King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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I've copied them for further study and you can be sure they will be put to use and passed on.
God bless you.
Whatever view you take, and you can try to make different systems and methods of interpretation from this book, but it must fit in with what John saw in the past. He just saw the vision of Christ, the things that are, that is, the condition of the churches in John's day, and the things that will be after the church. That's Chapters 4 through 22.
It must fit into that past, present, and future scheme that the book of Revelation divides up for us.
Well, that is the introduction to Revelation. It is my hope that what I have shared with you in all these introductions, from Matthew through Revelation, that someone may have been blessed by these, even if just one!
May the Lord continue to bless you all, and may we, through remaining in continuous study of God's word, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God Bless!!!
This method identifies the visions and events of the book, with the events of church history, from the early church to the present time.
So, they say it all represents the seven periods of history in church, beginning with the early church, up to the present, and that's what it represents, that the churches are not literal, and there are no future events that will happen.
This method views the entire book as prophecy yet future, including the messages to the churches.
In fact, this view holds that the seven churches mentioned in Chapters 2 and 3 are the churches that will be existing during the Tribulation Period, way in the future, not the things that are, but will be during the Tribulation.
This method views the Book of Revelation as both historical and futuristic.
This view holds that the seven churches in Chapters 2 and 3 were literal churches in John's day, and that the events in Chapters 4 through 22 are yet future.
And of course, we as believers should take our view from number 5.
There are various methods of interpretation. We will find out that John was told to write in symbols what he saw. The symbols aren't really anything new to the Jewish mind, but they are to us.
But there are people who have different systems and methods of interpreting the book of Revelation:
They allegorize everything. And they allegorize it as a symbolic picture of the struggle between the church and evil throughout the present age. That is, whatever age in which we live, it's just symbolic of the church's struggle against evil.
This is very popular in our day. This method presents the events that happened in the past, and the events of the present day in which it was written. This method depicts the struggle between the church and Rome.
And you might ask how do we know which is which? Well, right up above, we have the representation of that outline. If the spiritualists say that this is all the battle between good and evil in our day, we've got the things which thou hast seen in the past, the things which are in the present, and the things which shall be, that is, in the future.
So, these are not present things. The things that are present are present in John's day.
So, if the method of interpretation doesn't fit in with Revelation 1:19, which gives us the outline of the book, then it is not the correct method.
The Preterists depict it as a struggle between the church and Rome, and they only deal with past and present events. But what about the future? They say there's no future events happening, that it's all now, and it's between the struggle between us and Rome.
This is probably one of the most important facts that we need to know, just in understanding Revelation, and the various teachings that we hear about the book of Revelation, which I'll get to here in a moment.
The division of the book of Revelation is given to us right in the book of Revelation. Revelation 1:19 provides the division of the book. Jesus tells John, write the things which thou hast seen (which would be the vision of Christ), in Chapter 1 Verses 9 through 20.
Secondly, write the things which are, that is, presently in John's day. That would be Chapters 2 and 3, the messages to the seven churches.
And write the things which shall be hereafter;
The term hereafter is a Greek phrase that means after these things. Revelation 4:1 begins with after these things. After what things? After the things of the church which are existing in John's day. That would be Chapters 4 through 22, which actually present to us the Tribulation Period that breaks out upon the earth.
There's a threefold division in the book of Revelation. If someone has a method or system of interpretation of the book of Revelation, it must fit into the structure that Revelation itself sets out.
REVELATION 1:1-8: Prologue
REVELATION 1:9-20 PART ONE: The Things which Thou Hast Seen
REVELATION 4:1-22:5 PART THREE: The Things which Shall Be Hereafter
REVELATION 22:6-21: John signs off with the promises for all those that hear and keep the words within this book.
John uses a heptadic system. Heptadic means a series of sevens. So, he uses a series of sevens, a heptadic system of writing for the book of Revelation.
There are seven blessings, seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, seven lampstands, seven spirits, seven stars, seven promises, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels, seven thunders, seven heads, seven crowns, seven plagues, seven mountains, and seven kings.
This is why it's called a heptadic writing system. As we'll see in a moment, he was told to write in symbols what spiritual truth he saw. And so, he used the number seven.
Now the number seven in scripture represents completeness or perfection. And we will see that whenever the number seven is used, he's talking about the fullness and complete blessings.
There are seven churches that are going to receive seven messages. And you put all those seven messages together, and you have the complete message of Christ to the church until He returns.
So, everything is in its fullness and its completion.
John's letters were the last written in the New Testament.
Four of the letters are classified in the Jewish Literature section of the New Testament since John wrote mostly to the believing Jews who were scattered in Asia Minor.
