King James Bible
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The focus is; indeed on edification of the saints. I will state also; I have been given discernment to have insight and visions as to certain things in the time of the end. Saying God has shown me something; I realize makes me join the crowd of all the true and false "revelations" that have been espoused by others that say they have had a dream and such. Whatever camp you are on as to whether the church goes through part of the Tribulation; most or none understanding just how horrible it will be ( Matt. 24:21) is sobering and leaves us much as Daniel did after having his visions of God.
It is important as I sort of pointed out already to understand how the great harvest of souls in the innumerable multitude ( Rev. 7:9) still eclipses such horrors through victory. The real terror is for the lost who will be attacked directly and tormented by demons as the 5th trumpet clearly states. As you pointed out also deception will be at a peak; and as I plan to reiterate in my upcoming posts; ALL those whose names are not written in the Book of Life WILL worship the Beast. ( Rev. 13:8). Also even the elect would be decieved IF IT WERE POSSIBLE ( Matt. 24:24). My point in shouting is to emphasize the fact that if we are elect we cannot ultimately fall away or be "unsaved". That is another hot topic; which we are discussing in my church small group at present. I am pointing out that again; no matter how you view it the result is the same; some are saved others lost. There are some who live through and others who die victorious in the Trib (most die of course).
The Word of God is the oil to our lamps. God Bless
Normally, a non-salvation issue, I wouldn't be as concerned if someone had a different view point. But, because a pre trib view is heavy on the point of not being here during the Great Tribulation, the revelation of the anti christ, and the mark of the beast, my fear is that they would fall into the deception Jesus warned about and could possibly believe the anti christ is the Lord Jesus Christ at his return. Because we know the anti christ will be claiming to be God, and he will be performing many signs and wonders. And, because the Word says the saints will be delivered up to death, by their own family members, with the family members thinking they are doing a good thing. To me, this is saying, the saints are refusing to believe the anti christ is God, and refusing the mark, and the world is thinking the saints are "the bad guys" if you will.
I look forward to the info you find on the subject.
God Bless
As stated previously; I wish to look to the Word to explain itself. I also wish to maintain the hope of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 in light of our appearing before the King of Kings. I take the minority opinion that perhaps not all will be Raptured who believe as it appears to be a reward issue and because of certain language related to those in white garments washed in the blood; which appears to indicate those who previously had spotted or wrinkled garments and were not part of those in Ephesians 1:4.
I don't think it prudent to delve too deeply here into that concept; what I will say is that verses like Luke 21:36 and Revelation 3:10 at the very least should cause us to examine ourselves to see if we are saved and the Spirit is communing with us.
We should understand that not all who call themselves Christians truly are saved; and that parables like that of the 10 virgins whether it is an analogy of the church or of unbelieving Israel; whether it speaks of readiness for the Rapture or the Second Coming it certainly is a warning for us all to be ready. We can look to Revelation the same way; it is certainly applicable to those already under persecution and distress even with some unique characteristics to Tribulation events in history.
I am also as I probably made clear in earlier posts pretty dogmatic on taking a literal approach to scripture; and in Revelation taking things as indicated at least in chronological order or at least sequentially. I also emphasize the concept of Predestination in Revelation; as well as showing how great revival and restoration of the nation of Israel are some reasons for this final conflagration and time of terrible judgments. We should not be glib but sober minded when we consider the magnitude of these events. I contend that the church age is still in effect in it's final stages; the end of the age is near.
1 Corinthians 15:23 explains about Christ; the firstfruits and those that are there at His coming (loosely translated). The Day of the Lord ( 2 Peter 3:10) also has a time factor; I would argue that it encompasses the entire period from the Second Coming of Christ to the final consummation at the end of the Millennium; in other words the concept of the last day of rest being that time frame ( 2 Peter 3:8 just two verses previous). When we look at verses right before Armageddon ( Rev. 16:15) we see a reference to the thief in the night also. This complicates things further if we analyze the parable of the two virgins as it seems on the surface to indicate those not ready at the Rapture but it could also refer to those all the way up to the Second Coming (such as Jews in Israel who apparently don't realize who their true Messiah is until He returns or immediately before-see in Zechariah 12:12.
