Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 271

  • Mslady01 - 1 year ago
    Strategic of Success. God bless me to help others.

    Purpose pursuit must be sovereign resolve. My success must be anchored in what God says on every area of my life. I must show God's works in my life.

    1. Success prospective Anchored in God

    2. S aligned with God spiritual priority that is aligned in God's word matt 6:33

    Doing it God's way, seek God in every area

    3. I must stay praying. He said He will grant my desires

    Staying prayerful always Jeremy 33:3

    I must have a lifestyle of praying. Breakthrough is inevitable

    4. Must have a strategic plan analysis prov 24:3 Things don't just happen it must be planned ex. The process of buying my house. I must write the vision make it plain. Time to write plan for everything.

    I will have a surge and surplus for my life and Newlight


    5. Sovereign planting in Agreement with scripture

    2 Corinthians 9:6-8 God will use others favor to help me! Sowing will activate a covenant promise from God that He will Bless Me. Malachi 3:8 I want to live in a open house of God's Blessings

    6. Sanctioned Partnerships matt 18:19

    I want Faith Filled Agreement Agents. 2or3 in Agreement

    7. Scriptural proclamation prov 18:20-21

    I must speak life into my situations, family,home job,over My Pastor over my church, etc. I must monitor what comes out of my mouth.

    8. Shun persecution from All Opposition 2 Timothy 3:11-12 Haters the devi. Remember on the other side is the blessings. No platform for such. No attention of such. God will pull me in front of those and show Himself in my life and situation. My DNA is built to outlast persecution

    9 Steadfast perseverance over setbacks heb 10:35-36

    Never give up

    10. Supernatural Praise for accelerated manifestation. Heaven takes notice just as Paul and Saulus the chains fell off in the midsts of it!!!
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Galatians 5:13

    We are instructed to serve one another in regard to our spiritual gifts in this verse. 1 Peter 4:10 indicates this is how we are a good steward of what He has given us.

    In Sunday school today; a discussion came up as to the matter of using gifts. It was correctly mentioned that this principle exists; along with the command of Christ in fulfilling the Great Commission. Therefore; whether we have a gift of serving or evangelism or not these activities should characterize a life of good fruit in maturing in the Lord. I also mentioned how often other individuals in fellowship are good at discerning either our strengths or weaknesses; which can be known or unknown to us at the time. This kind of encouragement to use our gifts should be something we seek out; and the Spirit of God makes it evident to those who are discerning. It was also brought out how someone as a Pastor can be more or less gifted in teaching.

    Perhaps such levels of aptitude can allow those who are elders but not normally pastors can assist in the operation over a church (such positions are interchangeable to some respect as originally meant in scripture from what I am told). It is also fairly certain that a "head pastor" isn't really a title that adheres to scripture; particularly if there ISN'T any other elders; deacons; etc balancing things out. If anything there is someone to hold a Pastor accountable that is missing in that case.

    I also find it interesting the whole core value system of Satanists; as they are for the self rather than interests or needs of others. That; sadly is also much of the focus of today's churches appealing to young singles. Salvation itself involves us becoming part of God's family; adopted as sons as Romans 8; Ephesians 1:5 and other verses indicate. The churches in Revelation 2 and 3 show a focus on individual salvation along with the health of the entire congregation in each synopsis of the 7 churches in question.
  • John ray - 1 year ago
    I know it's 2 years I hope everything's doing good I agree with everything you said it's been going on for generations that was the devil's plan I've learned a lot about the Bible in The last 5 years things that I've never heard in the church I don't know what's going on remember you have an angel
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Palmettosr. A passage that helps us understand this phrase of Christ "shedding His Blood for our sins" is found in Hebrews chapter 9.

    The Hebrews writer shows how the sacrifice that Jesus made for us by willingly dying in our stead is eminently more precious, acceptable, & efficacious than any other sacrifice made before Him or after Him. In Hebrews 9:6,7, we read that the high priest went into the holiest place of the tabernacle each year with the animal blood sacrifice, for his & the people's sins. God had instituted this blood sacrifice whereby instead of the sinner dying for his sins as judgement & being forever rejected by God, the death of an animal & its blood shed would be man's substitute. But such sacrifices could only be temporary since they had to be done year-by-year & could never fully deal with the sin problem (i.e. man was always conscious of his sins before God while awaiting this sacrifice & even then, such a sacrifice only covered the sin's of the flesh & gave no confidence about an inward cleansing: see Hebrews 9:9,10).

