Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 210

  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 19 - 1 year ago
    Hello Star1964. As Jema as shared, the theme of this chapter is in the first verse of the chapter. Yet the chapter is clouded in metaphors; the people could understand it if they were conversant with the Scriptures, but to others it seemed as just another story spoken by a prophet. In this portion of Ezekiel, the prophet is not prophesying any new thing, rather, he is recounting what had taken place & why their princes (& themselves) were in this predicament.

    The prophet Ezekiel was ministering to the southern kingdom, Judah, & Ezekiel himself was one of the many captives taken to Babylon. So he was re-telling the story of their downfall & their present suffering. If you understand these metaphors, then the picture of this chapter will become clearer.

    Verse 2, 'mother, a lioness': is the Kingdom of Judah; 'the lions, whelps': are the kings of Judah. When Judah "brought up one of her whelps, it became a young lion" (v3): referring to King Jehoahaz - for he was taken as a prisoner to Egypt (v4) by Pharaoh-Necho (see 2 Kings 23:31-34 for this account).

    Verses 5-9: when Judah waited too long for Jehoahaz to return & all hope was gone, she took "another of her whelps" (Jehoiachin) & made him king. But when Babylon attacked Judah & Jerusalem & took captives, Jehoiachin was also taken with them (v9; also 2 Kings 24:15). Then in verses 10-14, "the mother" Judah is seen as a vine, plucked up in fury by Nebuchadnezzar, because of the rebellion of King Zedekiah ( 2 Kings 24:17-20; Jeremiah 52:3) against Babylon. Verses 11-14: even though Judah was strong, exalted, & stood out as a sceptre, she was soon removed & the branches of the vine were broken off & the vine withered. Therefore, she is in Babylon (as one now planted in the wilderness) & her greatness & that of her kings were now absolutely nothing. So Ezekiel weeps over such devastation of a great kingdom & will forever remain in the minds of the people. But God would give them hope ( Ezekiel 20:33-44).
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    CHAPTER 1:1-4: The Preface.

    And by the way, the difference between a preface and prologue is that a preface is an introduction, and a prologue is like a book within a book. When you read the first 18 verses of John's gospel, that is a prologue, not a preface. So, this is a preface. This is an introduction, Verses 1 through 4.

    CHAPTER 1:5 THROUGH 2:52: The Pregnancies of Elizabeth and Mary.

    CHAPTER 3:1-4:13: The Preparation for the Ministry of both Yochanan ha-Matbil, that is John the Baptist, and Yeshua, for Jesus.

    CHAPTER 4:14-9:50: The Preaching of Jesus in Galilee

    CHAPTER 9:51-19:27: The Prompting of Jesus toward Jerusalem.

    One of my favorite verses is Luke 9:51. When it came time to for Jesus to go to Jerusalem, it says He set His face towards Jerusalem, and that many villages rejected Him because His face was set towards Jerusalem.

    As believers, we have to ask ourselves, what is our Jerusalem? What does God want us to do? What are we here for? When you find out what God wants you to do, set your face toward Jerusalem. Don't stop. Don't go to the left or to the right.

    And you'll find that people will reject you because you're just passing through. You've got something God wants you to do and you are doing it. Very, very important section! It is almost 10 chapters of people rejecting Jesus because He had His face set towards Jerusalem.

    CHAPTER 19:28-21:38: The Preaching of Jesus in Jerusalem. That final week, Passover week.

    CHAPTER 22:1-23:56: The Particulars of the Crucifixion of Jesus, His suffering, the different trials, and the actual crucifixion itself.

    CHAPTER 24:1-53, THE ENTIRE CHAPTER 24 OF LUKE: The Promise of the Resurrection of Jesus.

    That is the Introduction to Luke's Gospel. I will share with you the introduction to the Gospel of John soon, Lord willing!

    God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    The theme of Luke's gospel is found in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which is lost." He came to seek us, not us Him!


