Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 266

  • AndreaDona - 1 year ago
    2 Esdras 16:21-22

    "Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion. For many of them that dwell upon earth shall perish of famine; and the other, that escape the hunger, shall the sword destroy."

    2 Esdras 2:27-30

    Be not weary: for when the day of trouble and heaviness cometh, others shall weep and be sorrowful, but thou shalt be merry and have abundance. The heathen shall envy thee, but they shall be able to do nothing against thee, saith the Lord. My hands shall cover thee, so that thy children shall not see hell. Be joyful, O thou mother, with thy children; for I will deliver thee," saith the Lord.

    2 Esdras 13:23-24

    "The one who brings the peril at that time will protect those who fall into peril, who have works and faith toward the Almighty. Understand therefore that those who are left are more blessed than those who have died."

    Matthew 24:39-44

    "So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.

    Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day on which your Lord will come. But understand this: If the homeowner had known in which watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect." Jesus
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David0921 Just wondering what your thoughts are on ( Joel. 2:28-32) and ( Acts. 2:17-21)?
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago


    Helping our parents in their time of need is one way of honoring them as the commandment says.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob remember Paul was persecuted many times....Did he not have the H.G. the gift of God....Paul was only a Saint b/c Christ lived in him....Not i that lives but Christ that lives in me....Talking bout context you need to realize that no body can be a Saint unless Christ lives in them which is our new innerman....The H.G.....Its only our new innerman that is the Saint that Child of Promise....The H.G.....The only pure word of God is Spirit and life....Not paper and ink where shall we go lord thou has the words of eternal life words are spirit and life....Jim if the written words were the words of life....Then our lord died in vain and the cross was just foolishness....But your concordence will not teach you this....Its that book in the right hand of the father that has the words of life....That book that Jesus wrote with his own blood....That New Covenant....A concordence can not teach us Spiritual need no man teach you the Anointing you have received from him will teach you all things....ABIDE IN HIM....Its only the Anointing that can teach us spiritual things....Which is the H.G....That which is born of the spirit is spirit John 3 :6....Thats the H.G. the Child of Promise....Our new innerman and the only Saint...Which answers to our new heart and new spirit....Which is our holy one the H.G. our new heart and new spirit and answers to our Saint the H.G. Our new spirit.

    One is neva out of context when speaking of Christ the living word that new covenant that he gave us at calvary....The book in the fathers right hand.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jema,

    I know this may see l'm like a fine point. But there is nothing more serious in our relationship with God as how we view the Bible, the Word of God. This has been true throughout history, but it is particularly important in our day.

    We don't have to look very far in our day to find those that believe God does speak to us directly in dreams or visions or voices or tongues. They will quote verses in the Bible to explain that, but conveniently ignore Rev 22:18,19 or do not understand it correctly.

    They will say, for example, that they heard a voice from God or spoke in a tongue that may have been an exact repetition of some verse or passage or teaching in the Bible and therefore that was not adding to the Bible. But they fail to recognize that as God "wrote" the Bible He often repeated verses or passages or teachings in scripture. And each time God did this He was ADDING to His Word, the Bible.

    Now what I just said is very different from having a verse or a passage or a teaching from the Bible come to mind in a particular situation or because we may have been focusing on that in the Bible recently. That is a good thing. And God certainly works in the heart of every true believer to "will and to do of His good pleasure". But we will never hear an audible voice or see a vision or have a dream that is a direct communication from God, now that the Bible has been completed.