    So, there would be coming a time when Israel would no longer need to sacrifice animals to attain this temporary, limited covering for their sins; at the right time in history, God sent His Son Jesus (i.e. man no longer sacrificing to gain God's forgiveness, but now God providing His Sacrifice). And this Sacrifice not only provided full cleansing, but since it was only required to be done once, it not only gained God's forgiveness & cleansing, but also cleansed our consciences ( Hebrews 9:12-15). God fully accepted the sacrifice payment by His Son & to those who believe this & call upon Him for cleansing, receive His Spirit Who also cleans our consciences (i.e. we can remain confident that we are fully clean, saved & accepted by God because it is God's Work, not man's, & the Holy Spirit in us gives us great assurance).

    I hope you can see that blood needed to be shed - only Jesus' Blood could fully deal with the sin problem.
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Gal. 2:21....If righteousness cd have come by the law the written word that old covenant then Jesus died in vain....All the bibles in the world cd not redeem mankind back to God...Only the blood of the lamb the living word cd redeem man back to God....If a bible cd have redeemed mankind back to God then Jesus shed his blood in vain and that New COVENANT BY HIS BLOOD AT CALVARY WAS JUST FOOLISHNESS....Its the H.G. that is the living pure word of God...As Jesus said my words are spirit and life that initiates a birth of Christ in us the Kingdom....2 nd Cor. 3 :8 ....He has made us able ministers of the New Covenant ( the H.G. ) not of the letter but of the spirit...Its only the spirit that gives life not the bible ....The bible the written word answers to the lesser light but Jesus says if a man walks in the night the written word only he is gona stumble...Jesus said are there not 12 hrs in a day and 12 hrs in a night but if aman walks in the night he is gona stumble....The written words answers to the night the lesser light....Its only Jesus the LIVING WORD THAT IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD...Not the bible ...We all love the bible the KJV..But the bible the written word did not redeem us back to God it was only Christ Jesus the living word that had to die at Calvary for humanity....Its only Jesus the living word of God that is the pure word of God....As he came from Heaven as God the son..To die for the sins of the world....The bible the written word neva died for anybody....But it is a good nite light better then no light at all....And we need the bible in this time of darkness....But the bible is not the gift of God ....Its only the H.G. that is the gift of God which is the living WORD the Child of Promise...Which is our new heart and new spirit....Our new innerman...That New CREATURE is the only thing that plzs God that comes via faith via hearing the living word....Today if you will hear his voice THE LIVING WORD...The gospel was preached to Abraham without a bible.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jimbob , please be assured my comment wasn't meant for anyone in particular I promise . I'm devoted to the KJV . This is specifically a KJV site so I presume everyone else is a devotee also and I just wonder why , when there are so many awesome things , edifying and encouraging and comforting things that we could be posting on here , things that would potentially be helpful and comforting to others , our brothers and sisters in Christ , are any of us talking about a different translation on here , here which is , specifically a KJV site ? Have we really nothing better to post ? This is why I spend so much time in the old posts . God bless you Jimbob , I always read and enjoy your posts , the rest of you KJV devotees out there , get posting ! We have brothers and sisters out there who need somewhere to come to feel connected and comforted ! I know you are out there folks ! I need you , others need you .
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jema If everyone on this site believed and trusted the KJB then I wouldn't be posting the comparisons of the KJB and the Niv bible. The KJB is the True Word of God and I am only trying to show that through these comparisons. The Truth should be all that matters to all of us on this site. ( Gal. 6:1) The word (fault) is #3900; it means a side slip (lapse or deviation) i.e. (unintentional) error.

    God Bless you Jema. Stay in the Word of God, it is Alive.
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Do any of these other translations of the Bible have web sites dedicated to them ? This is , after all , a KJV site . So why spend time talking about other translations ? If those other translations have sites dedicated to them then maybe check them out and go on them ? I just don't see the point in comparing or talking about other translations on a site dedicated to the KJV . Is this all any of us can think of to talk about ? I'm off to read my Bible , it's a KJV in case you hadn't guessed :) .
  • Palmettosr - 1 year ago
    What is meant by "Shedding of blood for our sins"
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Promises of course as in my last comment regarding Romans 8:30 are assured with God's status as beyond time as He created that along with all other things. His promises are "yea and amen" ( 2 Cor. 1:20).
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    This question could be handled on a case by case basis. Clearly; if we are to look at Micah 5:2-4 we see the birthplace of the Messiah and we know it was fulfilled on His first coming. There are others such as Revelation 19 in Armageddon which clearly hasn't happened yet.

