffice to adequately deal with our sin, except that divinity should take on humanity for the suffering of death? Can we read of God's great love for us in the Word & believe that anything other than Himself could truly express that love? I don't believe anything or anyone else could - it had to be all of God. Thanks again for sharing those insights into the Word.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother. This is very sad news, as others here have understood your words, that you also have this awful illness. At first reading, I understood that this was a prayer you've written for Troy to pray, but it seems that it could also be personal. I'm praying over this matter, but if you could clarify your situation - for my peace of mind at least & to know how to specifically pray.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 1:27,28

    Genesis 4:13-16,

    Hopefully helpful
  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 5 - 2 years ago
    Hi Diego. I don't believe that Numbers 5:27 supports abortion. As you have probably read the whole chapter, specifically from verses 12 to 31, you can see that determining the guilt is intended & not the destruction of the embryo.

    If the husband becomes suspicious of his wife, that she has been unfaithful to him, his wife would be brought to the priest for judging whether the husband's anger & suspicions are warranted. When the priest applies the test of the 'bitter waters', with the curse that if "her belly does not swell nor her thigh rot", then she is innocent & she will be able to become pregnant by her husband. But if guilty, then she will suffer physically & be a cast-off from society. These verses don't speak of whether conception had taken place if she was guilty - but certainly her organs around the belly might well include the womb which no longer would be able to bear children. I don't see anything more than the suffering of a guilty woman or the health of an innocent woman.
  • Dianna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sister, I am in the same boat as you. I read your post and felt it could have been mine. I pray you find that peace with the Lord again. God bless and keep you. Amen
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother!!!
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Interesting verse to describe how God had to anoint Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power. Act 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
  • Jesse - In Reply on John 10:36 - 2 years ago

    John 10:29 is not talking about predestination and predestination has nothing to do with God choosing who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell. John 10:29 is showing the permanency of salvation to those who are presently saved.
  • Doug - In Reply on Leviticus 19 - 2 years ago
    Believers should not be unequally yoked to unbelievers. A new testament teaching. Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
  • Bri - 2 years ago
    I was once a kind and godly woman, filled with the Holy Spirit. I have not felt his presence in a long time. Please pray that God would place me in a church community where it will be possible for me to be restored to fellowship with Him, and be filled with the Spirit again.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    In Ezekiel, where you see son of man in lower case, it is referring to the prophet Ezekiel. The phrase son of man would be the same as just saying man. Jesus many times in the New Testament calls Himself the Son of man referring to His humanity. Something also interesting to note is that in the Greek text, it has a definite article "the" before Son of man when referring to Jesus. He is the Son of man. It does not have a definite article before son of man when referring to Ezekiel. It just says son of man.

    So you have son of man and Son of man. Jesus is also called Jesus Son of the Father, but did you know that there is someone else in the Bible whose name is Jesus son of the father?

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