King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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God is faithful and gave us a great trip. Saw so much we both didn't know was there to take in. We did not have a hard and fast plan, sort of a general one of where we would go and stay each night. But each day brought us knew opportunities to take in experiences with what He has created int his state. I am hoping my husband and I can go there again in a few weeks when he retires. He wants to go on a long rode trip riding his motorcycle with me following in our car. (This is how was normall do such trips to increase safety in case something comes up, we have back up transportation, etc.)
He is not quite on board yet to decide because he is preoccupied with getting all things squared away for his departure from his job. He supervises many people and is training the person who will replace him. So, that is on his mind right now. We have time to decide yet. We won't leave any day of the Memorial Day Weekend. Too much traffic at that time.
I so appreciate your prayers and well wishes. Thanks so much.
I understand where you are coming from. You were not , however, present for this conversation to know the lead of the Holy
Spirit on me. After leaving them off, I prayed for God to open their hearts to Him and that he would send others into their lives to lead them further in the way of salvation in Jesus Christ. I trust that God will continue to work in the lives of these two and bless them with further knowledge of God in Christ.
( 2 Tim. 4:3-4) v3 Tells us "For the time will come when they will not endure (sound) ((doctrine))
v4 Tells us "And they shall turn their ears ((from the truth))
The word (sound) is #5198; it means to be uncorrupt (TRUE IN DOCTRINE)
The word (doctrine) is #1319; it means instruction (the function or the information) doctrine, learning, teaching.
Where do we get our ((instruction)) or our ((information)) from the LORD? In the Bibles we read, and learn from, and teach from. Right?
That is our doctrine.
The time ((will come)) (future tense, as in today) when they will not endure sound doctrine but will turn from the truth as ( 2 Tim. 4:4) tells us.
If the KJB is that truth then all modern versions are causing many to turn from that truth.
( 1 Tim. 4:1) Tells us in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and ((doctrines of devils)) The latter times would be the time we live in right now, Right?
(doctrines) would be where we get our ((instruction)) from our God. It is the Bibles we use today.
So according to this verse some doctrines, or Bibles many use today would be doctrines of devils.
As for you saying ( Jer. 23:6) has nothing to do with Bible translations, I completely disagree.
Would you please explain what the meaning of that verse is if it has nothing to do with Bible translations?
I have provided Scripture with an explanation to everything I believe to be true on this subject as to show why I believe it to be the truth. We must keep Scripture in context to find the Truth, the above Scriptures are in context.
This is Not just my opinion Jesse.
Thank you again, and God Bless you.
I've got a question for you Spencer.
In a couple of verses it would seem the (Comforter) and the (Spirit of truth) could possibly be the same ( Jn. 14:16-17) and ( Jn. 15:26)
Then we have ( Jn. 15:27) and ( Jn. 16:13-15) which leads me to believe they are not the same.
What is the Spirit of truth?
Could it be the Words of the LORD?
Could it be the KJB?
And to your post about ( 1 Jn. 5:7), whether it belongs in the KJB or not?
If ( 2 Pet. 1:19-21) is showing us how God used holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost to translate the KJB then whatever is written in the KJB was, and is Inspired by God.
I believe the KJB is the only Bible translation that is Inspired by God. The prophecy came not in (old time), old time would be (1611) when the KJB (the prophecy) was translated (came) in the English language so it could be preached to all nations.
God worked through many men, prophets during the OT to keep His Words pure.
God came to the earth in a flesh body as Jesus Christ ( Jn. 1:1-3,14) Don't you think God would want EVERY WORD that He spoke ( Deut. 8:3) ( Prov. 30:5-6) ( Mt. 4:4) ( Mt. 24:35) to be translated perfectly into the language that would preach or publish His good news unto all nations? ( Mt. 24:14) and ( Mk. 13:10)
Thus (holy men of God spake (as they were moved) by the Holy Ghost) to keep His Words pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound in doctrine in the translation of the KJB.
Modern versions have changed the words of the living God ( Jer. 23:36) the word (perverted) is #2015; it means to change.
I think today many people put to much faith in (men) being in control of the translations of ((all)) Bibles.