The Book of Revelation was written around 95 A.D., about a year before John was brought back off the island of Patmos, during the reign of Domitian.
John received the Revelation while exiled on the island of Patmos.
Again, according to the early church fathers, John was sent to the island of Patmos as a criminal to work the mines with the other prisoners. After the death of Domitian, Nerva released John around 96 A.D.
John received the Revelation in order to encourage the believers who were under extreme persecution from Rome. The believers were weary and confused. They wanted to know that if Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, where is the victory? It seemed like things were getting worse. They were being beaten, imprisoned, and even put to death.
So, they wanted to know "Where's the victory? I was better off before I received Christ!" And so, they were discouraged and confused. So, John wrote to encourage them to endure and to wait for the victory, that the victory is yet to come, maybe not seeing it in our day, but it will come.
According to the early church fathers, John was sent out onto the island with a group of criminals. That's where they sent the criminals. And they worked hard labor. They worked in the mines over on the island of Patmos.
Keep in mind that John is in his early 90's when he was sent off to this island. And his illegal activity was that he was a Christian, because Christianity was an illegal religion. And since he was the last remaining original apostle, they really wanted to get him out of the way.
Many don't realize that he was there for 10 years on this island. He didn't just take a ferry over and sit on the island and say, "I don't know why God has me here, but maybe I'll get some kind of revelation."
And that's really not what he was there for. He was sent there as a criminal, under the leadership of Domitian. He sent him over around 86 A.D. And it was not until Domitian died that the Christians asked Nerva if they could have John released and brought back, because after all, he's old and about ready to die. And so, they brought him back over around 96 A.D.
And historical documents tell us that John died at about 99 years old. So just a few years after being brought back over to the mainland, he went to be with the Lord. He was the only original apostle to not die a martyr's death. All the other original apostles were put to death in a very severe way.
John wrote the Gospel of John, 1, 2 and 3 John, and the Book of Revelation.
The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation to the churches of Asia Minor, over which John exercised his apostolic leadership in his later years.
Most of the recipients of his letters were Jewish believers. But the letters were written for all of the believers in the churches.
Again, it is written for Gentiles if you understand it through a Jewish perspective.
If you've never been through the book of Revelation before, you might be interested in knowing that the study of the introduction to the book of Revelation is a study in and of itself.
It could take several long posts to go over everything, so what I have done is excerpted out some of the main points.
The Apostle John. The Apostle John is not John the Baptist.
The Apostle John is mentioned five times in the Book of Revelation: 1:1; 1:4; 1:9; 21:2; 22:8.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as the sons of Zebedee, found in Matthew 10:2-4.
Jesus gave them the name "The sons of thunder," recorded in Mark 3:17. They always wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume people if they didn't want anything to do with the Lord. There's a lot of "sons of thunder" in the church today!
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus, and spent many special times with the Lord, Matthew 17:1; 26:37.
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
What is interesting, in association with the book of Revelation, is that tradition says that around 86 A.D., they tried to execute John by dipping him in burning oil. And after they pulled him out, nothing was wrong with him. And they figured that they couldn't kill him, so they decided to exile him off onto the island of Patmos.
I am sharing with you my introduction to the book of Revelation, the final introduction. And right off the bat, you want to know just by the name of the book, it is not the book of Revelations. It's the book of Revelation, singular. Some call it the book of Revelations, but that is not what it is. It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
After the teaching section of Paul's letters, Romans through Philemon, comes the Jewish Literature section, Hebrews through Revelation. All of these books (Hebrews through Revelation) were written to Hebrew believers. It was also for the whole church, but it had to be understood through a Jewish perspective of the writings that were written to them.
For instance, in the vision of Christ, as John sees Him, He has a sharp two-edged sword coming out of His mouth. We know that in Hebrews 4:12, it says that the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. We quote it all the time. But that is a Jewish phrase that comes from Jewish literature. It originated in Isaiah Chapter 49. And we quote it. But to actually have the realization from the Jewish use of it, it's interesting and fascinating.
Always remember to keep the Jewish literature separate as far as application goes. For instance, we will see what Peter said in 1 Peter Chapter 1, that God has made us a kingdom of priests. And you've probably heard people say that God has made us priests, but that's a fulfillment of God's promise to Israel in Exodus Chapter 19, that He's going to make them a kingdom of priests.
It's not making reference to Gentiles. It's making reference to Jews. After His second coming, He will make the Hebrew and Jewish believers the priests that rule from out of Jerusalem. They will not be Gentiles.
