King James Bible
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If you don't have elders or a Church, pray over them in faith, anointing them with oil in the name of Jesus.
You sound like a very good child to your parents, I pray you are blessed as well.
Try to get her interested in learning how to read the KJV, there are a lot of tools out there that can help. Don't force it, and make it fun. I hope this helps. God bless.
If I remember correctly, I think I read where GiGi had said that she has changed her mind on things before. I also have changed my mind on things that I once thought to be true, but later on through closer study, changed my mind. Maybe that has never happened to you before, but it has happened to me. If one changes their mind on scripture, wouldn't that mean that what they once thought was the truth, they no longer believe to be true? I would think so.
I'm sure you both would agree with me (or maybe not) when I say that the rapture is one of the most controversial topics amongst Christians. It is a topic that has caused much division within the body of Christ. I think our conversations on this subject have proven that. We call pre-tribulation a "theory," but to be fair, if one does an online study, Pre/Mid/Post Trib. are all listed as "theories." The bible never specifically says there will be a Pre-Trib. Rapture. But it also never specifically says there will be a Mid-Trib. Or Post-Trib. Rapture either. I think the three of us do believe there will be a rapture. We just don't agree on the timing.
You both have shared your understanding on this, and I truly believe you have come to your conclusion through careful study of scripture. I also have come to my conclusion through careful study. Whether one believes in Pre/Mid/Post Trib., each side has convincing scripture to support their belief. We all study the same bible, and the same Holy Spirit that lives in me, also lives in you both. We all have to rely on God's Spirit to teach us. I have no doubt that that is your approach to scripture, as it is mine also.
May the Lord continue to bless you both!
Are you saying that I am intentionally choosing to deceive people and hide the truth from them? If so, that is so far from the truth. I have been posting here for several years, and I have NEVER chosen to deceive anyone, nor have I chosen to hide truth from anyone. Let me ask you this: If I told you that you were choosing to deceive people and hide truth from them, how would that make you feel? I would never say that to you. Even though we disagree on this topic, you believe you are correct, and I believe that I am correct, I'm sure you are being completely honest when you share what you believe to be true.
Now, you say that all you are doing is posting truth? Don't we all believe we are posting truth? But what happens when the "truth" you are posting conflicts with the "truth" someone else is posting? Why is it always the other persons "truth" that is false? We read a lot of things here, some of it seems slightly off, and some things are way out there, but those who post actually believe the things they are posting are true.
Are there any of us here that can honestly say that the things they share is absolute truth, or that they are completely incapable of misunderstanding God's word? I cannot say that for myself. I know that it is always possible for me to misunderstand scripture, and it is also possible for me to post something that is wrong, even though I believe it to be true. But I also believe it is the same for everyone else.
It's easy to say we are posting truth, but in actuality, what we are doing is sharing what we believe to be true through our understanding. What we post and share with others is what we study and believe to be true. We share our understanding. That's all we can do. None of us are infallible when it comes to God's word. We are all capable of misunderstanding.
Jimbob, first, let me say that I completely agree with your characterization of GiGi. You've described her quite well. I fully concur. I remember when she first came on this site, and I have followed her posts from that time forward, and I have never read anything from her that seemed disrespectful. In fact, quite the opposite.
GiGi, I have read through your discussion with Jimbob, and some of things you mentioned, I did say, but I can assure you that nothing I said was directed at you, especially the part about "continuing the argument for weeks. And I did not say that you have posted "many errors." I believe what I said was there have been things in the past that you have shared that I disagreed on, but I never said, "many errors". Off the top of my head, I would say that there might be two or three things that we differ on, but those things did not seem important enough to call you out on. I'm sure I have posted things that you have disagreed with also, rapture timing for sure being one.
You responded to GiGi saying "I only commented and asked if he would show me the posts or comments where I harassed, or badgered anybody, or was tearing them down or disrespecting anyone in any way." I searched for your comment to me last night but did not find any comment you had addressed to me. I went back a full week looking for your name and could not find your post to me. This morning I searched again, and I did find a post that said Jimbob-in reply. I saw that last night but did not know who you were replying to, so I looked past it. When I opened it up this morning, it read "May God be with those you choose to be deceiving and hide the Truth. Nothing is hid from God!"
My question is If Jesus is telling us not to worry about what we will eat, why are their people without any food?
I have a large family that is very divided on some really big issues. Our Mom passed away last May and so we needed to work together to care for her in her last weeks and to settle all of her affairs after her death. It was good that we accomplished much of this without too much drama, but there was drama, most of which that stems from decades long angst that a few persons continue to feed and allow to color their interactions with others. I did my best to work with all of these people the inevitable event of my Mom's passing, but now that she is now gone to be with Jesus, I choose not to interact with the few who have been so antagonistic to me because of my Christian faith and other things that they can't get past (which really have nothing to do with me). If we have whole family gatherings in the future, I will participate, but I will not meet one on one with the one's who have been so divisive in our family. I am 66, and the 4th of ten children. We are all old enough to know what is best to do concerning our relationships.
