Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 222

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jesse, the Hebrew word for serpent of snake is 'nachash' or 'tannin'.

    What do you think about dragonman's question of whether the serpent in the Garden was actually a physical snake/serpent or a spiritual being that took on the form of a serpent. I think that it is the latter, or perhaps Lucifer's image as a cherub was that of a beautiful serpent or dragon in which he could physically appear as such to Adam and Eve.
  • AiToum on Psalms 119 - 1 year ago
    The restoration of the true solar king line. The word of the Lords are ALEPH ...
  • Dgjot - In Reply on Deuteronomy 25 - 1 year ago
    Nice to hear from you too.

    I know I shouldn't be upset. All the wickedness going on in the world is making me crazy. We know that Jesus is right at the door, and as Matthew 24:13 says, "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

    Christians take a lot of flack for simply trying to give The Lost the information they need to be saved. They don't want to hear it. It's very frustrating.

    What does 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 mean? We should shun phony Christians and not fret over the unsaved????

    1Corinthians 5:

    11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

    12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

    13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

    What are your thoughts??
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    And GiGi,

    One more thing.

    In this comment you state in the last paragraph "God is not an INTELLECTUAL ABSTRACT IDEA LIKE THE WORDS ARE" (caps are mine).

    Certainly the first half of your statement regarding God Himself is absolutely TRUE. But the statement, or at least the implication, that the "words" of the Bible are some kind of INTELLECTUAL ABSTRACT IDEA is absolutely FALSE; and I could not disagree more.

    The Bible does not merely "contain" the Word of God in the words of Men about God and what He wants to communicate. The Bible Alone and in its Entirety IS THE VERY WORD OF GOD HIMSELF (in the original autographs). The Word of God is absolutely True and Trustworthy in every sense and is the Bible is only Source Book of Absolute Truth that God gives us. The teachings of the Bible are every bit as real as God Himself and are not "intellectual abstract ideas" in any sense whatsoever.

    I am somewhat shocked that you would even use that language of your statement in attempting to distinguish between God Himself and His Word. And I hope that I have misunderstood your meaning.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    In Genesis 3:1, we are introduced to the serpent. There is a Hebrew word that means both serpent and snake. I don't recall the word off the top of my head, but I do recall that both serpent and snake are the same word in Hebrew. The word is used for serpent in Genesis and Numbers, and the same word is used for snake in Isaiah.

    Hope this helps!
  • Giannis - In Reply on Deuteronomy 25 - 1 year ago
    Hello Dgjot

    The Old Testment was given to Hebrews about 1500 BC. Let's not forget that that Law represented societies of that time. God gave them a law that was familiar to them, all other nations at that time, Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians had similar Laws. So all those practises and customs were already known to them by their living in those other places. They were accustomed to them. Those people at that time didn't have the same mind as we have today. Today we could never consider those practises as normal, we would never eg marry our brother's wife if he died without leaving children or we wouldn't pick our servant to have children with her if our wife could not make children like Abraham did and many other things in the O.T. So don't consider those rules under modern standards. How about the idea that one could have slaves? It cannot even pass through our mind nowadays but at that time it was normal. GBU
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi GiGi

    Since we don't know who is commenting, we must add that a martyr in Christianity differs from what a martyr is called in Islam. In Christianity as you said a martyr is one who is killed for their faith in Jesus like the early christians who were thrown to the lions in the Roman arenas, whereas in Islam a martyr is one who kills others or gets killed while trying to kill others in the name of their God. Completely opposite things.
  • Dgjot on Deuteronomy 25 - 1 year ago
    11When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets :

    12 Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

    "the secrets" = private parts. "cut off her hand"

    Isn't this overkill?

    But raping women is just fine???

    The more I read the Bible the more I just want to avoid people and stay in the house.
  • Dragonman - 1 year ago
    When the Bible says the serpent was it speaking of a real snake or a man with like tendency
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Additionally GiGi,

    These are but a tiny sampling of what God declares about His WORD, the BIBLE.

    Psalms 78:1 Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the WORDS of my mouth.

    Psalms 119:151,152 Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are TRUTH. Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

    John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.

    Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

    Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my WORDS shall not pass away.

    Mark 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my WORDS in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

    Luke 1:1,2 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the WORD;

    Luke 11:28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the WORD of God, and keep it.

    John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the WORDS of eternal life.

    Acts 19:20 So mightily grew the WORD of God and prevailed.

    Acts 12:24 But the WORD of God grew and multiplied.

    Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of God.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    God has existed from eternity past and is INFINITELY more than what He has chosen to communicate to mankind in His Word, the Bible.