    I suspect that is your view as well.
  • John ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    So if you're a born again Christian Jesus Christ gives you free will it's your choice what you want to do I've experienced people that take care of their parents at their houses and people that are in nursing homes that don't get visitors I know either way you go it's going to interfere with your life I guess you could do it 50/50 help them and have a good life thank you for responding
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Of course it's not wrong for a parent to ask a child for help , whatever our relationship of the flesh is , we are all brothers and sisters in Christ . God blesses us and takes care of us sometimes through other people . He uses us all to bless and help each other through this life . First and foremost always ask God for help and then wait a while for the answer , maybe God has blessed your children financially so that they can be in a position to help you ? God will provide in His own way , all we need to do is ask Him and thank Him every day for the things that we do have and remember , if you are ever in a position to help others and they ask you , as long as you are able to you must help others , not necessarily with money but whatever you are able to , pray for them , give good practical Christian advice etc . God uses whomever he chooses to accomplish His purpose , sometimes you may need help , other times you may be the one doing the helping . Trust in His love for you and His ability to look after you always . May God bless you in all the ways that He knows that you need His blessings .
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Promises of God continued

    In the church; we see both an individual and corporate destiny in our future ruling and reigning with Christ beginning as a reality today. It is an understaning of how we are part of the Body of Christ; or the corporate worship which should be our first priority and that should forge our personal lives; rather than the other way around. Sadly; in today's church especially it seems that in this nation in particular it is the individual who recieves the attention. Hence; we may be proud of the accomplishments of the Pastor and expect him to fulfill the role of counselor; administration and other duties he is not called to perform. Finding balance of gifts; and leaving no man behind on the battlefield is quite often a problem today. Such is the example of Jethro the father in law of Moses. He was able to see how Moses was overwhelmed with the petty issues of the multitude; and gave wise advise to find those wise in understanding to parcel out that job; leaving Moses only with the difficult cases. That principle is seen with Solomon and the two prostitutes who disputed over a child; God gave him the wisdom to determine who the true mother was.

    I see the same concept with the headship of a husband over a wife. If a Pastor feels he is too superior to be rebuked; or have others give wisdom or be free within proper parameters to minister as the Lord sees fit with gifts and callings then he is being remiss in his duties. A husband; likewise needs to realize that a wife may have understanding; the wife is called to be submissive and honor her husband but not called to sin to accomplish that if a husband is abusive or whatnot. If we realize that we all need each other; we may just see prayers and petitions answered more clearly. God wants us to be a peculiar people; called and chosen for His purposes to be a representative of the Kingdom of God for now and all eternity. Seeking His will first opens the door to answer prayers.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    More on promises

    What we often don't account for is God creating something new in those who are not yet in the sheep fold. His steadfastness means that He can use someone else when we aren't diligent as Revelation 3:11 warns us. It also means that the random mess which is our lives with the world at large can be part of a larger picture that only He; the Master artist can conceive in its finished form. I say this realizing that the opposite being true. There are some who may appear to be steadfast in their walk who fall away at a later date. Therefore we shouldn't ever place our confidence in men; let God be true and every man a liar. (look it up my data is overspent so it is hard to find the corresponding verses on a search).

    As for those who are mentioned in Hebrews 11; the next chapter makes it clear that they are looking for a new country; not something currently established on the earth. Such are many promises; not to be fulfilled in their visible manifestations at least until the future Kingdom rule and eternity. This serves as a fair warning to us with scriptures like Jesus had for the Pharisees that they already "had their reward." Therefore; we are not to lose the baby with the bathwater so to speak; God's promises can be held as true for financial purposes that ultimately fulfill His will. I have seen this in a recent example I mentioned before of a missinary looking to procure funds for building a hospital. This means; of course we should be proactive ourselves as being a blessing for someone else; especially if we are looking for the same thing ourselves. God wants us to be a cheerful giver; and what we do for others is reflected on what the Lord will perform in our lives. That is not some esoteric statement or karma it is God's principle. Casting our bread on the waters; therefore brings it back sevenfold.

    Looking to His promises we of course should adhere to Psalm 51 and have a contrite and humble spirit as David did.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    More on promises

    Giving us what we want rather than what we need is something God often performs. We of course can be ignorant of that fact not realizing that in what He provides there is often an answer to our requests in a hidden form.

