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For one of many reasons, he's been active and faithful in our lives whether by blessings or chastening.
Another way, The Nation Israel!
God has shown the world he's a God that provides and keeps his promises, That is through the Nation Israel.
What's their future?
God bless.
by Mark Hitchcock
God's Faithfulness to Israel.
Part 1 of 5.
After the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in A.D. 70, a group of rabbis accompanied Rabbi Akiva up to Jerusalem. When they reached Mount Scopus and the site of the Temple came into view, they tore their garments. When they reached the Temple Mount, they saw a fox dart out from the spot where the Holy of Holies had stood in the Holy Temple. The other rabbis began to weep, but Rabbi Akiva laughed.
"Akiva," they said to him, "you never cease to amaze us. We are crying, and you laugh!"
But Rabbi Akiva asked, "And you, why are you crying?"
The rabbis responded, "What? Shall we not weep? The place about which Scripture states, 'and the stranger who draws close shall die,' has become a den of foxes. Indeed, this is a fulfillment of the verse, 'For Mt. Zion which lies desolate, foxes prowl over it.'" This is exactly why I laugh," Akiva replied. "For just as we have seen the prophecies of Jerusalem's destruction come to pass, so, too, know that the prophecies of her future consolation shall also be fulfilled. I laughed because I remembered the verses, 'Old men and old women will once again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with his staff in his hand because of advanced age; and the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets.' The Holy One, blessed be He, has declared that, just as the first prophecies have been fulfilled, so shall the latter. I am joyous that the first have already come to pass, for the latter shall be fulfilled in the future."
Part 2 of 5.
Rabbi Akiva was absolutely right. God is faithful. He is faithful to His promises and to His people. Yet we must remember, as did Rabbi Akiva, that God's faithfulness cuts both ways. We often think of it only in terms of reassurances and blessings. But He also is faithful to carry out His threats and curses. Israel has been the recipient of God's faithfulness in both areas.
Because people throughout history have witnessed the Jewish people's distress, deportation, and even near-destruction, they are tempted to say God has forgotten His ancient people and cast them aside. But nothing could be more misguided.
God has been unswervingly faithful to His covenant. Through Moses, God told the Israelites what would happen if they obeyed Him and what would happen if they disobeyed. Deuteronomy 28 clearly explains the covenant blessings and curses. The fact that God is faithful in following through with His curses actually proves He will be equally as faithful in bringing forth His blessings.
Just as the curses were literal, the blessings are literal. Israel's scattering was literal, and so is Israel's regathering.
In the darkest book of the Bible-Lamentations-the city of Jerusalem and the Solomonic Temple lie in ruins. In the midst of the devastation, the prophet Jeremiah, like Rabbi Akiva, saw a ray of hope: "Though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies" (3:32).
Part 3 of 5
Even in times of stern discipline, God has faithfully preserved His people. Have you noticed that every time someone has tried to wipe out the Jewish people, they have ended up with a holiday? Pharaoh tried, and they received Passover. Haman's attempt backfired, and they got Purim. The anger of Antiochus IV in the Intertestamental Period resulted in the Feast of Lights, usually called Hanukkah. And Hitler's hatred led to the May 14, 1948, founding of the modern State of Israel.
At every twist and turn, God has been faithful to Israel. Despite numerous deportations, with the final one lasting for 1,900 years to 70 nations, the Jewish people remained distinct. In the late 19th century, even the Hebrew language was revived and restored.
The formation of modern Israel against all odds-often called the "Miracle on the Mediterranean"-may be the greatest miracle of the 20th century. Wrote Randall Price, an archaeologist and president of World of the Bible Ministries,
Part 4 of 5.
The fact of the Jewish people's continuity is even more remarkable in light of the testimony of history to exile and return. In all of human history there have been less than ten deportations of a people group from their native land. These people groups disappeared in history because they assimilated into the nations to which they were exiled. However, the Jewish people did not simply experience a single exile, but multiple exiles.The contrast here with other historical exiles should not be overlooked. While other people groups were exiled to one country, the Jews were dispersed to many different countries, and in fact were scattered to every part of the earth.Moreover, the Jewish people are the only people to have returned en masse to their ancient homeland and to have restored their national independence by re-establishing their former state.Any one of these facts of Israel's survival would be remarkable, but taken together they are miraculous.
