Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 133

  • GiGi on Deuteronomy 3 - 1 year ago
    This chapter retells the taking of Bashon and conquering Og, a Rephaim giant and king of the region, perhaps even peoples over the Jordan as well.

    Numbers 21 says that the people of Moab served the idol Chemosh (which is the same as Molech) which involved sacrificing children by passing them through fire to be burned at the idol statue of Chemosh. This idol statue was huge, perhaps because the people of this area were giants and Sihon and Og even bigger giants than those further mixed with normal people and giants. The text in verse 29 says that this idol, Chemosh had failed the Moabites and given many of the sons and daughters of the leaders of Moab over to be slaves of Sihon, who had defeated the king of Moab and taken the land from the Moabites. The Moabites had turned away from the true God to hideous idols.

    After taking all of the land and destroyed the cities and people of the kingdom of Sihon, the LORD leads the people to take over the land of Bashan of Og. First, they sent out spies to look over the land strategically. As they marched towards Og's stronghold, Og came out against them with all of his people. The land was known as the Valley of giants, so most likely most of the people of Bashan were giants. God promised Moses that they would do to Og what they did to Sihon, king of the giant Amorites. Moses lead Israel into battle and smote Og and his sons, and all the people until none were left alive, taking all the fortified cities, leaving no inhabitants alive. Again, they kept the cattle for themselves along with all the spoil of the cities. They took possession of the land of Bashan.

    After explaining the boundaries and various areas of the land east of the Jordan that the Israelites now possessed, it is said that Og was the last of the Raphaim. There still were many giants in the land of Canaan, but it seems that Sihon and Og may have been two of the original Raphaim that emerged post flood, from whom the giants descended.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Spencer,

    Yes, that is a very powerful statement, "For whatsoever is not of faith is sin." So, anything that is not of faith is sin. Wow! Anything that is not prompted by God's Spirit is sin. That's what it is saying. That's what faith is. The word "faith" in the Greek text is a word that literally means persuasion.

    So, faith is the persuasion and leading of God's Spirit. And anything that is not of faith (persuasion of God's Spirit) is sin. That pretty much sums up what sin is. Anything that I do which is not under the persuasion of God's Spirit, for me that is sin. It can even be something that we see as being perfectly okay, such as a hobby, sports, or participating in something we like to do. Anything we do apart from the persuasion (faith) of God's Spirit, that is considered sin.

    An example of this would be God's Spirit persuading me to study the bible later on tonight. But later in the day, my wife wants me to take her to a new movie that just came out, and she wants to go tonight. What am I going to do? I mean I love my wife and I want to make her happy. Is it a sin if I choose to go to the movie, and just study longer tomorrow? But you see, we are constantly faced with choices like this each and every day.

    Do you think that we sin throughout the day?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Spencer,

    Thank you, and yes, I agree that salvation "is not done by an alter call or an profession but by the Spirit of God that searches the heart."

    There is no formula, such as an alter call, or saying a "sinners' prayer" that guarantees salvation. To anyone reading this, please know that I am not against going up for an alter call to receive Christ or calling out to Him in prayer (sinners' prayer). I am not saying that a person cannot be saved by doing these things. What I am saying is that there is no guarantee.

    God knows the heart of every person, and a person with a sincere heart who calls out to the Lord to have mercy on them and to save them, His promise is that He will save them ( Romans 10:13). For some, salvation takes place immediately. For others, it could take a while for God to prepare a person's heart before they are ready to completely surrender their life to Him, but the promise still remains. God promises that all who call upon the name of the Lord will, not might be, but will be saved. That is a promise to anyone who calls out to Him with a sincere heart!

    Also, thank you for sharing these great scriptures which show the result of salvation.

    God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Brother, I was sitting here pondering on one of your statements in this thread which you said that "One can have the Spirit of Truth working in him; yet, not yet have come to all truth."

    Makes perfect sense to me!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Frankie J,

    I sense you are leading me in a different direction here. If I say that I have the Spirit of Christ living in me, and I stop there, I suppose you might ask me if I ever sin? If I say yes, I do sin, will you say that I am not born again?