Clearly the Holy Ghost was in control in ( 2 Pet. 1:19-21) who brought us the prophecy from old time.
I believe the Spirit of truth is the KJB.
This can be a really deep subject Spencer, but it is an important one.
Thank you for your post.
Blessings to you Spencer.
There has been a great deal of dialogue on this site recently regarding the authority of various translations of the Bible. Following is my understanding and belief:
1. Every single word and phrase in the original Hebrew and Greek is exactly the word and phrase that God chose to be included as His Holy Word. In other words, God is the One and Only Author of the BiblePaul, Jeremiah, Mark, Isaiah, etc. were inspired scribes taking what can be characterized as "dictation" from God Himself. Any other view has the result of diminishing the absolute authority of the Bible, no matter how we would argue that point.
2. God has guided and preserved the manuscripts that we currently have, and that were used by the King James translators (maybe others) and are 100% faithful to the original Words of God Himself.
3. The job of the translator, while not inspired as the original scribes like Paul and Jeremiah, etc., is to be as faithful as possible to a WORD FOR WORD translation. This is why the King James translators used italics to represent words that they added in order to make the sentence structure flow more easily in the translation.
4. In the English language, God has graciously given us in recent times, concordances and interlinear Tools so that we can check out the King James translation with the original Hebrew and Greek. That is what was to be done by the churches, and anyone that claims to be a teacher of the Bible.
5. Unfortunately, Very little intensive serious Bible study has been done by the churches and denominations after establishing their initial confessions and creeds. Sadly, this is the reason there were and are so many different understandings of various doctrines being taught in the churches. The Bible has lost it's Authority in the churches.
6. God has sealed up certain truths in the Bible that are being revealed only in our day as we approach the end. Daniel 12:9
Ecclesiastes 7:10 warns us about looking to how things were better in the old days. It is easy to be nostalgic about the glories of our youth but the truth is all are as a fading flower ( Isaiah 28:4); and we soon return to the dust from whence we came ( Ecclesiastes 12:7).
Taken to the utmost level; we can hold onto affections for those who have passed on who are not clearly followers of Christ and we risk being deceived by what is called familiar spirits; which is demons impersonating loved ones and somehow giving us comfort in what we assume is their presence. It is important to realize that in our fallen nature we are at risk for deception and must not put our confidence in the flesh. Our comfort in this world must not be due to material possessions; or anything else transient of this world. Ecclesiastes is a good book to read as to the conclusion of the matter is fearing God and keeping His commandments after the many things of vanity this world has to offer; surely Solomon would know having squandered his walk with God by doing things God warned against such as multiplying gold and silver and horses; marrying foreign wives; etc.
In the US today; we also can't expect the country to flourish as it did in the past. The only way that could happen is with a large scale revival and repentance would have to begin in the church. Being the last days; apostacy is to be expected and clearly after the brevity of the change of heart after September 11 2001 hearts have only hardened further. Our youth today and the state of the world in general is well on its way to the prophesied Tribulation. Should we have offspring or even a spouse that remains faithful to God is truly a blessing; but the contrary shouldn't lead us to assume we are unfaithful.
Hebrews 12:1 gives us good instruction on casting aside every weight and sin that is holding us back. Let us fix our eyes on things above ( Colossians 3:2).
I believe God's plan of finance for His Baptist Church's is to be tithes and offerings. Scriptural giving is one of the fundamentals of the faith. I believe that every Believer, as a steward of that portion of God's wealth entrusted to him or her, is obligated to support his or her Baptist Church financially. I believe that God has established the tithe as a basis of giving but that every Believer should also give other offerings sacrificially and cheerfully to the support of his or her Baptist Church for the relief of those in need, and the spread of the Gospel. I believe that Church members are commanded to bring their tithes and offerings into the Storehouse (Common Treasury) of their Baptist Church upon the first day of the week (Sunday). I believe that a Believer relinquishes all rights to direct the use of the tithe or offering once the gift has been made. I believe under grace we give, and do not pay, the tithe - "Abraham GAVE a tenth part of all." "Abraham GAVE the tenth part of the spoils," and this was four hundred years before the Law, and is confirmed in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Himself said concerning the tithe, "... these ought ye to have done ..." ( Genesis 14:20; Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 3:9, 10; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42; Acts 4:34, 35, 37; 1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 8:7; 2 Corinthians 9:6, 7; Galatians 6:6; Ephesians 4:28; 1 Timothy 5:17, 18; Hebrews 7:2, 4; 1 John 3:17).