The establishing of modern Israel is astounding in itself, but the fact that the country is surviving and thriving for 65 years in the middle of a sea of enemies is further testimony to God's faithfulness to His promise, "He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" ( Ps. 121:4). In these events, God is setting the stage for the events of the end-times and His people's final restoration to the Promised Land.
See Part 5.
Part 5 of 5.
Every visitor to Israel who travels by plane enters the country the same way-through passport control at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. Once you have passed through there and are about to exit, you are greeted by a huge, colorful tapestry welcoming you to the land.
Millions of people have come and gone through that airport, but most of them probably never noticed the big "welcome" sign. On this tapestry is depicted masses of people streaming in through the gates of the city of Jerusalem. On it, in Hebrew, is a prophetic text from the book of Jeremiah that speaks about the ingathering of the exiles: "'So there is hope for your future,' declares the L. 'Your children will return to their own land'" ( Jer. 31:17 NIV).
Whether or not newly arrived Jewish immigrants can yet read the words, the lesson is understood; for they who are coming home are part of God's present purpose in regathering His people in faithfulness to the fulfillment of His ancient promise.
Someone might ask why it is so significant to Christian believers today that God is faithful to Israel. The reason is simple and sublime. If God was and is faithful to Israel, then we can have firm confidence He will be faithful to all who trust in His Son. The same God who made His promises to Israel and faithfully fulfilled them will keep His Word to all of us who trust in Him to save us and see us through to the end ( Phil. 1:6).
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it ( 1 Th. 5:23-24).
Very good article in my opinion.
This weekend I will share an article from Dave Hunt.
Good night and God bless.
I come from a family that values hard work and for people being able to get a lot done in a little time. That is the "standard" in my family growing up and has stuck with many of us in adulthood. Which can be a good thing. It becomes sinful when members of my family judge others as lazy who do not do as much work as others in our family do. I have a few older sisters who are very much this way. I don't let them bother me though, but it reminds me to let each of us choose for ourselves how we use our time our how fast or slow, short or long we work. This is certainly a work ethic that our family needs to part with because we are all getting older - all of us are between the ages of 50 and 71. Accepting that we are slowing down and not as strong in stamina or strength as in the past is part of the process of aging. We need to lay aside our "I can do things myself" for "I need help in doing this or that".
I have a friend who had a stroke 25 years ago and she has been able to be very active until about 5 years ago. She is now mostly bedridden with lots of pain in many joints. She is really down about this and needs prayers and help. Her husband just died last month after a long battle with cancer and being hospitalized for almost a year. I wish she would let me help her.
We are now entering retirement and we again need to "crunch the numbers" again to work out a lifestyle that is within our means. We are cutting back on many things. NO biggie. We understand that things are fleeting pleasures and even necessities and that God has so much more in story for us in Christ. Time will fly by and we both will be at home with the Lord sooner than many on this site. But in the time between now and then, we will live a life of gratitude, sensibility, responsibleness, and generosity, according to how God blesses us.
I agree we need to be watchful of "subtle things" as you say, avoiding even the appearance of sin ( 1 Th. 5:22), some versions say, others say avoid every kind of evil. So, I think we need to do both, to say no to what we know to be evil and to turn away from anything that is subtlety evil in appearance (as we never know who is watching our conduct and example). The first we do for ourselves truly, to say not to obvious evil. But the second is for the conscience and judgment of others AND for ourselves as indulging in what appears to be evil can tempt us into more serious sin. Also, if certain practices and interactions with others cause us to sin, then we are to shun such things so we will escape being entrapped in a sin we had previously overcame or one that will ensnare us and master us.
Even so, I agree, we are to enjoy the life that God has blessed us with. We are to be wise in discerning good and evil so that we can walk according to what is good (and can be enjoyed to God's honor) and righteous (and is in obedience to God's will).
Living a balanced life between willingly forgoing some things for Christ's sake and enjoying the blessings of this mortal life in gratitude to God who provides and allows us to partake is the key important factor here.
AS for me, I endeavor to live a simple life her in the U.S. and avoid the over-indulgent lifestyle touted by those of worldly-mindedness. But I find many things that are simple pleasures meant for me to enjoy. I grew up in poverty that went back for generations and generations. God lifted me out of poverty when I married. We spent most of our married life just barely making ends meet raising our family. We were lived frugally and responsibly. In the last decade we have been blessed with a better standard of living than we have ever had before, but we are certainly not rich. AS a result of this blessing, we have not only been able to make ends meet, but also enjoy many things we hadn't the resources for past.
