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We are told by Jesus in Matt. 7:15 to watch out for false prophets.
And 1 Tim. 4:16 we are exhorted by Paul to watch our life and doctrine closely.
Is it ever safe to believe a false doctrine? Will a false doctrine not prove to hurt us in some way? Can believing a false doctrine lead us astray or into further deception? I would say that believing what is false doctrine is always harmful to believers. That is why we are so warned by our Lord and Paul and the other Epistle writers.
So, while some will say that views on eschatology do not affect our salvation, you and I beg to differ with this idea. Also, agreeing to disagree is somewhat normative in today's circles. But for me, if some belief is proven false by Scripture, as you and I have done so concerning the pre-trib rapture in recent exchanges, we should challenge people to believe what Scripture clearly, plainly, and explicitly teaches and forsake beliefs that one "thinks" Scripture supports through implication, presumption, or by wishful interpretation.
I, for one, have had to change my beliefs on topics over the years when what Scripture clearly teaches shows me that my belief is wrong. All of us have needed to do this. For this, I am so thankful we have the Scriptures in hand in our own language to learn from what God has chosen to reveal to us. Being humble and submissive to the Holy Spirit when He shows us truth in the Word is how we all should desire to be.
So, we can always pray for God to show us the truth of His Word in areas where we are believing falsely and we can pray for others who are believing false doctrines. This is one way we can build one another up in the most holy faith. The other way is to bring forth Scripture that refutes false doctrines in order that those who believe such doctrines will submit to the truth of God's Word. may God be merciful to all of us who exchange here and may He help us to speak the truth in love on every occasion.
Paul is clear in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there will be a great apostasy WITHIN THE CHURCH when believers will desert the faith or be deceived by the workings of Satan.
Perhaps many who believer the Pre-Trib rapture deception will be strong enough to stand against the deception of the Antichrist and endure the sufferings , persecution, and martyrdom of the Tribulation without losing faith or denouncing Christ. But Id do think that many who do think that they will be raptured prior to the Tribulation will indeed be deceived and turn from faith, as Paul says in this Scripture citation. Some are still new believers and/or are not very robust or mature in their faith.
The possibility of many falling away when Tribulation comes because they expected to be raptured will manifest in the day of trouble. So, yes, it is a salvation issue if people are deceived into thinking they will be spared from the Tribulation and Antichrist through a pre-trib rapture and then fall away when they are not raptured, finding themselves in the Tribulation times and under the deception of the Antichrist or the temptation to acquiesce by taking the mark to preserve their own lives. This could also happen to those who do not believe in the pre-trib rapture as well.
This is why we are warned by Jesus to be watchful, prayerful, prepared, and faithful to endure to the very end.
Matt. 10:22 Matt. 24:13 Matt. 26:41 Mark 13:35
Rev. 21:5 And He that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."
I won't be until the return of Jesus on the Last Day that we will receive our full redemption. We will be made new again through the resurrection or translation of our bodies. When that happens, we will never again know sorrow, pain, affliction, persecution, anguish. Jesus will destroy the heavens and the earth and make new heavens and a new earth.
In John 16:33 Jesus says, " In this world ye shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
Jesus said that this life will be full of troubles. Some due to sin and the corruption of this world: hardships, diseases, etc. And others due to persecution and sufferings because we believe in Jesus and belong to Him.
We can know that the sufferings we experience in this life are intended to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us in the one true faith that is in Jesus. 1 Peter 5 10
1 Peter 4:12-16 speaks of the our attitude in suffering and trials. We should not be surprised when it happens, rather rejoice and glorify God in our trials.
Asafo, this life is a fallen life. it is marked by our own sinful nature and that of every other person. The world is corrupted because of man's sin. Therefore, God allows things to happen in the lives of Christians to test us and build us up to be able to stand firm under trial and tribulation. One day we may have to face death for our faith in Jesus. We can see our temporary sufferings at the present preparing us to stand in the last days, if we live to be in that time of great Tribulation and apostasy that will come before Christ returns for us ( 2 Thessalonians 2)
But we look forward to the inheritance of eternal life and the full redemption of our body, soul, and spirit in the day of the Lord Jesus.