    But everything that God has chosen to reveal to mankind about Himself, our relationship to God, and His plan for mankind and this World is contained in the Word of God, the Bible.

    God identifies Himself very INTIMATELY with His Word. And John 1 like every Word and phrase and chapter and book in the Bible is the Word of God chosen by God Himself, and not the word of man.

    To "worship God", in the first instance, is to obey God. And to be obedient to God is to be obedient to the Word of God, the Bible.

    The problem with mankind is not that we are "worshiping the Bible". It is that we are disobedient to the Word of God, the Bible. And it is only from the Word of God, as God Himself would open our understanding of His Word, that we come to know our disobedience, the terrible penalty for our disobedience, and the solution for our disobedience and incomprehensible riches that only God in His Mercy has provided at an incomprehensible cost to Himself. That is the Gospel.

    I have stated this poorly. But we cannot separate the worship of God from the Word of God. Why would we even entertain such an idea?
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I wish to add for continuity sake: Moses remained faithful to the first Covenant in Christ and this was with no inheritance of earthly lands. He was faithful like a bride to a True Husband and knew no divorce. His Covenant was all the people of God needed to be one Nation under God.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks you. All went well for the ceremony and we met her aunts who came from Boston. Very happy for them, but they do need my prayers, trusting God to answer them wonderfully.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, good evening! Very true GiGI! Moses remained with Christ and he did not inherit any earthly territory in the first Covenant.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good Evening, Carleton.

    Yes, Moses was sinful like all of us. Only our sins are not written in Scripture for believers to read throughout the ages. But Moses loved God, and more importantly, God favored Moses and initiated the relationship because He loved Moses and chose to save Him. he did not need to live sin-free for to retain this favor. He was an outstanding leader of God's people for those 40 years. His relationship with God was wrought by God-God chose Moses to be His friend whom He spoke to face-to-face. So amazing!

    Moses did not enter the earthly promised land but he did enter the heavenly place prepared for him by Jesus. Moses was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Therefore we can know that he knew the gospel, as it says in Heb. 4:2, that the people God took out of Egypt had heard the Gospel. Moses believed it, and the gospel brought him salvation. How honored he was to stand with Christ at His Transfiguration! We can know that Moses is an heir to the salvation that is only in Christ and not by the Law.
  • Pflamb11 - 1 year ago
    How does someone be considered to be martyred by Heaven
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Thanks for informing me about your new opportunities to reach others.

    I will certainly pray about it. I will also pray about VBS as it will occur throughout the summer across the globe.

    I am glad to read your posting. They are thought provoking. And you are giving me far too much credit for what I post. I am not a trained scholar on biblical matters but I read Scripture and think deeply about what I read. The Holy Spirit helps me to understand and explain His words to myself and to others. It helps for me to think out loud by writing out my thoughts about passages I read. That is how I came to this site, to read the KJV.

    And when I found the discussion button at the bottom of the chapter pages, I read through the responses and began replying by posting my thought process. I hope people find this beneficial. It really helps me grow.

    I did not even know there was this aspect of the discussion forum here until Chris pointed this out to me when responding to my first postings. So thankful for him!

    We each have our own God-given styles here and this is good. But I think what makes us stronger in faith and knowledge concerning spiritual matters is to live a life of continual intake of Scripture over many decades yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit in this pursuit.

    We do need to remain open to the input of others here, but we also need to be discerning concerning those who respond as one who does so from the heart with an attitude that benefits others and humility to be taught by others. I agree that there are some at times who seem to have motives that are not best and who respond in ways that either repeats their own narrative in ways that are contrary to Scripture or that do not help others, but elevates self. We can trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us in this.

    Have a good evening-will be off to bed soon.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David, continued...

    Rather we use what we learn from Scripture to worship God in spirit and in Truth.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello David,

    I will try to explain my thinking to you more clearly. Just as the church is the body of Christ, having been placed in Him by the action of regeneration of the Holy Spirit and still is distinct from who Jesus is, we are not to worship the church, whether it is people who belong to Christ or a particular sect, or a particular form of participating in fellowship with one another and Christ. Jesus is the head of the Church and He alone is to be worshipped as regards to His body.

    So it is with Scripture, which is the communication of God to man. The communication, words of Scripture, is not God. God is the author of the words, but the author and the words are not the same thing. One is the cause (God) and the other is the effect (words). We are not to worship the Bible, treating it like it is God in written form, because it is not. It is the words of men inspired by the Holy Spirit to communicate what God wants to reveal to humanity. We are to worship the One who speaks to us through the inspired words of the biblical writers. We are to respect and obey the Scriptures as well as hide them in our hearts as the treasure they are. But, we are not to pay homage to or place the Scriptures in a place of substitution for the true God.