    Many believe it was the third gospel written of the three Synoptics. Luke follows the formation of Matthew and Mark. As a matter of fact, with Matthew, you will find some differences as far as chronological order in these three gospels goes. Luke is the only one that claims to be in the correct sequential order.

    Matthew didn't write his gospel as far as the order of events goes. He wrote his gospel according to topics. And so, you find some scenes that are out of place with the other gospels. That is because the other gospels used various incidents to back up the very theme that they were trying to present.

    But Luke, his is in exact chronological order as it happened. Matthew, Mark and Luke emphasize the Galilean ministry up north, away from Jerusalem about 60 to 70 miles. That is where Jesus started out. He was baptized and He stayed up there. He came to Jerusalem for some of the feasts that were mandatory, but He didn't spend time in Jerusalem until the last week of His life, when He came to celebrate Passover.

    John emphasizes the Judean ministry. And please remember that Judea is that middle part just before you get into Jerusalem from Galilee up north. And Matthew, Mark and Luke emphasize the Galilean ministry, His three years, or two and half years up north. But John emphasizes the Judean ministry.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    And it could be that Theophilus, being in the Roman government (a Roman guard maybe), but in the Roman government. But it could be that he was putting together something for Paul because Paul was waiting to have his appeal to Caesar brought about, and he needed an official document of his life, and what he is charged with, and what his response is, even before he sees Caesar.

    Many scholars believe that Theophilus was putting this together for Paul, and that Luke was doing it because Theophilus knew Luke, and he knew Luke had been with Paul, and Theophilus was now saved, so the three of them knew each other.

    So, when Theophilus comes to Paul and says we got to put some documents together, Paul says, you know, Dr. Luke used to travel with me. Theophilus says "No way, I know him. He is a brother. Yes, contact him. We need something written up." And so many people believe that these two documents actually traveled to Rome originally as court documents, documenting the life and ministry of Christ and Paul.

    Now I find this very humorous. I had to mention that first because you might not get it just by reading it. But there are two things by way of characteristics of the gospel that support the trial document view. It is because the way Luke wrote about all the uprisings, all the riots, and that all the trouble was caused by the Jewish leaders. They did it all!

    But the second thing he did in his gospel, the centurion soldiers were the good guys. So that makes it look pretty good. So, you are appealing to somebody who is not Jewish when you do this. Interesting note!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    The gospel of Luke has the highest level of Greek in the New Testament. Not only that, but many scholars hold that Luke is the highest quality of Greek in all ancient literature. That is pretty high! There are 312 Greek words in Luke that are not in the rest of the New Testament. There are 478 Greek words in Acts that are not in the rest of the New Testament.

    So that is 790 words that are only found in Luke's writings. Remember, he is a physician, and he is very educated. You can see why, not only because of his medical skills, but also to be a historian for us.

    Now in Luke, there are 20 miracles. Six of the 20 miracles are not found in any other gospel. In Luke, there are 23 parables. Of the 23 parables, 18 are not found in any other gospel. That is a lot of new material.


    Sir William Ramsay was a nonbeliever that set out to disprove the scriptures. And he chose the gospel of Luke because it was recommended to him as being the best writing in the New Testament. After investigating Luke, he said that every historical account was correct and that there was not one inaccuracy in it. This is from a nonbeliever. And because of Luke's gospel, he was converted. So, we had a nonbeliever who could research, with a high education, he could search out all of Luke's presentation and find out there was not one inaccuracy in the whole gospel!

    Some think that Luke and Acts are trial documents. This is what I meant about the reason why they would travel together as Volumes 1 and 2. If you appealed to Caesar, you had to send explanatory documents of your appeal to Caesar before you get there.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    Luke is written specifically to Theophilus, but in general to all Gentiles. Theophilus means "lover of God," THEOS for God, PHILEO for love. It's either a name or title. It was a common name at the time. Many parents named their children Theophilus hoping their kids would love God. It was also used as a title and may have been used in order to hide his identity.