I do not know what you are facing in your family. But I will pray for peace and resolve for the conflicts in your family.
Dear Heavenly Father, today we come to You in the name of Jesus lifting up Sandra in prayer. We ask You to bring healing to her body, relief from the pain this cancer is causing her, and replacing the damaged cells with healthy ones. Lord, we commend Sandra into Your hands because we know that You love her and only You can accomplish what is perfect in her according to Your will. Amen.
And I agree, we should have a degree of trust between the people we interchange ideas with on here. And I do have that sense of trust with the "regulars" I was dialoguing with concerning the pre-trib rapture theory. I have exchanged ideas with these folks man, many times on here and do trust. It is because of this past experiences with them that I felt I could address the differences we have on this topic at length. And I still trust them. We just strongly disagree on this point.
I would have welcomed your input in this discussion if you so felt led to participate. But, now that the discussion is closed, I am glad to hear of your feelings about it. Take care, Mel. I am glad you are among us here. I do believe that God has drawn each of here according to His divine counsel. We can love one another here and also disagree. These are not opposing things, rather aspects of true relationship that endures through difficult interactions and remains beyond disagreements.
Have a blessed day, Mel.
Our calling is to be representatives of our Lord in this world with a willingness to suffer, as He suffered so greatly for us, taking the wrath of God for our sin upon Himself on the cross. Our sufferings are light in comparison to what He endured. But none the same, they will try our faith and cause us pain and troubles. The glory that lies ahead for us is beyond what we can imagine. So we keep our eye on the prize of the upward calling of Christ; to the inheritance kept for us in heaven; to the full redemption of our body, soul, and spirit; to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant." And ultimately, to see our Savior face to face in all of His glory!
I just truly want people to point out when they think I make an error in a timely way so that I can reconsider and correct it when necessary. To me, truth matters, and I want to be on the side of truth as much as possible, especially when I post on a forum like this.
So, hopefully, our conversations with these and others will be edifying in the future, honest, forthright, and addressing the topic of discussion without personal remarks that border on slander.
I know I did exactly what I was asked to do, support my view with Scripture and break down Scripture verse by verse. No one addressed these posts that I cited Scripture as far as refutation. So, I guess that speaks for itself.
Jimbob, we all can learn to be more humble, teachable, and willing to have our viewpoints "sifted" by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. This is always good! Have a blessed day.
I noticed you took Philippians 2:5-6 and separated the verses into different lines then made uppercase the things you wanted to emphasize. The verse was talking specifically about Jesus who was in the "form of God" and "equal to God".
Ruby, do you think you are equal to God?
Good post, Wisdom. Most of the time we do not ask for it and when we ask for wisdom do we know what we are asking for? As you listed in James 1:5, it is a gift from God if we ask for it.
Wisdom for what? To overcome a problem, we are facing that many times is caused by something we did or did not do that was the cause of the problem we find ourselves in. When we ask, is it for Godly wisdom or earthly wisdom? We must repent and admit we need God's wisdom in faith in God and His only begotten Son, Jesus, and ask for wisdom for the glory of God.
God gives us wisdom and understanding thru trials and problems we cause; this knowledge builds our faith and patience. 2 Peter 1:1-10 I love these verses to me they are a measure of our growth or lack of. Patience is not a natural trait of mankind; it is a fruit of the Spirit that must grow in us. This is part of the gift of wisdom God gives us, Col. 1:10-11. Our growth of patience hinges on our hope and faith in eternal life with the coming of the Lord not this world.
Saving this life or lifestyle, clinging to the things in this life hampers the growth of patience, which comes with agitation, discouragement, and a desire for retaliation. God's power and goodness are crucial to the development of our patience. Regardless of what we face without patience a fruit of the Spirit, a gift of God part of the wisdom of God we must ask for. We need it now and the time is coming for those who are here will need it, Rev. 13:10
Just a few thoughts on wisdom, may others give more.
God bless,
Were you born in 1939, if so your just a little older than myself? I'm a 40's child.
Yes, darkness was over the land from 6th to the 9th hour.
This literally was reality; and is still reality, that darkness has manifest itself even till NOW.
Christ is the LIFE of ALL MEN; though most are in darkness, they don't believe the HOUSE (our body) was made desolate by the death of Christ.