We do not need to feel guilty of enjoying things in this life our even possessing things that others do not have. Abraham was a very rich man for his time, a Chieftan. He had oodles of livestock and many servants. Was it wrong or him to have these things? No, God had blessed him in such a way that he prospered beyond what would be subsistence living. I am sure he enjoyed wine, too.
So, do not think that we need to live so simply that we are miserable in doing so with a dour attitude that leads to a downhearted countenance. We are to be joyful, living our life in the abundance that God has blessed us with, whether little or much. His blessings should not be shunned. in times past, many believers resorted to ascetic behavior to renounce material things. We do not need to turn to that lifestyle. Yet we are to learn to deny ourselves in favor of the Lord's will. In order for the apostles to do the work God willed for them to do, they needed to depend on the giving of other Christians who had means to fund their work and life needs. They encouraged those with means to support those who are poor, but not to forsake their means or not enjoy the life these means provide, as God had blessed them.
Jema, I do believe it is fine to enjoy certain hobbies and such as long as it is in moderation and does not overtake our interest, attention, and time. There is a time for everything, as it says in Ecclesiastes, and a purpose for every thing under heaven.
As for me, I have so enjoyed gardening these past 3 years since I retired. When I was teaching, I did not have time to do this. Now I can enjoy how God makes vegetables and flowers grow from small seeds. The flowers are so beautiful and the vegetables are good for us to eat. They also provide food for animals and pollen for insects, which in turn, pollinate the flowers so that they produce fruit. How beautiful is this cycle of interdependence! Others may enjoy raising animals. We just do all for God's glory.
John the Baptist was called from the foundation of the world to be the forerunner of Christ, your called to be his wife.
John had everything he needed to dwell in the wilderness, a coat of camels hair, and locust to eat.
Jesus SAID:
Luke 7:28 .... among those that are born among women there is not a GREATER PROPHET than John the Baptist, be he that is LEAST in the Kingdom of God is a GREATER (prophet) than he.
Revelation 10:11 .... thou (you) must PROPHESY AGAIN before many people, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Your calling is to be a JUDGE, along the side, of your husband Christ , when he resurrects the dead back to life.
Just as God told Gideon, you only need a FEW to destroy the Midianites, he is ONLY calling out a FEW to be JUDGES with him, and they together will DESTROY the carnal mind of those resurrected back from the dead.
They will BE JUDGED by God's word, just as we are judged by God's word.
Proverbs 16:6 .... by MERCY and TRUTH, iniquity is purged .......
God BLESS YOU as SPIRIT declares his truth to us.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I put my trust in Jesus that you make a steady recovery.
My God bless you with comfort and peace in Jesus name.
Greetings and love from our God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ.
"Let you heart be not troubled" we can all stumble in our walk, this is what fellowship is actually for, so that we can Keep each other in the faith. I may not quite have ears to hear yet but I do see a lot. I have always been a quiet, meek yet observant and inquisitive individual. But I am humble enough to admit that I am nothing but dust without God. I have had a very troubled past which God has saved me from and I think sometimes that people often forget about the spiritual war we are in. We are taught "it's not of works" which can be very deceiving itself because people tend to fall back in to the temptations we are told to avoid. I agree and accept the finished works of Christ but that doesn't mean I can sit back, put my feet up and drink my coffee. Quite the contrary I am now in debt to Christ and want to work daily "strive to enter" "pick up my cross daily" to show my Faith and constantly "examine thyself. ( James 2:18) "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." It's the one true Jesus I seek not the many impostors that have entered the world. I have tried to share my testimony on here too but I am struggling to shorten it to fit the characters required as I have had many different experiences that have all contributed to who I am today and how I came to Jesus for salvation. It really does show the extent that Jesus will go to just to find his lost sheep.
May the grace God guide you always and peace be with you in Jesus name.
I know you go to church and enjoy going.
All Churches have rules, and those rules put burdens on the congration.
Just as the people couldn't carry the rules put on them by the Pharisees.
The problem is they usually associate those rules as a part of salvation
Christ puts no rules on you, his burden is light and easy to carry.
Before the foundation of the world; God, though Christ spoke the words of his salvation for man.
God alway see what he has spoken AS IF IT has ALREADY HAPPENED.