    Perhaps the best illustration that demonstrates that fact is with the early church and ensuing persecution; spearheaded by Paul. God indeed showed him how much he must suffer for His name's sake and perhaps that was necessary to convince those whose lives were torn apart from his previous actions that he was the real deal. Imagine for a moment what the early church would be like without Paul and his writings of most of the Epistles; 4 major evangelical pilgrimages and the like. As to Paul himself; he probably didn't plan out these expeditions with imprisonment on his mind as the method God would use to accomplish this; and the early church didn't comprehend how the persecutions and martyrdom would expand the church and strengthen it rather than destroy it ocompletely.

    Joseph didn't likewise with his dreams of grandeur figure that being sold into slavery by his brothers; falsely accused and placed in jail and forgotten for years would be how God would forge his plan for his destiny. The same could be said for the struggles of Moses in the wilderness; Abraham and Isaac and any other who were taught from the Lord and disciplined accordingly.

    I'm sure we in our own understanding wouldn't understand how Rahab the Harlot; Bathsheeba and others would be part of the lineage of Christ and be deemed faithful saints. God will even use our sin to accomplish His purposes; but of course it is never an excuse or license to sin.

    Christ is; as I have said before Lord; Savior and Master. Being a servant sounds perhaps more acceptable than being a slave but when we are dead to ourselves it is an appropriate word to use. While God can work in our sin; walking Godly lives we begin to fathom the riches of fulfilled promises.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Promises for today

    Principles from scripture can essentially be as a prophetic utterance in a general sense. We can be certain to reap what we sow; and the concept of blessings and curses in Deuteronomy; for instance are pretty accurate as to the outcome when one either obeys or disobeys the commandments of God.

    As to the eventual outcome and eternal destinies of individuals; and the method and timing of God's response to our actions of course is beyond our scope of understanding. We need also to separate what was Old Testament ceremonial law; as well as the day of the Sabbath as to what is now our standard; that the Son of Man is now Lord of the Sabbath. The general admonitions as to wisdom or lack thereof certainly is relevant to every man alive.

    If there is a Word of Knowledge; as I have stated previously it is likely not to be something appealing to the crowds. YOU ARE THE MAN isn't exactly what many want to hear (especially leadership in churches) but if there were more of that it would help to bring back the fear of God which is so often missing today in what is supposed to be the house of God where His Spirit is present. Exhortation; rebuke and the like with the principle that "open rebuke is better than hidden love" is a lost art today it seems; can't remember the last time I saw it applied.

    The reason for my preceding paragraphs therefore; is to show that the promises of God don't have any shortcuts; as all good gifts from God must be brought when deemed ready in our lives. Jesus states; for instance that if we can't be trusted with earthly treasure then how can we with heavenly? Today; it seems wisdom is also in large part missing; and that is apparent particularly with those who are seeking to take on leadership roles in churches. Elders should ensure that the sheep are fed and that wolves don't enter in. If we are given what we want such as Saul as a King it is not the way we should want to see our petitions answered.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago

    What we are to do is try to understand what Christ is doing when he is "ever interceding" for us. Only if our words are in accordance to His will we see any answered prayer; hence all "declared" blessings are basically he opposite (a curse) if we persist in telling God what He should do if motivated by our own sinful flesh.

    Exodus shows us that the magicians realized when God turned dust into gnats that it was the finger of God. To create anything out of nothing is something only God can do so that is probably why something so seemingly insignificant is performed in that sense.

    Generally; of course God did that sort of thing during the original creation in Genesis. He is going to create a new heavens and earth by dissolving the current elements as Peter indicates and then creating everything as it once was untainted by sin. The same could be said for our Resurrection bodies.

    I would cross reference verses but my search engine is messed up; that is usually much quicker for me than looking into a Bible and its concordance. Hope that answers the basic questions.

    Agape; Rich P
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi John. That's a good question John & it would be very difficult for a parent to make such needs known to others, particularly to close family members. Even matters of major health problems & other difficulties, parents usually would like to shield their children from such concerns. But what I believe the issue here is: if the family unit is strong & close, it wouldn't be difficult for a child not to quickly perceive that their parents are struggling. With mounting bills or disconnected utilities, lack of food or parents going without for the child's sake, or the many other areas in day-to-day living of trying to get on top of it all, children will soon notice & if a little mature, might even ask why there is so much sorrow & hardship in the house. But if the child is working & living away from the family home, even with his own ever-increasing expenses, if he has been brought up well & maintains a sensitive caring attitude to his parents, will endeavor to discuss the matters & find resolution.

