King James Bible
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Let us agree to walk with the LORD and put forth HIS will and commandments first by carrying out HIS promises.
1- Let us confess and repent of our own sins. 1 John 1:9
2- Ephesians 2:8-10 Remember we are ordained to do good works!
3- 2 Peter 3:9 love the lost
4- Matthew 28:18-20 Go make disciples
5- 2 Timothy 2:15 Study HIS word
6- 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 Love, and apply HIS word
7- 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 pray for "...all that are in authority..."
8- Romans 10:1, 2 cultivate the desire and pray to GOD that all might be saved
This is in no particular order and not exhaustive by any means. I am sure the brethren on this forum are able and capable to add to it to the glory and praise of the LORD.
Titus 2:11-14 for while we wait and looking for that blessed hope; for HIS
glorious appearing may we be "...Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"
Our hope must be only in CHRIST and no one else. GOD to shine HIS face on all who are on this forum and gloriously bless your situation.
September 19, 2023
In regards to the last two sentences of your comments: I'm quite certain that out of the millions of churchgoers, past, present, and future, there has, is, and will be some who give 10% minimum and still struggle; and also many who give less or nothing that have not, do not, or will not struggle financially.
Also, is not God omniscient? Of course He is. Why then would he test someone to find out (as if He didn't know), their trustworthiness, when He is eternally all knowing? Is it possible there are things God does not yet understand or know and must wait until later to find out, even though He knows the numbers of hairs on your head?
Lastly, who is this entity who curses, kills and sends to hell? Sounds like to me the source of these qualities of darkness and evil would not be capable of producing perfect Love which could never curse, murder, or deliberately send to hell what is a part of Him. If it were possible that God could be separated from His creation, God would be incomplete without us. Is there anything that can make your Heavenly Father fatherless? Is there another omniscient and omnipotent source even more omniscient and omnipotent than God? No, of course not; there can be ONLY One.
If you say, yes, it is sin, then you may want to consider that sin would only prove what God created holy could not prevail against it, nor remain itself before the power of sin. Sin is perceived as mightier than God, before which God Himself must bow and offer His Creation to Its conqueror, "Satan". Many mistakenly call this humility. It is not; it's madness. NOTHING can separate us from the Love of God; not even our false beliefs that God curses, condemns, and kills.
If God is Love and fear and hate, then your so called "devil" has no purpose or function at all. What's left? NOTHING. Why even ever mention his name?
God Is
Romans 5:9 Much more then, being NOW JUSTIFIED by his blood, we shall be saved FROM WRATH through HIM.
Psalms 88:16 Thy (the Father's) WRATH has gone over ME (Christ); thy (the Father's terrors have cut ME (Christ) off.
Job 19:11 He (the Father) hath kindled HIS WRATH against ME (Christ), he (the Father) counteth ME (Christ) as one of his enemies.
Isaiah 53:10 It pleased the LORD to bruise HIM, he hath put him to grief: when thou shall make HIS soul an OFFERING for SIN....
The wrath of GOD that all creation deserved was POURED OUT, by his Father, on Christ.
Christ is telling his disciples what is going to occur in a few hours:
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation (all the wrath of GOD poured out on Christ)), such as was not from the beginning of the world To THIS TIME, nor shall ever be (again).
Matthew 24:21 And except those DAYS (of the great tribulation, the wrath of God on his SON) BE SHORTENED (Pilate SAID, is he so SOON be dead), there shall no flesh BE SAVED (all creation was saved by the great tribulation of Christ).
If you want more scriptures I will give them to you.
God Bless YOU!
2 Timothy 2:21 shows that we can clean ourselves so that we are not just vessels of clay but can be vessels of honor. Jesus tells us that he purges branches to produce more fruit ( John 15:2). We thus face that the lost are nothing but dead branches or profane vessels but we can through sanctification work towards purification and honor. We can perhaps see this also with the parable of the sower where some have the thorns of worldly cares snuff them out. ( Mark 4:18-19). A truly saved individual will pass the test of the trials which God places to test His own (see 1 Peter 1:7).
