King James Bible
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In further analysis as to the understanding granted to Peter in recognizing that Christ was indeed God in the flesh and not just a great prophet or such we see a principle still holding fast today. That is; those who are truly Spirit filled have surrounding them and within them a foreign righteousness; something that is much like a star viewed from a distance. The light is seen best not directly but indirectly. Christ truly was the Prophet that Moses had predicted; and certainly a great teacher and learned man from his youth up. Only He could; however die for man's sins and thus be the "I am". He had to be both God and man to fill that role.
In preaching the truth; He wouldn't often resort to lengthy scriptural discourses (except for perhaps the Sermon on the Mount).
Much was; in fact hidden to the elite and Pharisees and done purposely so that the wisdom of the world could be proven foolishness to the Lord ( 1 Cor. 3:19). God's purposes cannot be fully understood; but He deliberately keeps those proud in their own righteousness blind ( Matt. 13:15). This parallels as well the parable of the seed which is dropped to the ground and immediately the devil takes it away in Luke 8:12.
It cannot be overemphasized here that our state without Christ is horrendous; and cannot be fathomed. Even in Christ as we see in the scriptures we are children; often entangled in our own messes and always in desperate need of total dependance on God to guide us and protect us from the wiles of the evil one (see the Lord's prayer). This; of course is the opposite of the statement by Benjamin Franklin who supposedly said that "God helps those who help themselves" and BTW this is NOT in the Bible!!! (apparently this statement had it's origins in Greek false religion and it is known throughout the world). There are times; of course when we know that doing the right thing involves action; that is a different subject)
There is a clear warning between Matthew 16:17 and Matthew 16:23 and in regard to the about face Christ had from praise of revelation from God in regard to Peter and then suddenly telling Satan to get behind Him after he had gained a foothold over Peter so quickly afterwards. This is quite shocking and should serve us as with all scriptures with an example of just how quickly we could all be overtaken by evil when we think we stand (see 1 Cor. 10:12).
In both cases Peter was being used as a vessel for spiritual possession; as it were. It could be argued that the Spirit wasn't residing with him permanently; nonetheless Jesus' comment that only the Father could have revealed to Peter who He was clearly showed him as a saved individual. Also Satan may not have directly possessed him as it stated it was later on for Judas Iscariot; but nonetheless his mind was being controlled by the "thoughts of men" which Satan placed in his mind. That would probably imply that his natural inclination and desire to protect Christ and not see harm come to him was taking precedent over God's plan and purpose for Christ to die for atonement of the sins of all He has chosen (including on Peter's behalf as well).
Clearly Christ wasn't surprised by these things; and later on as I explained in a recent discussion Christ predicted his martyrdom and his restoration after the denial was prophesied as well to Peter. Lest we upbraid Peter we should remember that he was the only one with the "audacity" to walk on the water as well as to ask questions others no doubt pondered but were too afraid to mention out loud.
When we recognize our own weaknesses and frailty it certainly can't be that we will be carried away by such things if we stand on guard against the wiles of the devil (see James 4:7). We can't take our eyes off of Him though for Satan can and will use any opportunity given to him to blindside us; harass, torment, distract and mess us up.
All the previous section was focused on suffering for Christ's sake. Many today seem to forget the scriptures that state ALL who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution ( 2 Tim. 3:12) and other verses stating that He "chastises all those He loves" ( Heb. 12:6). Those who aren't are said to be illegitimate children. In discerning truth from error; we see how few of the so called "prophets" today make such declarations as Agabus who predicted both imprisonment of Paul and a famine; or that of Christ to Peter on his eventual capture and implied martyrdom. ( John 21:18). We have had certain prominent individuals stating that another prominent one would suffer some malady because of the so called "not touching the anointed prophets" ( Psalm 105:15).
Again I will leave names out here; some things are just too ridiculous to get into anyway. What is certain is that bad news; whether that of the state of churches in Revelation 2; or that of the Prophets of old such as Isaiah; Ezekiel and Jeremiah who weren't exactly winning any popularity contests when time and time again they warned of judgment to come for specific sins is something heard very little today; and no wonder. Everyone wants their ears tickled with what they want to hear; what is the most popular or "politically correct" advice among the crowd of "professing" believers.
When the cure is worse than the disease; those who are of the truth will not be satisfied with a band-aid approach. This earth is not our home; and we should live this life accordingly.
Therefore; when we are in fellowship we should seek to be around those who are truly Spirit filled as well as run away from where the spirit of error is. We are to be "set apart" for His use ( 1 Thess. 4:7). What is refreshing in being hot or cold is that it alleviates any confusion or compromise of assimilation with those in the world ( 1 Peter 2:9-10).