    In Luke, he's not just called Theophilus, but "most excellent Theophilus" which means that he was either in the Roman military or Roman government, and he's getting the gospel about Jesus Christ. So, Theophilus could be a title or a code name for someone so that their real identity is not revealed.

    His title "Most excellent" is one Greek word. It's found to be a title of an officer in the Roman military and also found as a title for an official in the Roman government. Both are called "most excellent" or "most honorable." The title is used three times in Acts. In Acts 23:26, we see "most excellent governor Felix."

    These are all governors of Rome. Acts 24:3, "most noble Felix," and Acts 26:25 "most noble Festus," same word. They held these titles in the Roman military and in the Roman government. He was either a government official or in the military. Tradition says he was from Antioch of Syria. Apparently, Luke and Theophilus knew each other.

    Acts was written to Theophilus. Acts 1:1 says, the former treaties (that would be the gospel of Luke), the former treaties that I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. So, the book of Acts would be to the same person. And what he's saying is that Luke (the first Volume I gave you), was what Jesus began to do and teach. Now here's what He continues to do and teach, and that would be the book of Acts.

    It's also interesting that Acts 1:1-11 is a summary statement of Luke Chapter 24. So, they overlap. He goes back and summarizes Luke 24 in Acts Chapter 1:1-11.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    Luke is a Greek name, not Jewish. Many believe that he was a Gentile. In fact, we can be pretty certain that he was. Luke was the only Gentile to be used to write a book of the bible. The best evidence of him being a Gentile is in Colossians 4:11-14. This is where Paul is listing the groups of people, and in Verse 11, he lists those of the circumcision. And so those would be the Jews. But when it gets down to Verse 14, he mentions the Gentiles, and Luke is mentioned in amongst the Gentiles. So that is pretty good proof that Luke was a Gentile.

    In Luke's writings, all the way through the gospel of Luke, and all the way up through Acts Chapter 16 Verse 9, he uses the Third Person Plural "they" in his writings. But starting at Acts Chapter 16 Verse 10, he then changes it to "we" (First Person Plural). So, at Acts 16:10, he joins up with Paul at that point and becomes a constant companion with Paul.

    Luke joined Paul at Troas. He was probably converted in Troas by Paul, and he becomes Paul's personal physician. What is interesting is that in Acts Chapter 27, in that famous shipwreck that we read about and study and hear about, Luke also was on board that ship.

    And it is interesting because you can't have guests accompany you, especially when you're a prisoner on your way to Rome. So, it is believed that Luke went along as a slave. You can have your slave, but you can't have your friends. But Luke was with him all the way. He joined up with him in Troas, doctored him, and was with him during a lot of the things that happened in Paul's ministry and life.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. They originally traveled together as Volume 1 and Volume 2. And Luke goes as far back as you can go in the beginning of the Lord's life and ministry. And he'll take us all the way up to, or right at the death of Paul. That is a lot of space. Luke is our historian. Luke was a very educated man, and he likes to deal in detail because he wants the Gentile world, that is you and I, to have the facts of the details about the life and ministry of Christ.

    Luke, along with Acts, was written to the Gentiles. It was written to present Jesus as the Son of Man and ends with the promise of the Holy Spirit. And you will notice that both with Luke and John, they end off with the event that introduces their sequel that comes secondly. For Luke it will be the book of Acts. He ends Luke with the promise of the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts starts out with the coming of the Holy Spirit.


    Luke is the author. Luke is only mentioned three times in the New Testament. None of his letters contain his name. Luke wrote both Luke and Acts. And as mentioned before, Luke and Acts traveled together as Volume 1 and Volume 2. And I will share with you in a moment some pretty good evidence as to why it happened that way.