Our walk with Christ involves our spirit testifying with His Spirit that we are indeed children of God ( Romans 8:16). In actuality, I have that verse quoted backwards but it helps to bring home the message. Campus Crusade for Christ used to have as part of it's 4 points to the Gospel that our feelings should never be at the head of our decisions but faith in God. Christ is the captain of our salvation ( Heb. 2:10). Be thou my vision is an old hymn which typifies this concept. In our love for Christ and being part of His Body (the church) we should indeed have agape for one another; feelings as it were of love that is above and beyond this world and it's affections hence tranforming our minds. ( Romans 12:2).
Experientially; however we are prone to look at some nostalgia that somehow we can return to an Edenic state of innocence; as God has put eternity in our hearts. However; to live for ourselves is of course antithetical to living for Christ whichinvolves dying to self. However; the example of Christ being fully God and fully man demonstrates how real emotions of sadness or grief and indignation can be expressed as He sympathizes with us as our High Priest ( Heb. 4:14-16).
In a sense; we have the future hope in resurrection and the glory of the future rule and reign of Christ where we put our treasure. All things are good indeed if blessed by God; whether finding a wife; or meats etc. But sacrifice is something foreign to human nature; if we do such a deed in our own strength it is either to fulfill some longing we have; or for pride or some sort of satisfaction. What doesn't jive with humanism is revealing the root cause of sin; our sin nature and being willing to expose death so that indeed His chosen ones can have life. In the flesh we are only attracted to what our minds are attracted to with our five senses; the Lord operates outside that but we still react to it as vessels of His temple in us ( 1 Cor. 3:16-17).
We are comforted by Jesus Christ in all things. You are loved by the Lord, for I am constantly reminded of you in my prayers.
Remember that you are valuable, it is easy to forget it. At least when we are out among non-believers. We can even be harmed by it. But never to death. My advice is that you take up on u the full armor of God on a daily basis. Ephesians 6 chapter. Never be discouraged, many depend on you.
God cares for you, He wants you to see it. And that you know it. We pray, I love u in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah God is good always.
Luke 24:20-22
I find it interesting to the see reasoning for offerings today in comparison with tithes in the O.T. All the offerings in the O.T. were utilized (i.e. consumed as food by the priests); the focus of course being tied in with the Temple sacrifices whether necessary or "freewill" extra offerings. The support of the church today; as noted especially among the Corinthians is important for spreading the Gospel. We see how Paul "robbed other churches" ( 2 Cor. 11:8-9). If we follow the principle of giving out of our earnings; I would say that most can give ten percent. The issue today; of course is all the credit people have with interest or usury to pay off which is against Biblical principles for God's people.
I do believe the concept of sowing and reaping is valid; but obviously those who are greedy for gain in the televangelism world are using this concept for "filthy lucre" as the scriptures indicate. Money to the church should be as James put it minister as pure religion to the widow and orphan; as well as the practical needs of the congregation. This allows those in need to be helped; those who don't help their own are called worse than an infidel ( 1 Tim. 5:8). This holds churches accountable; as well as the laypersons to provide for their families if able.
As part of the Body of Christ the needs of those who are ministering should be first and foremost (the workman is worthy of his hire). Financial transparency needs to be straightforward with a church budget; we shouldn't take "on faith" what we are told as there are Judas types around who want a piece of the action for themselves.
The first thing that we have to do is to not allow the basic premise of Psychology be a tenet for guiding our lives. Frued; as you are probably aware had all kinds of conclusions as to the sensual aspects of man with a very limited set of those he studied. Obviously there is the bias that we are all like animals; hence all our actions are based on instincts with the idea of the survival of the fittest and other concepts that supposedly has allowed man to evolve to the state they are in now from the apes and other so called ancestors of man.