In detecting a counterfeit; we are often told that experts rely on their experience seeing the genuine in order to detect that which appears at first glance to be the same but on further investigation has some telltale sign of fraud. I would add to that statement in saying that we should learn to recognize all the appearances of truth and how the enemy uses such things to appeal to the flesh in order to draw us in through whatever toxin he chooses to conceal in the punch; so to speak.
In studying this subject; one can't overlook the key concept of TRUST in God as being the foundation of our walk. The Lord giveth; and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the Lord ( Job 1:21). In studying Job we see that he started his trial well; praising the Lord even when his wife told him to "curse God and die" ( Job 2:9). This was after the blitzkrieg of tragedies that crashed forth; and after his own personal afflictions. We need to keep in mind that it appears he was entirely unaware that Satan was behind the calamaties themselves and all that went on behind the scenes in the councils of God and the angelic/demonic realm.
We are told not to complain or grumble; but nonetheless pleading our cause wasn't even foreign to Christ when He cried greatly for the cup "if possible" to be removed; nonetheless God's will to be done ( Luke 22:42). It is hard to believe in our greatest trials and suffering that they pale in comparison to the "exceeding joy" to come ( Romans 8:18). When we see Paul's struggle, though we are well aware of the extraordinary amount of suffering which God promised he would endure for His nane's sake at the inception of his ministry ( Acts 9:16). Some of this; no doubt may have been due to his earlier persecutions to set an example as well as to chastise him; not as final judgment but as in the case of David caught in adultery; residual damage in this life for earlier sins.
How are your children doing today? Are they recovered from this illness?
Growth can and indeed will occur with good soil and the implanted seed of the Spirit. When we sow with tears we reap with joy ( Psalm 126:5-6). Indeed; these verses show us that the harvest is present with us and surely is our reward for effective service (see also Hebrews 6:10; Isaiah 55:10-11). Just as our walk in Christ isn't just a spectator sport; our participation isn't merely an individual source of growth; but mutually edifying for the body. That is how spiritual gifts are to be properly practiced (see 1 Cor. 12 starting in verse 4).
We should therefore rejoice when others rejoice; weep when others weep ( Philippians 4:4). This explains why it is often better to be in the house of mourning than feasting ( Ecclesiastes 7:2-4). I am not one to argue whether Christ had a sense of humor; but will state that it is better to refrain from jokes if there is any uncertainty and certainly from "course jesting" ( Eph. 5:3-4).
God is steadfast and unchanging; unlike the vicissitudes of the human heart. Stability comes from a well grounded faith and walking in the Spirit as our "sure foundation and anchor of our soul" ( Heb. 6:19).
Patience being one of the fruits of the Spirit especially today is; in my opinion underrated as to its value. Just a brief survey of Bible characters shows how many things took time to completion; whether with Abraham's wanderings and progeny; Moses' deliverance; Joseph's prominance; and David's ascension to the throne. In fact too much success too quickly was a factor in Solomon's fall despite God warning him not to multiply gold and horses as well as foreign wives. This is the real issue with the "prosperity gospel" as surely God as well as Satan can be the facilitator of worldly gain (as well as efforts from hard work). It is the pride and comfort in our possessions which bring a man down (see Luke 12:16-21). It also makes rich people give a disporportionally low percentage vs the poor
Any other requests, David?
Any person, regardless of birth status, can come to Jesus for salvation and the Holy Spirit will impute the righteousness of Jesus unto us so that we will be holy and acceptable to God. We are made perfect in Jesus because He is our righteousness. There is no other way to become "perfect" (which can mean completely righteous or else complete in all ways). Jesus is our Mediator, who intercedes for us by the fact of His shed blood for us.
Someone who commits adultery is one who has sexual relations with someone who is not their spouse. Sexual immortality includes adultery, but also fornication (having sexual relations when not married), homosexual relations, and other sexual perversions, such as viewing pornography and sexual lusting in our minds.
The testing of our souls is shown in 1 Peter 1:7. Resistance; struggles; trials and such are things we are promised if we live lives Godly in Christ Jesus. ( 2 Timothy 3:12). There are many verses which exhort us to gain wisdom; endure hardships; suffer persecutions and the like as Disciples of Christ. The testing of our faith produces the fruit of love; joy; peace; longsuffering; etc.
Discipleship should be an evidence of those who are growing in Christ; but sadly in many recent "revivals" we haven't seen much evidence of that at least in the long term.