    Colossians 4:14 says that Luke was a physician. Paul called him a physician, a doctor. He was a doctor from Antioch of Syria. We know from historical records that Luke was schooled in Alexandria, Egypt. He became very proficient in the Greek language, as the Greek language was spoken there.

    This is the same city where they made the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament). Luke became an expert in Greek. God chose an educated man to do a very, very detailed investigation. Keep in mind that Luke is an investigator, not an eyewitness.
  • Jema - In Reply on Ezekiel 19 - 1 year ago
    Verse 1 , a lamentation for the princes of Israel . There's your clue to this chapter . Who were captives in Egypt ? Who were captured and taken to Babylon ? I'm sure you understand now :) .
  • Star1964 on Ezekiel 19 - 1 year ago
    I read the chapter twice, because I couldn't grasp the concept. Can someone explain it in simple terms, THANK YOU !
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Who wants to be born again and doesn't know and you think it's gonna be hard to live right?
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Just because there is evil created from it doesn't mean for us not to use it for the Grace to the good for our lives and saving of Souls that's how we can talk we pray stand on the word and ask the Lord to cover us in his blood and partake not in there evil in Jesus name but to answe your question it you ask Google the question what does the king James Bible say about the evil use of AI it'll give scriptures for an answer Revelation 13:14-18 kjb
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    My ? To you is do you know Jesus are you born again
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    In order for any to make it to heaven they must be born again receive Jesus in your heart today and he will show you the way Romans 10:9;10
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You seem very passionate about what your saying but very wrong in order to win souls you speak the truth in Love that's what the Bible says Eph4:15 then you are also wrong when you tell a born again believer in Christ Jesus to fellowship with those in darkness to win them when the Bible says what fellowship does dark have with light 1John1:6 that's just to speak on a few things you wrote I'm not gonna lie to you and say I read it all because I didn't why because I see it as emotional not true People are gonna Die and end up in hell if they base there lives on what they feel is true versus studying the Bible and knowing the truth we should have no dealings with those who live in darkness because spirits are transferable. If we desire to have what they have an end up in hell then yes, we should fellowship with them but if we desire in heaven, then we must do what the word says, and that's preach the gospel to the laws, and be separated from among those that are not right which of those that are wicked, who have not receive Jesus in their heart, and that's the truth.
  • Veronicadess - 1 year ago
    I wanted to know from the Body of Christ, do you know of any scripture that specifically or closely speaks against the AI technology that is going on right now in our country and other western nations currently? I do not like it at all, because of the obvious problems it brings with it, in coming against us as human beings in altering things, and doing things that definitely goes against the Holy Bible and the Lord himself, such as having an image of a person saying or doing something, and it not really be the actual person! THATS HORRIBLE AND DANGEROUS! Or doing things to those in the music industry, using their voice likeness to a song or songs they never did or do not approve of, that is not of them, especially for those already deceased. In the hands of those who are evil and have evil motives to do wickedness in the earth against the Lord, in harming innocent people, this is a dangerous tool, but i know the Lord knows all, and is aware of all evil persons who would try to use technology to harm innocent people in the earth. I just don't see any reason to use it, and i think it's invasive and not good AT ALL! I want nothing to do with it, I don't see how it serves any good purpose, for us human beings, i think this is another way that fallen wicked man, that invents technology like this, is trying to play "god" with the lives of those who are unsaved and do not know the Lord, and who have access to computers in the earth and to say we can do anything to anyone and destroy anything innocent and clean they would do in their lives, (e.g. patents trademarks etc.). It's a very evil slippery slope to me. I love computers and the good it does and the ability to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to do good things and research clean, good, normal, everyday topics and stories and other things in life, but I honestly don't see it with the AI, ChaptGT technology, I'm EXTREMELY uncomfortable with it all and don't like it at ALL.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Blessings 0817880641,

    You have some interesting thoughts. Nevertheless, I agree with GiGi and Adam in the fact the Bible truly states God is not a man and that He is Spirit.