When He comes to receive us to Him, He will then bring the wrath of God upon the wicked and the corrupted earth. Believers will be not suffer this wrath.
I'm sorry you are facing such challenges.
Someone else just asked something similar this morning.
Have you read the rest of the Romans 2? I'd suggest starting with that.
I think a common underlying assumption is that we deserve to have good health, comfort and wealth in this life and if God is good then He'll serve me with that. I personally believe its the opposite. That we're not entitled to anything, that we're blessed and fortunate to even be alive at all and given this opportunity to serve Him (not ourselves), and that God created us for His pleasure, not our own. He's not a genie in a lamp existing to serve us. It's not all about us.
What is the purpose of this life? We will all die very soon. The end may come any day. There are no guarantees of anything. God didn't promise us health and wealth in the Bible. Anyone saying that is lying. All someone has to do is read the Word and you can see that it says the opposite- in this life we'll face many trials. And we as Christians will face persecution. We are being tested. People in the Bible who served the Lord didn't have massive health and wealth. Paul who wrote much of the Bible was chased by Romans who wanted him dead, was imprisoned, probably starved, maybe injured, walked probably thousands of miles in the sun, shipwrecked, and was allowed to have a thorn in his flesh- whatever that means. Job had everything stripped of him, faced enormous hardship. Other Bible people had all kinds of problems too.
1 Corinthians 10:13 - just as we wont be tempted more than what we can bear I think God won't give us more of anything beyond what we can bear. I think our character is being tested. I don't think God creates hardship directly but allows bad things to happen to us. Why assume that makes God bad? God allowed Himself to be tortured and die to atone for our sinful behavior- a gift if we choose to accept it. God allows evil to happen to us, because He loves us enough to give freewill. God bless.
I don't think I'll rewrite my previous answers to this, but in summary, by what standard do we assume that dying is bad and suffering is bad?
Everyone on earth dies. Everyone on earth has discomfort and suffering on some level. The implied goal of these questions seem to ignore the afterlife and the goal of serving God. So, what is the priority, short term pleasure or serving God? The question also assumes God's priority is for our comfort. I don't think so. It may have been until the original sin, but if you read in Genesis the creation was cursed to specifically create discomfort. So why assume that God being good would somehow remove the punishment and curse?
If God is good and all-knowing ,then why is there much suffering in the world and what's God doing or done about it to curb the pending situation
Supporting you argument with tangible bible scriptures
I will share my view.
In Luke 1:16-17 an Angel tells Johns father, "Zacharias". That he would have a son And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.
And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
John the baptist had a great crowd and devout followers and he preached the coming of their expected Messiah and King.
The pressing multitudes that had followed John continued to follow Jesus' ( Luke 5:15, Luke 12:1).
In the context of this chapter we have Jesus authenticating John's ministry.
Mathew 11:12.
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Let's look at the word violence in this text.
Transliteration: biaz
Pronunciation: bee-ad'-zo
Definition: From G970; to force that is (reflexively) to crowd oneself (into) or (passively) TO BE SEIZED: - PRESS SUFFER VIOLENCE
The pressing multitudes that had followed John continued to follow Jesus' ( Luke 5:15, Luke 12:1).
This is what Jesus is saying "The kingdom of God suffers violence." Pointing to the huge crowds that followed John and that were now following Him, Jesus likens them to an invading army surrounding a city to capture it.
Look at Luke's account.
Luke 16:16.
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
( From the days of John the Baptist until now," there has been an extraordinary rush of people pressing in from all sides eager to hear the gospel that they resembled an army trying to besiege a city.)
Matthew 11:14 he says;
"And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come."
I hope this helps.
God bless.
I'm sorry but I didn't read the original post. And only the first sentence of this reply. "Hello S Spencer Do you see how all the scriptures in this post are connected together?"
That's the honest truth!! That's all I'm reading.
The only lengthy topic I'm willing to engage in is SALVATION.
I will engage with one asking questions on eschatology but not stay there when there is a far more important issue at hand.
Jesus commissioned us to take the Gospel to the world!!
Eschatology tells us who and when he's gathering those he purchased.
If I refuse to preach the Gospel and prefer to discuss eschatology that's like trying to aboard a plane with out a purchased ticket.
One can take your view or mine but yet refuse the one who shed his blood on the cross, all our teaching eschatology is in vain.