It is true that growing in the Lord and fulfilling the Great Commission isn't a "spectator sport." That being said; it is often those behind the scenes such as prayer warriors that are doing much of the work ( 1 Cor. 3:6-8). This seemed to be the case even with Christ ( John 4:37-38); perhaps with the Disciples preaching with those the woman at the well spoke with in the area of the Samaritans after they came seeking Christ. There is too much concern with numbers and such; and whether people are made to feel comfortable enough to attend a church service. In reality nothing could be further than the truth; the Spirit should make them uncomfortable as the fear of God brings them to their knees; and the love of God reshapes their heart with a broken and contrite spirit ( Psalm 51). There is a way for the Word to pierce as a two edged sword to the thoughts and intentions of the heart ( Heb. 4:12). There is only one truth; but many ways the Lord will use to draw someone; it can be the still small voice and overwhelming love of God or the fear of God by boldly proclaiming our need for His blood to atone for us to avoid a fate of eternal damnation in hell. Ultimately both these concepts need to be understood as part of the character of God; if we love someone we must tell them the truth and of course The truth (Christ Himself) IS love ( 1 John 4:8).
More upcoming in part 4.
Our childlike faith should never be calloused by the weight of the world. That being said; there is no escaping the fact that we are in mortal bodies which are perishing daily such as 2 Corinthians 4:16 indicates. We have treasure in earthen vessels; though ( 2 Cor. 4:7). There is a healthy abandon which should accompany a mature faith; these aren't needing to be mutually exclusive states of mind and practice. We see those in the parable of the seeds and the sower who have immediate joy but no root in themselves ( Luke 8:13). We also have warnings to the Ephesian church in Revelation about leaving their first love ( Rev. 2:4).
The difference in these two verses is those who have an emotional reaction to the Gospel not rooted in faith; and in the second case those who had a true love in Christ and followed all the right doctrines but didn't continue to have love of Christ as their prime motivation. If we love Him we obey Him ( 1 John 5:2; John 14:21). Love of proper doctrine; law and other protocols should be the offshoot of that love but it must keep a root in a living; active faith else it slips into a religious set of moral dogmas that seeks to either squelch the flesh or brings an attitude of pride and self righteousness to the ecclesiastical leadership that leads to a dead religious set of rituals. Eventually; of course that leads to the tendancy of additional rituals in a Pharisaical manner if we are not careful.
Avoiding dead fellowship is no excuse for a permanant retreat from fellowship; however. Especially as we see the day of His return drawing near we are told NOT to forsake the assembly of one another ( Heb. 10:25). Our identities should be seen as adopted sons and daughters and being part of that heavenly assembly ( Heb. 12:1). There is a knowledge that the earth and heaven must be remade; all creation is groaning and will be until that Day comes ( Romans 8:22). Satan's accusations show us earth is not our home.
If we live in the Spirit we cease to gratify the desires of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16). We need to realize several things in regard to that subject. First of all the flesh signifies all those things which natural man desires in a self centered manner. God created all things for our enjoyment ( 1 Tim. 6:17); and this includes eating and drinking which Christ Himself did when on earth (but always took the necessary time for fasting and prayer). God created marriage as a covenant between a man and woman when we follow His plan; all other ways of fulfilling such desires are perversions in regard to fulfilling natural desires our own way and leaving God out of the picture.
What is necessary is to understand that if we seek His Kingdom first then He shall grant us the desires of our heart. ( Matt. 6:33). When we are reborn into Christ then His desires become our desires; although we see through a glass darkly ( 1 Cor. 13:12). All good things come from the father of lights; God above ( James 1:5). We should be growing in our walk in maturity and wisdom understanding the value of trusting in God; obeying His will and giving time for prayer; Bible study and fellowship.
He certainly doesn't need our help in our worldly accomplishments with the plans He has for us; although we should certainly avail ourselves to utilize all the natural gifts as well as spiritual ones He has given us for His glory. He does have plans for us to prosper ( Jeremiah 29:11). These involve ultimately spiritual treasure in heaven ( Matt. 6:20); but certainly it applies to our faithfulness with earthly wealth as well ( Luke 16:11). We should seek to be able to do all things to build up His Kingdom and minister to the Body of Christ whether with finances or service.
We should learn to recognize the tug of the Spirit in our interactions whether with the saints or others that may indeed be destined to be His children. Psalm 119:105 shows He illuminates our paths.
And it (wisdom) shall be given to him. You see, there's a promise there. But it's not the promise that we think. If we isolate Verse 5, it shows that God gives wisdom generously. Well, He does. Except it's through Verses 1 through 4. It's through trials that He gives. The trials come to teach us to place our trust in Christ. That's how we gain wisdom.
And then James 1:6-8 says "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double-minded man (a double-psyche) is unstable in all his ways.
So, I can ask the Lord for wisdom and then begin to waver as soon as He starts putting me in tough circumstances. My emotions would be flying all over the place and it could lead to panic and anxiety.