Christ has NOT YET put all things under him, God told him he needs a HELPMATE, so he came in the fullness of time (as God's word were spoken that he would come) died and was resurrected, but by HIS RESURRECTION a helpmate came forth, his wife, flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, his IMAGE, and she is going to HELP HIM, judge the world.
God has done the work, just ENJOY HIS LIFE, as his wife, and walk not in deception of HIS WORKS.
God Bless YOU!
I have FAITH in the finished WORKS of Christ.
( Rom. 3:10)"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"
( Rom. 3:23)"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
It is because of that FAITH that leads me in to a life of OBEDIENCE.
( Rom. 4:4)"Now to him that WORKETH is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of DEBT."
( 1 John 1:6) "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and WALK in DARKNESS, WE LIE, and DO NOT THE TRUTH:"
( 2 Cor. 6:17) "Wherefore COME OUT from among them, and BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"
( Heb. 11:8) "BY FAITH Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, OBEYED; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."
Jordyn You should know that you cannot profess a FAITH in Christ yet WALK in DARKNESS
( Mat. 6:24)"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
We have to be cautious of the "subtle" things or I might as well continue smoking cigarettes, commit fornication, adultery and thievery so long as I BELIEVE. No, I want to have FULL OBEDIENCE.
( Rev 3:16) "So then because thou art LUKEWARM, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
You are explaining something I already understand quite well.
Again I thank you for your time and patience. you have helped me in some areas of which I am really grateful for.
Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Greetings and grace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'll try and keep it short as I can so that what I say will be easy to understand. After a life that I have lived I want nothing more than to please and serve God all day, everyday. 24/7. This is my only joy and my true (sabbath) rest. If I am not reading His word then, I am praying or speaking to someone about God. Things like facebook although is meant to allow people to communicate has only brought a disconnection between people from my own personal experience. Although I have faith in the finished works of Christ it's because of that is what transforms me from the old me to the new me. If there is no transformation then it becomes ( Mat. 15:8) empty lip service. Then I might as well just continue in fornication and pagan practices because, Hey ho Christ did it all for me. That last part was a bit of sarcasm, sorry.
I thank you for taking the time out of day to respond, I am really grateful
May God continue to guide you and peace be with you in Jesus name.
I really do appreciate the patience you have shown me. I think I am beginning to understand. It came to me last night after a dream I had. I know Christ lives because he lives in me. And so it is not I who lives but Christ in me. By the way the church I attend does not teach a works based doctrine. They teach "not of works lest any man shall boast". From what you have been saying and what they teach at the church I attend has mirrored each other. It was my understanding that was the problem.
I thank you again for your time and the patience you have bestowed upon me.
God bless you with peace and love in Jesus name.
The ministry of LITTLE FAITH
Matt 6:30,33 - You of LITTLE FAITH, seek ye first the kingdom of heaven.
1 John 3:17-19 - how does God's love abide in him? LITTLE CHILDREN, let us not love in word and talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth.
ISA 8:18 - "Behold, I and the CHILDREN whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in ISRAEL from the LORD of HOSTS, which dwelleth in Mount Zion."
The eternal internal land of the ISRAELITES. The miniature land of God within us.
Psa 125:1 - "They that trust in the LORD shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever." Psa 125:2 - As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever." The land allotted to the righteous. Peace be upon ISRAEL. Aman
Matt 19:14 - Jesus said, let the LITTLE CHILDREN "come" to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Matt 19:28 - Jesus said, when the son of man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Matt 19:29 - You will receive a hundred fold (SPIRITUAL CHILDREN) and will inherit eternal life.
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (spiritual) within us, the seed and the inheritance of God, our Great Father and The Good Creator. We build and we destroy, to our flesh and to our spirit. Gal 6:7 - whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Gal 6:8 - For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh (earth) reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit (heaven) will from the spirit reap eternal life. Gal 6:9 - And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. For God is our Father in heaven and we are theirs in heaven on earth. Our CHILDREN within us, THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. This is the Truth, this is the good news, this is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.
To be continued.
Why don't you and your husband just quit watching all the news and conflicting videos that causing conflict, and talk about other things.
What do you enjoy doing together that doesn't cause conflict?
Life is as simple as you make or as complicated as you make it.
God Bless YOU!