To succeed we need to be hidden in Christ ( Colossians 3:3) and truly be dead in Christ. Our old nature is impossible to put to death otherwise and will forever try to resurrect itself. God has put eternity into the hearts of men ( Ecclesiastes 3:11); yet that verse shows we cannot see to understand God who is basically beyond time and ourselves. Perhaps self preservation is a reflection that we are an eternal soul; thankfully God has the upper hand for those He has called and predestined will make it to glorification; and that for eternity ( Romans 8:30).
The concept of redemption or Kinsman redeemer is seen with the story of Ruth. Christ redeemed us from among men through His atoning sacrifice ( Galatians 3:13). He purchased us with His blood. He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west ( Psalm 103:12 also read verses 13 to 14). We have passed from death to life ( John 5:24). His Spirit bears witness with our spirit as to our salvation ( Romans 8:16).
These and many other promises are things to meditate on and give comfort. We can only undestand such things if we are spiritually discerned; however and one of His children. ( 1 Cor. 2:14-15). Let us test ourselves to see if we are in the faith therefore ( 2 Cor. 13:5-6).
Exodus 6:20 is part of the Old Testament in the Bible, and it mentions the genealogy of Moses and Aaron. The verse reads:
"Amram married his father's sister Jochebed, who bore him Aaron and Moses. Amram lived 137 years."
So, based on this verse, Amram, the father of Moses and Aaron, married his father's sister, Jochebed. This would indeed mean that Amram married his aunt, according to the genealogy described in the Bible. In the context of the time and the cultural norms of that era, such marriages were not uncommon. However, it's essential to interpret these historical accounts within their cultural and historical context.
In love...
The numbers 77 or 777 or 77777 and all of them being connected to the words Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, LORD, or God, this is the LORD showing us who are alive today just how PERFECT HE MADE HIS WORD.
It only confirms the Words of the LORD are pure words! ( Ps 12:6-7) ( Proverbs 30:5-6) They are Perfect in 1 Bible ONLY!
The KJB!
Here's one example.
KJB ( Col 1:4) "In whom we have redemption through his blood"
The Nasb says "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"
Which verse would you say is Perfect?
Blessings to you.
But in your reply to Rainwater you forget to confim by the Word of GOD what you said in your post unto him.
You said: "Oseas, that's kinda my point, where is this 7 year trib?"
Well, it is in the Word of GOD, of course, have you never read or did not understand? No surprise, for JESUS said: (whoso readeth, let him understand:)Matthew.24:15
A visitor to a large Church wandered into a back room accidentally. In this room were Money Counters and a Enormous amount of money laid across the tables. He was embarrassed and apologized and the Counters were shocked that someone would walk in. One of the Counters trying to get rid of the awkwardness said , Well The Church can't say Silver and Gold have I None anymore. As He closed the door, God spoke to Him and He stuck His head back around and said, No and neither can They say Rise and Walk in The Name of Jesus. The Tenth is upheld by a Religious Organization that mirrors that of Christ's day. Burdens too Grievous to be bourne for so Many. I am a Minister,a Pastor. I understand the Financial needs of the Church. But this Doctrine of not paying a Tenth is Jeopardizing Your Soul or if you only pay a fifth, etc,just keep it. You are going to be Cursed and Die and go to Hell is Blasphemous. It's Rejecting the Works and Salvation of God. Paul said to Give as You have Prospered . Jesus said whatever You have freely received then freely give. Now,,, if You are willing to Walk by Faith and not by SIGHT and trust God. You will begin to give beyond Your means. Not because of a Denomination or Man or Pressure. But God is going to deal with You and test You and see if You are Trustworthy. The reason a lot of People don't have much or struggle financially continually even in the Church is because They are not Givers. I gave 20 dollars in 1996 when I had literally 23 dollars. God put the 20 in My hand that Night .
Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
The comments remind me of Matthew 24:49 as to fellowservants that are trying to get the message across about the King coming soon; and the bride being snatched. Zephaniah 2:3 is one of those O.T. nuggets about being delivered before wrath begins. I don't argue about whether it is man's wrath; Satan's or Gods anyway since it is all under God's judgment. What is different is that once the Trib. starts things are all going to happen in sequence all 21 judgments PLUS what the 2 Prophets decide to dish out. Another argument is that Pretribbers left behind will fall for Antichrist; and I may agree partially that those who are NOT praying to escape ALL things to come to pass ( Luke 21:36; see also Rev. 3:10) may either not be real believers or the rapture is a reward issue; all of God's children are saved but some need their garments washed through martyrdom (that is my contention if they have garments in the first place they must be saved; whether or not they are new Trib saints or ones stained that are left behind such as with Zechariah 8:3. However we are to buy oil or be tried as gold in the fire may mean refinement in the Tribulation; but since that is unpopular I won't force the issue and be open to all believers being raptured.
Post Tribbers can be fooled if they think the Beast is making the world ready for Christ also.
Napoleon Bonaparte: "The Bible is no mere book, but a Living Creature, with a power that conquers all that oppose it."
We should not accept that sin will always play a part in our lives!
God is not a sinner, and if you are a true child of God you will not be saying you can't stop sinning. Worse than telling yourself that you can't stop sinning, is telling others that they can't stop sinning! The phrase misery loves company is so true here. This mindset is wrong, and goes directly agains all of the bible scripture.This thought that you can never stop sinning is from Satan, and he has convinced you that you can't stop sinning. If you believe this , and live this, you will certainly die as a sinner, and never achieve becoming a true child of God.
God's children strive to live without sin, and eventually succeed and win the race! Those who have been born of God (Born Again) should no longer be a part of this world (we have died to this world) and we should no longer be slaves to satan/sin that is inherent to the world.
So, if we are truly Born Again we are now becoming the children of God and not children of this world.
Scripture goes on to state that children of God are gods: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalm 82:6
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13
Matthew 12:50 "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
In the context of the verse, it is stated that God alone possesses eternal or immortal life. This can be seen as a reminder of God's unique and divine nature. The idea that believers are spiritually saved and receive eternal life through their faith in Christ is a common Christian belief.
The concept of being "physically saved" or "spiritually saved" can be a matter of theological interpretation. Some Christians may emphasize the spiritual aspect of salvation, emphasizing the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ, while others may also consider the physical well-being and safety of believers.
The notion of believers being spiritually "married" or united with Christ is also a theological concept found in Christian traditions. It signifies a close and personal relationship between believers and Jesus, often described metaphorically as a marriage. This spiritual union is believed to bring about transformation and a new way of living for the believer, yet the explanation doesn't absolve you from your original blasphemous post. There you attempted to use the metaphoric marriage union with Christ in an attempt to undermine Ephesians 5:22-25 which addresses the ROLES and RESPONSIBIlITIES of husbands and wives within marriage union, using the metaphor of Christ and the Church to illustrate these roles, but this metaphor doesn't change the SPECIFIC COMMANDS for the husband and wife within the marital relationships. It would render Ehesisans 5:22-25 to no effect.
Jordyn wrote:
>The word says you are the WIFE of Christ, so these scripture of a wife submitting to her HUSBAND apply as much to you as to any earthly wife.
I am going to be gone all day, I will respond to you when I get home tonight.
God Bless YOU!
I suppose could also have been some sort of meat from other animals too.
But Thanks for the feed back.