    David, it seems that you believe that the words of Scripture are Jesus Christ because He has the title of the Word of God in John 1. But, I think that there is a difference between this title of the Son of God and words He speaks or inspired to be written in Scripture. God is not an intellectual abstract idea like words are. He is the Living God who has created all things besides Himself. He speaks things into existence, but His words in Scripture are given power by God. Words (pural) do not have life or power in and of themselves. But God is the life and power behind everything that has authority over humans.].

    David, I have not said that we are to worship Christ without the Bible. cont...
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello David,

    I will try to explain my thinking to you more clearly. Just as the church is the body of Christ, having been placed in Him by the action of regeneration of the Holy Spirit and still is distinct from who Jesus is, we are not to worship the church, whether it is people who belong to Christ or a particular sect, or a particular form of participating in fellowship with one another and Christ. Jesus is the head of the Church and He alone is to be worshipped as regards to His body.

    So it is with Scripture, which is the communication of God to man. The communication, words of Scripture, is not God. God is the author of the words, but the author and the words are not the same thing. One is the cause (God) and the other is the effect (words). We are not to worship the Bible, treating it like it is God in written form, because it is not. It is the words of men inspired by the Holy Spirit to communicate what God wants to reveal to humanity. We are to worship the One who speaks to us through the inspired words of the biblical writers. We are to respect and obey the Scriptures as well as hide them in our hearts as the treasure they are. But, we are not to pay homage to or place the Scriptures in a place of substitution for the true God.

    David, it seems that you believe that the words of Scripture are Jesus Christ because He has the title of the Word of God in John 1. But, I think that there is a difference between this title of the Son of God and words He speaks or inspired to be written in Scripture. God is not an intellectual abstract idea like words are. He is the Living God who has created all things besides Himself. He
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good Evening Richard, In reflecting on your posting about head knowledge/heart knowlege I would say that we need a balance of BOTH head and heart knowledge of the Gospel and the knowing of God the Father through God the Son, Jesus Christ, by the action of the Holy Spirit. We should not diminish the value of either nor promote one over the other. We do believe with both our heart and intellect. We choose to obey God with both our heart and intellect/will. We learn who God is through intellectual engagement with the Doctrines/Truths of Scripture as well as appreciate these Doctrines/Truths with our heart. We exercise spiritual gifts with using the mind to discern what our actions should be and by being softened in our hearts by the Holy Spirit to desire to benefit others with the use of the giftings God has bestowed upon us.

    Our walk with Jesus is so important that we are to do so with ALL of our being. We should desire to have this well rounded relationship with our Lord and submit whole-heartedly and sober-mindedly, willing to imitate Christ, using our bodies to do what God wills, and using our strength and natural power to endure the work set before us or to face hardship and persecution.

    This is a good topic to speak about. Thanks for bringing it up today.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good evening! A couple of meditations.

    "(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)" Numbers 12:3 KJV

    Even though Moses struck the rock twice he remained true to the original Covenant.

    Exodus 19:4

    Idolatry followed the first Covenant of God with the people that were led out of darkness on eagle's wings within 40 days.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Head vs heart knowledge (continued)

    Continuing with the thought on deliverance; there are verses which state we are not to be hasty in laying on of hands with someone ( 1 Tim. 5:22). Obviously; the extended conversations with demons that are almost always on camera are not needed most of the time based on how Christ operated. It is often obvious this is for entertainment value; and certainly isn't helpful if someone is in need of deliverance to toy with the demons in them or keep them waiting. It is rare but not unheard of to see a person who is going through great grief be prayed for that is NOT possessed; or perhaps just oppressed.

    If we look at the example of the parable of the seed and sower in Matthew 13:20 we see immediate joy at the Word without a root. Nonetheless we are to confess with our mouth AND believe in our heart that Christ is Lord; both mind and soul are involved. ( Romans 10:9). Since our heart is deceitful ( Jeremiah 17:9) above all things and desperately wicked; we need a new heart as Ezekiel 36:26 states. I have pointed out before that unless we realize that we are being delivered from an enmity with God we aren't going to be drawn toward Christ; we are going to shrink back and eventually fall away. ( Romans 8:7 as well as in many other passages!) BUT; as with anything else joy is the second attribute of good fruit that the Spirit MUST begin to place in our souls after love as the first ( Gal. 5:22). Note that the THIRD attribute is peace; so if we are truly saved we start to overcome fear; on the other hand there is no peace for the wicked. ( Isaiah 48:22; and other parts of Isaiah and Psalms; etc.)