OK, Ronald, but having read your reply I see it deserves or even requires an important clarification not only for you, but for everyone's knowledge here, as follow:
I highlight your point and I must consider it very important to "have a heart of love towards others as brothers and sisters" as you said in your reply. But it is important to highlight also this desirable behavior only exists and happens when the Truth is spoken, GOD is the Truth; Then, when someone speaks out having a heart of love as Peter in Matthew 16:22-23(take a look), that kind of "love" manifestation actually is a stumbling block, and it creates a deadly environment, as can be seen in Genesis 3:1&5.
That said, it is essential to discern the spirit(s) as JESUS discerned in- Matthew 16:22-23- , in order not to fall into the Devil's trap.
Be careful or then get ready
On the other hand, I don't bellit people, neither I feel superior, as you suggest in your reply, and who Judges is the Word of GOD, not me, the Word is GOD, understand? By the way, the Word of GOD is quick -the Word is GOD- , and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged Sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we must give an account.
By the way, my Lord JESUS left very clear, saying: "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, false witness, blasphemies, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts: These are the things which defile a man- Matthew 15:19-20
1 Corinthians 6:2-3
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall Judge the world?
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? (angels of the Churches)
The Word is GOD, self-executing.
Your trying to hard to please God.
You BELIEVE that there is something you have to do to please God.
You feel guilty that you might not please God.
You believe you have to give up thing and make sacrifices, your trying to please God.
God said: you are in this world, but not of this world, in this world people eat out, go to movies, ENJOY LIFE; Your just not to partake of the DECEPTION of this world, your a new creation.
The TRUTH OF the resurrection of Christ releases you from all these FEARS,
You and Christ were made ONE, God only sees the RIGHTEOUSNESS Christ.
Cease from your WORKS (that you have to do anything for salvation) and COME INTO the Sabbath rest, Christ has ALREADY done the WORKS.
God Bless YOU!
God Bless You.
God Bless
The sabbath is a day of rest from one's normal work responsibilities. As far as I know, attending services is not required of the Israelites on the Sabbath when I read the Law in Exodus and Deuteronomy. So worshipping God on Sunday in a church service is not sin. I think that we need to be balanced our approach to the Sabbath. Jesus walked and taught on the Sabbath but did not sin in any way. We are to take time to rest from work, not work from sun-up to sun-down 7 days a week. It is best for us to take a break from whatever our work is. When I was raising my sons and, being a stay at home mother, I worked for my family everyday, especially when the children were babies. I loved doing it, but I could not really take a day off from those responsibilities. But I found time during the days to rest and to have some time for quiet reading, prayer, and spending time with God consciously and purposefully. We attended church services on Sundays, which were so good for us.
But each person needs to do what doesn't offend their conscience.
First of all, please know that I am not accusing you of heresy. My accusation was directed at ACIM, whether it be their website or the course that they produced
I consider it a very serious matter to accuse someone of heresy, and I can assure you that I did not accuse ACIM out of ignorance.
As I mentioned to you, I only recently stumbled on them after reading your post about the ego. I did not understand what you were saying and I didn't even know where to look in scripture, so I did a web search and that's how I discovered ACIM and saw that your post on the ego was word for word with theirs.
From there, I did a little research on ACIM and it didn't take much time to figure out that their teachings are heretical.
Here are just a few things that I feel should be considered heretical:
- God is your identity, you will be like God.
- God's name is holy, but no holier than yours.
- To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own.
- God Himself is incomplete without me.
- There is no separation of God and His creation.
- We do not need a saviour. We are the sources of our own salvation.
- My salvation comes from me. Nothing outside of me can hold me back. Within me is the world's salvation and my own.
- There is no sin, it is all an illusion.
- And therefore all your sins have been forgiven because they carried no effects at all. And so they were but dreams.
- Jesus' body was an illusion.
- There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never left
- Jesus the man was used by the Christ to demonstrate the illusion of the world. In actuality, man is still in heaven. It is simply the illusion of sin and death that have caused false senses of reality.
These things go against the truth of the Bible. Again, I am not accusing you of anything other than sharing things found in their course. And I feel that the Lord is leading me to warn others about ACIM.
I also wish to remain in peace with you!
Dear Heavenly Father, Stewart is in desperate need of your help in this medical emergency. We ask You in Jesus' name to provide speedy help, skilled doctors, correct treatment, improved breathing, pain relief, and overall improvement of his health. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers and willingly answering us because you love us. Amen.