But if one accepts the Gospel through our preaching the cross it doesn't matter what eschatology view he holds.
He's on the plane with ticket in hand waiting on takeoff.
God bless.
Genesis 27:8-10
"And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it. And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat."
Genesis 18:7-8
These are just two examples. If you think God didn't intend for us to do this, then were Abraham and Rachel doing something wrong?!
Great to be here and to continually even though I learnt since I was a teen. I learnt to be Gods child, you have to accept Him as your personal Savior. Pastor prays for you and that's it. I only got Baptized 2 yrs later. Not totally understanding it as well.
Know I learn, you have to Baptized 1st as mentioned in Acts 2v38 In the name of Jesus Christ not in Jesus name ?
This discussion and Bible app is amazing. Reading all over again to really understand the Word.
Matthew 11:12 Until the days of John the baptist till NOW the kingdom of heaven suffereth VIOLENCE, and the VIOLENT shall take IT by FORCE.
Yesterday was NOW, yesterday: Today is NOW, TODAY; and tomorrow will be NOW when it gets here.
The last day in God's word: IS ALWAYS NOW, it's been going on NOW for 2000 years. When you read and study God's Word, it is always in the sense of NOW.
The kingdom of heaven is CHRIST IN YOU, this was possible by the VIOLENCE Christ suffer for ALL mankind on the cross.
Violence has been happening "NOW" for 2000 years; NOW, today, earthquakes, pestilence, wars, death and destruction; NOW, today.
This is THE WAY God causes his people to TURN TO HIM, no one seeks him when things are going good.
Psalms 72 :14 He shall redeemer their body from DECEIT and VIOLENCE (by death on THE CROSS: you and Christ DIED THERE): and precious shall be their blood in his sight.
Revelation 18:21 The mighty angel (Christ is the angel of the Lord) and he shall take up a STONE (Christ is that stone), and cast IT (Christ) into the SEA (of humanity), saying, WITH VIOLENCE shall that great city of Babylon (your held captive in BABYLON) be thrown down (you and Christ) were crucified, and shall be found no more at all (you and Christ were resurrected as ONE NEW CREATION.
There was ONLY ONE BODY raised at the resurrection. Christ's BODY; by the spirit of the Father, was RESURRECTED.
You were married to Christ by that resurrection, you became ONE, you are NOW the body of Christ.
When you depart this body of DUST:
1 Corinthians 15:54 ... this mortal (body of dust) SHALL PUT ON IMMORTALITY .....
1 Timothy 6:16 ..... Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ..... dwelling in the light ......
Death is SWALLOWED UP in VICTORY have become the IMAGE of CHRIST: to be forever a SON OF GOD.
God bless YOU!
....It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the curse and stain of 1st ADAM TO ALL MEN NO EXCEPTIONS...But not apply the blessings and blood of Christ That 2 nd ADAM to every sinner....Ya see what i am saying....And thats what Jesus was saying when he said i come not to destroy mens lives but to save mens lives....Remember he rebuked James and John when they wanted to call down a literal fire on the Samaritans saying you know not what manner of spirit you are of.... Luke 9 :55....He does not want to put us in a literal fire but in a spritual fire....As our God is a consuming fire but God is spirit...Thus a cleansing fire...AS malachi 3 :2...Tells us..Whos shall abide the day of his coming, who shall stand when he shall appear for he shall be as be as a refiners fire and fullers soap when he appears....Which is baptism of the H.G and fire...A consuming fire ..That is gonna consume mans evil nature ...Bible cd not mention Christ a 2nd adam if his stain was not applied to all men.
Thank you
.......But i don't think we are gonna see a literal New earth...or New Heaven....There is absolutely nothin wrong with this BEAUTIFUL earth or heaven....Its only mankinds hearts and minds that needs to be replaced....Infact in Rev. 11:15...The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and his Christ and he will reign for ever and ever....And He says he wd destroy them that destroy the earth....I think that New Earth and New Heaven is just the result of the new birth of that incorruptible seed etc...The living Word....When Peter said no more seas i think that is no more seas of humanity that have not been washed in the blood of the lamb....I will stain all my raiment.....With the blood of that 2 nd Adam....Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world...ok Gbu