Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 30

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hi Valerieandkyle11,

    Yes, Jesus is of the tribe of Judah and the line of David who was of the tribe of Judah, you can read the genealogy in Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:21-38. Jesus the Son of God was made of a woman, made under the law, Galatians 4:4. Not sure about your question was Jesus a Jew? Today when we hear the word Jew it is taken to mean anyone who is of the religion of Judaism regardless of their genealogy.

    The same when we hear the word Gentile or Gentiles, we think of anyone who is not a Jew but there are more to these words. After Soloman died the tribes of Israel divided into the northern and southern kingdoms. The southern kingdom was the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and the Levites tended to the temple; it is called the kingdom of Judah. When they were taken captive by Babylon, the slang term began to be used. Jew is an abbreviated slang term for Judahite, a resident of the southern kingdom of Judah.

    Hope this helps.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you Jaz and Brother Ronald.

    I will be going on vacation leaving tomorrow afternoon returning on the 28th.

    And thank you Jaz for bringing up a very important topic that I will like to continue when time permits.

    God bless you all.
  • [email protected] - 10 months ago
    Do Pompeii have any biblical references to their destruction?
  • [email protected] - 10 months ago
    Was jesus a jew?
  • [email protected] - 10 months ago
    Is the book of Enoch apart of the Apocrypha?
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying for divine protection over all areas of your life, in Jesus' mighty name!
  • Oseas - 10 months ago
    John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD.

    The Word of GOD is from everlasting to everlasting, the Word is GOD, GOD Himself, self-executing. If the believers(each one) keep GOD's Word in the heart, it means GOD is in him, and he has Life because GOD is Life.

    JESUS said: John 5:39-40:->39 Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have ETERNAL life(the Word is GOD,God is Life):and they are they which testify of me-JESUS.40 And ye will not come to me,that ye might have life?JESUS said: John 11: 26:Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.Believest thou this?Phi.3:20-21:-> 20 Our conversation is in heaven(heaven? Ephesians 1:3-8); from whence also we look for the Saviour,the Lord Jesus Christ:21 Who shall CHANGE our vile body,that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body(this is not a magic,it is worked,understand),according to the working whereby He-JESUS-is able even to subdue all things unto himself.(as Luke 20:35-36.Take a look) .

    Furthermore they have Light.Jo.1:4 In him-JESUS-was Life;and the Life was the Light of men.1Jo.1:5-7: ->5...GOD is Light,and in Him is no darkness at all.6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him,and walk in darkness,we lie, and do not the Truth:7 But if we walk in the Light,s he is in the light,we have fellowship one with another,and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.

    1Corinthians 15:51-54

    51Behold,I shew you a mystery;We shall not all sleep,but we shall all be changed,

    52In a the last trump:for the trumpet shall sound,and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.

    53For this corruptible must put on incorruption,and this mortal must put on immortality.

    54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption,and this mortal shall have put on immortality,then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,Death is swallowed up in victory.

    The Word is GOD, GOD Himself, self-executing.

  • MotherMac - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Reply to GiGi

    Thank you!

    I have to remember the scripture

    you sent. John 16:33

    The other post had a misspelled word.

  • MotherMac - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you GiGi for you reply. I love the scripture you posted. John 16:33.

    I have to rennet that one. Amen!
  • Christledwoman - 10 months ago
    Blind Faith - Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

    It's amazing that when we are led by The Spirit of God we are sometimes led to do things that would not normally make sense to us: the truth is, when following Jesus, trust, faith and obedience are the necessary or key elements required to bring us to a place or state of victory. Peter was an experienced Fisherman and had ample knowledge of the sea to know it made no sense returning to fish, but that word he used NEVERTHELESS sent doubt ,worry and fear out of the door leading Peter and his Fishermen team straight into a place of victory. It's ok to question God if in doubt, its even ok to make a request like Gideon Judges 6:36-40, ut it's not ok to disobey the voice of God because it doesn't make sense to you.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    And Jesus replied, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things." ( Luke 20:8).

