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As good as the KJV is, the New Testament is still a translation of the original Greek.
The words translated everlasting, eternal, forever, and world; in a few places, would more correctly have been translated AGE, or for the AGE, or of the age.
So, although time does not really exist, God does all his WORK in AGES, now and those to come.
Christ is IMMORTAL LIFE, in all AGES, there is yet more to come.
Ephesians 2:7 .... that in the ages to come .....
Same Greek work translated other places as eternal, everlasting, forever, world in some places.
If I am incorrect, perhaps our brother in Greece, brother Giannis, will give us a correct translation.
I agree!
God bless you.
I agree 100% and yes I think that we sin throughout the day?
We also dishonor God in our proud haughtiness when we do something right.
Even in ministering and persuaded by God we have to sometimes repent because of the proud emotions come over us.
Our happiness over something we shouldn't be is sinful.
Our humility is tested everyday.
Thanks for all you do brother.
God bless
It sadly will take until the end of the Tribulation when Jerusalem has half of the city taken along with rapes like has happened now and in most wars in the past. The third that is refined in the fire will endure to the end; two thirds of Israel will perish before they finally realize who Christ is and the nation will weep by themselves in their own families. Then God will fight for Israel and the people themselves will have the final conquest along with the returning saints who rule and reign with Christ with a rod of iron upon His return in Revelation 19.
No doubt there are trying times ahead; and we won't even see the Tribulation begin without a false peace narrative even stronger than present once Antichrist is revealed; but likely some time after this conflict and other conflagrations for life to seem to go back to some sense of normal for Christ to return when we don't expect like the time of Noah when people were buying; selling; marrying; etc. Don't be surprised if it is still at least a few years until the Rapture therefore; many will fall away.
By the way, welcome to the site.
We live in such critical times where we see less planting and watering today. After we plant God gives the increase.
There has to be a seed planted before the watering and then God gives the increase. There we have a new birth!!
The role of the Holyspirit is the most neglected aspect of the Godhead! It's he that teaches us.
For ourselves the word of God is a must for our growth.
This forum and any other platform is an opportunity to witness.
Thanks and God bless.
I believe we all agree on what you have shared " The doubt and conscience of the person causes him to sin being that he thinks eating meat ect as a sin, However, "so he's not persuaded of and by the grace of God imputed to him.
I would be cautious to interpret faith that way, when I look up faith in the strongs it says persuasion, That Parallels with Ephesians 2:8-9.
If I translated it as belief, "then that which I believe in is persuaded by God.
However simply believing in something doesn't always work out being that one can be wrong and I doubt God persuaded that.
I was emphasizing that those who believe you can live a perfect life in this body they might want to consider that verse.
Thanks my brother,
God bless.
So, in this current millennium, the seventh and last millennium, or seventh and last Day, the LORD's Day, all things in whole world are under JESUS's control, nothing random happens, understand?
Matthew 25:31-34 and 41&46
31 When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels(true believers- Luke 20:35-36.Take a look) with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory:
32 And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another(this will be literally be fulfilled from now on), as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the KINGDOM prepared for you from the foundation of the world: ( Revelation 11:15-18. Take a look.)
41 Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels(messengers):
46 And these shall go away into EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT: but the righteous into life ETERNAL.
The EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT was previously determined to start in this current time, precisely in this beginning of the seventh and last millennium, so it will NEVER END from now on, it's for EVER.
When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the DESOLATION thereof is nigh. Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in these days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and WRATH upon the people. These are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory- Luke 21:26-27.
You wrote, " ... the Mosque on the Dome of the Rock. This was to intentionally desecrate the most holy site of the Jews"
Not really. The muslims like the Jews and christians believe in the OT but with a very important difference. They consider God's blessing and promise to Abraham goes down the line of Ishmael and hence to the Arabs who come from him.
The Temple of Solomon was said to have been built on the mountain (a hill or a rock actually) where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac. The Holy of the Hollies, the most sacred part of that temple is said to be exactlly at the point were Abraham prepared the altar for the sacrifice of his son. The Arabs, although they wrongly believe that the promise went down to Ishmael, still honor Abraham and Isaac. So when they built the Mosque of the Dome, they built it exactly where the Temple of Solomon was located (before the Romans destroyed it). Inside the mosque there is nothing else but a place which is fenced. That place is just a natural land, where they claim it was the place of the Holy of the Holies and where the sacrifice was to take place. So they didn't built that mosque in order to desecrate the Jewish Temple but actually to honor Abraham and Isaac. Just for information.
Don't misunderstand whay I said. When I say that to him only it is a sin, I mean that it is not a sin but in his conscience it is considered a sin. God will not damn him, because he wrongly believes it is a sin, but he damns himself (wrongly)
And something else. In greek faith and belief is the same word. So for better understanding of that verse, substitute the word faith with the word belief.
My understanding of that verse may differ from others'.