    Part of maturity in Christ is knowing the difference between spiritual fruit and our emotions. Seeing Paul's example of joy in extreme suffering certainly is a good example of this as well as Christ's love for us that He would suffer as He did to fulfill the Father's will.

    Fellowship should balance mind and heart worship rightly
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Head knowledge vs heart knowledge

    With every subject; it seems there is always an extreme to avoid. In this case; we can compare what some call madness in certain churches claiming spiritual giftings which tend to stray from proper doctrinal teachings; and we of course can examine

    the other end; those of a dull congregation steeped in scripture memory; correct doctrines and other issues but still like the Ephesian church have somehow ditched their first love.

    Perhaps it is just me; but today it seems besides the obvious deviant maga churches (I shall leave it to the reader to figure out who they are) and the rather cold brainiac ones; as it were there is a third situation. It seems there are many exercising giftings particularly with street evangelism and deliverance ministries that have a pretty good handle on basic scriptures and can preach at least adequately. What is often MISSING; however is the concept of repentance needed to be saved and frequently these people stray from any commitment to church membership; not working with a local Body in their ventures. There has also been the error of Baptism needed for initial salvation.

    What to make of this third category is perplexing in a way it seems. Perhaps it is deliberately utilized as a tactic so that it can draw more people in who expect such scriptures to be heard and are drawn in because of it. It seems that those who are supposedly delivered should have their confession of faith in place BEFORE baptism. It is important also to have testimony of the person afterwards. I can only speak for myself but having a video up showing deliverance isn't particularly something I would want up all over the internet. We certainly shouldn't go out of our way to film things as though signs and wonders need to get public recognition or those performing them.

    I have found the element of these "deliverance" ministers asking others to pray for someone to be intriguing as it seems God may work that way.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Figured you'd be interested..I have a SECOND Bible study lined up in a different and new facility. (Seems the lady there had to change the schedule not to conflict with the "Psychic hour" they have at the place..ugh. Anyway that is separate from the first place which may have a residential wing open up after the Director takes care of some more stuff. The study in the new place begins in August. My friend in the study the other day works there as a Social Worker and was able to interact with me and the few who were there.. One lady has been through a lot; pretty desperate since her mother passed but seems to know the Lord.

    It's not the greatest place; but I am thankful the people I know are making a difference.

    Also if I didn't mention it VBS is set up and occurs this coming week the 10th to 14th. We had record turnout last year for us and I pray also this year as well as some new people from it coming to church.

    BTW since you seem to be my biggest "fan" in regard to communication; any suggestions as to how to improve my postings would be appreciated. Clearly you go to far more detail than I with your systematic O.T. postings as of late. I like to think a plus in my stuff is a decent number of scriptural references but I tend to just take an idea and run from there; sometimes I may take a couple hours praying over it; but I would guess you spend days. I am trying to be wise screening those I shouldn't respond to and those who I may help as well as ones the Lord doesn't want me to respond to. Again; I am rather spur of the moment; having a lot of free time especially this summer-sometimes I need to pray more for myself or focus on the Great Commission.

    There have been some interesting prophetic developments which I could discuss in re: to the Rapture soon. I also have seen an interesting Shroud of Turin piece which really seems to seal the deal. I am concerned if it is real that it holds more people accountable; almost afraid to share it.

  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes that still small voice , it's so easily blocked out by our own desires , it whispers to us but our sinful flesh screams to us : I want this , I'm gonna do this , its my right , I I I me me me , we drowned this voice out with our worldly ways , the sight of our eyes and our own desires that all pertain to the satisfying of ourselves , our flesh our egos etc . Be still and wait for the Word of the Lord , here is the way , walk in it . The first step is for us to quieten our selves and this world around us . Turn it off as you would the tv . The things of this world are a massive distraction to us because we are flesh and we walk in the flesh , in the sight of our eyes and we are led by our fleshly / worldly desires . It's a very still small voice so we need to tune out of this world and tune into that guiding Spirit of Truth . Don't let the things of this world drown out that voice of Truth . Of course we are all still flesh and we have to live in this world for now but we must learn to tune out of it , turn it off , remove it from our hearts and minds and let the Spirit of Truth be heard in us . Don't get so embroiled in the politics and media and latest trends and opinions and discourses that are about worldly judgements and opinions , none of it matters , this world is going to be filled with the Glory of God and all the irrelevant drivel that goes on around us all day every day , will be gone and forgotten .God never changes , humans don't change . If we are fortunate and open to Him , God will change us into acceptable children and allow us the privilege of being with Him forever in His Kingdom that shall be nothing like these vile evil cold cruel viscious vain and pointless kingdoms of men that only lead to death . See through all these irrelevant distractions , shake off the dust of these kingdoms of men from your feet , don't let it cling to you .
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The Scriptures are the words of God, & a testimony of Him, but not God the Word, who was in the beginning with God before the Scriptures were written. The Jews had the Scriptures the words of God, & crucified the Word of God that was in the beginning with God. John 5:39 As then so now, people refuse to come to Him who has return to us by His Spirit John 16:13, they stick to the letters of the Scriptures without coming to the Author of the Scriptures, & honor the letter before the Author, just like the hardhearted Jews. Jesus said Matt 11:28, a living breathing person, a God who is a Spirit.