    The Pharisees; who derided Christ throughout His public ministry had this to say shortly before the crucifixion. Jesus shut them out; as well as remaining silent soon after during Pilate's interrogation. Self exaltation and justification wasn't necessary for Christ didn't seek to be served but to serve and give His life for a ransom for many. ( Mark 10:45) The fact is; the Pharisees and religious leaders should have known who He was; and therefore were operating in deliberate blindness; uniquely qualifying them to commit the unpardonable sin. (See Matthew 12:24).

    Part of the concept of the verse on "casting pearls before swine" ( Matt. 7:6) relates to this. Jesus hid meanings of the Parables to others who were deliberately spiritually blind (see Matthew 13:34; and Matthew 13:15; Isaiah 42:19-20). John 9:39-41 shows the end of an entire chapter related to a blind man's healing; where Jesus explains how men are made blind to the truth; but the Pharisees after asking if that was the intention of what Jesus said were still left with the judgment for themselves because they could see and were responsible for their sin.

    These are sobering reminders that man is not justified in any righteousness of their own and estranged from God from the womb ( Psalm 58:3); yet has a conscience given by God where men are judged more harshly that know the law ( Romans 2:15).

    Jesus warned that judgment would be worse for those cities that rejected Him than for Sodom and Gomorrah ( Matthew 10:15).

    This attitude led to the unpardonable sin; blasphemy of the Holy Spirit where Beelzebub was attributed to Christ's healing rather than God ( Matthew 12:22). The issue of forgiveness of sins was truly where the problem was; since the miracles were manifold.

    Nonetheless; Jesus wouldn't use His power to save Himself on the cross or when unbelief was present (see Matthew 13:58).
  • Greatoz - In Reply - 10 months ago
    I understand these kinds of challenges. I believe we a each have a besetting area of this kind. Heb.11:25; 12:1-2. ... This is a warfare that engages us at two deep levels.

    The spiritual level: It can require renouncing any kind of visitation that has a familial association or through a deep covenant with another that has been part of our experience. It is important that these corrupt powers be personally and verbally renouncing by the power of the name of Jesus Christ and severed by the shed blood. ....

    The behavioral level: Will the temptation, some of the thoughts immediately vanish? No. They will abate more and more. For the thoughts, rebuke them in the name of Jesus and His blood when they arrive. For the behaviors that may accompany them? The following is the only thing that ever profoundly worked for me. I felt the Lord once simply said to me, "Don"t do that". Whatever the behavior was, " Don't Do That." It was the same as a loving parent would instruct a child. Simply, Don't do that. If the idea of that behavior arrived in my mind I now hear the words, "Don't do that." ... I renounce any longer doing that. I hope this helps. Heb.12:5-8
  • Jaz - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Isn't it hateful to ignore or shun other believers ?

    If done deliberately with malicious intent then yes of course . I'm a member of a very large congregation and I confess that I don't speak to every member regularly and they don't all speak to me regularly . There are only so many hours in the day and it would be impossible for us all to talk to each other , every one of us , all the time .

    Then there are occasions when I get the sense that someone maybe doesn't like me much and that they would rather not speak to me , on those occasions I do them a favour by not foisting myself upon them .

    A brother at my church married out of our denomination and was dis-fellowshipped for a while . His wife eventually joined us and he was re-admitted . However , she was his second wife , his first wife having commited adultery against him and he divorced her . So , he was no longer allowed to hold any office in our congregation because of his second marriage .

    I can't say I agree with that , if your in , your in and a member of the body . But it wasn't up to me , so I have to be quiet and concede to my elders .

