Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 212

  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    There was a tremendous revival. People are being receptive to Christ all through the island. And as they come out from the west side of the island, they go straight north to the mainland. Actually, it would be the southern coast of Asia Minor. They began traveling inland. Paul got sick. He caught malaria. It wasn't quite the time of revival like they had on the island of Cyprus. It was tough going!

    And so, when they reached a place that is called Perga, John says I'm going home, it is enough for me! Not home to Antioch, but home to Jerusalem. So, he leaves the first missionary journey there in Perga of Pamphylia. And his actual departure from the trip is given to us in Acts 13:13.

    Now from Antioch to Cyprus:

    In the second missionary journey, Paul has apparently rejoined the church from Barnabas' encouragement to "come back up to Antioch." The second missionary journey, as recorded in Acts 15:37-40, shows us that Paul and Barnabas are ready to go on a missionary trip again. And Barnabas says I want to take John Mark. And Paul says no way. He can't make it. He quit. I am not taking him. Barnabas insisted. And so there is a split between Paul and Barnabas.

    So, Paul wound up taking Silas and going back over the territories that they had covered in the first missionary journey, and Barnabas took Mark and went over to the island of Cyprus and came back. So, the two of them traveled around the island while Paul and Silas ministered up in the southern part of Asia Minor.

    Now after this, it becomes even more interesting because after the second missionary journey, we have no record of really what happened to John Mark, like the book of Acts would tell us. We have indications of what has happened to him in the future. There are a lot of historical documents, but apparently after Barnabas and John Mark return from the island of Cyprus, John Mark went with Peter and became a disciple of Peter for the rest of his of life.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    John Mark was a cousin of Barnabas, and that's given to us in Colossians 4:10. And I'm giving you these scripture texts and this piece of information now because of the travels and interaction with the different believers later, knowing that John Mark is related to Barnabas.

    We travel with him now from Jerusalem to Antioch. John Mark has been in Jerusalem all this time. Paul and Barnabas have come to Jerusalem, and they've done some ministry work, and they are about ready to leave to go back up to Antioch. This is Antioch of Syria.

    After the persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, many of the apostles stayed in Jerusalem. But many leaders in the church went up to Antioch of Syria right up on the coast. And that's where all the missionary journeys came from. And that's where the Gentiles were hearing the gospel and were being saved. And people were being sent out from Antioch.

    So, Paul and Barnabas were finished with their work in Jerusalem, and they were going to go back up to Antioch, a couple hundred miles north, up the coast from Jerusalem. And what is interesting is that Acts 12:25 tells us that when Paul and Barnabas left Jerusalem, Mark left with them. Now you see the connection because he is related to Barnabas, and it was probably some connection there saying, come on son, you can be part of the ministry.


    This is given to us in Acts 13:1-3. Remember Paul is there, Barnabas is there, and Mark was there. The Holy Spirit tells the church that God has called out Paul and Barnabas to make the first missionary journey. And so, when they go to leave, they take John Mark with them. Again, probably because the connection with Barnabas. They go straight west and they go across the island of Cyprus.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    The Gospel of Mark was written for the Roman mind, Gentiles, but specifically in Rome. Mark's gospel was written from the testimony of Peter. He writes to present Jesus as the Suffering Servant. Matthew was the Savior Messiah, Mark the Suffering Servant. Mark ends with the ascension.


    In Acts 12:12, we are introduced to Mark. He's in Jerusalem. In fact, we are told that his name is John Mark. Most people in the scriptures that we're close to, that are presented in detail, they have two names. One is a Jewish name, and one is a surname, or a Roman name. John is his Jewish name. It is Yochanan. And Marcus is his Roman name. His name is John Mark.

    His mother's name was Mary. And she evidently was a rich widow because in Acts Chapter 12, when Peter was released from prison and they were having a prayer meeting, and remember when he knocked on the door, or the gate, and one of female servants came and looked out and said, "It's Peter!" She ran back in and said, "Hey, Peter is at the door." They said impossible because he is in prison, so let's pray for him. She said, no its Peter, come here, come here!