    The scripture you are sharing with ( 1 John 3:9) reads, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."

    Please allow me to share my understanding of this verse. First of all, the King James translators could have done a better job in their translation of the Greek text. There are some English translations that properly use the word practice, which is what the Greek text reads.

    The way the KJV translators wrote it, one might conclude that a person who is born of God does not sin at all. This is not true. A believer will still occasionally commit single acts of sin. However, a believer no longer practices sin. When I say believer, I am speaking of one who has been born of Gods Spirit.

    Many of our English translations of 1 John 3:9 have caused a lot of confusion in the church, mainly by leaving this one word (practice) out of the text. According to the Greek, it should read, "Whosoever has been born of God DOES NOT PRACTICE sin; for God's seed remains (or abides) in him: and he CANNOT PRACTICE SIN, that is, he does not have the capacity to practice sin because he has been born of God. There is a huge difference in saying "does not sin," vs "does not practice sin."

    So, to answer your question, I will tell you yes, I do have the Spirit of Christ. I am not completely free from sin, but I no longer practice sin as a lifestyle as I did before being born of Gods Spirit. If I do sin, that does not mean that I am not born again. But once I'm born of the Spirit of God, I no longer have the capacity to continue to satisfy a lifestyle of sin. It is impossible!

    If I may ask, are you in disagreement on what I shared on Romans 8:9?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Gigi.

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: WHO CAN KNOW IT?

    Sometimes just because it felt right doesn't mean it was right, or spirit led.

    Look at Peter in Matthew 16:22-24.

    Peter never knew what get behind Christ meant until the filling of the Holyspirit.

    Afterwards Peter ministered boldly the rest of his life knowing his fate.

    "He would die".

    I believe God gave his Church ministers Teachers, Preachers, ect and instructions by Paul how to function for orderly conduct.

    And I believe that's whenever, wherever and however we meet.

    I so called spiritually and Holy conduct shouldn't turn up a few notches upon entering the Church buildings.

    We are a called out people who should carry out our orderly and organized conduct to a visual and conflicting world.

    Christ was the head of the Church and even though he came to gather the lost sheep of Israel, he conducted himself the same way outside of Jerusalem as he did inside Jerusalem.

    If we stay behind Christ and his word we will be Spirit led and when we get off course it's the Spirit that will correct us.

    God bless.
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    One Eighty:

    One will glean more knowledge form interacting on this forum than will ever be gleaned in our churches, sad but true.

    Our churches stand on denominational doctrines instead of of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

    I was raised in a denominal doctrine church, went they any and every time the doors were open, I never hear a sermon on the gospel of the kingdom of God, It was do good and go to heaven, don't do good and go to hell: all works.

    Until God CAUSED me to sit and study his word, I never knew the gospel of the Kingdom of God, I never knew the baptism into Jesus NAME, only the water baptism of John.

    I was taught we have FREE WILL, never understanding I DIED on the cross, ONLY the BODY of Christ was resurrected and WE as JOINT HEIRS of his resurrection.


    Ezekiel 36:22 I WILL put my spirit IN YOU and CAUSE YOU to walk in my statutes, and keep my judgement (we are judged by the words of God) and DO THEM.

    If one believes this scripture he is a SEED of God, ONLY God's WWILL is being done in HIS BODY.

    If God is WILLING all things, AND DOING all things in IN US, then WE CANNOT SIN.

    This is how Christ was without SIN, He had KNOWLEDGE without measure of the WORDS of GOD.

    He KNEW every word from his mouth was OF HIS FATHER, he was just the BODY, every action (works) his body performed was the WORK of his Father.

    When Christ became angry, he had knowledge it was the Father CAUSING his to show his anger, but he had knowledge that ALL THINGS (anger and other things we call SIN) all WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD.

    We can't see that but GOD'S word says it does, so do we believe our carnal mind of do we let the words of God DESTROY the man of perdition, our carnal mind, and RENEW our carnal mind with the mind of Christ.