We have to be careful of our applications. We have to know what phrases are only found in the Jewish literature, and not found in other places. It has to be understood from a Jewish point of view.
It is evident that Jude quoted 2 Peter Chapter 2 Verse 1 through Chapter 3 Verse 4 in his letter. Verses 4 through 18 of Jude lines up with 2 Peter Chapter 2 Verse 1 through Chapter 3 Verse 4, adding more testimony that Jude was written a few years after 2 Peter was written.
Jude's letter contains many allusions and illustrations from the Old Testament, indicating that his primary audience was the believing Jews.
JUDE CHAPTER 1: The Instruction Concerning Apostasy.
Apostasy is a biblical word that literally means to stand off from or fall away from.
There will be apostasy in the church in the last days. But as we will see in Verse 19 of Jude's letter, an apostate is someone who does not have the Spirit of God.
A Christian cannot commit apostasy. A genuine born-again believer cannot commit apostasy. Apostates do not have the Spirit of God.
I will share my introduction to the book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament next.
It is believed that Jude was written to the same group of churches in Asia that received Peter's letters.
Jude's letter is specifically written to believing Jews as it refers to the Old Testament scriptures and the Jewish historical books.
Jude was written around 70 A.D. from Jerusalem. It is believed that Jude was written about 3 or 4 years after Peter's second letter.
Peter wrote his second letter around 66-67 A.D., right before his death. He warned of the false teachers which would be coming in the future. That's in 2 Peter.
Jude wrote his letter in the Present Tense, indicating that the false teachers that Peter warned about were now present in the Church.
To deal with the existing false teachers and their teachings that have now infiltrated the church.
The theme of the letter is in Verse 3, where Jude calls on believers to contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints.
In Greek, the name is literally Judas. He wrote the book of Jude.
Judas is mentioned 44 times in the New Testament, representing the name of a person, as well as the name of the territory of Judah in Israel. Both are the same words.
There are 8 people named Judas in the New Testament, but only 3 are prominent and worth consideration. Two of these three are named in Luke 6:16.
They are Judas Iscariot (the one who betrayed the Lord). And Judas Thaddeus is presented as an apostle. Neither is the author of this letter.
This Jude is not an apostle. In fact, he says that he is the brother of James, and he is the servant of Jesus Christ. The author of this letter is Judas, the brother of James, and half-brother to the Lord Jesus.
Matthew 1:25 tells us that Mary and Joseph did not have the normal physical relationship between husband and wife until after Jesus was born. Matthew tells us that she was a virgin up to the birth of Christ. After the birth of Christ, they had a normal physical relationship. After Jesus was born, it is recorded in Matthew 13:55-56 that Mary and Joseph had other children who are listed as the brothers and sisters of Jesus.
During the Lord's public ministry, John 7:5 states that his brothers did not believe in Him. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:7 that after Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to James and to the others. That would be the other of His brothers. It was at this time His brothers believed in Him.
In Acts 1:14, we find Mary and the brothers of Jesus assembled in the Upper Room waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
I Corinthians 9:5, Paul relates that the Lord's brothers served as missionaries in service to Christ as they traveled. James was the leader of the church in Jerusalem according to Acts Chapter 15.
The letter of Jude is the second letter in the New Testament written by a half-brother of Jesus. And of course, the other being James himself.
I quote Heb 4:2 from the NIV, ."1.Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 2. For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed. "
GiGi, also all the grk Bibles I have read so far agree on that matter that the message to the Hebrews was for their entrance to the promised land.
If we wish to know whether the Hebrews at that time did actually know about Christ's sacrifice, we can look at Ephesians 3:4-6, "4.Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. 5. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6. That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:"
Why does Paul call God's plan a mystery for the people in OT? Because simply they didn't know about it.
Also please read 1 Cor 2:7, "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:"
GiGi, the Hebrews were expecting Christ (Messiah) as a king who would free them from their enemies and make them a nation which would rule over all other nations. They never expected Him as a man who would sacrifice Himself for the salvation of all nations, showing this way that they had never known God's mysterious plan. This is how I understand it and if I am wrong let God lead us.
According to
Luke 6:45 you can !
What David has stated directly contradicts God's words, denies the Truth, makes God a liar. it's dishonor God, insults His Person & slanders His integrity. I recall you speaking somewhat of this to Spencer, What about our God
You don't call this hardness of heart? Speaking such things before a holy & pure God, as this is what God means, interpreting God's words, When God has given us Light & has not left us in the dark in such matters, 2Cor 2:10-13
Isaiah 1:27
Gigi, in truth, what I spoken is a token, a extension of God grace, mercy & love Him
Grace reveal God's judgments upon all ungodliness & righteousness that leads us to godliness, convicting of one & teaching the other.