    The true dignity & honoring of the Scriptures is that they give us a true testimony of Him, & points to His return in Spirit bringing us the words of salvation Hebrews 9:28 Here they are profitable for doctrine 2 Timothy 3:16 confirming to us what the Spirit declare. The Spirit that gave the Scriptures forth, He comes again to bring us into the personal experiential knowledge of them. For only He knows the mind of God 1Cor 2:10,11 thus the Scripture have their rightful place & shine forth their glory for which they were given.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 of 2

    Hi Jema

    I'll share a personal testimony of my experiences with God, how He open my understanding of these things that I'm writing of 1st He showed me, in the beginning with Adam & Eve, all their knowledge, & understanding that they had was what He, God Himself had given them in their fellowshipping together, they had no other thoughts, passions, desires, endeavors etc, but what was from Him. Until the devil show up & introduce another train of thought, twisting & perverting God's own words in doing so. In man obedience to him, another seed was implant in mankind heart & corrupted him.

    Then Word of the Lord came to me & ask me to trust this still small Voice within conscience, I responded I couldn't do that, I didn't trust it, it always lead me to deny myself, asking me to do things contrary to my own will, which at the time I was unaware that it was the Grace of God appearance within me, the Cross. Titus 2:11-14 2Cor 4:10,11

    Reading the Quaker's writing, specifically from 1646-1700 they all pointed to the John 1:9 & Titus 2:11 that appears to all mankind, it was in man, but not of man, but of God. The still small Voice that admonishes when, I thought of or did something evil & reprove me for it, at the same time if I gave thought to Him, He would show me what was right & good to do in my everyday ordinary experiences in life conversations, relationships, past time activities, what to deny or cling to in thoughts, words or deeds. As I consider what they spoke of, it align up with the Scriptures, sound reasoning & human experience, we all have these spirits operations working within us.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    He further open me, I began practicing being still & quiet before the Lord & waiting upon Him, during one of these exercises, He opened my understanding concerning these 2 seeds within me, You remember the cartoon where there would be an angel on the right shoulder & a devil represent on the left shoulder of the cartoonist, the angel would encourage him to do what is right & good, & the devil influence him to what was evil & bad. Well this is what actually goes on within our hearts & who we obey is whom we serve & who temple we are, I always thought it was me, myself thinking these thoughts whether good or bad, I did not comprehend that I was just a vessel to be move & animated by these two great powers of the universe. There's no me, myself & I, it either Light or darkness animating us.

    After this revelation I was convinced & start exercising this Word of Righteousness in the discerning between good & evil within. The heart is the birthing room of thoughts, as they are birth & brought forth we become conscious & aware of them. Thus Paul says 2Cor 10:3-6 Ephesians 6:12

    Here is where God works out our salvation. Hebrews 12:6-11

    For 27 yrs I attend church, Assembly of God, Baptist, Full Gospel, Church of Faith, etc; not one of them spoke specifically concerning these things

    I searched, fasted, studied the letter, all that was available thru man in this present day Christianity. Nothing could satisfy me, set me free or remove the veil from the eyes of my heart. God is our Father, in my heart thinking I should know Him like I know my natural father, this didn't become a reality until God lead me to the writing of these Quakers of the 17th Century & as time pass & I continue to grow in Grace, the possession of this reality becomes more clearer & precious in my eyes, Blessed Him for His tender mercies & longsuffering love toward me.

    God has & continues to fulfill His word to me, Isa 42:16 all by the grace & truth that came by Jesus Christ. John 1:16 John 1:9
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Arkyboy , just read your testimony from a month ago . It was awesome , may God continue to bless you and all yours , stay strong in Christ , he's coming back and he's coming for you ! Rejoice !

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