First lets consider what the specific passage is about. It is about those christians who may consider as a sin something which is not really a sin, like say eating meat, like celebrating a specific day like Sabbath, etc, but to them it is considered as a sin. And Paul ends up saying that everything that does not originate from one's faith is sin, which means that something which in accordance to one's faith is sin then to him (and only to him) it is a sin. That is why Paul says, " And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." In general that means that if one eats meat which he considers as a sin, then in his conscience he damns himself because he sins according to his faith, so eating meat is not right in his faith, it is not of his faith or from his faith (of right and wrong).
The problem with the question of eternal security lies in having NO KNOWLEDGE of God's WORD.
If one deeply studies the PROPHECIES, one will see that at some point in the ages to come all the tribes of Israel are going to once again exit.
BUT, in this AGE he is ONLY calling out the PREISTHOOD, the house of David, the kind of firstfruits as is the tribe of Judah, lawgivers that will rule and reign and serve him when he resurrects all the DEAD back to there bodies of flesh and blood.
If one studies under the spirit of truth, you find these prophecies in the blessings of Israel to his twelve sons, from the beginning the tribe of Judah was CHOSEN to be God's lawgiver. The blessing on the remaining tribes will be fulfilled after all the lawgivers are put in place.
Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zachariah, and Revelation all prophesy ONLY a PART will be save in this age, one third (probably symbolic) since other prophecies seem to say ONE TENTH, the tithe to God, those without blemish being sacrificed with Christ on HIS CROSS.
You find this in the blessings of Jacob and Esau.
Hebrews 11:20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau CONCERNING THINGS TO COME.
The first death and resurrection is those SAVED in this AGE, the ones Christ CAUSES TO BELIEVE in this AGE, they are being judged by the words of God.
1 Timothy 4:10 ... who is the SAVIOUR of ALL MEN (not necessarily in this AGE), especially THOSE (in this AGE) that BELIEVE.
Isaiah 6:13 But yet in it (the land) shall be a tenth, and it (the tenth) shall be eaten (same as Christ is eaten, eat the words and digest them) as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance (CHRIST) IS IN THEM, when they cast their leaves (administer judgement), so the HOLY SEED shall be the substance thereof.
Obadiah 1:21 And SAVIOURS (those conformed to the image of Christ) SHALL COME upon Mt, Zion to JUDGE the house of ESAU
and the Kingdom shall be the LORDS.
I always appreciate those who will join with me in prayers.
Besides, this is the "discussion" section, not the comment section. Everyone is welcome to express their views and opinions about a specific verse.
I am an advocate for winning souls to Christ, and I have been doing so for the past 14 years. Let's keep the momentum and win more souls for the Kingdom.
Blessings to you!
I agree 100 % with you and Spencer that what is not of faith is sin. This agreement is made evident by my statement in a previous post stating that it is impossible to have faith in sin, for sin is faithlessness.
Because having faith in sin is synonymous with believing in its existence, i.e it is real, reality, factual, non fiction, true, etc.; shouldn't we remove from our mind the idea of sin, which in essence is proclaiming that sin is actually a fiction, i.e. not real, not reality, is an illusion, is a lie, etc?
The idea of sin is the most holy concept in the ego's thought system; lovely, powerful, and wholly true, and necessarily protected with every defense at its disposal.
So where then, did the idea of sin originate?
We MADE what we would destroy, everything we would hate, and attack, and would kill. We MAKE what we defend against, and by our own defense against it, does it SEEM real and inescapable. We need but lay down our arms, and then will we perceive it as FALSE.
Lies, illusions, fiction --- The Mind of God not being their source; therefore impossible to exist in his awareness. God does not dream; specifically in nightmarish form, which is what this world APPEARS to be. It is evident we are in a sleeping state and need only to awaken to realize we are still as God created us: perfect, holy. We've literally never left Him and in reality are at home in God merely dreaming of exile, but perfectly capable of awakening to reality.
What God did not create does not exist. And everything that does exist exists as He created it.The world we see has nothing to do with reality. It is of our own making, and it does not exist. It can only be in our own mind apart from His.
Opposites, i.e. what is opposing, cannot exist in God's Mind, as it is the cause of confusion. It can only exist in a split mind that believes it possible to maintain two opposing thought systems, and remain sane.
Rather search for a debate to win on this topic eternal security, Let's join in bringing people to Christ and give them the Gospel that saves!
If you can lose it, you have to first get it.
There's many that will be deceived that's on both sides of that argument.
That's one of the problems with the Church today, There's a lack of preaching the Gospel and a great interest in debating.
Why not tell someone how to be saved and let them come to their own mind whether they can lose it.
God bless.
Thank you for your time given sorting out the history of this ongoing conflict.