    So, I don't think that it's "wrong for a parent to ask a child for help", but I feel that even before that stage, the mature child should be very mindful of the parents' needs & discuss it with his family & seek ways to help them. Often when families live together, as much as that may be inconvenient for lack of space & privacy, costs can be drastically reduced & a better distribution of income & expenses made. But I know that we don't live in such a world here (unlike some of the very poor in Asia & Africa), & independence is always our preferred way - yet when family members are struggling, whether financially, physically or emotionally, nothing beats a close family unit prepared to put one another first before themselves. Some here may have other thoughts on this, especially if they have experienced such hardships in their lives: to give you some practical advice.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 3 - 1 year ago
    Hi Cheryl1655. Just to add to these other good comments, in reference to "...even the Son of man which is in heaven", I agree that it should be left to how one chooses to read & understand that statement in John 3:13. To help me with this, I consider John 3:11, 12 as well: "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"

    I note that Jesus is stating, "WE speak...WE have seen...OUR witness". Who are the WE/OUR here? Surely it can't be anyone on Earth, as none present with Jesus or even seen in the Old Testament have ever spoken of or seen those mysterious things of Heaven. But 'in very Truth', Jesus states that there is a Divine Presence both in Heaven & now on Earth that has made such mysteries & Truths known to man.

    So when Jesus states, "...even the Son of Man which is in heaven", the already perplexed Nicodemus is hit with an almost uncomprehendable Character of God & this Man before him stating that He was in Heaven, now here as a Son of man, who still has a Presence in Heaven. Even though there is insufficient Scripture to state precisely what Jesus was trying to indicate to Nicodemus, it seems that we won't be far from the Truth, that Jesus by coming to Earth, laid aside His Glory (see John 17:5; Philippians 2:7; Hebrews 2:9), so that He could take on flesh & live as a Man. But where did He leave His Glory, that He take on a position beneath God's Holy angels? I feel that this Divine Person of the Godhead left that part of His Majesty in Heaven, while He walked this Earth as the humble Servant of men. To Nicodemus this would have been inconceivable, but Jesus' always held His Presence in Heaven as on Earth - His contact with His Father & His angels were separated only by position, not by relationship & possession. Likewise, our relationship to the Godhead must also be.
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Who killed Goliath?

    The KJB ( 1 Samuel. 17:50-51) Tells us David slew the champion Philistine, whose name was Goliath.

    ( 1 Samuel. 17:4) Tells us the champion Philistines name was Goliath.

    David killed Goliath!

    Now a look at what is considered to be (sound doctrine)?

    ( 2 Tim. 4:3-4) The word (sound) is #5198; it means to be uncorrupt, (true in doctrine)

    The word (doctrine) is #1319; it means instruction (the function or the information) doctrine, learning, teaching.

    ((sound doctrine)) is the instruction we get from the Bible we learn from or teach from. (sound doctrine) is uncorrupt, it is ((TRUE IN DOCTRINE))

    Now we look at a few different versions to see which are (TRUE IN DOCTRINE)

    1st the KJB ( 2 Samuel. 21:19) It tells us "Elhanan the son of Jaareorigim, a Bethlehemite, ((slew the brother)) of Goliath the Gittite.

    Here's the same verse in the several different versions!

    2nd Nasb says "Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim the Bethlehemite killed Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    3rd LSB says "Elhanan struck down Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    4th Amplified Bible says "Elhanan killed Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    5th Christian Standard Bible says "Elhanan killed Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    6th ASV says "Elhanan slew Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    7th Good News Translation says "Elhanan killed Goliath from Gath" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    8th New American Bible says "Elhanan killed Goliath from Gath" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    9th Niv says "Elhanan killed Goliath the Gittite" CORRUPT. Not sound doctrine!