    It also states that Spirit gives birth to spirit and flesh to flesh; which actually leaves me wondering - how is it possible then that God Who is Spirit which in the New Testament is truly stated as Spirit being INcapable of producing flesh, while in the Genesis account thousands of years earlier a clear impression of God creating bodies, i.e. flesh and bones, is portrayed.

    Thus, I think I perceive your line of thinking in that it must be if God created man in His Own image, and while realizing man appears to be made of flesh and bones, God must be man.

    It is very possible I'm misunderstanding you, and apologize ahead of time.

    The reason I find your comments interesting is because I would agree with you ( I think) and the New Testament that man produces man and Spirit creates Spirit. Yet I believe a more logical option would be that if God is Spirit, and gives birth to spirit, then our reality is Spirit, not bodies.

    How could a perfect God create an imperfect body, being destructible and thus not of His Kingdom? The body is a symbol of what we think we are. It is clearly a separation device. God is One and incapable of division and separation.

    Out of time.

    God Is

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Excerpt from The Axe Laid to the Root of the Old Corrupt Tree

    1 of 2

    That the true knowledge is only to be had by the immediate revelation of Christ in the soul. No man knows the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the son reveals him. The dead shall hear the voice of the son of God, and they that hear shall live. There is no raising of a dead soul to life, but by the immediate voice of Christ. Outward preaching, reading the Scriptures, &c. may direct and encourage men to hearken after and wait for the voice; but it is the immediate voice of Christ in the soul, which alone can quicken the soul to God: and till the light of life shine immediately from Christ in the heart, the true knowledge is never given. 2 Cor. 4:6. Therefore they that never yet heard the immediate voice of Christ, are still dead in their sins, and have not yet received the true, living knowledge, but a dead, literal knowledge, which gives a false shining of things in the dead part, but kills the life. Indeed the proper use of all means, is to bring to the immediate voice, life, and power; and till this be done, till the soul come to that, to hear that, to feel that, to be rooted there, there is nothing done that will stand; but men stick by the way, crying up the means, and never knowing, tasting, or enjoying the thing which the means point to.
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    But he that knows God comes into the immediate presence; and he that daily lives in God, lives in the immediate life; and the true faith leads to this, giving the soul such a touch and taste of it at first, as makes unsatisfiable without it. By this Christ cuts off the Jews, with all their zeal and knowledge. John 5:37-38. "Ye have not heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape; and ye have not his word abiding in you." There is the hearing of the voice, the sight of the shape, and the having the word of God abiding in the heart, which gives both the hearing of the voice, and the sight of the shape, and keeps the soul quick, and living in the life. The voice gives life, the sight of the shape daily conforms into the image, which is beheld by the eye of life; and the word abiding in the heart nourishes and feeds the living soul with the pure bread of life. But the Jews knew not this; but were crying up their sabbaths, the law of Moses, the ordinances of Moses, the temple of God, the instituted worship of God, and so were shut out of the thing itself which those things ended in, and out of a capacity of receiving it. And thus many zealous ones at this day, not having come to this, no more than the Jews did, but sticking in the letter of the gospel, as the Jews did in the letter of the law, stumble at the present dispensation of life, and cannot do otherwise.

    Issac Penington
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You are right. "flesh and bones cannot be the image of God".

    JESUS said: Luke 20:35-36

    35 - They which shall be accounted WORTHY to obtain that world(next world-Kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15-18.Take a look.)- , and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

    36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of GOD( John 1:14), being the children of the resurrection.

    By the way, only and only JESUS was n ot born of the sin, was not of the Devil( John 8:44 & 46. Take a look.)

    Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD - John 3:3.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The mercy of God

    "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not." ( Lamentations 3:22)

    ...and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place.' ( Deuteronomy 1:31)

    But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ( Romans 5:8)

    The mercy of God and His lovingkindness are something that never pass; or grow old. It is something to daily praise Him for no matter what the circumstances as we know that we shall indeed be in His presence someday; and out of these old bodies whether by Rapture or Resurrection. He has secured us for all eternity. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. ( Psalm 103:12). As believers he has replaced our heart of stone with a heart of flesh ( Ezekiel 36:26). His children are sanctified and inevitably glorified ( Romans 8:30). Whether we consider the Israelites physically delivered from Egypt's bondage to the Promised Land; or our own delivery from the earth to heaven the Spirit seals believers with this "down payment" ( Eph. 1:13).


    That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. ( Matt. 5:45).

    This verse is related to previous ones speaking of loving our enemies as part of the Sermon on the Mount. Christ shared close ties with Judas Iscariot; according to Psalm 41:9 "Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me." The unregenerate enjoy for a time the creation in this life but attribute their blessings to what they consider the "goodness" of their heart; their accomplishments; merits; accolades etc. See Ecclesiastes 8:11 for a warning on delayed judgment; also see Galatians 6:7.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Right. Very soon there will be TWO DISTINCTS MAN Beasts operating or reigning in the Earth in this current time of Apocalypse, time of the END( 1Corinthians 15:24-28.Take a look.) Let us be ready to face them with the Sword, the Word of GOD- Hebrews 4:12-13KJV-. As you said, they are:

    1 - the Beast of sea

    2 - the Beast of the earth

    1 - The very old and serial Gentilic MAN Beast of sea - Rev.13:1-10- , has seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy, and whose very ancient roots are described in the verse 2.

    2 - The MAN Beast of the earth having two horns like a lamb, a false lamb, in fact a false and ruthless messiah, Rev.13:11-18 combined with John 5:43-47 and 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 and 9-12. Terrible. Terrible.

    Let us prepare to enter and face the final environment of the last week of the Devil's world, and the establishment of the FIFTH universal Devil's kingdom, the Antichrist's kingdom, and also in the middle of this last week the Abomination of Desolation- Daniel 9:27-, this satanic Kingdom is represented and described allegorically in the feet and ten toes of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, part of iron and part of clay, according to Dan.2:41-45.Take a look.

    In that fifth universal empire of the Devil, the universal empire of Antichrist, two satanic Beasts will be reigning on Earth, a Gentile Beast and a Jewish Beast, both represented literally in Rev.13, first as the Beast that rose out of the sea, rose from among the nations, from among the peoples, it rose precisely in Italy more or less 2.000 years ago still in the Roman Empire, and the second Beast, the Beast that will still rise from the Earth in this current time, precisely in Israel -Jerusalem- the holy city- this Beast will sit on his own throne as if he was God, claiming to be the messiah, actually an IMPOSTER, a false Christ,-Matt.24:23-, as JESUS warned us, and will exalt himself as if he were God, but he is MAN and not God.
  • 0817880641 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sorry my pastor but you rushed my statement before allowing the revelation to reveal itself.

    As you say let us make a Man in our own image

    Let us make a man in our own image

    Your flesh and bones cannot be the image of God

    Your flesh and bones get's sick

    Image of God doesn't get sick

    Your flesh and bones grows weary

    God doesn't grow weary

    Your flesh and bones dies

    God doesn't die

    Ezekiel Ezekiel Can this bones live again

    Ezekiel Ezekiel Can this bones live again

    This statement takes me back to creation when Adam was just lying lifeless body before God blew the spirit of Man which is God himself inside him.

    Even after Ezekiel commanded the bones to come together did they have life? No

    No he had to command the spirit of Man to come forth and give this lifeless bodies life.

    The image of God is the Man inside you.

    Remember Moses when he said I want to see you God face to face, He said no Man no flesh can see me and live again.

    For you will never ever ever see the spirit inside you and Live again for you would have seen the image you were made in by God which is the image of Man that inside you
  • 0817880641 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Flesh and bones are not the image of God but a creation of God, a shelter for his spirit the reason he constantly repeats and reminds us that his not Man, Is because he cannot be his own creation in form of flesh.