    We know she was rich because the house had a gate and the house had servants. Only rich people had these things back then. So, this woman was rich, and her name is presented as Mary, the mother of John Mark. It is believed that all away from Acts Chapter 2 through Chapter 12, the Christians met in the home of Mary, John Mark's mother. Many even believe it was the upper room in her home where the disciples met when the Holy Spirit came. So, we are first introduced to him in Acts Chapter 12 Verse 12.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I have read your reply to me, and I have been in prayer on whether I should respond, and as far as to debate what you have posted I will not. To be accused of portraying a lie by mixing lies in the word of God and presenting a ridiculous, false, and devilish theory.

    Did you feel good when you wrote that, did you feel superior? We are to love and support and help each other grow.

    A prideful spirit boasting self-wisdom to belittle someone you will one day find you are wrong. This is my last reply to you I will not respond.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Dying to self checklist (continued)

    Serving the brothers and sisters in the Lord. Time and effort as well as finances should be toward supporting the local Body of believers. We are to open up our homes and be open to financial aid for those in need if the Lord has enabled us to do so and also made it clear that we should. We may not be in a state of famine or intense persecution necessitating an Acts 2:45 stance; but we should see the benefit in caring for the needs of each other. Loving the brethren according to 1 John 2:10 shows we are in the light and is commanded by Christ; 1 John 4:20 shows the opposite; we cannot love God and hate our brother.

    Sharing in hobbies and interests

    Since we bring nothing into this world and cannot take anything with us when we leave; ( 1 Timothy 6:7) why not start giving away things we have collected-(that is something I am starting to do myself). Some things we need to abandon; but things we are talented in and perhaps find some financial gain with why not train others or invest with other believers; or donate to a worthy cause? People of like interests shouldn't be a primary goal; but can be used as a witnessing tool. Discretion as always is needed if it is encouraging hoarding or addictive behaviors among others or ourselves in these situations. This seems to be a strange category here but there are some as I was who tended to obsess on collectables for the sole purpose of my own financial security and gain. This concept also can be extended to transferring what we have done with a career for many years and skills aquired to shift focus toward charity work or eliminating labor costs; for instance in fixing up our local church.

    Not putting career ahead of God. Finding a balance between serving our employers honorably and not always seizing every opportunity for extra hours or promotions takes prayer and wisdom. We should pray for doors to open or close according to His will and timing not our own ambition
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Checklist summary for dying to self

    Love. The last thing the flesh wants to hold on to is eros love and all the tentacles of seduction affecting the eyes; body and soul from the world; flesh and the devil ( James 3:15). Our hearts need to heed His voice; and stay within the confines of the partner God has given us in a covenant marriage only for expression of these affections. Many other things such as loving God's creation more than the Creator Himself; loving our own family and friends above the Lord; and any other emotions that distract us from our walk with God must be culled. This involves music in particular; recreational drugs and alcohol as well as anything good or bad that is not under control of the Spirit. ( Colossians 3:23).

    Other emotions. Generally; good or bad fruits show opposing traits for those under the control of the Spirit as compared with the flesh. Hetred; strife; and enmity for example being bad fruit; love; joy and peace good fruit with many other expressions listed in scripture as well. As with any addict who is recovered any believer has to realize that we indeed have no power to stop the downward spiral into these behaviors once intoxicated with them; whether it leads to violence or self destructive results.

    Planning for our future. Greed and covetousness is a sin and to be avoided. (see 10th Commandment; Luke 12:15). However; taking loans on high interest and high credit card debts to get the thrill of material items now basically robs ourselves. It is good and honorable to have an inheritance for family members; but of course we should always prioritize for the Lord in supporting missions as well as our local church. Wise planning brings prosperity; but the love of many things the opposite ( Deut 17:17)-Solomon may have had record wealth; but Ecclesiastes shows how all is vanity if God doesn't come in first and how other things crowd out the desire for God.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago

    Your will above all else, my purpose remains

    The art of losing myself in bringing you praise

    Phillips Craig and Dean from the song From the Inside Out (Fearless Album)

    Proverbs 16:9 shows that man makes plans but the Lord orders his steps. Our best attempts at determining what is right even as Christians can't possibly take into account the bad things that happen and just how the Lord will use those things for our good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes ( Romans 8:28). Time and again the Lord has shown in scripture as well as today that martyrs ultimately serve a greater purpose; it such as Jim Elliot martyred with his friends in the jungle and the efforts of his wife and others afterwards with the resulting fruit of their efforts in converts.