    HIS mind and his heart were GIVEN TO US by being resurrected JOINT HEIRS with Christ,

    BUT even BELIEVING his words have to be GIVEN to us on the BEHALF of Christ .... Philippians 1:29

    God Bless YOU!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    S. Spencer,

    You are right. We need to rightly handle all of our emotions when they spring up. But anger in itself can be sinful if we are triggered to be angry over something we should not be angry about. Our anger should be righteous anger as the Lord's was and is. He felt anger over what He should be angry about. But if anger rises up in us over something the dog broke while running through the house, then that anger itself is not righteous and therefore sinful. It comes from our sinful nature and we could have reacted differently to the breakage by the influence of the Holy Spirit.

    So, while we are to keep our anger in check so that we do not sin only if it is righteous anger. But anger that is unrighteous we are to also keep in check so as to not sin further.

    I think it is easy to explain away the wickedness of our emotions fueled by our sinful flesh by believing that our feelings are somehow morally neutral. I don't believe that is so. Our emotions as God gave them to us are indeed good, but as ALL of our righteous deeds are as filthy rags tainted by sin, so are our emotional responses to things that stimulate a response. Not all stimuli warrant the response of our persons. Not every emotion is good when expressed. The depth of our sinfulness we truly cannot know and if the Lord tells us to not sin in our anger He knows even our emotions are tainted by the sinful nature. But when we walk by the Spirit then we develop self-control as a fruit of this walk and can be better in control of our emotions and can keep emotions from rising up in us that once when we were not controlled by the Spirit we would have felt in a sinful way.

    Where does one draw the line in the saying, "well I can't help am not responsible) feeling this way because I am only human" as an out to excuse sin? The OT system even had a sin offering for sins of ignorance or not intentional. What sins are these? We sin and we do not know we do or we sin and we didn't really intend to. -- Romans 7.
  • One eighty - 1 year ago

    The real and ONLY failure to trust in God lies only in the false belief that we can usurp His power and separate ourselves from Him. Out of His love, he created us with the free will to choose to think we can do so. We have but the free will to wander off awhile and then return. Prodigal Son? Our Father's loving Voice will always call us back and guard our feet aright. It is He Who makes the ending sure and guarantees our safe returning home. I do not have the ability, thank God, or the power to make my Creator and Father fatherless, just as with my earthly parents, it is impossible to make them parentless. Yet, a delusional mind WILL believe in the impossible.

    It is impossible to have faith in sin, for sin is faithlessness; yet it is possible to have faith that mistakes can be corrected. It is impossible to place equal faith in opposite directions; what faith we give to sin, we take away from holiness; and what we offer holiness has been removed from sin. To believe in something is to put one's faith in it.

    In all my years in church and Sunday School, and Christian college, listening to Christian radio and television, etc., the majority of the output was focused on sin, and anger and wrath; very little on the holiness of God's Sons. Is it possible we have faith in sin and very little or NONE in the innocence of our brothers Whom God created?

    Behold the Son of God and look upon his purity and be still, in quiet look upon his holiness and offer thanks unto the Father that no guilt has ever touched him. Consider giving your bother or sister to the Holy Spirit as part of your self, and be certain he will be released; unless of course we decide to use him to imprison our self. In the name of freedom choose his release, because we will recognize we will be released together.

    We go together, You and I.

  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Frankie J:

    One can have the Spirit of Truth working IN HIM; yet, NOT YET have come to ALL TRUTH.

    The Spirit of Truth WILL NOT FAIL, but it is God's appointed time to each one of us.

    Isaiah 27:12 ..... and I WILL gather you ONE by ONE, Oh children (the promised SEED) of Israel.

    God BLESS YOU as HE CAUSES us to walk in the TRUTH and LIFE of Christ, being DEAD to SELF by the WORKS of Christ cross and resurrection.
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother S Spencer!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother Jesse!
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago
    Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Ephesians 4:26

    I believe it's how you respond to this anger is what makes it sinful.

    One can be right in what he say to another but yet commit sin in saying it because their intentions was meant to hurt.