I am concerned for what you are experiencing with your daughter-in-law and son, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm also confident that your obvious unwavering dedication, devotion, and confidence in God is sufficient at its highest level to ultimately bring you and all concerned peace and comfort from His Spirit. I genuinely join with you NOW and into eternity, inviting the love of Christ, proclaiming that our ONLY desire be that God's Will be done. In Jesus Name. Amen.
John 15:2: "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."
I heard so many people saying that salvation cannot be lost. I think there is a necessity to define what "lost" means. Does it mean losing the communion with the Lord on this earth? Or does it mean going to hell after death? In my argument, I have chosen the latter definition, losing salvation = going to hell after death. If one finishes up not making it to heaven, it means the person has lost his salvation because the goal of salvation is to live where Jesus is ( John 14:3)
1. Who are the branches Jesus spoke about? The believers, here Jesus was not talking about non-believers (because they are not "branches").
2. Two types of branches: Branches that abide in Jesus, and branches that do not abide in Him, meaning believers who abide in Jesus, and believers who do not. Those who abide bear good fruit, but those who do not abide bear no fruit.
3. Note that there is a difference between accepting Jesus and abiding in Him. Some people accept Jesus but do not ABIDE in Him, meaning that they do not obey and completely surrender to Him in their journey.
4. Those people (who believed at first, but did not abide in Him later) are the branches that do not abide in Jesus, and therefore, they will be cut off.
Conclusion: It is a big mistake to believe that one cannot lose salvation once saved. Philippians 2:12-13 said, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you..." If salvation is "granted" once, why did the Apostle Paul say we should work with "fear" and "trembling"?
I Corinthians 9:27: "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." Look at the last word of the verse. "CASTAWAY", meaning losing salvation.
Brethren, Let's walk in holiness.
We can pray for God's will to be accomplished in this arena for all people involved. This small sliver of land in or big world has been fought over since time immemorial and peace or independence has not lasted long there for the nation of Israel over the centuries. Much of this is because of the disobedience, idolatry, and lack of faith among the Jews. God had promised to punish them when they live this way. But the Muslim Arabs do not want any sort of peace or any presence of Jews in the area or for there to be a country of Israel at all. They made sure that they desecrated the Temple Mount (if this is the true site of the temple or the Praetorium of the Roman Anatonia Fortress is yet to be determined) with the Mosque on the Dome of the Rock. This was to intentionally desecrate the most holy site of the Jews. And yet, it still stands without Israel tearing down the mosque. With nations that are predominately Islamic all around Israel and the world it is so telling that the Moslems cannot tolerate a Jewish nation. They probably would not tolerate a Christian one in that region either, considering their history over the centuries. So many Christian nations overtaken by Islam. So sad for the believers in these countries.
Having a Moslem daughter-in-law and a son who converted to marry her in our family is concerning for my husband and I. We pray and hope that things will change for them to be saved.
This area of the promised land is now held by Jordan mostly. And Gaza held by Hamas. Most of these "Palestinians" are of Arab descent that entered the lands from the Islamic conquest of the Levant. The Philistines were pretty much eliminated by Babylon at the time of the captivity of Judah and Assyrian captivity of Israel. From the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. it seems that the land of the Levant was inhabited by Jews, Samaritans, Christians, and other ethnicities forming a mixture of peoples until the Islamic conquests in the 7th century. The Arabs moved into the area. But the crusades retook the area for a time only to lose it again to the Moslems. Egypt took over the area for a time, and then the Ottomon Empire held control. eventually the British and French took over the whole land of Palestine. At the turn of the 10th century the Balfour agreement sought to establish a Jewish Homeland. And this was accomplished in 1948.
At first, in the negotiations with the Arabs and Jews, a two state proposal was suggested. The jews agreed, but Arabs repeatedly refused. So here we are almost a century later. The Arabs in Palestine are not original to the area.
God encourages Johsua, reminding him of how God had brought the victories for His people so profoundly and to therefore have courage and not fear as he takes the lead in bringing the people over the Jordan. God promises to fight for them and the promise to take possession will be fulfilled by the hand of God.
It is always a good thing to recall all of the ways God has helped us in our life, in the lives of other believers we know, and in the lives of people in biblical history. The faithfulness of God over the ages and in the present encourages us and gives us boldness to trust in His promises and in the strength that He will give us to face the giants in our lives.
After all of this, Moses turns to the LORD and asks to be allowed to enter the land and view it all the way to Lebanon. But it says that God was angry that Moses asked Him this, saying, essentially, Enough! do not speak of this any more to me, you will not go into the land. But says that Moses will go up mt. Pisgah and will be able to view the whole of the land from their. God did the same thing with Abraham in Gn. 13:14.
The chapter ends with God telling Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua as he would be the one to enter the land with the people and take possession as its military captain and spiritual leader.
And then they abode at Beth-Peor.
But I don't agree with what Jesse implying, its unscriptural, against sound reasoning & Christ Spirit bears witness against it in my heart.