All mankind was made desolate: by his death; dwelling in darkness, and he AROSE, as the DAY STAR, and shined LIGHT (his WORD) into DARKNESS, and the darkness comprehended it NOT.
Creation HAPPEN a second time at Christ resurrection.
Genesis 1:2 And the earth (symbolic of man) was without form or void; and DARKNESS was on the face of the DEEP (symbolic of man).
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light (Christ is the light of the world), that is was good: and God DIVIDED the LIGHT from DARKNESS.
Genesis 1:5 And God called the LIGHT DAY, and the DARKNESS NIGHT, and the evening and the morning (of his resurrection) were the FIRST DAY.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy SPIRIT (that spirit RAISED the new creation), THEY ARE CREATED, thou renewest the face of the earth.
1 Thessalonians 5:5 Ye are children of the LIGHT (Christ in you), and the children of DAY: we are not (children) of the NIGHT, nor of DARKNESS.
God Bless YOU!
When we look at scripture and have say a Word of knowledge or prophetic message it certainly can be done based on scripture alone and incorporate current events as a general principle. When we try to set certain dates or times (such as the Rapture) of course we are violating instructions by Christ Himself ( Matt. 24:36) (note: this could also be referring to the time of the Second Coming as well from the present moment). Once we get much further in predictions; we more often than not see error. Whether anyone alive today has always been 100 percent accurate can be debated. We also have to see that in the age of Grace God has been longsuffering; and that since there are certain promises for the church age (see Matt. 16:18 for example) prayers of the saints can delay or alter certain specific events even if seen accurately as a potential thing to occur. Once again; in surveying Agabus as an example; we not only see specific "bad news" events predicted that wouldn't fly well with som many so called prophets today; we also see it is a specific audience who was given a message; it wasn't blazed abroad for everyone to hear. This would be especially true in the case of Paul being arrested; as no one would want the authorities to perform a "self fulfilling" prophecy-Paul was in enough constant persecution as it was without giving an excuse for further intimidation.
We do well to heed to the exhortation in Revelation 3 given to the Philadelphia church. They had but little strength; but held on which is a type of the church today who has persevered while much of society and indeed others calling themselves believers succumb to damnable heresies. Enduring patiently to the end is certainly a crucial element of saving faith; with that virtue of patience being repeated throughout many Old and New Testament writings. We must trust that God is faithful to remove us from wrath to come ( 1 Thess. 5:9; Romans 5:9). May we endure.
We read in Galatians about a gospel which varies from what was tradition passed down from Paul and/or other Apostles. Even if an angel from heaven preaches it let it be "anathema" ( Gal. 1:8-9). There is another danger as well; that is preaching more or less scriptural truth but twisting the meaning of it. Such is an obvious aberration during Satan's discourse with Christ after 40 days fasting in the desert. The Spirit; BTW led Him out there so God was in control. Cherry picking is another favorite machination which only can go so far if "inquiring minds" wish to be Bereans. Such is the "custom made" preaching based on what is the underlying theme; i.e. elevating the Pastor means preaching about such matters while leaving out the rules for disciplinary action (unless it is mentioned only as a function to be directed to laypersons). We can see such tactics with prosperity preaching with isolated promises taken out of context. We won't ever hear in those churches any warnings about how Satan can grant us such wishes for his purposes of entrapment; however. We have the legalist who holds on to the saying "no cussing; drinking or dancing" while in the meantime being Parasitical in holding a position of control and fear over the congregants. The slippery slope of Apostasy always starts with a small amount of error being injected in then the preverbal camel begins to enter into the tent. This would be expected quite often with the muzzle on any "iron sharpening iron" of elders disciplining a Pastor; or heaven forbid a layperson (again done in the scriptural manner decently and in order). Elders also have a responsibility to keep error from within and without to protect the flock.
We all should work to edify one another; saying hard things when necessary in love. The moment a Pastor decides he is unteachable or can't learn through others something the Lord wants to show them then it is time to consider moving on.
..... Malachi 3:2 kjv...Who shall abide the day of his coming...( 2 nd coming )....For who shall stand when he appears for he shall be as a Refiners fire and fullers soap....( a cleansing fire )...Which is his baptism of the H.G. and fire a cleansing fire....An internal cleasing of a new heart and a new spirit....A new innerman which is the H.G. That Child of Promise....As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit....A baby Christ thats y they spoke in tongues it was just baby talk....till the Child is of age....That New born babe desiring the sincere milk of the word is the H.G...Thats y Jesus was saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. that Child of Promise....Our new heart and new spirit...But remember Jesus said he cd not speak for a while....Thus the tongues... it was just baby talk....Thats y he always refers to himself as the son of man....Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth me...That New BORN BABE IS SPIRIT the H.G.....ok lemme go