King James Bible
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It seems hard to fathom why the Lord would call and commission Job when; knowing all things He would have expected him to take such an aversive action of going in the other direction; then when he finally obeyed the commission after dying or nearly dying in the body of the fish he still was upset that the large city repented of Nineveh.
What is equally interesting and often flies off the radar is God's concern for the huge population of heathen who; according to historians oppressed Israel and eventually God destroyed as seen in Nahum. Other than individual rulers such as the case of Nebuchadnezzar under Daniel or perhaps healing of Naaman the Syrian we don't see such an evangelistic campaign anywhere else before the New Testament. Jonah 4:10 shows God's concern contrasted with the vine which was Jonah's sole comfort being taken away.
What we do see here also is how those called and chosen by God are hunted down; I like to refer to it as the hounds of heaven.
We do see with Jonah's message it was for repentance; there was the obvious fear of God of the Hebrews as evidenced by the men who cast him into the sea; and no reluctance as was seen with Pharoah in the case of Moses. The ruler himself put on sackcloth and declared no man or beast was to eat or drink. ( Jonah 3:5). It is hard to conceive that they would have all ceased from food or water for 40 days including animals without a huge casualty rate; surely if they survived that it would be a miracle.
It seems plausable that God relented well before the 40 days were up under those circumstances; or the ruler implied a shorter fast; but if Jonah declared that it was not mentioned. He was sitting around to "see what would happen"; after he declared the city's destruction in 40 days.
Think about it; there were 120000 saved; certainly genuine repentance among some or God wouldn't have relented. How Job could have been disappointed is hard to fathom.
Please pay attention to that "their righteousness". This is a MAN'S RIGHTOUSNESS, which as I said is far away from God's perfect righteouness. This MAN'S RIGHTEOUSNESS could never get us into Heaven due to the sins we all do. That is why all those people were not going to Heaven but in Abrahams place in Hades.
In the N.T. Jesus was sacrificed for our sins. So now we still try to be righteous in our lives and when we fail we have Jesus' Blood for our sins to be erased and hence we stand before God as righteous people. This righteousness is not a result of our efforts to be so but it is a result of God's grace to us. That is why it is now called GOD'S RIGHTEOUNESS. It is the perfect righteousness. It is gifted to us by God. And this kind of righteousness will get us into Heaven, whether a Jew or a gentile, there is no difference at all as far as salvation is concerned.
So there is a distintion between OT righteousness which is man's righteousness and the NT one which is God's righteousness.
But as I said my purpose when I answered that post was not to analyze all those things we all kknow but just give a simplified quick answer. I don't think that we disagree on that subject.
Hello GiGi
My purpose when answering that post from Yasser was not actually to dig deep in the Word of God but just simplify it in a simple answer.
I also believe that there will not be an Israelitic Kingdom on this earth, neither in the futute earth. Those promises that were said for Israel by God were and are still fulfilled in the church. The only promise that is left yet for Hebrews is their salvation. And we know that that will take place during the antichrist's rule on this earth at the end. Besides according to the scriptures there is no room left for an Israelitic kingdom. it is not going to happen now, neither in the last week, neither in the millenium, neither on the new earth that will be creared by God after the final Judgement.
I don't believe that there are different requirements for Hebrews and gentiles as far as salvation is concerned. We all are justified by the Blood of the Lamb.
What I wanted to say is:
In the O.T. there were people who tried to be righteous, they made efforts to follow God's Will. But like all people they were doing sins. So we have people that did righteous things but also sins. So they were in a sence righteous, this is called MAN'S RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is not a perfect righteousness, actually it is far far away from what God calls righteousness. But still God sometimes called them rightous because He appriciated their efforts, like Zacharias and Elisabeth in Luke 1:6, "And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.". Also Noe is called righteous, Genesis 6:8-9, "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God."
Also read Ezekiel 14:14, "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD."
- So here Satan Knew very well what He was doing and one fact that you Mention in your post is that peter was a friend of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and Satan attempted to use this friendship and this moment to tempt The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Also Satan knew very well what is written in Matthew 6:54 ,54But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?.
- And to get a clear understanding of how Satan took over peter, remember the events of Judah when Satan entered him resulting to the betrayal of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. it's written in Luke 23:3-4 , Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him unto them.
hence you see here Satan was responsible for enticing both Judas and peter, Therefore Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Rebuked peter by saying get behind me Satan. Jesus The Living God never said this word because he was in a cranky mood, but he rebuked Satan who was enticing peter to speak those words which he spoke to Jesus.
So, what lessons do we learn from this Events?