    Adam when he was formed He never came alive, the Bible says he was lying lifeless and the spirit was blown inside then Adam came alive and carried the image of God inside him, the wisdom of Man which is God himself living as man inside flesh. There's was no school of thoughts for Adam, but still entrusted with a garden and it's naming for all species. God was a spirit of Man which formed flesh to dwell in it. The flesh can't be the image of God it's just a creation created for the Man Who was and still is God
  • 0817880641 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    What God meant through the prophet is that He is not Flesh and bones that he might change and again too prove that God is a man or should I say the spirit of Man that Lives inside flesh and bones.

    Animal's still don't talk till today, because there's no man living inside them.

    The Term Man in my statement doesn't limit God to being flesh but solely supreme Spirit to flesh, for flesh is dust and clay and when dust and clay grows weary it returns to the soil but the Man inside you returns to its creator. Let us debate this from this point
  • Shaunm1963 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi StandTro, sorry for late reply: the anti-Christ spirit is anything that opposes the Word. All that stands against the teaching, mission, life of Jesus, anything that is counter to the Christian life is anti-Christ. However, the Man of Perdition, the 'hero' of the people that is yet to be revealed on the world-stage will aim to bring about a total collapse of Christianity and the morals and values that the True Christian stands for. It's already started as various Christian denominations are cherry-pick Scripture if it doesn't suit the current social narrative. So, for example Lev 18:22, 1 Cor 6:9 are now totally devalued; the thread of Scripture is being unraveled. In some quarters the Lord's Prayer is now seen as offensive and patriarchal. Thousands are leaving the Church as those in authority make sweeping changes to 'belief'. Souls are being lost as liberal, progressive, worldly bibles fail to teach the FULL and true Word. Currently, the United nations 53rd Human Rights Council have released a report that claims that religious freedom violates LGBT rights. The 5000+ Christians slaughtered in Nigeria last year don't make Mainstream news. Christianity is hanging by a thread: the anti-Christ spirit is satan doing his best to keep as many souls from returning to Jesus. But, wait, there are going to be more 'pandemics', crises, world 'problems' that need solving with a We're All In It Together mentally, and personal 'beliefs' and lifestyles are going to be counter-productive to the New Order. And the Man of Sin, seen by most as a hero, will 'save the day'.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago

    The tribulation period and the wrath of God are different periods, to not get this right will throw off the timeline for the Lastdays prophecy in many ways.

    In (Lu 17:27-30) v29 "But ((the same day)) that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all". Instead of focusing on them eating, and drinking and marrying, and giving in marriage, put your focus on THE SAME DAY. The same day Lot went out it rained fire and brimstone! The wrath of God starts the same day Jesus comes.

    ( 2 Thess 1:7-10) v7 "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels".

    v8 "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God" (In flaming fire taking vengeance on them is pouring out His wrath on them) The word (wrath) is #3709; it means violent passion, punishment, anger, indignation, ((vengeance)).

    v9 "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power".

    ( John 3:36) In this verse He that believeth will be those who are taken in ( Mt. 24:40-42) the ones caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds in ( 1 Thess 4:16-17) which happens "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days" ( Mt 24:29-31)

    Those who (believeth not) are the one's left in ( Mt. 24:40-42) the wrath of God abideth on them, the disobedient ones in ( Eph 5:6) and ( Col 3:6) and ( Rom 1:18)

    Believers receive everlasting life!

    non-believers receive the wrath of God!

    ( Zephaniah 1:14-18) v14 "The great day of the LORD is near" v15 "That day is a day of wrath".

    These verses show us that God's wrath comes the same day Jesus comes.

    ( Rom 1:18) ( Eph 5:6) ( Col 3:6) ( Rev 6:16-17) God's wrath comes on bad, disobedient, non-believers in Jesus Christ.