    However I'm not saying that whatever is said is truth.

    Be careful and see if our actions is meant to hurt or not.

    Also we should consider

    Matthew 5:22.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago
    The most penetrating and devastating definition of sin that I am aware of in Scripture is the last part of Romans 14:23: "Whatever is not from faith is sin." The reason it is penetrating is that it goes to the root of all sinful actions and attitudes, namely, the failure to trust God.

    If we are not perfect in this, we are sinful.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Salvation there is a death and an ressurection for the TRUE believers.

    This is not done by an alter call or an profession but by the Spirit of God that searches the heart.

    Colossians 2:12

    having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead

    2 Corinthians 4:16

    Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

    Galatians 6:15

    For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

    Ephesians 2:10

    For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

    Romans 6:4

    Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

    Colossians 3:1

    Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

    Romans 7:6

    But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

    Ephesians 4:24

    and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

    Life begins here as a babe in Christ,

    God bless you for this all important portion of scripture.

    If this is not gotten right nothing else matters.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Stand in the gate of the LORD'S house , and proclaim there this word , and say , Hear the word of the LORD , all ye of Judah , that enter in at these gates to worship the LORD . Which bit are you struggling with please ?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Well stated Brother Jesse.

    This is a rebirth for TRUE believers CAUSED by that life giving Spirit, Not by the will of man.

    And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

    But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:10-11.

    God bless.
  • Josapa - 1 year ago
    What does the Jeremiah 7:2 all about?
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    hi Jesse

    Interesting statement you have concluded here.

    John say "he that is born again sins not, that he can not sin for His Seed remains within him" & in this Seed he abides & does not sin.

    so in the light of this, & your statement,

    do you have the Spirit of Christ?
  • One eighty - 1 year ago
    pg. 2

    I've realized the danger to my own mind if I believe an appeal for help is something else, because I will then react to something else. My response will then be inappropriate to his call for help, due to my wrong perception of it, because my perception would be from the ego.

    When I am tempted to react with anger due to perceived injustices or attacks, I must instead respond with charity. Charity is a way of looking at another as if he had already gone far beyond his actual accomplishments in time. Healing rests on charity, and is a way of perceiving the perfection of another even if you cannot perceive it in yourself.

    TRUE forgiveness is the key., and if we believe sin is our brother's reality, we will never be capable of true forgiveness,. It IS impossible to forgive reality. The ego's plan of forgiveness is to have me see error clearly first, and then overlook it. Yet how can I overlook what I've accepted as real? By seeing it clearly, I have made it real and CANNOT overlook it.

    Forgiveness though the Holy Spirit lies simply in looking beyond error from the beginning, and thus keeping it unreal for me.

    Peace to all
  • One eighty - 1 year ago
    Blessings brothers and sisters,

    pg. 1

    The subject of anger or lack thereof can be interesting, yet sensitive, since we perceive so much injustice in these times. I've lived in anger much of my life, and realized a while back that I was sick of it because it was an enormous hindrance to my peace of mind. Although it can be a difficult and frustrating mission, and still is, I feel it has been worth the effort, as the anger has decreased

    Being open to correction, reluctantly at times, and with help from the Holy Spirit, I've learned that anger CANNOT occur unless I believe I've been attacked, and that my attack is justified in return, and that I am no way responsible for it. I AM! It is beginning to sink in that anger always involves projection of separation, which must ultimately be accepted as my own responsibility, RATHER THAN being blamed on others. Anger destroys peace, and relationships with others and God.

    I don't believe that anger is sin. I do believe that nothing except God exists, therefore since God is Love, love is all there is .Sin is a lack of Love, and in the sight of the Holy Spirit, anger is a MISTAKE to be gently and patiently corrected, rather than an evil to be punished, which is an attack in return.