    Most prophecies; however have at least a dual fulfillment or there are near and far implications in the same passage. Such is the case when Christ read from the scroll from Isaiah 61 he stopped after verse 1. Verse 2 talks about the vengeance of God which is tied into His second coming. Therefore many of His own people didn't recognize who He was because they were looking at prophecies of His Messianic Millennial reign rather than the purpose of atonement and death before the Resurrection into glory.

    This "near and far" application is one complexity; another is what applies only to covenental promises for the nation of Israel; what applies to the church alone and what has some dual application. Galatians 3:28 shows how Jew and Gentile are incorporated into the church; and verses such as Galatians 3:7 show how not all Israel are true Israel but only the remnant believers. The church basically IS the true Israel as are the subset of Abraham's seed that are believers.

    I find the best rule is to see what scriptures are mentioned in Acts in particular as applying to the church in the deepest sense of the meaning. That is the only way to understand the deepest or final meaning to certain prophecies. What we can't do is make the error of making all prophecy figurative that doesn't fit into our doctrinal picture; or dismissing the covenants that were promised to Israel. That is a subject perhaps for another commentary.

    Perhaps an individual application would be from Romans 8:30. It isn't a prophecy as traditionally labeled; but the time frame of predestination guarantees that those who are saved will eventually be glorified after sanctification. All prophecy shows God's certain plans.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Aaron was given to Moses as his "mouthpiece" so to speak after his many protests on not being a man of learned speech and such in Exodus 4:10. Moses tested God quite a bit with his trepidation which was a side affect of being the most humble man alive (See Numbers 12:3). This caused Aaron to be a thorn in his side. There were two ways to approach the masses; with dogged determination to God's will as Moses demonstrated; and to acquiesce to their pleas. We see a similar pattern with the sacrifice made the wrong way by Saul in 1 Samuel 13:9. Ultimately; Saul was shown to have a rebellious self seeking life that went away from true worship of God; in this verse he was also trying to placate people ignoring God's methodology to his own peril. That was one step away from idolotry.

    Aaron's sin was basically equivalent to a death penalty; breaking the 1st commandment; and with the sexual things implied many other things deserving such an end such as is indicated in verses 6 and 25. Poor Moses had to go another 40 days fasting after his first fast; and acted as intercessor then and several other times when God wanted to destroy the whole lot of the exiles and start anew. In the end only Caleb and Joshua from that generation survived; all the rest that made it into the Promised Land were the children of the original families that came out of Egypt.

    Moses also had to deal with Miriam when she made a fuss about his Ethiopian wife in Numbers 12:10. Aaron could have been more proactive in dealing with it before her leprosy came as punishment.

    This should serve as a warning to all; especially when a great spiritual victory has just happened such as a genuine move of God. Rebellion is as witchcraft ( 1 Samuel 15:23); and stems from the same root of corruption. This is why we can't just proclaim we are Christians without evidence of trust in God; fear of the Lord and other such good fruit being evident. We also must choose God over popular opinions.
  • Ebg - In Reply - 1 year ago
    If God only allowed the perfect to live, then he would duplicate himself to 2exponent of infinite...resulting in an absurd purpose to the meaning of Life. So, God in his perfection allows the imperfect to exist with all their faults in order for life to have a meaningful purpose in the end

    Men love war, more then they do women. If there is NO God, then the brutal and cruelty of war is the the fault of man's own free will. But if there is a God, then why would that blame shift from man to God if the state of free will still exist?