I am attempting to get some clarity on the subject of the Rapture (or harpazo the word used in the original language). There seems to be question on it even being an actual event (although that is in the minority). I anticipate a number of posts; ultimately I want to present as much scripture as possible so that we can all be Bereans. I will be the first to admit that some things are difficult to understand. Also; I wish to differentiate between what may more than one valid opinion as there are multiple events the occur. There are also certain distinct events that occur during the Tribulation; but with the brevity of the time frame there is certainly much overlap between the church age; and the coming Millenial period with distinctions between those living in heaven; those who survive the judgments to repopulate the earth and those martyred during the Tribulation who rise again.
Both Jesse & I agreed with you that Strongs #5278 for 'endure' is correct. And that word is 'hupomeno'. However, the word 'endure' is not just a word on its own, but is qualified by the words, "that shall endure". Here, Jesse would give a better explanation of Greek grammar, but the word 'hupomeno' is no longer just an 'endurance' (which it certainly is), but in those verses, it changes to 'hypomeinas', to give the intended meaning by the writer. So, what you should be reading in the verses, is not just 'endurance to the end', but 'having endured to the end'; and this now gives our reading a different perspective. Where a cursory reading would imply 'one can only be saved if he endures to the end', a proper reading would assert the 'one who is saved will endure to the end'.
Leaving those verses aside & just thinking of an English example to give you (which is unrelated to the verses); if I said to you, as passenger in my car, 'a car is coming right behind me', or expressed it this way, 'a car is right behind me', I'm sure you would pick up on the nuance, exactly where the other car is positioned, apart from the look on my face. Even though 'coming' is understood as to where the car is approximately located, how I express its correct position helps you understand if we are in imminent danger of being hit.
Re: 1 Peter 1:7. Peter is writing to the strangers (Christian sojourners (of the diaspora) in Asia Minor), who were going through 'manifold temptations' for their faith - faithfully living in a pagan & hostile society; as also in 1 Peter 3:14-17. Also, the coming trials ( 1 Peter 4:12-19) upon them & Christians throughout the world generally. Their faith was already on test, not just prior to Christ's coming, but having come through their present & future trials, their victory would be to their credit & Christ's recognition. GBU.
He was talking to his generation, Jesus was talking about after the resurrection, like the day of Pentecost. 2000 years ago Jesus has been coming to everyone that invites Him into their lives.
Jesus is coming to you as the Comforter, as the Holy Spirit. He was God in the flesh, an individual to be the perfect sacrifice for sin on the cross, and then come back in spirit form to dwell in you! You are God's (Dwelling Place in Greek for mansion) You are the temple that he's building. Read these scriptures again
John 14:16-21
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Luke 17:20,21 I dare you to read these scriptures
Jesus is saying I'm going to dwell in you and I'm going to reach the world through you.
Don't separate Jesus from God or the Holy Spirit, they are one spirit and he is risen in you! So stop waiting for Jesus, stop waiting for heaven, Heaven is spirit! what is spirit? It's the fruit of the spirit, Love Joy Peace and a sound mind! Who's mind? The mind of Christ! Jesus Said I have no place to lay my head! Put on the mind of Christ! You can have heaven right hear right now while hell breaks lose all around you, God didn't give you the spirit of fear but of love joy peace it's Jesus! Christ In You! that's the mystery of your salvation.
For someone to degrade a translation other than the KJV (that a believer may have actually used for many decades of their life) may cause such a person to think that the Bible is not reliable also.
My point is that there are a number of very reliable and acceptable translations available today, the KJV is one of them but not necessarily exclusively "the inspired" version. I can recommends the ESV or the NASB and the NIV, not because I think they are absolutely error-free, just as I don't think the KJV is error-free, but because they are 99.9% faithful to the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts currently available from which they translated into English.