What is to be noted here is the enneagram which is basically a New Age concept along with other things that are supposed to determine what type of person we are. That is tied in with this philosophy. Basically; our behaviors are supposed to be conforming to our individual temperment; which is focusing on a man centered idea rather than submitting to Christ and thus dying to self with Christ making us into a new man.
The Lord gives spiritual gifts to those and distributes them according to His will ( 1 Cor. 12:11). I would say that He still tends to give us traits that mirror somewhat our individual nature; which although flawed and sinful originally was created by God who had us fearfully and wonderfully made as Psalm 139 states. In the Body of Christ; however we are transformed and therefore our affections as set to things above ( Colossians 3:2). We are given gifts in order to praise God and edify one another. We therefore do well to associate with others that have a different set of gifts; which is opposed to the "me first" mentality of those who have a humanistic world view and chiefly are concerned about satisfying their own wants and not focused on giving his life for his friends ( John 15:13).
Basically one concept exalts fallen man and the other focuses on Christ and His Kingdom.
Yes, all this is Definity happening today. fo instance the book of Matthew 24 the rumors of wars and wars we can see that increasing Infront of eyes. Earth quick and many things.
in the book of John 4:181
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
hence, we see the raise of the false preacher but in droves.
So, all this is happening, and others will happen Amen.
Thank you.
Keep up the good work "BlessedChildofGod" and know that we are moving toward glory with God in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ and kingdom with the Holy Spirit who will enlighten everyone of right and wrong in the world. Believe that when Jesus has said, "it is for your benefit that I go away, for then He can send the Holy Spirit to us". Hallelujah Amen! Stay close to the word, The Word has the power to deliver us in all situations, Search and you shall find. Amen 1 Philippians chapter Love u in Christ
These verses would apply:
1 Corinthians 15:52
Revelation 3:10
1 Thessalonians 5:9
Luke 12:40
Hope this helps!
As we sojourn through life; there are many pitfalls which we should avoid whenever possible. It is helpful to seek wisdom as Proverbs makes clear it is more valuable than silver and gold (chapter 3; verse 14). Whatever our mission; we do well to consistently check off the boxes; as it were in evaluating how committed we are in our walk as well as be careful to avoid being ensnared in things that so easily entangle us ( Heb. 12:1) in order to run the race to the end.
God; of course is the "captain of our salvation" ( Heb. 2:10) and the author and finisher of our faith ( Heb. 12:2). Having set forth on our trajectory; and not having "shot ourselves in the foot" to cause us to skew off of the path we have Christ as our High Priest; as well as the Body of Christ placed in strategic places. Of course; a lot depends if they are fully aremed as Ephesians 6 describes. Satan always sets out to find the weakest link; and as we know a loose bolt and such can wreak havoc on a jet engine. We can so often consider only our own affect when we fall away rather than collateral damage to others who the Lord would like to use us for as a minister of reconciliation ( 2 Cor. 5:18).
He uses all things for the good for those who LOVE HIM (shouting intentional from Romans 8:28). If we are invaded by hostile forces; and we are walking in the Spirit you can be certain that your light is shining before men thus bringing out that behavior.
Persecution of course is promised for all who would be Godly in Christ Jesus ( 2 Tim. 3:12 and elsewhere). Boldness; however as Paul had helped to spread confidence among the brethren because of His excellent testimony. Would it be that we would be turning the world upside down ( Acts 17:6) rather than those who the world is making shipwrecked ( 1 Tim. 1:19).
Not that I usually quote secular artists but Neil Young said it is better to burn out than fade away (my my hey hey). Let us go out in a blaze of glory.
Matthew 12:41
The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
We see that God had prepared the hearts of the the Ninevites to repent and they did because God had elected them and therefore saved them as is confirmed in Matthew 12:41
How different was Jonah's preaching to what is currently being proclaimed in the churches of our day? Is it any wonder what we read in 1 Peter 4:17. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
Wonderfully God is still saving in our day OUTSIDE the churches. But the Gospel that saves is the Gospel of the Bible. The whole counsel of Judgement for sin and Mercy in salvation.
Joel 2:12-14
Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?
Praise God for so great salvation!