    Dying to self may or may not demand a complete change in trajectory as to our vocation or living situation. God makes it clear that those married to unbelievers are not to depart unless forced by the other person. We are also to work heartily unto the Lord ( Col. 3:23-24) and in fact; if we don't work we don't eat ( 2 Thessalonians 3:10). Luke 10:7 shows how the workman is worthy of his hire at least in terms of ministry but Paul supplemented support through tentmaking as to not be a burden to others. Obviously; as with the woman caught in adultery ( John 8:1-11) there had to be an end to sin therefore a radical change in lifestyle and by default cutting off many social ties. Whether we can be a witness or former associates post conversion are a detriment is based on several factors in individual situations. Clearly any criminal sources of income have to be ended; and we should make restitution whenever possible for those we have offended (see Ephesians 4:28; implied in doing good with what is earned).

    As to our affections being set on things above ( Colossians 3:3-10) it is an ongoing process. As an onion each layer of self is peeled away.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob

    Sorry I have done a mistake. Grk for "apostasy" is apostaseia", feminine as you said. The etymology of the word, its very literal meaning is as I have written, but it is used for all sort of things as described by Strong's concordance.

    The word "apostasis" is used in grk for "distance" . So the literal meaning is a condition of one or a team who holds a distance (figuratively abandonment, desertion etc) from someone/something, whether this is a religious belief, a political belief, any system really. The anc grk for divorce is "apostaseion", neutral. It comes from the same component words. In Thess it doesn't have the meaning of divorce, but Christians who abandoned their religion or the true faith.

    Brother if verses that show a normal life on earth before rapture didn't exist then I would definitely come with a post tribulation rapture, but they do exist and do not fit to Revelation, so there has to be another explanation I believe. Otherwise how could someone interprete those? Again what do you think the restrainer may be, any idea?

  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    p2. Giannis you said (falling away) in Greek means "one who keeps a distance from somebody. something".

    I'm not sure where you got that from or how you came up with that meaning, its not in the Strong's Concordance.

    The meaning of the words (falling away) in the Strong's Concordance is #646; in Greek and it means feminine (gender) of the same as 647; defection from truth (properly the state) ["apostasy"] falling away, forsake.

    feminine (gender) of the same as #647; #647 means something separative, i.e divorce, (writing of) divorcement.

    Even if we don't use the #647 meaning of the word which means (writing of) divorcement then we still have the word ["apostasy"] in the #646 meaning. The word (apostasy) means (1) Abandonment of one's religious faith. (2) An abandonment of what one has professed, a total desertion, or departure from, one's faith. (3) In theology, a total abandonment of the Christian faith. If we abandonment our Christian faith we turn from God, we FALL AWAY.

    This just happens to be when the man of sin, the son of perdition is revealed and sitting in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God, that will be the cause of the departing from the Christian faith, the falling away.

    I would really like to here what your thoughts are about the #1 pre-tribulation rapture verses ( 1 Thess. 4:15-17) being almost in perfect alignment with the Son of man coming in the clouds to gather together His elect Immediately AFTER the tribulation in ( Mt. 24:29-31)?

    When Jesus returns riding a white horse in ( Rev. 19:11-16) there is no mention of (1) coming in the clouds) (2) no sound of a trumpet. (3) no gathering together of anybody. Here He comes ((from heaven)) to the earth.

    We meet Him in the clouds in ( 1 Thess. 4:15-17) and in ( Mt. 24:29-31) these are the same events.

    Thank you Giannis for your comments.

    God Bless.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Giannis thank you for your reply. When Jesus comes to the earth riding a white horse with His Saints that will end the wrath of God and start the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth. If you read ( Rev. 19:7-9) this is the marriage supper of the Lamb. In ( Rev. 19:11-16) just 2 verses after the marriage supper we see in ( Rev. 19:11) "And I saw ((heaven opened)), and behold a white horse" Heaven opened so this is showing Jesus leaving the marriage supper of the Lamb and coming ((FROM HEAVEN)) riding a white horse to the earth, to ((judge and make war)).