With any translation from one language to another, there will be something lost in the language translated to. English is not as precise as the Greek nor as rich as the Hebrew. One word in English can refer to many things: for example, "meet" can mean getting together with another person (a verb) or a track competition (a noun) or can mean to satisfy a requirement or payment. Also it can mean to come to a compromise as in" meet in the middle". So, in this way, English is not as exacting as Greek.
So, I would hope that we can grant each other the grace to use whatever translation one chooses without being reviled for doing so. That is the real problem with this discussion.
I'm aware that a few who have written on this & hold to the post-trib position, understand that God's Wrath is only poured out at the latter part, i.e. a post-trib suffering only to the unbelievers. But I ask, can it be that God's Wrath poured out is actually seen in the Great Tribulation? When we look at those explicit passages in Revelation chapters 6 to 11 (specifically on the heavenly appointed judgements, shown as the Seal, Trumpet, & Bowl Judgements), how should we understand this narrative given to us? If in the post-trib position, these judgements probably happen in very quick succession as part of God's Wrath (post-tribulation). If in the pre-trib camp, then these judgements happen over a period of time, even during anti-Christ's reign, & culminating at the final outpouring of God's Wrath, after which Jesus returns for the battle at Megiddo.
The reasons that I believe that Revelation 6 to 11 declare God's Wrath, rather than a much later time, is due to the nature of the sufferings, the origin of those calamities, & Revelation 6:17 itself declares, "For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" These calamities appear to me as much greater than what we today have seen in history past or are seeing now.
I understand your concerns, but I am not casting aspersions on the KJV any more than on other translations. Historically, there have been scribal errors in the copies that still exist for use for translation from Greek and Hebrew. The task of translators has been to look at multiple text to determine what was most likely the original words used when they came across what seemed like a scribal error. This was done both in translating the KJV and other translations. Since 1611 many more documents that are older than the Received Text have been found that have been used for translations since 1611.
I am not disparaging the KJV. however those who hold to a King James Only position disparage other translations and assume that the translators had evil intentions to corrupt the Bible and also disparage and speak wickedly of those who do not agree with them concerning the KJV.
So, while I never want to confuse nor cause any believer to doubt the Scriptures or their faith, disagreeing with one who holds to King James Onlyism does not do that any more than the one who disparages other translations than the KJV or believers wh do not adhere to their King James Only viewpoint.
In the response I made to Jimbob, the Scripture he cited as his "proof" that the KJV is pure, perfect and inspired by God does not say anything about any translation of the original words of Scripture that were inspired, KJV included. But obviously, my disagreement with King James Onlyism strikes a nerve here, showing that the problem does not lie with me, but in those who hold to a cultlike dogma concerning the KJV. I do not apologize for anything I have said to Jimbob or you. Like Jimbob and you, I am entitled to my viewpoint here, so let's respect that for one another.
I will say, in defense of God's Word, that God is quite capable of sending His Holy Spirit down upon the KJV translators, to ensure His Holy Word to be Perfect and True. And, it is perfect and true.
God Bless
This NIV concordance is not a Strong's. It is a simple concordance without the Greek or Hebrew.
Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Father. The Son willingly entered Mary's womb to take on a human nature. Mary was a virgin at this time and remained so while pregnant. This is what is said in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.
I have stated my ideas on this and do not concur with you concerning the KJV vs. other translations. So, I will exit this conversation at this point.
Whatever our need is, God is the one to satisfy it. Hallelujah!
I am 66 and so I know that I may have 20 years left before I get to join all of the saints already with Him. But if He comes back before then, all the better.
Hope you and your husband are well, thanks for your reply, I agree Jesus will return bodily not as a spirit, the glorified body in which He was resurrected, as we will be resurrected, Phil. 3:20-21. This mortal must put on immortality, our spiritual body,
1 Cor. 15:44-53.
I know it will be amazing to see Him face to face and as we see in Revelation 21:22-23 the new Jerusalem on the new earth will not have a temple and no need for the sun or moon for light, for God and the Lamb/Jesus will be the temple and the light. John 17:5 I don't know if our minds can even imagine what that glory is, or what it looks like, but we will know when we see Him.
I wanna be there, don't you?
God bless,