It means if we embrace the false notion that usa is a christian nation, the opulent "ivory" houses of the rich that have been bought by robbery and violence toward others continues, then all of usa will be destroyed and only a few peopke will escape
this verse depicts the intimate relationship between Israel and Yahweh,the contex is depect the exodus journey where Yahwe made a covenant with Israelites
The word of GOD is revealed through the prophets.The same prophetic word we receive through the holy bible.It tells us we must abide by this word or else we will bring suffering upon ourselves and our GOD will not answer our prayers until we repent and submit to GOD.
This scripture CLEARLY spoke to the flesh Nation of Israel israel judah ,natural children. And,not the adopted, and redeemed Israel remnants of the natural family with people of all nations races reborn thru the salvation of Jesus Christ baptism of the Holy Spirit.
It is better weather you are in a marriage or business partnership to trust the Word of God. Lean not on our own understanding, but lean on the promises of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ that He will never leave nor forsake us.
I believe that God still reveal himself to the faithfuls. He warned people people sending disaster or blessing. He revealed Himself to Moses before sending the plaques to Pharaoh. He revealed Himself to Mary before the birth of Jesus. But do we have many faithful Prophets now?
AMOS 3-14...Above everything else, cast off the commandments of man because they lead to destruction, there is no good thing that comes from man, He is a liar, along with his father, Satan, do you not know the one and only thing in GOD 'S Kingdom that was made by man,,,,,It is the scars in our Messiah 's hands and feet!! I have written many comments explaining how we have to live by the Commandments of GOD all Ten Commandments, and if you don 't, you forfeit your eternity with GOD AND HIS SON. The 7th day Sabbath is the 4th Commandment of GOD, it has not been done away or changed, get out of the church if this is what it preaches, it is preaching a false doctrine. PRAISE OUR GOD, PRAISE HIS HOLY SON FOREVER GIVE THEM THE GLORY. AMEN!!
It is quite better to walk with the Lord than walk with a friend, If you walk with God , you will always conquer in all that attacks you, Greater is He that is within you than he that is in this World ! Remain blessed
V 7 i wish people will understand that God reveals secrets revelations of Himself and what He is doing. Its not the secrets of peoples lives we here now and again profesied on tvs
I totally agree with "Ekeen " 's comment It is better to spend the rest of your life alone, than to spend one second with bad company. No one should stay with an unequally yoked mate just to be in a relationship. God can and will keep you.
While I agree with it totally I am persuaded to think that one can enslave someone and walk together Satan can mind control his subjects according to his selfish desires
I believe's in the trinity that He will revealeth the secret,either by vision or in the dream at the point of time to His servant,who walked faithfully way of the LORD GOD.
Before something will happen something must take place. You can't go to ones house without an itroduction and begin to ask one questions. The same way with God, you don't expect Him to commiun with you whiles you are in sin or disagreement. It like a contract both parties has to under go mutual agreement before any other thing can take place.
Amos 3:15, God warned He would smite the winter house with the summer house. We must pray God that He may have mercy on us. When a hurricane and a winter storm come at the same time, God is warning us to repent, before something worst comes. Pray for all the people who are in the path of these storms.
Praise God for the Truth of the KJV. For anyone who doubts that thorns and snares are not demons or curses God has given us the proof in Amos 3:6. Compare that to Deut 7:25-26, 2 Cor 12:7-10, Prov 22:5, Prov:29:6, etc
You are right he is revealing his promises to a ministry that has been working to restore the early church for over 40 years now, as the scripture says "To him that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled," And they shall know the truth and the truth shall make them free, not set....
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.amos.3.7