    ( Rev. 19:15) Tells us "and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and ((wrath of Almighty God))". Jesus ends the wrath of God here and begins His 1000 year reign on the earth. Im not sure where you came up with nobody will be saved out of the Millenium, I didn't say that. Nobody will be saved during the wrath of God ( Rev. 15:8-9) tell us that "no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled".

    ( Rev. 19:19) "And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army".

    ( Rev. 19:20) "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet,. .. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone".

    ( Rev. 20:1-3) v2 "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years". Satan, nor the beast, nor the false prophet will be present during the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth.

    THEN ( Rev. 20:7-9) v7 "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison".

    ( Rev. 20:10) "And the devil that deceiveth them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone"

    ( Rev. 20:11-15) The great white throne judgment.

    All this happens before ( Rev. 21:2) where you said the marriage supper had not occurred yet.

    This is a fairly easy timeline to follow when reading it straight through.

    see p2
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Richard 2/2

    So if we want to include all relevant verses in an explanation we have to have 2 separate comings of Jesus

    2. Is rapture a reward or salvation? I would rather use the term a salvation completed. What about the 5 unwise virgins who will go through the tribulation? May be saved or may not. It depends on the decisions they will make in their lives, whether to receive the mark or not. Many say, in my opinion lightly, that they will stand during that period. Really? One day we fast and we raid the fridge in the evening and we believe that we will stay strong during that time of starvation? When our babies cry for food, we will just stay strong watching them starving to death and not receive the mark? Are we serious? When we will watch our loved ones dying without any access to medicine, doctors, hospitals we will just play it strong in faith? Science fiction. Many will accept the mark. One should be exceptionally strong (x many times) to stand the great tribulation. Even in the ancient church thousands of christians prefered to swear in the emperor's name and avoid the lions. Do we think that all martyred? No, not. A major problem in the ancient church was what to do with all those who committed obedience to the emperor but then repented(?) and came back to the church? Should they accepte them back or not? Some churches never accepted them back, some did. So let's not anwer lightly. Some will stand, some will not. So the rapture is not really a reward but a secured salvation. If we are left out ? God help us

    3. About those 144000. I believe they are the firstfruits of the nation of Israel. That woman who is pregnant in Christ can not be the church, because for us Christ has already been born in our hearts. It has to be Israel. But I may be wrong

    About the other details brother in your post, I can not really say anything, as I said I am not studying the eschatology enthusiastically. Thanks brother, I appreciate your respone, sorry I can not answer your points
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Richard. 1/1

    You raise many points in your post. You seem to have studied eschatology in details. But not me. Everytime I have tried to place all those events at the end in an order I ended up having a headache, so I have quited really. But I know some general things. Daniel at the end of his book writes that the angel who was revealing him the future said " Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.".

    To me this may mean that nobody can really translate these last events clearly. As time for the fulfillment of these events approaches then people who will be living during that time will compare the events taking place in their lives to what is written and with the help of the Holly Spirit they will get the meaning (that is maybe why we are warned not to add or subtract to Rev). Sometimes trying to do that beforehand leads to wrong conclusions. Say if somebody who lived 1000 years ago tried to figure out what the mark is, he could never think of a chip or a barcode placed on people. So who are the 10 nations? Who is that little horn? We still cannot figure out, can we really?

    Thanks for the reply brother. I will try to answer to some.

    1. A Rapture before the end? As I have said, also you stated, at the time of the rapture the condition of the world, life as usual, people dealing with their lives as always, christians warned not to look after their pleasure and cares of this life, definitely doesn't concur with the horrible conditions on earth in Revelation. So it has to be some other time. When? If the restrainer is the Holly Spirit then before the antichrist. If not, then sometime, probably after the first 3 and 1/2 years.

    The parable of the 10 virgins also shows a normal life. How could all of those 10 virgins sleep at a time that christians are slaughtered? How could 2 (1 is raptured) be in the field or in modern terms in their works when christians will not be able to do any work unless they have the mark on them?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Oseas,

    I am sorry I should have proofread that better. It should have been Revelation 2:27 Revelation 12:5 and Revelation 19:15, these are verses that show the man child the woman birthed is Jesus That He will reign and rule with a rod of iron.