1. Always be on your Gurd as a Christian who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, for our weapons is not carnal but might through God and we do not wrestle Flesh and blood but persons without bodies who are always looking for opportunity to entice us to Sin. so Put on the whole armor of God. its written in 2 Corinthians 10:3 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2. Satan will even attack someone close to you Just to get through to you and this is an example of his Attacks and it's important for every believer who believes the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God to Read your Bible To be given in Prayers and to fast before God and if anyone Lucks wisdom let him pray and ask the
-Please pray for understand for God will give him who ask freely.
It's written in John 10:35 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35, If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
meaning the bible cannot contradict itself. infact Jesus Has Said this in Proverbs 8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing froward or perverse in them.
So, my advice to you is to Kneel down and repent of your unbelief and ask The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God to Help you understand His words The sharp two- Eged sword.
In Matthew 6:22 -23. 22Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 23But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
-What we fail to see here is this, Satan entered unto peter and he is using peter to try and deceive Jesus Christ not to Go to the Cross and if The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God would have not gone to the cross then the whole bible would be compromised, and every word of prophecy would collapse just by that one action. remember Just before Jesus was arrested by the temple Gurds/solders What He said unto them. in Matthew 27:53-54
53Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? 54But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
Jesus in His Humanity, could take the taunts & abuses of men, for that is Who He was in the world & how He came from within the Divine Personages; but the Holy Spirit in Jesus did not come representing God, but is God Himself, through His Son, manifesting Himself to the world. As the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy ( 1 Timothy 3:16): "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." If any speak against & curse this Great God (coming in the flesh, initiating the only possible salvation for mankind, & then returning to Glory - through the manifesting of His Son & Holy Spirit), then their judgement & destiny are final.
You gave the example of a postmaster opening & reading your letter to others. That normally would be a valid point because no one expects, or is lawful, to open up private mail & share the contents with others. The only thing with your example is that the letter in question is still current, the sender is alive & the recipients would also be hurt by knowing that others were privy to the contents. What if your personal letter was sent, intending that other believers in that city or country would gain benefit from it (e.g. through the media), but especially to the ones addressed? Or, if your letter was left in someone's drawer, was found 100 years after you died & indeed, the recipients also died, would it really matter to you or anyone else that your letter was found & read?
I think we have many examples of personal letters that exist today written by people of old that have been archived or published in newspapers/books. I really don't see a problem in this scenario, and I'm quite sure that Paul & the others wouldn't have minded that the contents of their letters receive a wider readership (see 1 Thessalonians 5:27 (could have included others that the Thessalonian Church had contact with) & Colossians 4:15,16). Even the Letter by John given by the Jesus Christ, was intended to be 'revealed unto his servants (all of us) things which must shortly come to pass...' ( Revelation 1:1). So I do believe that what we have in the Bible today, has been appointed by God & intended for the widest distribution so that all people might come to know the LORD & His Christ, made conscious of their sin, & run into the Arms of a Loving Savior. These letters have helped us greatly, causing us to understand & act upon this Truth.
The KJB ( Luke. 4:4) Tells us "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God".
The Niv ( Luke. 4:4) The Niv says "Jesus answered, It is written: Man does not live on bread alone".
(The Niv leaves out the words ((but by every word of God)) So Jesus Christ is telling man he needs to live by ((every word of God)) and the Niv destroys that by leaving out the words "but by every word of God") Wow there is so much wrong with that!!
The KJB ( Luke. 4:8) This verse tells us "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve".
The Niv ( Luke. 4:8) The Niv says "Jesus answered, It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only".
The Niv leaves out the words "Get thee behind me, Satan". It makes you wonder why they would leave out those words?
( Mt. 12:25-26) v26 Tells us "And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"
If you say Get thee behind me Satan wouldn't that be casting out Satan?
If Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself, how shall then his kingdom stand?
Satan will not cast out Satan!
The True Word of God is the most important thing anybody could possibly have in this world today. Read it and study it, It truly is Alive! God Bless you all.
Taking on a responsibility such as witnessing means that we are tested with patience; no doubt. I have found it equally helpful for fellowship among believers as some are more gifted for teaching scriptures; others with a word of encouragement; others in prayer. Conversations among the brethren sometimes are deliberately planned to elicit a response. I prefer just discussing the Lord and whatever comes up; although one has to focus on the task at hand.
Prayer for one another under those circumstances is certainly helpful as some are cursed out or mistreated and certainly can use that support.
Of course love and that of Agape for the Lord should be evident in our attitudes as well as the messages which is the first of many fruits mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. Joy is something that I tend to be lacking in expression myself; and that is the second attribute mentioned. We rejoice in seeing the Lord's work done; even if we have a day like Noah when no one repents.
It is declaring His Kingdom and bringing honor and glory to the Lord which should be what is foremost on our mind. Then; if there is backlash and persecution we are steadfast in focusing on Him; much like Stephen in the Book of Acts.
Luke 6:30 indicates giving to those who ask and the next verse indicates to do as you would have others do to you. We wouldn't give an alcoholic money for drinking in good concience and it isn't going to help a swindler to give money all the time.