There's a reason for all of this that you have very accurately articulated,
it's the Harlot, the false church, present day Christianity, worldwide, Rev 17:5 the apostasy spoken of in Rev 1, 2 & 3 which ripen & matured with the Roman Catholic's, then as the reformation started tearing down the darkness of popery, they, the protestant did not perfect it, but adulterated themselves with the kings of the earth, the Catholic's the mother, the protestant & all other sects but one, are the Harlots describe here, & then in time, that one also went into apostasy Rev 17:4 all forms of godliness without the Power, some more refine and subtlety dress then others, making a big show of Christian character, works & airy knowledge, but its all from the letter, learnt from the teaching & doctrine of men, in the art of science, as one would any other profession. They practice what the Apostles wrote of, who were lead by the Spirit to do it, but they don't do what the Apostles did in following the dictates of the Spirit which lead the Apostles to do it, Rom 8:14, but follows the learning from the letter & duplicate what they learn & believe they're being lead by the Spirit. NOT !
The Substance is not known here, then they are other that are outright perverted as it is this day.
Yet, God in His longsuffering love has a people within her, whom in Rev 18: calls out "come out of her My people, less you partake of her sins & plagues.
Friends, these are weighty & eternal matters here, let us continue to consider what spiritual state we're truly in, personally & worldwide.
Who will heed His Call, separated themselves from these Harlot's & Abominations of the earth?
The trumpet is sounding, Awake, Awake My Beloved ones, come out of her!
in love & truth
Well said,
I would add to your statement of Paul in 1Cor 9:27
Though Romans is place before Cor in the bible, it was actually written after Cor
In Pauls ever increasing growth in the Grace in the Lord Jesus Christ, Grace brought him to the perfection, maturity, & confidence that he states in Rom 8:35-39
only sin separates
This clearly show a perfection that can be added too, as we continue steadfastly to grow in Grace until the end 2Tim 4:7
this is the reason he states in Philippians 3:12 & then in Philippians 3:15 it was a contradiction of truths, but that he learnt
John 15:5 & Philippians 4:13 Humility, Micah 6:8
We have the Scriptures as a testimony of Paul's extra ordinary life, all owning to Grace, 1Cor 15:10
God is not a respector of persons, though He does have different placement within His body, yet all are required to be holy!
Grace & Peace to you
We see also the principle of some receiving the crown or crowns for specific acts when on earth. Let us face it not everyone runs for the prize; some make it into heaven as through the fire ( 1 Cor. 3:15). Christ Himself turned away some would be disciples who didn't want to count the cost. It is possible of course to amend our ways; Christ purges more to sanctify us. There are certainly variations as to how much fruit we have; 30 fold; 50 fold; 100 fold. We can just look around to see those who are undistracted and have their lives balanced; those who are on fire for Christ we should be discerning to recognize. We all struggle with sin there is no doubt; some who claim to be believers aren't even saved while others are in various levels of maturity.
Again not a point to argue about. God can use death in order to prematurely end a life (see 1 Corinthians 11:30) where MANY sleep because they have taken communion unworthily. There are also verses in Corinthians about the body in 1 Corinthians 5:5 where God allows someone to die or get near it to preserve the soul; in other words perhaps they would have been lost if this hadn't happened because they would go so deep in sin as to be reprobate; that is only a theory.
These verses should help clarify as to where many are; and that not everyone gains the same reward just as the other principle that some suffer more in hell (see Matthew 11:21).
Agape; Rich P
I hope you have noticed that the Word is something and really the only thing that I constantly quote. Any reasonable conversation relies on it. I have discussed the subject of the Rapture before with numerous references from the New and Old Testament; with the basic principle being that God delivers from as well as through certain things. Such is the typology of Enoch and Elijah who were translated as opposed to Lot who escaped just as judgment came. My basic premise is that it is one thing to die as martyrs now and we CERTAINLY need to be cognizant of that fact as something such as the brave girl who was martyred at Sandy Run that it is coming here. The only thing different in the Tribulation is how demonic entities and God's judgments (which ARE immediately upon opening the Seal Judgments which only CHRIST HIMSELF can open) manifest. And as I've stated before the gates of hell will not prevail against the church at present but the saints WILL be overcome in the Tribulation. I will let you look up the verses as I have quoted them often. The worst time in human history ( Matthew 24:21) is something we haven't seen yet when Satan is allowed temporary control over the whole earth; God has to shorten the days or no one survives ( Mark 13:20).