    God bless,

  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Ronald

    Sorry, there is not verse 27 in Revelation 12 as you cited.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You worked hard above to make the Word of GOD to fit your theory, but actually you've fallen into contradictions.There are lies mixed with the Word of GOD, unfortunately.

    First, Revelation was written around 65 years after JESUS' ascension. GOD gave unto Him the sealed book to break the seven seals and showing unto His servants things which should shortly come to pass in future times, so JESUS meant the things should happen exclusively in future times.

    Second, don't you perceive or at least even in last case to think that the theory you have learned linking the BIRTH of JESUS to the sealed book of GOD with seven seals, which GOD gave to JESUS to broke them only and only 65 years after His ascention, it is A RIDICULOUS and false and devilish THEORY? There are many inventions interpretatives. Be careful.

    'Ronald' SAID: (between quotation)

    1- "We know the dragon is Satan because scripture says":

    RIGHT, the Scripture is the Truth. But we have an interesting detail to analyze: in this current time of Apocalypse the Dragon has 7 heads, and 10 horns, and a TAIL. Notice that when JESUS was born, the Dragon still had not this body as a whole, understand? To say the man child is JESUS, it is fake.

    'Ronald' SAID: (between quotation)

    2 - "The scripture is clear this STARTS BEFORE Jesus was born"

    (FAKE, Scripture refers not to JESUS. In fact, the man child is another person,not JESUS.

    3- "the dragon was going to devour the child as soon as it was born."

    (RIGHT, but you believed in lie, the mother of the man child, who you imagine to be JESUS in this time of Apocalypse, she is not Mary,and JESUS would not have two mothers, for sure).

    4- "We see this effort of Satan when King Herod ordered not only the killing of all the children in Bethlehem".

    (Herod didn't know JESUS already was in Egypt, but the red Dragon knew that JESUS was not in Israel.What Satan could do was to kill all the children in Bethlehem, the place where JESUS born by prophecy- Micah 5:2.Take a look
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply on 2 Esdras 13 - 1 year ago
    2 Esdras is not in the cannon and should not be taken serious as scripture from the inspiration of God. That being said, I believe that the man is Jesus. It seems to be a vision of when Jesus cam back after the tribulation, seven days signifying seven years.

    I hope this helps, but again I do not believe that the apocrypha is from God. I know they were originally in the Bible, but were taken our because of their error. I encourage you to compare scripture with scripture. The word must be built upon and must have the same doctrine or else it will cause error. I say this not to offend you, but to encourage you read the Bible that is commonly accepted as to not cause any error in your belief of who God truly is ( 2 Timothy 3:16). The apocrypha can cause a misconception that God is not the same as the cannon believes, when the Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    Isaiah 28:9-14a

    9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

    10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

    11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

    12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

    13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

    14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD."
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Also tongues have ceased ( 1 Corinthians 13:8)
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I agree with your statement David, but I think we need to be more specific. I wont call you intoxicated like Frankie did, but I do believe that you are just ignorant to certain scriptures. By ignorant I'm using it as the Bible does in the sense of you just haven't been taught.

    So the Bible is the FINAL authority in the Christian life ( 2 Peter 1:19). I agree with Frankie that you need the Holy Spirit to discern the things of God in His word. The Bible clearly states that in 1 Peter 1:11-12. The Bible also says that we need a preacher, because how can we hear without one ( Romans 10:14). So the Bible was given by the Holy Spirit/God and needs to be discerned through that, because the Bible is of no private interpretation ( 2 Peter 1:20-21). God had a specific meaning for each word and only He can tell us what that is.

    I also believe what the Bible says in Acts 2:17 that in the last days people will prophesy, have dreams, and visions. If the Bible says it, then it's true. That being said, since the Bible is the final authority, if anything they say happened in the prophesy, dream, or vision that goes against the Bible, then it's a false dream.

