King James Bible
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Those who take the mark will have no hope of salvation. It will be too late to be saved once a person takes the mark. That is their punishment.
But your question, why does God punish those who receive the mark of the beast?
First, we have to understand that God is a righteous God and a righteous judge. God makes no mistakes in His judgements.
Those who take the mark will be punished for their disobedience to God. God is going to send the gospel message out, and that message will reach every single person, and they will be warned not to take the mark.
So those who refuse the gospel message, those who refuse the warning not to take the mark, God will punish. They will lose the opportunity to be saved for disobeying God.
2 Peter 3:7
Brother David has made several comments about God's words being parables.
You have said God's words are often metaphors.
Revelation says his words are symbols.
2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and earth ....
There are LITERAL heavens and earth; but, they are also metaphors and symbols in a parable.
heaven and earth are MAN, earth being the carnal form of man where deception rules, heaven being the born again man where truth and life rule.
We are the GARDEN OF (eden) GOD where the ONE TREE that bears BOTH the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL is in the MIDST thereof.
Man; made of EARTH (dust), has to be destroyed, and become a creation of Spirit, the new heaven and new earth.
2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and earth, which are now, by the SAME WORD (that made them earth) are keep in store (since the day or resurrection) reserved unto fire against the day of JUDGEMENT ...
For you and I and all others alive at this given moment; we are being JUDGED by the written word's of God, if you don't believe his words: DEATH and the GRAVE; if you believe HIS WORDS, you become a SON OF GOD.
Christ is THE WORD OF JUDGEMENT, and the FIRE (a metaphor and symbol) that does the JUDGING.
Judges 6:21 And the angel of the Lord (Christ) put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touch the FLESH (dust of the earth) and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up FIRE out of the ROCK (symbolic of Christ) and CONSUMED the FLESH (dust of the earth) and unleavened cakes ......
Christ was the FIRE in the bush in the wilderness, he was the ROCK in the wilderness.
Hebrews 12:29 Our God is a CONSUMING FIRE
Christ is THE WORD
Your being JUDGED NOW BY the WORD and FIRE, and if you will JUDGE YOURSELF NOW; by God's words, you want be judged with the world.
1 Corinthians 11:31 If we would judge ourselves NOW, we should not be judged.
John 12:48 .... the words I have spoken (from Genesis thru Revelation), the same will judge him .....
God Bless YOU!
My understanding is like Adam's, just to add to what Adam said. You should study on your own, there are different views.
The belief that our soul is immortal comes from ancient Greek philosophy. The meaning of death, being a separation of the soul from the body also came from ancient Greek philosophy that is different than what we see in the Old Testament.
It is Platonism, Augustine of Hippo held this philosophy. He was a theologian, and philosopher with a strong influence on doctrines in the church, in the fourth and early fifth century.
Gen. 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The spirit/breath gives us life.
The Hebrew word nephesh means a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, and emotion. The Greek word psuche means the soul, life, self, and a person's distinct identity. If you study them, it is also used for all living beings' fish, animals, birds, and man.
Physically we live AND die, eternally we live OR die, our choice of the gift of God that is through Jesus Christ our Lord, eternal life, or die the second death.
The word spirit, the Bible writers used the Hebrew word ruach meaning breath, wind, spirit, or the Greek word pneuma also meaning wind, breath, spirit, this life-giving breath/spirit is what goes back to God.
We are buried dead, mortal, in corruption and we are raised immortally incorruptible 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. That is when we will be absent from this flesh body.
All consciousness ends when we die. Psalm 6:5 Job 14:12-14 Job 17:13-16 Psalm 89:48 Psalm 115:17 Ecclesiastes 9:5-10
We sleep in death until resurrection day, the day of redemption. 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Ephesians 4:30
Our spirit (breath) given to us by God is what keeps us alive, and we are a living soul. Ecclesiastes 12:7 Psalm 104:29 Psalm 146:4 James 2:26
May this help your study.
God bless,
before jesus was ever born of the virgin mary: he was a son of god the right hand of the father, the angel of he lord.
from the beginning he was the son of god.
he laid down all that glory, to be born of a woman.
he became son of man, just like we a the son of man.
he came as one of us, son of man, to die like one of us.
but his resurrection change everything, as we died with christ as a son of man; we also rose with christ, no longer a son of man: but a son of god, the exact same thing christ was from the beginning.
believe o ye promised seed of israel.
god bless you!
We have to understand the difference between taken and left.
Sin (unbelief) governs OUR FLESH, the wages of SIN (unbelief) is death, the "GIFT" of belief is eternal LIFE.
