King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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Now I have trouble staying sleep.
I don't know why but I wake up every morning around 2:30 am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep and sometimes I can't.
Beautiful story.Jacobs well was in Genesis,it was old, Jesus shows up there to get a is history..
word of warning to anyone who reads this,Beware of believing Inaccurate teachings,homilys from a human.
come on here or pick up the Bible and Confirm what they said is True,Called 'Trying the spirit'
just experienced it over this chptr.
when someone says about the Bible that isnt true,wether its intentional or not
is the anti Christ spirit
it will physically/spiritually infect a person just because they unknowingly believed something that wasn't True
if something isnt True,then what is it
Christ is the Truth,you can believe him 100%
Stay close to the Word of God, love u in Christ. Luke 11 chapter.
Please pray that I can fall asleep quickly. Been nights where it takes hours and hours for me to finally fall asleep. So, your prayers are appreciated. Glad to be retired and not HAVE to get up for work or anything. It was difficult to go without sleep and then go to work. So, at least now, it is frustrating, but I just deal with it the next day.
We do have the results of them following instructions In the book of Hebrews.
We know that faith comes by hearing. Romans 10:17.
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Hebrews 11:4.
Abel offered his offering by faith.
We know in Genesis he offered the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The sacrfice must have been specific instructions.
Goodnight and God bless.
I spoke of the covenant made to Abraham because we have a Biblical account of this covenant. We do not have an account of all that God said to and promised to Adam and Noah, etc. We have a bit about it. I am sure God spoke many things to those who walked with Him from the time of Adam onward. I tend to think that these people of ancient times knew more about our redemption than is recorded in Scripture. This is the basis for their faith, as it says that Abraham had the gospel preached to him and he saw the day of Christ. But Scripture does not record this conversation. I am sure that God spoke often with Adam and Noah and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We know how much He spoke with Moses 'face to face' from the books Moses recorded.
But God has left a witness for Himself in every age.
I can see how you come to this understanding. And yes, I agree that there are other understandings, probably many. I'm sure there are several that would differ from what you and I both shared. It looks as though we have a dilemma here. Jesus says "Today, you will be with me in paradise." So, we would have to examine the word "today" and try and figure out what today means. Your questions "Would Jesus come into his kingdom on earth that day?" and "Did Jesus go to paradise that day?" are valid questions.
Did the King James get it wrong by using the word today? It seems like a valid question to ask as to why Jesus would say "today, you will be with me in paradise" if He knew He would first be in the lower parts of the earth for three days and three nights.
Something else that might be considered as to why Jesus said "today" might be that the very same day He died and went into the lower parts of the earth, He went to a place called Hades which had two compartments. Ephesians Chapter 4 tells us that when Jesus died, that for three days and three nights, He was in the heart of the earth. He was down setting the prisoners free. He was down in Hades on the side where the people were with Abraham. We read about this in the presentation of the Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.
Now, I cannot remember where I've read this, but from my studies, I have read some Jewish literature that said Abraham's bosom was synonymous with both heaven and paradise. That is how a Hebrew or Jewish person would describe Abraham's bosom, a place of safety and comfort, paradise like. So, this would make sense as to why Jesus would have said "today, you will be with me in paradise." Paradise (Abraham's bosom) was where Jesus was that day (Today), and the thief was with Him.
But then again, as you say, there can be more interpretations, and I'm sure there are many out there. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!
God Bless!!!
You see, that puts so much emphasis on what Jesus said up on the cross (His last words). He said "It is finished." All of the creative provisions of God for our salvation are done, no longer to go back again. It is done. We can't add to it. We can try to take away from it, and We can try to add to it, but we can't make it. So, enter into His rest!
Now what is interesting is that in Genesis Chapter 1, at the end of each day of creation, it says "and it was evening and morning," day one, day two, and it goes all the way through day six at the end of Chapter 1. But in Genesis Chapter 2, it never says the 7th day ended. It's because it's still today!
Do you see the gospel representation? It's still the same day in God's timetable as the children in the wilderness for them to enter in. For David's time 400 years later, today. It's still today. If you will hear His voice, enter in. Don't let it pass by. So, there is still a Sabbath rest waiting for the people of God.
Most people don't notice that in Genesis Chapter 2, at the end of the 7th day, it doesn't say it was evening and morning the 7th day. It's because the Sabbath rest, in creation, parallels and gives the gospel message that Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest, spiritually. And we can see that as we continue to go through Hebrews. But a lot of people get confused here in Chapter 4. It's just a very beautiful parallel and it gives us a lot of meaning as to the gospel message.
There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into His rest, he also has ceased from his own works, just as God did from His. When I received Jesus Christ, and the fulfilment of all that He did for me on the cross, and all of God's provision, it's finished, it's complete. I just received Christ. He's done it all. And what do I do? I enter into God's rest in my spirit!
I hope this is what you were looking for.
Blessings to you!
Hebrews Chapter 4 speaks of the superiority of Jesus Christ to Joshua. But it also talks about entering into Gods rest. When you get down to Hebrews 4:10, it says "For he that is entered into His rest, has also ceased from his own works, just as God did from His."