    Here's how to discern if they are truly a "prophet" in the sense of them prophesying, dreaming, and having visions:

    1. Does it follow scripture ( 2 Peter 3:16)

    2. Look at their fruits ( Matthew 7:15-20)

    3. It doesn't breed confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14:29-33)

    4. It is of the Holy Ghost/Jesus ( 1 Corinthians 12:1-3, John 16:13-15)

    I hope this was a help to you and there is definitely more studying that can go into this, but that's about the summary of this.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Frankie J,

    Thank you,

    God bless,

  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob 2/2.

    The falling away in grk is "apostasis". From apo(=from) and stasis=(a stationary point, a stand, a stop). So it litterally means one who keeps a distance from somebody/something. In ancient grk (but not modern grk) divorcement is "apostaseion". Apostaseion/divorce was a letter that men wrote for their wives whom they wanted to divorce, so those women were free to remarry. If they didn't have that paper they would had been called an adulterer and were in a danger to be stonned. So it was something for the benefit of the divorced women.

    That word, apostaseion, although originates from the same root words as apostasis, in Thessalonians it has not the same meaning. It doesn't mean a divorce but rather means the church who keeps a distance, separates herself from their head, the Lord. I believe it means the old christian nations who at that time turn their back to God and become atheists or/and they turn away from the right beliefs trying to compromise the Word of God with the beliefs of the world.

  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob, 1/2

    Let me make a summary of your posts to see whether I have understood you correctly.

    Some time in the future the antichrist appears in the world. The last 7 year period starts. Sometime during that time as the antichrist has aquired power as the leader of a union of the most powerful nations on earth, he starts placing his mark on people. Then the tribulation of christians starts. Sometime during that time Jesus Christ comes and gathers His saints in the air. The marriage of Jesus with His church takes place in Heaven. At that time on earth many catastrophies due to God's wrath start occuring. At the end Jesus with His saints come back on earth and all things end here. So according to you who or what is the restrainer that hinders the antichrist appearing in the world's system?

    I have an objection about the above brother. On Rev 21:2 it seems that the marriage has not occured yet, as if it is going to occur on the new earth, "1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.".

    But it may mean that the marriage has already taken place? If the marriage has alredy taken place before Jesus' final arriving here, then no people will be saved during the millenium? During the millenium it seems to me that there will be 2 kinds of people, the marked and the unmarked ones, because I don't believe that the antichrist will manage to mark all people. And not all unmarked people will be saved, they have to believe in Jesus, too. Because, say a muslim who refused to receive the mark and makes it to the end, is he going to be saved?

    Anyway. If we assume that the restrainer is the Holly Spirit, and this is a very good assumption, then the church has to go together. This is where the pretribulation belief mainly relys on. So to you what else may the restrainer be?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Brother Carleton.

    I agree! Daniel and many prophets and Apostles were a instrument for the Lord.

    They gave God glory, God worked mightily through them.

    Israel was and still is an Instrument for the Lord, and their tune is not done playing!

    It's going to come a time when the world will see the glory of God through them again instead of despising them. Jeremiah 16:14-15.

    Much of the church today is antisemitic because lack of knowledge of the word of God.

    Some say the teaching of the Talmud is the primary writings for all of Israel since the Babylonian and it teaches the Israelites to murder kill and hate other people but I don't hold that view and the Bible doesn't teach it.

    They also had the writings of Moses as seen in Nehemiah 8:3-18.

    The Jews was told to be separated from the world and the world hated them as well as today, including many false Christians.

    When Israel left Babylon they had the same writtings that clearly tells them in Leviticus 19:33-34 not to oppress the stranger.

    They all didn't do that, But we don't focus on the ethnic group, we focus on the remnant.

    Israel history wasn't perfect and neither was the Church!

    Today we are not perfect!

    Our nation is not perfect! I've seen these same people that criticize Israel but yet by their own mouth, Justify slavery in our Country!

    They must consider Matthew 7:1-2."Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    If we read Ezekiel 16:1-63

    We will see the sin of Israel. They married/Joined themselves to the Spirit of the World as we have done as well.

    So the holocaust and there history of turmoil was them departing the God that Provides.

    Daniel gave a great example how to rise in to world powers and not conform to their culture.

    They didn't rub off on him,

    He rubbed off on them!

    Read Daniel 4:1-37.