    The Bible is a history of man's sin for his love of war. God doesn't embrace the evil, he eliminates it in his own time (weapons to plow shields). Many societies in the Bible were beyond the hope of accepting God's scripture of salvation (a pillar of salt), that God in his righteousness against evil exterminated the whole population...such that those people still had hope of salvation in the presence of God's judgement upon the dead.
  • Tyland201 - 1 year ago
    When were all promises to believers fulfilled and which promises are yet to be fulfilled?
  • Tyland201 - 1 year ago
    Which prophecies have been fulfilled and when, and which prophecies are yet to be fulfilled?
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen MountHoreb. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31. Rather, our hope & prayer for all men & especially for those in the household of faith should be as seen in Hebrews 10:22, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Exodus 32:21,22,25,35

    1 Corinthians 15:33,34

    Acts 15:28,29; Exodus 26:1

    POINT: Revelation 22:6-9;

    Revelation 4:11
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Do you believe Satan is still in heaven Today? Revelation 12:5,7-12
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wow! thanks for comment!
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes. Pharaoh during the days of Moses.

    is a key example. Exodus 4:4-9

    Despite the evidence, refused to

    believe. Exodus 9:27-30; Exodus 9:33-35

    Denying Jesus was blaspheming against

    the spirit. John 1:14-18; Matthew 5:17,18; Matthew 7:28,29

    and refusing his father in heaven who sent

    Jesus also. Matthew 3:16,17; John 3:14-18
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I Like how you locked that in with a prayer. So true Duncan! Psalm 119:43,44
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes humans glorify each other. but this glory may be different from the way

    God in heaven Sees. 1 Samuel 16:7

    Jesus who was chosen by Jehovah- psalm 83:18

    Who is the one Chosen by God to bring salvation- John 3:16,17

    never glorified himself. Matthew 22:36,37 but with the glory

    and honor and title God gave to him, he spoke. John 5:19

    Matthew 23:8-12; LUKE 1:28-33; Isaiah 9:6,7
  • MountHoreb - In Reply - 1 year ago
    photographers may visit the same place. same place but different lens.
  • Anzu - 1 year ago
    Why did Aaron easily except to build the children of Israel a gold calf when they asked him to in Exodus 32: 1-4?
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Stephanie V.

    I am so happy to hear that your gums and mouth are healing well. I know well how painful tooth and gum pain can be when something is amiss with them. I pray that the infection is completely gone and will not return. I pray that your tissues in your mouth heal up thoroughly without any further problems.

    May the Lord bless you today, Stephanie!
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello David

    I will be glad to pray for your family and your job search.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello John ray,

    I am glad to pray for Shelley and You.
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    He has made us able ministers of the New Covenant the living word the Spirit not the written word...The letter kills but the spirit giveth life.... 2 Cor. 3:6...Thats y Jesus is saying search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but it is them that testifies of me....Which is the living word the H.G. A LIVING BEING THAT HAS TO BE BORN IN US....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. that Child of Promise..That has to be born in us via his seeds the living words as my words are spirit sand life...There is no eternal life in the scriptures per se....Remember Israel was sola scriptura, written words only, But no Godly spirit...Thus they stoned most all the prophets and rejected the Christ....But knew the Torah by heart the written words....The a different type of Covenant altogether....Its about a living being that has to be born in us..That New Creature...nothin availeth any thing in Christ Jesus but a New Creature which is that Child of PROMISE....She brought forth aman child that is gona rule all nations....There are zillions of bibles in this world but this world is in deep darkness...Funny men on every corner....But Jesus said that the nite is coming when no man can work...And the day of the lord cannot come till there 1 st come a great falling away and that man of sin be revealed....Which is man's carnal minds which is satans seat..If salvation cd have come by paper and ink the written word the old covenant then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the cross was just foolishness....And there wd have been no need for CALVARY The N.C....the greatest event to ever grace this planet..I Love the bible th KJV....But it answers to the lesser light....But the living word the H.G. is the greater light.( that which is born of the spirit is spirit)....The H.G the Manchild that spirit of truth is gona reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgement...The book in the Fathers right hand is that N.C....K
  • John P - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good morning MountHoreb,

    All you need to do is read Mark 13, Luke 21, and Matthew 24 and you will see, with your spiritual eyes the same story told in three different way.

    God's elect, and very elect, stood against Satan in the 'First Heaven, Earth AGE' and I am sure they will do it again.


    i personally do not believe it will be happen.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I can see Christ in Jonah , not just the obvious , him being in darkness and under the earth for three days but also in him being sent to preach to the Ninevites , we are the Ninevites :) . As for the forty days fast , I think it was the custom to not eat or drink during daylight hours but eating and drinking in moderation was allowed in the dark , I may be mistaken about that though . Anyhoo , the entire book of Jonah exists only in order to point to Christ I think .

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