    We don't always like everything that goes on in our congregations but if we don't have any power to change things what can we do other than keep silent for the sake of peace ?
  • Greatoz - 10 months ago
    It appears that J.Neale's early reply that repentance is not required in the N.T. context of the Gospel has been refuted by the references quoted by B. Hilt in his second entry that followed. I agree with Mr. Hilt's conclusions.
  • Jaz - In Reply - 10 months ago
    No arguements there , God is the God of all flesh Numbers chapter 16 verse 22 and chapter 27 verse 16 and Jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27 . Every none Christian is a potential Christian and we must treat them as such .
  • Jaz - In Reply - 10 months ago
    I wouldn't argue with any of that . It is still true that we are all individual humans and will get on better with some people more than others but as long as we are still loving and respectful to those who we , love less let's put it that way , there shouldn't be a problem . I have six children and I would die for any of them but due to our differing personalities I get on better with some than others . John chapter 13 verse 23 , we can be sure that Jesus loved all his disciples but one is singled out here , chapter 21 verse 20 again one is singled out . It's human nature to be drawn more to some than others , as long as we are kind and respectful to all that's the best we can do . Love to you my Brother in Christ .
  • Jaz - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you Brother for that very moving reply . To imagine those things happening at the same time as Christ himself , the Son of God was being murdered by the supposed priests and elders of the Jewish faith is very poignant indeed . It's a sad and true saying that there are none so blind as those who will not see . I have kept that reply to me and will keep it in mind when I read the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion of our Lord . Thanks again .
  • Koopza21 - In Reply on Isaiah 32:2 - 10 months ago
    very true Adam. Its true all these things have to pass, once they try for one world religion and bring the beast system with the AC known to all. We will know that our Lord & Savious Yeshua will be the focus. The last 3 years of fear in a unicorn virus has shown many have had to choose and it went either way. The finacial revolution is the test, will people sell out once they can no longer buy or sell unless tey conform. the war is already been in play, but the physical war is not to fear, the spiritual war is our focus. stay strong brother
  • MotherMac - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you "Stella_ml".May God 's Angels stand guard around you, keeping you safe from hurt, harm and danger forever. Amen.
  • Oseas - 10 months ago
    Our Lord JESUS said: Mat.13:30-> In the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

    Do ye not know that the saints shall Judge the world?and if the world shall be Judged by you,are ye unworthy to Judge the smallest matters?Know ye not that we shall Judge angels?(angels of the Churches) 1Corinthians 6:2-3.

    By the way, JESUS said more: John 4:36-37:->36 He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. 37 And herein is that saying true,One soweth(JESUS sowed),and another reapeth.

    And Daniel prophesied:Dan.7:22&27: ->22Judgment was (will be)given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom( Revelation 11:15-18. Take a look.). 27 And the Kingdom and dominion,and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    Daniel 2:44-47

    44And in the days of these kings shall the GOD of heaven set up a Kingdom( Revelation 11:15-18), which shall never be destroyed: and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

    45Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver,and the gold;the great GOD hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter:and the dream is certain,and the interpretation thereof sure.

    46Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face...Of a truth it is, that your GOD is a GOD of gods( Psalms 82:1-2&6-8 and John 10:34-36 combined with Isaiah 41:22-23),and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets,seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.

    The Word is GOD,self-executing, understand?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hello MotherMac,

    Great post!

    I just want to add that Jesus said this:

    "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." ( 1Jn. 4:4; John 14: 17,20, 23)

    And those who know Jesus will have peace, because He has ovecome the world Jn. 16:33)

    We can have confidence in God. he will not fail us. We are united to Christ and will be in Him forever!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Amen! Praying for you and your family in Jesus' name!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying for you, the Spirit has started a good work in you and will finish it, trust and believe, in Jesus' name!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying for your delivery in Jesus' name!
  • Jamal - 10 months ago
    Hello, Im currently struggling with sexual sin, was wondering how I can overcome it, because I really want to overcome but its so hard to.
  • MotherMac - 10 months ago

    Troubles of the World are tossing us like a storm upon the sea.

    Satan and his army is at work and attacking us on every side.

    He is tearing up homes and breaking up families.

    We all hear and see how he is fighting, warring , against the household of faith around the world.

    (Ma. 5:10)

    We need to love one another.


    Richard's article helped me to realize that we can never isolate ourselves from other human beings.

    All though we carry our own burdens daily, our Lord strengthens us to reach out to others through the power that works in us.