We won't always know immediately about such individuals but some make it pretty clear. Wisdom has to be used and there is some difference in opinion as to how much we give; but a willingness to give must be part of witnessing when we are able; unless the Lord has made it clear otherwise.
The community from the few who are actively witnessing encourages fervent prayer; and consistency will bear fruit ( Isaiah 55:11). May we seek to join such laborers in the harvest.
You need to study the scriptures first before you come to any conclusion,
There is a difference between what is called a rightous man in the Old Testament and what is called the same in the New Testament.
In the Old Testament God called people who strived to live under His commandments as rightous, although as humans they were doing sins, but they asked for God's grace afterwards. Also due to the human fallen nature people at that time were often not able to obey God's commandments, although they wanted to do so, eg the Law said not to desire something but people couldn't avoid desiring it. But still God aknowledged their effords to live godly and called them righteous.
In the new Testament Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross, so we are now free. That means that our sins are erased when we repent and ask for Jesus' Blood and God's forgiveness. So infront of God's eyes we are righteous people since we have no sins at all. This is the perfect righteousness, a perfection. Also we are given God's Spirit to dwell inside us as a Helper for achieving to obey God's commandments and get sanctified. Those (Jesus' Blood and the indwelling Spirit in us where not available in the Old Testament.
The Pharisees were the ones who actually were given this admonition when they accused Him to be performing miracles under the power of Beelzebub. They also accused Him of His claim of being the "I AM" which of course meant that He was divinity; along with His claims of John 8:58 of being around before Abraham came into existence. We need to keep in mind that these people were firsthand witnesses to miracles that had never been seen such as a blind coming to sight and at the end of His ministry Lazarus being raised from the dead who was undoubtably well known after many other such miracles. It is preposterous to think that anyone but God has power over life and death and can create something out of nothing. Only God can forgive sins as well.
A logical person or even neutral could look at themselves and see how attempting to kill Christ 10 times or so before the crucifixion along with all the other blasphemy and insults He put up with shows they have an evil nature themselves. The Pharisees used religion to control people and put them in the bondage of self righteousness which is basically the most narrow way to hell. They expected their Messiah to be like them; and they forgot the weightier matters of the law (certainly a proper love and fear of the Lord).
But only God can reveal things; such as the case when Peter was told this by the Lord as to who He was ( Matt. 16:16). When we see miracles as well as those filled with the Spirit and say such things we are calling what is good evil. That comes from a heart so hardened that it has singed the conscience beyond repair; as even the demons see and fear.
Thank you for the reply. I don't think I have anything more to say on this subject. God Bless You.
Blashemy againt the Holly Spirit is when one attributes the actions of the Holly Spirit to devil, like the Jews did when claiming that Jesus healed people with the power of satan, thus attributing the action of healing not to the Spirit but to the devil.
It is unforgivable when one does that on purpose, which means that one fights against God on purpose. But it has to be done when one knows what they do (fight God), not just repeat what they had heard from somebody else and just repeat it without thinking about it.
Devil often tries to convince christians, especially newly born christians, that the have done that, by just placing such thoughts in their mind, because if one believes that what they had done that and will never be forgiven then they collapse and may leave the faith. So be careful about devil's methods. People who blashemy against the Spirit of God never worriy or feel any guilt. They never repent.
The great commission in Matthew 28 comes after others discussing how we should pray more laborers are sent into the harvest. ( Matt. 9:38; Luke 10:2). It also follows the "test run" of the seventy sent out to proclaim the Good News ( Luke 10:1).
Jesus; of course was the "first of the firstfruits" ( 1 Cor. 15:23). He came to suffer as we did; but without sin and now sits at the right hand of God ever to intercede for us. ( Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25).
The fact that He was a man of sorrows as Isaiah predicted; and the life of the Apostles wasn't exactly a cakewalk serves as a reality check to the remnant who remains steadfast today in the Word. Jesus spent much time weeding people out; and it seems often that His own disciples were often more of a hindrance than anything else. Still; there is much to learn when we discover the principle of two or more together and how the Lord is present with us ( Matthew 18:20).
Today; there seems to be the concept of individual membership into the Body of Christ rather than how we are to function as a corporate entity. I have yet to see how various giftings can edify a church; the best I've seen is someone gifted in teaching as a Pastor; or an individual here or there that has occasionally said something profound in terms of a Word of wisdom or knowledge. At many of today's Pentacostal churches you see a heavy emphasis on tongues with little evident in terms of discernment; for instance.
Quite frankly; apart from a lack of sacrificial love found in many fellowships or perhaps contributing to it is the fact that where people feel most comfortable is relaxing at home; with their own circle of family or friends or for some singles just isolating themselves. Fact is; if we don't enjoy fellowshipping together it becomes a ritual which we perform for the minimum amount of time; with a minimum of effort and worst of all with little of our heart and soul invested.