    Here we have 8 different versions that say Elhanan killed Goliath, Did Elhanan kill Goliath or did David kill Goliath?

    If they are not TRUE IN DOCTRINE that makes all of them CORRUPT!

    ( Jer. 23:36) The word (perverted) is #2015; it means to change.

    All modern versions have changed the Words of the living God which is another verse showing them to be corrupt.
  • Hear I AM Ministries - 1 year ago
    Can you speak things into existence
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Alex, read David's post again. he never said that the Bible is god HImself.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 17:11 - 1 year ago
    Hello Charlie. I don't believe that the Old Testament Apocryphal Books were largely accepted by the Church. Many had accepted them as authoritative & scriptural & even included them in the Canon of Scripture (whether within the OT framework or as additions to it), but many didn't accept them for various reasons.

    If you're enquiring as to why these books were not included or even removed from the Canon, then the reasons are many. Some of them are: they were never cited as books of reference in the NT (even though we have Jude 1:14,15 & 2 Timothy 3:8 as possible examples). These quotations by Jude & Paul do give some authoritative weight to those books, though they are only mentioned to strengthen the text, just as Paul referred to the Cretians ( Titus 1:12) & in Acts 17:28 (to the Athenian poets).

    The Apocrypha books were never accepted by the Jews as divinely inspired writings & were never a part of the Hebrew canon. Those books were written during those 400 'silent years' between the Testaments. Both Jewish & NT sources agree that no divinely inspired prophetic utterance occurred at that time. Jesus never referred to them as He often did to the accepted OT Scriptures. As well, even though some Truth can be gleaned from those books, they do also contain errors, both in historical matters & doctrine. When any writing, then or now, gives details that are contrary to what has been given to us (even that of the NT Apocrypha), then they must be held in suspicion. Many do read from those apocryphal books & have even asked on this Site about their authenticity & authority, but I've always shared that if one is inclined to read or study from them, that they do so guardedly & with utmost care (watching for historical & doctrinal inaccuracies), always resorting to the accepted Canon of Scripture as their final authority.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You are in error here. The Holy Spirit is divine-deity-possessing all of the essence and attributes of the Father and the Son. He is not nor will He ever be a saint, for a saint is a believer in Christ who has had their sins washed away by the blood of the Son, Jesus being redeemed in and through God.

    The Holy Spirit is never in need of because He is God with the Father and the Son, co-equal in deity.

    It saddens me that you repeatedly play loosely with the Scriptures and handle the Scripture in a cavalier manner creating doctrines that do not align with what is revealed plainly in Scriptures. I know that you are trying to find "deeper" meaning in Scriptural texts, but you overlook the explicit meaning of most Scripture you cite and substitute your own imaginations for the plain word of God. It is best to state Scripture exactly as it is written and let it speak for itself without adding ideas to the verses cited that come from y9our imagination and not from careful study of the verses in context.

    I don't mean to be too critical of you, Alex, but what you are saying in your post is seriously flawed and unsound.
  • GIGI - In Reply on John 3 - 1 year ago
    Hello Cheryl,,

    This verse in John 3 is telling us that no mere human can ascend up to heaven. None of us is able to do so nor are any of us worthy to do so. But the Son of the Father, who resided in heaven for all eternity was worthy and able to descend from heaven to become a fleshly man for the sake of mankind-to bring to to humans salvation from our sins and restore our fellowship with the Godhead. Only Jesus could bring from heaven the glories of God's grace, mercy, and blessings to those who believe in Him. Only Jesus can bring to earth anything that is needed for mankind's redemption, being that He was first in heaven and at the right hand of the Father as King and Lord forever. Even the angels could not descend to bring what Jesus did and only Jesus can bring to mankind the words of life, having come from within the God. He alone knows the fullness of the mind of God the Father and the Holy Spirit since they together are one in unity and deity.