    In the beginning Satan tore out the heart of two parents who had to continue to love one child after he killed another child, his brother.

    It hurts bad when we lose our love ones by any means.

    Family against family

    tears at the soul.

    Families today are suffering for loss of children

    and even babies by violence. Yet, God is our strength.

    In my opinion satan has definitely targeted the household of faith to destroy and to tear down the Kingdom in which Grace and Mercy dwell: everlasting life,

    that God has offered to us through the sacrifice of his Son on Calvary. The Gates of Hell

    shall not prevail against it.

    (Kjv Ma. 16:18)


    In the past were crucifixions, now Mass shootings in the church. Lord, help us.

    Death and Satan teamed up for the Crucifixion of Jesus. Satan thought if he stirred the rulers to take Jesus' life, he, himself, could depend on death to hold him in the ground. Well, we know how that turned out. (Lk.24:39)

    On the cross Jesus said, "They know not what they do."

    We must continue to pray.

    That is what Jesus did.

    As we recognize the "War" let us put on the whole armour of God ( Eph. 6:13)and prepare ourselves for the battle.

    The poor man cried, the Lord heard him and delivered him out of all his troubles.

    ( Ps. 34:6)

    I am praying that I stay close enough to the Lord so that Satan can't squeeze in between us and separate us.

    Pray for me.
  • Ecalarese - 10 months ago
    I think the sword is symbolic - the Word of God.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hey S Spencer,

    Thank you brother.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 10 months ago

    Part 4 and final.

    Clarity on shunning.

    Scripturally, excluding a person from the church is preceded by admonition and counsel; it is only employed in cases of bona fide heresy, obdurate divisiveness, or blatant, unrepentant sin; and it is a last resort. After excommunication, the relationship between the former member and the church naturally changes, and the "shunning command"-not to eat with such a person-may come into play. However, the church still has the responsibility to pray for the one being disciplined and to extend forgiveness when repentance is evident. Shunning, as defined as a refusal to speak to someone or a total severing of all ties, goes beyond what the Bible advocates.


    This is another evil we see amongst believers.

    The chapter of James 2 covers this. ( James 2:1-26)

    Let's take on just a few verses.

    If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

    But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

    For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

    So, speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

    For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

    James 2:8-13.

    That is all for now.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 10 months ago

    Part 3.

    How should Christian treat one another?

    We are to be at peace with one another, forgive one another, have mercy on one another.

    Just a few references.

    1 Thessalonians 4:9

    Ephesians 4:32

    Galatians 5:26

    Galatians 6:2

    Matthew 7:12

    1 John 4:7

    However, we don't lie or deceive one another for the sake of peace. The truth hurts sometimes but it promotes spiritual growth providing that the Christ spirit is in the person.


    To shun is to deliberately avoid something or someone. In the Bible, the word shun is applied to evil. Job 1:8, Job 28:28, Proverbs 3:7-8 Proverbs 14:16. So, shunning evil is good.

    There is scripture that promotes excommunication. Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 3:14. but do we do it for harm or Good? What's the intent?

    In any case, it would seem that extreme forms of shunning, such as considering someone "dead," utterly ignoring him, or refusing to acknowledge his existence, go beyond what Scripture commands.

    After all, Jesus said that, when someone is put out of the church, he should be treated as "a pagan or a tax collector" Matthew 18:17. In other words, treat an intractable offender as an unsaved person.

    How are we to treat the unsaved? With love and grace.

    The "pagans and tax collectors" need to be evangelized. We are to love even our enemies ( Matthew 5:44).

    The goal of excommunication and any form of shunning is restoration ( Galatians 6:1).

    The purpose of any type of discipline is to prompt repentance and, ultimately, to reunite our fallen brother or sister with the church body. Being officially ostracized from the church, the sinner might be brought to repentance.

    When the man in the Corinthian church later realized that he had sinned against God, he repented and came back to the church for forgiveness and reinstatement. Fellowship with the Corinthian believers was restored ( 2 Corinthians 2:6-11).

    Isn't it hateful to ignore or shun other believers?

    See part 4.

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