    Therefore, there is but one interpretation of motivation that makes any sense. And because it is the Holy Spirit's judgement it should require no effort at all on my part: Every loving thought is true; EVERYTHING ELSE is an appeal for healing and help, regardless of the form it takes. Can I be justified in responding with anger to a brother's plea for help? No;no response can be appropriate except the willingness to give it to him, for this and only this is what he is asking for. And if I offer him anything else, I am assuming the right to attack HIS reality as he sees it, by interpreting it as the ego sees fit.

    see pg. 2
  • Jesse - 1 year ago
    The qualification of a true believer:

    Romans 8:9 reads, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    But you are not in the flesh, but you are in the Spirit, (if so be) the Spirit of God dwells in you.

    There is a definition that's given to us here. It says we are in the flesh if we don't have Christ. If we are not "born again" we have an illegitimate claim at being a true believer.

    It goes on to say, "But if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you."

    And then listen to this:

    Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ (born again), he is none of his.

    What Paul is saying here is that if a person does not have the Spirit of Christ dwelling inside of them, they don't belong to Christ.

    So what's the emphasis here? The emphasis is on what God does and how He comes into our life. If He's not there, it doesn't matter what we believe because we are not saved.

    A person must be born again or they do not belong to Christ!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    How do you know that I do not believe what "birthed my own faith"? This is an untrue, audacious, and slanderous statement. Therefore sinful. You cannot know what I know or don't know in my life in Christ.

    Since you continue to say things that are untrue of me and claim things you know that you cannot know, I will end this interaction with you. You have proven yourself to be contentious and judgmental in sinful ways.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Frankie, I did not imply that you had addressed what I spoke concerning the angels. Those are my words and what I believe.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Again Frankie, If I may.

    Have you ever boasted about yourself, your family, kids, job, spirituality, or holiness?

    Have you ever taken credit for something God did?

    Have you ever not prayed for someone who has asked you to do so?

    Have you ever not taken seriously someone else's plight, problem, concern?

    Have you derived pleasure from pointing out fault in another but bristle when someone does that to you?

    Have you ever gone faster that the speed limit, rolled through a stop sign, yelled at another driver who cuts you off?

    Have you ever pushed your way in front of someone else to get into a place before them?

    Have you ever rehearsed in your mind the retort you would give to someone who wronged you?

    Have you ever wasted time on frivolous things when more important things need to be done, whether for the Lord or others?

    Have you ever failed to take seriously another person's problems, pains, difficulties, concerns, or needs?

    Have you ever given an untruthful excuse for being late or not showing up or not being able to attend an invitation?

    Have you ever disciplined your kids because they made you angry, frustrated, or inconvenienced you?

    Have you ever spoken negatively about your spouse or children or parents?

    Have you ever resenting having to care for your kids? or felt that they are a burden rather than a blessing?

    Have you ever been wasteful of what God has provided for you?

    Frankie,, I could go on and on, but all of these are sinful. I doubt that you, nor I , nor any believer could say they have never sinned in these ways in all of their life as a believer. And anyone who would say that they have not, either have just now become a believer or are deceived about their own behavior. But, just as Jesus said that anyone who hates their brother is guilty of murder, demonstrating how everyone sins even if they keep the law outwardly, I engaged you in this exercise for the same purpose. I am guilty of doing some these things. I am a sinner, I need Jesus.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Or Frankie, again,

    Have you every been untruthful with anyone since becoming a Christian, deceptive, evading the truth, stretching the truth?

    Have you ever gossiped about someone, telling others the faults of others you and they mutually know. have you ever slandered anyone, speaking negatively about someone without merit, just because you may disagree with them or not do things the way you do?

    Have you ever been prideful in your heart since becoming saved?

    Have you ever harbored a grievance against someone when you should have forgiven and moved on in love?

    Have you ever been lazy?

    Have you ever looked at what others have and thought they had more than they need and should give to people who are needy? That is coveting. Others had the right to what they have and to give whatever they determine to give but it is not right for someone to decide in their heart that someone else should give of what they have

    Do you have disdain for others, whether very rich, or without a home, or young and rowdy, or criminal, or beautiful, or more successful than yourself? That is envy and also disdain. Both are sinful.

    Have you ever accused someone of something they did not do? That is sinful-false accusation.

    Have you ever eaten much more than your body needed at the time? That is sinful-gluttony.