So man is either consumed by unbelief, and goes to the grave, to await the second resurrection: or he believes he and Christ were resurrected TOGETHER; becoming ONE NEW CREATION, and will NEVER SEE DEATH, because he has ALREADY DIED on the CROSS with CHRIST.
ONE will be TAKEN in DEATH, and go to the grave: ONE will be LEFT, never to SEE DEATH, dwelling in the presence of GOD.
Luke 20:36 Neither can they DIED ANYMORE (you DIED with Christ): for THEY (the one's LEFT, and will never see the grave) are EQUAL unto the angels (omnipresent, glorified bodies); and are the children of God (God can't die), being the children of (Christ's) RESURRECTION.
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he who hath PART in the first (Christ's) resurrection, on such the second death hath NO POWER ...
God Bless YOU!
Jesus knew that b/c of his death he wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven.... Matthew 19:28 kjv....Thats y he said blessed are them that follow me in the regeneration....That great multiplication of his seed the contents of the book in the fathers right hand...That New Covenant...Thats y he has to know us which is an intimacy that results in a birth of Christ in US his CHILDREN....Behold me and the Children the lord has given me...I think thats y Jesus is always speaking of the babes and sucklings....In my mind i see them as his Children...That are able to praise God with a perfect praise...gbu
It does seem like these are precursors to the end times. Wars and rumors of wars. US congressmen are pushing war so hard, they are almost lusting for war with Russia. It's absolutely sickening. The war would have been over long ago if it weren't for the US giving Ukraine billions in weapons. Tax dollars are being used to murder people. That is evil. We have never been closer to WW3 than right now and they act like they badly want that. They are willing to spend your money in order to send your kids into battle to die, so they can fulfil their religious vendetta against their bogey man Russia. A lot of the news propaganda hides how evil and corrupt Ukraine is and how the current administration has private business dealings over there they may be giving them money to help cover up. The corruption and evil is deep and sadly I think nearly everything on TV news is a lie these days.
However, someone on this forum shared evidence for another view and it seemed compelling. I will need to research more and find those verses, but there is support for the wicked to be the ones raptured. Romans 8.21.
In this section of Luke 17:32-33 it says to remember Lot's wife and says who ever wants to keep their life will lose it, etc. It is phrased in a way where wicked may be the ones losing their life before Christ followers. Then Jesus appears and those asleep in the grave will rise and meet Jesus in the air, then judgment day before eternal life. That is the sequence of events as I currently understand them based on the scripture evidence I've seen. What I'm uncertain in how it fits its destroying the earth by fire. 2 Peter 3:7. For this to fit, if wicked are destroyed first with fire, it would seem to take a miracle to not hurt the followers, or a selective fire of some kind. God bless.
being saved and being born again are two completely different things.
romans 6:23 the wages of sin is death, the "gift" of god is eternal life through (the resurrection) of jesus christ.
jesus and all mankind died on the cross of passover, because jesus was raise from the dead; by the spirit of his father, death has passed over all mankind.
1 corinthians 15:22 as in adam all die, even so in christ (by his resurrection) shall all me made alive.
this happen 2000 years ago, yet man want believe god's word; mankind was saved from death by christ's resurrection, 2000 years ago: god's "gift" by the resurrection of christ.
salvation from death; has nothing to do with your works, it was given to you before your were even born: humble yourself before god.
isaiah 52:5 name is continually ever day blasphemed.
my people; by that resurrection, you and christ together were made one: you were bonded; married to christ, a new creation, your the body in the marriage, christ is the life of that marriage.
philippians 2:13 for it is god "his life" that worketh in you "his body" both to will and to do his good pleasure.
by that resurrection you were married to christ: you now bear his name.
acts 2:38 "repent" ( of your false beliefs), and be ye baptised in the name of jesus.
revelation 3:12 ...and i will write upon him (my wife) my name ....
matthew 22:14 many "all" are called (to be save from death: the "gift" of god), few are chosen (to be judges) in the kingdom of god.
those born again by the word's of god, will be judges; on the earth, when christ subdues all under him: the kingdom of god.
1 peter 1:23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible seed, by the word of god, which liveth and abideth forever.
god word is truth and life, a kingdom.
god bless you!
Remember what Jesus said when he had taken the cup...1 st Cor. 11:25...This is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it....Thus we were all washed in his blood everybody....Although i was not born yet....I was there when they crucified my Lord....GBU Ruby....How cd a sinner like me be at Calvary?....Simply b/c God so loved the world that he gave his only son....The world is humanity....Everybody....Toda el Mundo....At Calvary implies a New Covenant.....An all inclusive Covenant...I will know them all from the least to the greatest.....Everybody ought to read about his New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:34
"Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed."