Jesus taught His disciples to pray (and ask things for) to our Father in Heaven in His name. So we should pray to our Father in Jesus Christ's name. Of course we can use all those names that we read in the Old Testament, but neither Jesus nor the apostles called God anything else than Father, they never used any other name.
But it is good to have some knowledge about those names like YAHWEH etc. I am sure John P has done a good research.
The truth must be revealed no matter what others claim.
We understand piecemeal and divided. Take care of you. Love you in Christ.
We each have spiritual as well as natural strengths and weaknesses. In the sanctification process God will allow us to be tested; often involving the enemy in areas where we show tendencies to falter; whether that be our perseverance; patience; honesty; or fear to confront others. Faithfulness in serving our employers is part of what is required to be faithful to the Lord as we all work "heartily unto the Lord" ( Col. 3:23-24). The Lord is going to take into account our motives and actions and reward accordingly.
Such actions involve all of our lives; from our finances; quality of service to the brethren; even to the frequent discussion of the fear of the Lord and anticipation of His coming as Malachi 3:16. Note that this involves discussion often and with others as well as esteeming the Lord. Those who love Him will obey His commandments ( John 14:23).
As with anything else; fruit production involves a process as the parable of the sower and seeds illustrates; we must move beyond just hearing the Word but have a root in ourselves; and that also involves overcoming all the distractions of the world which cause many to fall away. The confusion that comes up is this: James 3:11-12 shows how a water can't come salty and fresh at the same time; and that refers to the tongue in verses 9 to 10 which speak blessings and cursings. This is much like the Laodicean church being lukewarm; it would seem.
There is no doubt that we will slip into old patterns of speech and behavior but that soil at our core eventually will produce behaviors on the outside; that is good or bad fruit. Therefore someone truly saved has a new nature that is working its way out; hence the purification and sanctification comes prior to glorification. It comes at varying degrees with different folks; but those not in Christ can only modify behavior on the outside until and if the Spirit crucifies them in Christ Gal 2:20
I also like what Christ told the disciples, when asked. 'Our Father which art in heaven, etc:'
or havah {haw-vaw'}; a primitive root (compare ''avah' (183), 'hayah' (1961)) supposed to mean properly, to breathe; to be (in the sense of existence):--be, X have.
MountHoeb, I think you will find this to be a very interesting, ongoing subject. God bless.
I may be able to answer this one. Mark 13:9-11. Don't let this bother you. Satan cannot touch you. God has told him, 'you will not touch a hair on the head of my elect! If you are one of God's elect and you have not died. In the flesh. And, if you are still here when Satan is kicked out of heaven on the earth, if you as one of God's elect, refuses to let God speak through you, that is the unforgivable sin. That is what Jesus was talking about. That is the only sin Jesus he cannot forgive. I wish I could be here when that happens. I would love to give that sucker a piece of Father's mind through me.
the bible said he was a righteous man and fearing GOD.
Jehovah ( psalm 83:18) himself called job righteous.
It was Satan doubting Job as a righteous man Job 1:6-11.
Satan planted seeds of Doubt by raising up 3 friends of Job
who spoke without really understanding Job 2:11. Their false
assumptions cause job many pains.
Jesus is aware of the traps of Satan and how he uses deception and lies.
Luke 4 and Matthew 4.
Speaking about things we don't understand in a since can be
like the ways of Satan John 8:44. false accusations and hinderance to do what is
right or what God wants us to do is from Satan- Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-5
Jesus wasn't saying Peter was Satan. but he was being a hinderance to
his obedience to Jehovah God. John 3:16,17; Isaiah 12:2
Jesus after his impalement, Jesus came to Peter again. John 21:15-17
We can avoid hindering others by praying.. Matthew 6:9,10,13
I think I have bit off more than I can chew. You have to either have a Companion Bible or be able to read the Hebrew, the acrostic.
E. W. Bullinger was probably one of the greatest biblical scholars of the 1800s. He died in the early 1900s.
The Companion Bible has one hundred and ninty eight appendixes. I will make the remark about him beginning a great scholar for reason, that Goldstein, (keeper of the Massorah) binging of his time, would let him and one other person in the world proof read the "Massorah". The person besides Bullinger was in Asia. They made only minor changes. I think 'two' I believe.
So reading in Esther 1:20, 1, 'It' 2, 'and-all', 3, 'the-wives', 4, 'shall-give'. Meaning, 1, H-- 2, V--3, H--4, Y. Turn it around for the English, and it reads, 1,2,3,4. YH-VH. I do believe, after they 'added the 'A', the words would be YAH-VAH.
? God's speed.
We become 2 Timothy 3:17
(but free from hateful competition of course)