We have to understand that we ask, and we enter into trials in order to endure through them by trusting the Lord. But we have problems with that sometimes. It's like I know I should be trusting the Lord and I know what the bible says, but look what I'm going through, and it's a big mess! That is an unstable person that can't be ready to ask for wisdom. They've got to learn to endure their trials first.
It is not wrong to ask for wisdom. James 1:5 tells us to ask. But we have to be careful what we are asking for!
In James 1:5-8, James gives us the explanation of the prayer of faith. He ended off in Verse 4 saying wanting, or more literally, lacking in nothing. And then he says in James 1:5, but if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
The word lack is the same word as in Verse 4. Most of us have heard Verse 5 before, "if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God," and we take that and tell others to ask God and He'll give you wisdom, as if this magical thing falls out of the sky and all of a sudden, we have wisdom. But wisdom is gained through enduring our trials by faith. And so, when James says if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, we have to be careful.
If we say, "I would really like to have God's wisdom," okay, but we're going to have to go through a lot of trials. If I had to give a personal definition of wisdom that summarizes its application in the New Testament, I would say that wisdom is seeing life as God sees life. It's like looking through His eyes!
And 1 Corinthians 2:16 plays a big role in this, in that we have been given the mind of Christ. That's the word NOUS, which means perceptive. By His Spirit, we can perceive God and His working in our circumstances. That's wisdom, seeing life as God sees life. Now how am I going to do that? By experiencing Him, and by enduring my trials and circumstances and totally trusting the Lord Jesus Christ!
James says God gives to all liberally, and He upbraids not, that is to say He will not chide you. If you lack wisdom and you ask Him, He's not going to say "Are you kidding? I'm not going to give you wisdom!"
I am glad that you and I stayed the course in this discussion and were not intimidated by what anyone else said, but instead attempted to present our viewpoint by staying on topic and giving a reasoned, Scriptural reply. We can rest knowing that we spoke out on a topic in which we are certainly the minority in today's realm of Christian thought of those on this site. Take everything to the Lord in prayer.
Ultimately, God is the only true and just judge of every person. It is sad that someone would say such a thing about someone who was addicted to a drug that is often deadly. We cannot know this son's heart. Even his mother does not know. It is obvious that his mom is very disturbed by his drug use and overdose. She may have been at the end of her rope worrying and speaking to him about getting clean. Give her some grace to grieve her son's death and reassure her that God does reach out to people in peril, whether one brings this peril upon oneself or not. He desires to save and all of His elect will be save. We just do not know what the Holy Spirit did in this son's inner self before he died. We would hope that He was indeed elected to salvation, but we cannot know this side of heaven.
We are SAVED from DEATH by the blood of the LAMB.
We are BORN AGAIN by the WORD of GOD.
We (the wife of Christ) gave birth to a new creation, the promised "SEED" (child).
This was accomplished at HIS (and our) resurrection, revealed to us by the WORD.
1 Timothy 2:14 ....the woman (the wife of Christ) being DECEIVED was in the transgression.
1 Timothy 2:15 ....she (the wife of Christ) SHALL BE SAVED in childbearing .... giving birth to the promised SEED, the new creation .... this mystery .... Christ in us .....
We were made ONE by "Christ and ourselves" being RESURRECTED together ..... a new creation ... the same "SEED" .... the (living) WORD .... the written WORD is OUR WITNESS .... BELIEVE .....
You give BIRTH when you are raptured at the DEMISE of this FLESH.
I Corinthians 15:54 ...this mortal (flesh) shall PUT ON immortality (Christ) .....
1 Timothy 6:16 ...Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ....dwelling in the light ....
God has blessed you with eyes that see and ears that hear.
There is another common misconception around the "sin leading to death." ( 1 John 5:16-17). There are certain sins which Paul mentions in the Corinthian church such as when the man was given over to Satan so that the flesh may be saved. ( 1 Cor. 5:5). Indeed; Paul makes it clear that if Communion isn't taken properly many have gotten sick and "fallen asleep" (died) as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:30.
There is always the chance that in a last minute repentance (such as the thief on the cross) or perhaps right before death repentance can occur. This would certainly be the exception rather than the rule as sadly "few" will be saved ( Matthew 7:14 etc). There is a difference of someone who is in a lifestyle of sin compared to say someone that slips up once or twice (as seems to be the case with many Fentinol overdoses these days). We would also have to assess if the man in question ever confessed Christ previously; and if any fruit evident of true repentance was in his life ( Matt. 3:8-10). There is a whole host of other things Satan uses such as music and the occult; the desire to be popular; etc. which drugs can be used as a gateway. That is different; although tied in with the physiological dependencies someone is trapped in; or emotional state of suicidal behavior that triggers such a sad ending.
Hope this helps somewhat.
My question is, do you believe that is true?