    Have you ever not given to someone in need when the Spirit has urged you to do so? That is a sin of omission and disobedience.

    Have you ever done anything out of selfishness?

    Have you been unwilling to do something necessary because it would make you uncomfortable.? that is sinful, not taking up one's cross to follow Jesus in that moment.

    Have you ever been sarcastic with anyone? That is sinful. It hurts another and is a sin of superiority.

    Have you ever avoided speaking or meeting with someone because they annoy you or are too needy or any other reason that inconveniences you? that is sinful=being a respecter of persons.

    Have you ever spoken too hastily?

    I admit I have.
  • Oseas - In Reply on Deuteronomy 2:21 - 1 year ago

    About Edomites. The Edomites are described in the Bible mainly as opponents of the people of Israel.Moses asked permission for the people of Israel to cross the territory of the Edomites peacefully.He even promised to pay for anything the Israelites might need along the way.Even so,the king of Edom refused to let the people of Israel pass(Number 20:14-21)

    Now,in this current millennium,the seventh and last,even in these days of Apocalypse,the battle of Armageddon(air-magog-eddom(red) is in the way( Revelation 16:13-16) , the battle is against three unclean spirits like frogs(why frogs?the website of purebible explains this mystery),that come out of the mouth of the dragon(the red dragon- Revelation 12:3-4),and out of the mouth of the Beast(the MAN Beast of sea),and out of the mouth of the false prophet(the false messiah of the Jews, a false lamb- Revelation 13:11).

    Remembering that Edom means red, the battle called Ar/mag/eddon is in the current heavenly environment of the New Testament against the MAN Beast of sea(Magog) and against the MAN Beast revealed as dragon(Satan incarnated, son of perdition, MAN of sin- Revelation 13:11-he was born in Israel decades ago and will manifest himself soon as messiah-an IMPOSTOR). Get ready- Revelation 16:15- Behold, I come as a thief.Blessed is he that watcheth,and keepeth his garments,lest he walk naked,and they see his shame.

    Daniel 12:10-12

    10Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried;but the wicked shall do wickedly:and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up,there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

    12Blessed is he that waiteth,and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

    Matthew 24:15

    15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,spoken of by Daniel the prophet,stand in the Holy Place,(whoso readeth,let him understand
  • Koosees - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Ephesians 4:26

    26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. 28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1st paragraph

    I've never imply the angels were equal to God nor needed a Savior, just that they were separate unto God & are holy. Our fellowservants & of our brethen

    The rest is your own thoughts, 'your Wow" is of yourself, accusing me what you, yourself are guilt of. Reading too much into what I said.

    2nd paragraph

    I agree with.

    3rd paragraph

    It would be hard for you to call my view heresy, being its the Truth of the Scriptures brought to you by the learning of the letter, which you hold too.

    Which you confess you don't believe, what a paradox is that. You don't even believe that which births your own faith.

    The rest of 3 is in truth, the very working out of our salvation, 2Cor 10:5 as one exercises this, the discerning between good & evil, one matures from babes to adults. The process is slow, but through the pass 10 yrs I have been delivered their stronghold.

    I learnt also through the years that the more I wait in stillness & silence before Him, the better I was empowered to discern & overcome the enemy, they still tempt at times, but God Spirit quickens me to their stratagems. Temptation is not a sin. I deny it, don't own it, its not who I am in Christ.

    In the simplicity of my heart & godly care I reach out to caution you in what you are doing, you slighted this godly counsel, given according to the Spirit of the Scriptures. What kind of person are you Gigi to come out with such a response? and then not directed to me, meaning to be received by my email from this site.

    The Lord judge between you & I, I give this into His hands.

    By the way, I have not yet been born again, baptize by Christ

    I'm within the work of regeneration, As I wait before Him in stillness & silence, I have found Him faithful & true, old things are passing away daily, & all things are becoming new, He will finish the work that He Himself has started. This I am assure of

    I'm very grateful for His tender mercies towards me.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    JESUS said: John 10:7-9

    9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, ...

    7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

    8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.

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