    ( 1 Thess 5:9) Believers in Jesus are not appointed to wrath.

    ( 1Thess 1:10) The word (delivered) is 4506; it means to rush or draw (for oneself) to rescue.

    ( Rom 5:9) "being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him"

    God Bless you.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Feasting and culture

    Today; as stated in my earlier post we don't have meals in church specifically commemorating Communion. In our country

    not only do we not have many opportunities for feasting in special occasions (as marriages seem to be on the decline); but regular meals often are frenzied with cell phone interruptions or people glued to the TV set.

    There are still some cultures where there is significance to taking an extended time and an elaborate meal. Such is the case in the Mediterranean and Middle East; and this can be a way missionaries can have an opportunity to witness the Gospel to Muslims in particular. It is fine under certain circumstances and at times necessary to do a quick Gospel presentation; but willingness to accept an invitation for a family meal can allow for more in depth conversation and interactions which also help to facilitate long term relationships that in time can bear fruit. Understanding how to initiate conversation in such environments often starts with the male head of the household. It takes wisdom and discernment when to fully engage in sharing the Gospel and when to offer evidence of error in other faiths (as it could cost us our lives). Nonetheless; we need to allow the Spirit to guide us in these situations.

    Inviting the "poor; maimed; blind etc" ( Luke 14:13) is helpful as well at least in principal. Today our Pastor shared about someone in Cleveland who started giving basketballs to kids in a neighborhood that had a housing project in Ohio that shot up the business and set a car on fire. Eventually; in 10 years the man was feeding over 100 kids when he left that position. He had started just giving a few kids a free drink. It does take discernement admittedly these days with so many who expect handouts to help support drug or alcohol addiction. Perhaps more directly the mission field gives more opportunities; but there are places helping men to be productive; and at times we should help strangers
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello again Richard,

    Agreed, there is lots to be said for meeting together for meals, whether as family or as brethren. These really should be a common occurrence in these situations. We can always celebrate what Christ has done for us and for our fellowship with Him when we met and eat together. It seems that people like to DO stuff together like going to a game or movie or a run. But we do not foster relationships that can survive well with just being together for a meals without all the other things we think we need to be doing together. Being together is better than doing together, I think. But there is also a time to work together for the Lord, to pray together for each other's needs or those of those afar.

    I would so like to see a return to Sunday potluck dinners at church. Having met together in the morning for worship, one can finish off the Lord's Day with an evening meal with those we worship with in unity and truth.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Feasting: A Biblical Approach

    The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! ( Luke 7:34).

    And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. 32It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. ( Luke 15:31:32).

    I have combined these verses to show the meaning of another verse ( Mark 2:19) which shows how with the bridegroom (Christ) present the Disciples couldn't fast but they would later on. Now of course that doesn't mean that they shouldn't fast such as what they lacked in Mark 9:29 for deliverance; what it DOES mean is that the joy of being present with the Lord when they were communing together resulted in enjoying meals together; like the Prodigal Son should have had with his father and restored brother.

    Since we normally don't have "love feasts" together ( 1 Cor. 11:20-34) it may be a foreign concept but probably should be present in churches today or would often be a helpful concept. Nonetheless; for purposes here let us just refer to any communal meals we partake with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. IF; and I say that emphatically we are ever to imbibe in alcoholic beverages it should be to enjoy the celebration with family or trusted friends and of course praise and worship of God.

    We also; of course have to abstain if we or anyone else present is known to have a problem with drinking.

    The company we keep also in Christ's example was NOT swaying Him to sin but the Lord was clearly in charge of conversations.

    I previously mentioned the lambasting Christ did to the Pharisees when they invited Him over for a meal; that happened more than once but never as clearly as in Luke 11; and Matthew 23. He certainly would be perceived as a most rude houseguest!!!!

    We all like Paul have times of plenty and want; feasting and fasting more or less.

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