So, the writer of Hebrews is going back to creation. He's saying if you surrender to Christ, you will be doing just what God did. You will cease from your own works (your own efforts), at your own salvation, and you will enter into God's rest.
Now here's how it works:
God took 6 days to create all things. And by the way, the Hebrew word Yom for day, it can be either 24-hour days, or it could be like our metaphor when we say, "the day in which we live," meaning the age in which we live. It is important to know that the 6 days were six 24-hour days, as mentioned to us in Exodus Chapter 20.
But we have a problem in the creation account. The Jews don't have a problem. We have a problem as Gentiles understanding the connection here. In 6 days, God created all things. And on the 7th day, He entered into His rest and finished His work.
The number 6 in the bible is the number of man. We know that from the book of Revelation. The number of man is 6, and the man of sin, his number will be 666, not six-hundred and sixty-six, but 6 three times, in contrast to the trinity of God. So, the number 6 represents man, and the number 7 in the scriptures represents completion or perfection. So, man falls short of perfection or completion, therefore he has fallen short, as Paul would say of the glory of God.
Now here's what the writer of Hebrews is trying to get across:
The writer is trying to tell us that God has provided for us salvation. That parallels His 6 days of creation, to the point where He comes to us on the 7th day of His creative works for our salvation, and He says "Enter in to your rest!"
This a perfect psalms for this season of trials and various temptations
Thank Jehovah God, for giving his Angles charge over us.
Blessed; be our Lord God that range for ever and ever.
there I need to take time to find them. Ask the holy spirit to lead and guide me.
Again, thank you for your knowledge,
and patience in answering my questions
Unfortunately, that is not what is being preached in most churches, or places of worship. This is leading a lot of people to
believe that the person is with the Lord, and not asleep. I sure it is a comfort for the family to believe this or hear this. I just
leaves the average person with so many questions. I guess that's where studying your Bible is needed.
Thank you for taking your time to answer me.
May God Bless You
Also you seldom hear hell preached at a funeral ..... Thank you for your time and Knowledge much appreciated!
That is wonderful. Let's not forget about those before Abraham. By faith they made sacrifice also.
All those sacrifices pointed forward to one who would come out of the loins of Abraham.
He would be a King and Priest after the order of Melchizedek. ( King of Salem) Christ has made us Kings and priests also!!
What's unique about that is under the Law, The Leviticus Priesthood couldn't hold the office of Kings and priests.
Only Melchizedek, Christ and the Church!! Revelation 1:5-6.
Peter confirms that in two words; (Royal Priesthood) in 1 Peter 2:9.
God bless.
But we, ourselves are to not lose heart when we face such a foe as death. God is with us and will not forsake us even if we should die, we will live.
I agree brother, wherever Jesus will be paradise. Good question, where is paradise? What do we see in Luke 23:39-43? Many see this as when we die, we go directly to paradise, can I say no you're wrong, No, it may give some comfort to someone to think their loved one is already there. Are there other understandings? yes.
In the original language, there was no punctuation and only upper-case letters so, the understanding may change by just a comma. "I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Or, I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise, or would it read differently without the capitalizing of the word today?
Does the context of what was being said bring more light to this verse regardless of the comma? Two thieves were hanging next to Jesus, one railed at Jesus and the other rebuked the other thief and asked him if he did not fear God saying, they deserve their punishment, but Jesus did not do anything to deserve this, he asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom.
Would Jesus come into his kingdom on earth that day? Not yet. Did Jesus go to paradise that day? Jesus said in Matt. 12:40 He will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And in John 20:17 this was after He resurrected, Jesus told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended unto His Father. Does this verse say we go to heaven when we die? No.
This is not to be dogmatic it is just another understanding of Luke 23:39-43. Where is Paradise I believe in the millennium the land of Israel will be almost like paradise, but I believe the New Earth will be where our paradise will be, and I do not think we can even imagine how beautiful it will be.
God bless,
There are some instructions that were given to the Hebrew people about things they were to do on the 8th day, but if you are asking about the creation account and where day 8 comes into play, I would say that day 7 has never ended.
I have to leave for an appointment but I will send more later today on this.
Verse 4 seems to indicate that this person is near unto death and is further supported by verse 6 where it seems the pit of Sheol is nigh. We see that those in that state are "cut off from thy hand" therefore there is no more mercy from God at that point. We are reminded of Isaiah 38:18 and many other passages which show that the dead will not praise God (verse 10). Furthermore; destruction and forgetfulness also describe the fate of those in hell (verse 11-12). Those things which affected our emotions and desires on earth ( Ecclesiastes 9:5) will not exist as the body returns to the dust. However; the soul lives on and for the unregenerate in conscious torment (see Lazarus and the unnamed rich man ( Luke 16:19-31).
Nonetheless; we must seek His face while He can be found. Job's state wasn't hopeless; and neither is anyone in Christ who truly repents and seeks the Lord. The enemy certainly can have us ensnared in sin; or oppressing us with feelings of hopelessness. We need to confess sin and seek His face; as well as trusting His promises despite circumstances. That is good advice surely in war; famine and other horrendous circumstances that bring us near death as well as seeing death all around us. These passages should remind us to seek those who may be disfigured by disease and to demonstrate God's love through service wherever we can.