    The Tower of Babel was designed for a man to ascend up to heaven to bring down to earth what is legitimately only God's to send forth. We know what God thought of that. He stopped this effort in its tracks and the tower was never completed.

    So, please be warned about receiving from any man any supposed information from heaven or anyone who reports having gone to heaven and returned back. Jesus says that this will not happen.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Shanieka, I will be happy to pray for your friend, Sidney tonight.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you tonight in the name of Jesus to ask that You will give Sidney a successful breast surgery and quick recovery. We ask that You restore her breast to health with no further need for any other surgery. we know that You draw near to those in need, so we thank you for being near Sidney. Bless her and grow her in faith and trust in You. Amen.
  • John ray - 1 year ago
    The question is that honor your mother and father I was wondering how far does that go is it wrong for a parent to ask a child for help the parents don't do drugs they're not alcoholics they don't smoke inflation is bad information would be appreciated thank you
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Yes. Before the Bible was completed, God did speak directly to individuals. But once God had finished the Bible with the book of Revelation He very clearly stated in Revelation 22:18 that we should not expect any additional direct communication from God. And we can rest assured that God will never violate His Word.

    God the Holy Spirit, of course, must be active in opening our understanding and leading us into truth from the Bible as it may please Him so to do. But He will not communicate with us directly apart from Bible itself.

    This is particularly important in our day when God is allowing Satan to perform certain signs and wonders. Read Matthew 24.

    Why would we even desire any additional revelation from God when He has given us everything He wishes to communicate to us in a Book which is from the very Mouth of God Himself?

    Think about thiswe can hold in our hand more communication from God than has been available to anyone prior to the completion of the Bible. And yet no one, I think I can safely say, will ever fully comprehend the depth of the riches and knowledge contained in the Bible as long as this earth exists.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on John 3 - 1 year ago
    Hi Cheryl1655,

    This is a tough verse to fully understand. First, in the context, of the conversation Jesus is having with Nicodemus it would seem that Jesus was telling him no man had ascended to heaven to get the knowledge of heavenly things and returned to teach it to men on earth, similar to Proverbs 30:4. So, no man is qualified to speak of them but He/Jesus who came down from heaven.

    John 3:13 No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

    One thing that makes this difficult is the ending, it is like Jesus said this after He had ascended to heaven after His resurrection. "Which is in heaven" Some translations leave this ending out where it ends with man, which would involve other topics I will not add to this, hope this helps.

    God bless,

  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pierre1939 Context matters! you said "Its the H.G. that is the real Saint".

    Was it the Holy Ghost that Saul was persecuting and putting to death in ( Acts. 26:10) ?

    Can you provide one verse from the Word of God that clearly tells you that the Holy Ghost is the Saints?

    Pierre most of your interpretations are completely out of context.

    And as for me throwing away that Concordance, maybe you should use a Concordance, it would help you to keep the pure Words of the LORD in Context!

    ((Every word)) of God is pure. ( Ps. 12:6-7) ( Prov. 30:5-6)

    ( Gal. 6:1)
  • GiGi on Numbers 12:3 - 1 year ago

    Part 2 one would speak to another close friend.

    vs. 3 speaks of the meekness of Moses. This small glimpse into the character of Moses is very telling. He was humbled by God in those years after fleeing from Pharoah to Midian. (From being the top man to Pharoah to being a refugee from him). He was humbled when he became a shepherd tending flocks in Midian. He was humbled when God appeared to him in the burning bush. He was humbled when God called him to stand before Pharoah demanding in the name of the LORD that Pharoah let God's people go. He was humbled through the encounters with the LORD on Mt. Sinai. He was humbled through all the years of leading the Israelites through the desert according to the way the LORD directed them with the pillar of fire and clouds. And above all, He was humbled by the calling of being the prophet of the LORD and both hearing directly from God and in being tasked with speaking the words of God to the people.

    Since it was Miriam who was struck by God with leprosy, perhaps she was the one who started the murmuring and Aaron joined in with her. Aaron asked Moses to intercede for Miriam, and he did. Here Aaron understood that it was Moses who was the intercessor and not himself. Moses was the one who spoke face to face with the LORD, not himself.