    God bless.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 of 2


    This allegorical became a spiritual reality for Joseph & his family, & in time God wrought out Israel literal salvation through it.

    We must Proverbs 3:5 for His Isa 55:8-11 & He will Isa 42:16 this is the Life of faith we're all invited too, were self effort & its wisdom from the letter is nothing. It's a picking up the cross & dying daily to that, that 1 Cor 1:29

    This is our entrance through the door into putting on the mind of Christ, He sent His Holy Spirit to teach & guide us into all Truth & is not a lie, that we may know the things that are freely given unto us by God, that which the "Holy Spirit reveals" is a certainty, a infallible rule / foundation which a Christian can bottom on. Joseph & his family did not fall off a cliff, & neither will any that trusteth in Him.

    Look at the fiery trial that tried Joseph faith, becoming more precious than gold & silver that perishes, though it was severely tried by fire, the praise, glory & honor he was given as God wrought out His word to him, as he remain faithful to his God, & sin not against Him, abiding in the Vine throughout all the hardship he faced, not knowing what was to befall him next in this strange land were he was sold as a slave. Then his reward for doing good betrayed, falsely accused & put into prison for it.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    Did he have any books that he might read & study to receive a better understand of what God was up to, No.

    He had learnt the practice of the ancients, "the better part' Psalm 46:10, sat still & waited in silent prayer, which truly is a cross to self, until God was please to arise, reveal Himself & comfort him in his afflictions, Psalms 12:5-7 strengthening his faith to endure, while working in him a character of godliness that's not to be repented of.

    Joseph could not have come to his end, without the lessons God had taught him through this journey, which God was please to bring him through, thus enabling Joseph to fulfill God glorious plan. Meaning Joseph could no have the one without the experiencing the other, it was his preparation for the call that God had place on his life. This happens to all of us in our everyday ordinary experiences in life, which sometime are more riveting than others

    In this stillness & quietness of soul, waiting upon the Lord he found Psalms 91:1 He was given the a understanding

    1 John 5:20 He came to know Daniel 2:22,23

    Ronald, that which gave you a sight of these things, is He that will lead you into the literal, spiritual experiential truth of them.

    In love & truth
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Christian Greetings brother Jesse, I can support what you have written here. Thank you. It was very necessary (I believe) that Matthew wrote clearly for the Jews ahead of 70AD. All the Gospel though it may prick our conscience it comforts too. The Greek language was very important for the spreading of the knowledge of God especially in its time, likely Alexander the Great played a part in this spreading. I myself am a poor student of Bible History but it is very important in how God teaches us His Will. Thank you for continuing to share. The Lord Willing.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Agree with you in your prayers that come to us in requests often. It is so good to hear you be so persistent in making your requests to our Heavenly Father through Jesus, His Son, who will always hear and is willing to answer our prayers in accordance to His will. He knows the beginning from the end of every situation. He knows the fullness of what He wishes to accomplish in us and those we love. He sees the big picture and the long game for every request we bring to Him. We can trust Him and can cast our cares and ourselves onto His mercy and love at all times.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 - The Birth of Christ

    CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 - The Introduction to the Public Ministry of the Christ. And notice how I worded it. It is always "The Christ," because that is the Jewish understanding of Yeshua. He is the Christ. And He is presented in Matthew Chapter 1 as "Jesus, the one being called the Christ."

    CHAPTERS 5 THROUGH 25 - The Public Ministry of the Christ. And what is interesting is that there are five sermons in Chapters 5 through 25. Matthew's gospel is very systematic! He always uses fives. He gives five messages and sermons.

    And right after those messages, he'll use two chapters to compile and present to us different miracles, and different things that Jesus did to back up the message that He gave. For instance, when we get to Matthew Chapters 5 through 7 (the Sermon on the Mount), we'll see that at the end of Chapter 7 that the people were amazed that Jesus taught with authority. And so, Matthew Chapters 8 and 9, it's the authority of Christ's word to forgive. It is constantly showing the authority of Christ's word, to heal.

    So, it is very neatly laid out. And if we understand how Matthew wanted it presented, or how he did present it, and how he wanted us to understand it, we can understand it in context. It is very systematic, and it is very well laid out.