John 16:8
Psalms 89:14 & if he would receive it as such, he would see God's face in repentance, not to be repented of.
In love for his eternal welfare & his calling of God in this life, I've waited on the Lord for instructions & so I spoke, as of now, I'm clear of this man's blood Acts 18:6 & if I'm clear in my conscience before God, no mortal can condemn me for it, & if not
Concerning our conversation continuing as being unfruitful, that will depend on our love for the Truth,
I know where I stand.
in love & truth
Allow me to comment something more on replys exchanged between you and David 0921,something about 'death as confined to the grave'; something like cause and efect. By the way,death is an enemy, how to fight with him and defect him?
To deeply analyze and understand this terrible biblical theme, we need to start from the beginning of a mortal process that has existed since the beginning.Where does the dying process of man begin? Well, the Word of God reveals to us where it begins, by the way, the Word is GOD, understand?
Here's the source and the beginning of the mortal process:
Prov.18:21KJV:-Death and life are in the power of the TONGUE...
James 3:5-6:->5 The TONGUE is a little member, and boasts great things.Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! 6The TONGUE is a fire,A WORLD OF INIQUITY:so is the TONGUE among our members, that it defileth(and kills)the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature(as in days of Noah and Lot);and it is set on FIRE of HELL.
What is the MOUTH of the grave and how is it seen?Well,what does the Word of GOD say?Rom.3:10-18
10 As it is written,There is none righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understand,there is none that seeks after GOD.
12 They are all gone out of the way,they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good,no, not one.
13 Their THROAT is an open SEPULCHRE; with their TONGUES they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose MOUTH is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways
17 And the way of peace have they not known
18 There is no fear of GOD before their eyes
You said: 'death as confined to the grave', death caused by a THROAT(an open sepulchre)and a satanic TONGUE,so the dead body is placed in the grave because of the bad smell that exudes from the dead(spiritually the stench of the sin),and you are obliged to get rid of it by burying it in an open hole in the earth
We live with her parents here in America...she is a US citizen after immigrating here as my wife in 2005.
God's Grace be with you always,
We as a nation can also look back further in time and see how God dealt with the other nations, especially Israel and consider how God was in their midst as he led them and blessed them "but" not being IN them as the Holyspirit dwells in the believers today to guide our hearts to bare fruit.
We're connected to the true/genuine vine and God is the husbandman causing us to bare fruit.
God gave Israel rest from their enemies when they walked in his statutes.
When they didn't, he punished them.
God wouldn't let Israel profane his Holy name,
All nations and all Christians individually that claims out loud to be a Godly nation or person should consider this.
Thanks and
God bless.
Is this really the God-breathed word I'm supposed to follow? Is this supposed to be relevant to the future of Christianity, completely unchanged and unadapted for future situations? Should one take this "as a warning" for what happens when you disobey God? Is this supposed to instill a reflection of His love?
Or, should I accept this as a method used at the time, and it's God-breathed nature is in the fact someone factually recorded this historical occurrence?
I am much more willing to accept the latter than try to justify genocide as "ordained by God" in any way, shape, or form. That can send us living today down an exceptionally slippery slope to recreate something as horrendous as the Holocaust while saying, "It's all the Lord's Will."
I pray that all who read this will be encouraged and strengthened by these words, today, tomorrow and every day. In Christ's Name I pray, Amen
We have to read the rest of Peter's commentary regarding Psalm 16 and David's words. David was talking about Christ and Christ's payment for the sins of His Elect in descending into "hades" (hell or the grave) not David himself. This is not talking about David or OT Believers going to a place called "hades" to await the efficacy of Christ's Atonement nor is Ephesians 4:8-10.
Acts 2:29-36 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool.Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
So, again, neither of these passages is teaching what you suggest about OT Believers.
And incidentally, it is also a commentary on the Gospel that "was preached to them, as well as onto us" Heb 4.
" It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and The Bible."
It also seems to me that The Constitution of The United States of America and America itself was formed by God's Word !!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Your Brother in Christ,
With my Love in Christ Jesus,
Your Brother in Christ,
However, I can see how you might understand 'being in limbo' as 'souls waiting for Heaven', and 'purgatory' which involves a time of spiritual cleansing so that the soul can be acceptable to God & fit to enter Heaven, as very similar. Purgatory is an RC teaching based on the Apocryphal writings & is not Scriptural Truth. Anyway, I've written to David0921 citing Scriptures that reveal the underworld & those righteous ones that awaited release & attained it after Christ's Redemptive Work was completed.