    Moses spoke to God to heal Miriam. God replied that Miriam will go through the ritual of the law for leprosy by being sent out from among the people for seven days. God could have healed Miriam right away. But He must have wanted to press the point of the consequences of rebelliousness are separation from God and His people.

    After seven days the people were then led forward on their journey. They traveled from Hazeroth to the wilderness of Paran.
  • GiGi on Numbers 12:3 - 1 year ago

    This chapter starts out with the account of Miriam and Aaron murmuring against Moses. It seems that they spoke against the fact that Moses had married a woman. (Ethiopian) It is unclear if this is speaking of Zipporah, the Midianite woman Moses wed while in Midian after fleeing from Pharoah or of another wife Moses may have married while in Pharoah's court or perhaps from among the mixed multitude that came with the Israelites out of Egypt. So it is unclear if this passage is referring to Zipporah or to another wife of Moses. Either way, Miriam and Aaron murmured among the people concerning this wife. They did not come straight to Moses with their complaint, but spoke behind his back about this foreign wife. We do not know what the complaint about this wife entailed. Was it because she was a foreign wife or because Moses was influenced by this wife or was it something about this wife's personality that Miriam and Aaron had difficulty with. We don't know the details.

    Also, Miriam and Aaron questioned if God only spoke through Moses but also by them. Were they jealous of Moses' special standing with God? Were they desirous of having such a close relationship with God as Moses had? The text does not make it very clear. However God was aware of their murmuring and called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Did they think that God would not be aware of what they were speaking and thinking concerning Moses? They were going to soon find out.

    When they came to the entrance, the presence of the Lord appeared and God confronted Miriam and Aaron about their sin. Addressing Miriam and Aaron, the Lord tells them that He chooses the prophet among them (who was Moses) and will make Himself know to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream (vs. 6)

    Verse 7 says that Moses is not called in such ways, because Moses is faithful and God speaks with Moses as one would speak to another face to face.. continued
  • Tunney on Isaiah 37 - 1 year ago
    More than ever, we must follow king Hezekiah's lead and go before our LORD for HIS salvation and grace. Our current woes we face are from within our own leadership and not from the outside, so to speak.

    We have the power in CHRIST name to go before the LORD'S throne of grace and humble ourselves and call on HIM to bring relief to our borders on all areas and levels in our nation.

    2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15

    We should repeat Hezekiah's cry in 37:20

    "Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only."

    I've often included Exodus 8:22, 23 for GOD'S hand of protection and provision for HIS saints in my prayers.

    I thank the LORD for HIS faithfulness to HIS promises; may we be faithful in our obedience to HIS word and be willing to go forth and plant the seed and water as we are called to do.

    GOD bless all on this forum and may we continually praise and glorify HIM. GOD to shine HIS face on all the saints and gloriously bless you all.

    May 19, 2023
  • Cheryl1655 on John 3 - 1 year ago
    John 3 verse 13, explain ?
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob throw that concordence away....Its the H.G. that is the real Saint...We are just a joint heir with the H.G as the gift of God is the H.G. the only real Saint...And elect not man as Paul said in my flesh dwells no good thing....We are not saints but we can be a joint heir with a Saint which is the GIFT OF GOD THE H.G...If we are bornagain ....And this Saint has to be born in us....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit the H.G....We be just a joint heir if we are the bride....I know that the bible refers to many as Saints but it was b/c they had the gift of the H.G.....The flesh is just a joint heir with Christ the H.G.... Romans 8:17....We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. ( the gift of the H.G.)....Let the anointing teach you which is the H.G. the gift of God....You need no man teach you the anointing you have received of him the H.G. will teach you all things... 1 john 2:27....And he is our only Saint and gift of God....At the marriage supper of the lamb we will all be made 1 with the H.G....The flesh and the spirit will be made 1...That was his prayer in john 17:21 That we might all be made 1...

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