    CHAPTERS 26 AND 27 - The Crucifixion of the Christ

    CHAPTER 28 - The Resurrection of the Christ

    Those are the 5 Section Outlines of Matthew's gospel. I will share my introduction to Mark's gospel soon, Lord willing!

    God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    It was to the Hebrew or Jewish people.


    To present Jesus as the Savior/Messiah.


    The theme of Matthew is fulfillment. Matthew alludes to or presents over 60 references to the Old Testament, more than double of any other gospel writer because he is using this word over and over again through his gospel that Jesus came, and he shows the fulfillment of the scripture that Jesus fulfilled, showing them (the Jews), that Jesus was the Messiah.

    The Key Verse for the book of Matthew is Matthew 5:17. Jesus said, "think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I am not come to destroy but to fulfill." He didn't come to eliminate the law. He came to fulfill all of its requirements. And that's what Matthew is doing for the Jews, showing that Jesus Christ has fulfilled all the requirements and the commandments of the scripture.

    I mentioned to you that Matthew's gospel is presented in five sections, and I will conclude in (Part 4) how it is broken down.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    Matthew was one of the 12 Apostles. In Matthew 10:3, we have the record of Matthew being called out from the disciples to be one of the original 12 Apostles.



    It was written in the late 60's AD. Here are some things that are important to know:


    Out of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Mark was written first. It is the shortest of the gospels. But it is interesting that out of the 661 verses in Mark, Matthew has 500 of them, almost word for word. It shows that Matthew was following Mark's Gospel as a template for his writings.

    So, Mark wrote his first, Matthew second, and then Luke. And if you've ever read the introduction to Luke (the first four verses of Chapter 1), Luke says he has collected all the writings that he could find in order to write his gospel.

    So, Luke had Matthew, he had Mark, and he had all the different writings from the different witnesses and the different people who were with Christ. So, he wrote his gospel, and out of the synoptic gospels, Luke's was written third and was written last.

    Now the purpose for the Synoptic Gospels was to present a certain side of Jesus to a certain group of people. To the Jews they were presented the Messiah. To the Roman mind, the Servant, God who came as a Servant to die for our sins. And then Luke, his gospel was for the Gentiles.

    We find a lot of literature in Matthew. This is very important because some pull verses out of Matthew that are not found in the other gospels, and they apply it incorrectly to Christians today because what you find in Matthew, you don't find anywhere else. It's because Matthew wrote them uniquely for the Jews. Ten parables in Matthew are not found anywhere else because they were written to the Jews. And we have to understand that from a Jewish perspective, not from a culture of the Gentiles. So, it is very important to understand how all these books function in their purpose.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    I. About the Author (Name and nationality):

    Matthew is his Greek name. Matthew means gift of Yahweh. His Jewish name is Levi. And because his name is Levi, that tells us that he is from the tribe of Levi, and he is a priest of all people. Priests come from the tribe of Levi.

    But what is interesting is this next part.


    In Matthew 9:9, we find out that Matthew was a tax collector when Jesus called him. Now the Roman government would put the tax collection business up for bid every five years. The one that bid the highest gets to be the tax collector. And he would collect both what we call income tax and travel tax, and he would send it to the Roman government as they have prescribed. But he can tack on any amount he wants to keep for himself. So, tax collectors were very rich.

    The problem is that we have a Jewish man from the tribe of Levi who should be serving as a priest in the temple, and he bids on the tax collector's job, and he starts working for the Roman government to tax his own people. Tax collectors were considered traitors by the Jews. They were unclean and unable to participate in the synagogue.

    And so, here's Matthew saying I don't care, I am a rich man. Of course, the fellow Jews are calling him names and getting angry with him. But he doesn't care because he gets their money! But he is sitting at the tax collection booth when he is called by Jesus. And he gets up immediately and leaves. Right after this, and we see it in Matthew Chapter 9, but right after this, Matthew has a dinner in his home, and he invites all of his tax collector friends. He wants them to meet Jesus.

    So then religious leaders got a little upset because they wanted to know why Jesus and the disciples, the people who were with Him at the beginning, why they were sitting down with tax collectors and sinners? A sinner to a Jew is somebody who didn't keep the law. They were considered traitors.

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