The Bible says we will sleep until Christ's return:
Daniel 12:2
Job 14:12
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1 Corinthians 15:18-20
Matthew 9:24
A common reason why people assume they go straight to heaven is misinterpreting 2 Cor 5:8-10. The misinterpretation has been repeated so much its become standard dogma to many well meaning Bible readers. But the only problem is the Bible doesn't say that. Paul only says he'd "rather" absent from the body and present with the Lord. The word Rather is a preference. He's not making a broad statement about the afterlife that 100% of the time, when 100% of all people die, that instantly you skip judgment and are immediately with the Lord 100% of the time.
Adding further support to this is Paul in the previous book in 1 Corinthians 5:3 already said he was "absent" from the body when he couldn't meet with the Corinthians in person. Based on the same wording used, I think people are extrapolating way too much from Paul's preferential (rather) statement while ignoring the verses that already say everyone will face judgment and all the sleeping until Christ returns, etc. I would find it hard to ignore 5 verses in favor of one "rather" statement that Paul already used before. Paul also preferred everyone remain single like him- so the inferences seem to be disproportionately applied.
God bless.
Jimbob, I am sure there will be more opportunities to reiterate the teachings of Scripture on the second coming of Jesus in the future because the teaching on the pre-trib rapture is a recurring "pet" topic of discussion on this forum. We should be all be prayerful about what we say and bring to this forum as well as our motivations. We wish to be obedient to the lead of the Holy Spirit in all of our conversations here, but that does not mean we should not bring forth strong objections to ideas that contradict what is plainly stated in Scripture.
Have a good evening. I am going to lay low tonight since it is Friday. Not sure what hubby has planned, but looking forward to the weekend with him.
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13.
When a new name comes up on the screen many will think that it is a new person rather than one who has been on this board for some time, like you. It is fine with me if you change your name, and it was easy to see that Nacol1900 was you because you sort of have a signature spiel that you give with most of your posts, which uniquely identifies you.
I hope you are doing well today. Today has turned out to be a pleasant day with sunshine now and just above 50 degrees. Spring will be here very soon and then it is time for gardening again! Yeah!
Hope to talk with you soon.
That's what you already stated.
Again I disagree with no further response.
God bless
I never honestly read the reply and not going to. I only read the first sentence of this post and immediately lost interest. I didn't go no further.
I was thinking it may have been something about salvation.
I m sorry I have read very little of your replies since your initial post unless it was directly to me.
Nothing recently.
After you said you don't won't to talk about salvation I decided to agree to disagree and I hope you can respect that.
God bless.
Verse 2 discusses the gates which would protect the outskirts of the city and also the Temple.
We see the east gate mentioned in Ezekiel 44:2 where Christ will return in the future. That history is intersting as to how it was shut in and kept from intrusion in the past during the Middle Ages. (see history of Saladin).
The city of God will be where Christ rules in the Millennium and then in all eternity the Heavenly Jerusalem will come down to earth at that location. (v. 3).
Verses 4 through 6 are indicative of Christ as well; as it is mentioned that a number of nations will recognize the importance of the birth of this unnamed famous person there. Verse 5 indicates further that he will "establish her" which again indicates the future reign there. Verse 6 seems to indicate God's role call; or perhaps the Book of Life or those physically dwelling in Israel in the Millennium (commentaries debate this). It is interesting that Christ is also counted as everyone else in that number.
The last verse of course could refer to literal springs or it could be figurative. Such verses as Ezekiel 47 show a literal fulfillment. We see the praise of God of music which again would be a future event so that it finally can fulfill the prophecy of being a place of prayer for all nations ( Isaiah 56:7 quoted in Mark and Matthew's gospels).
Yes, Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That is why I said that when our physical body dies, our spirit departs to go be with the Lord. That's what it means to be absent from the body. It is our spirit that will be absent.
Now, the body we now live in is a corruptible body. One day when Christ comes, He will raise our body as an incorruptible body, a perfect body incapable of sin, sickness or death. It is then that our spirit will reunite with our new glorified raised body.
1 Corinthians 15:53 says "For this corruptible must put on incorruption." Why? Because we cannot get into the kingdom of heaven with flesh and blood. This mortal, which means death, must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. ( 1 Corinthians 15:54) That is from Isaiah 25:8.
I hope this answers your question?
Blessings to you in Christ Jesus!