King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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I suppose your referring to:
Revelation 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that THE WAY of the of the kings of the east might be prepared.
Revelation is very, very symbolic, so we have to try to understand what the symbols represent, in their relation to the kingdom of God, YOU becoming the image of Christ, ONE with the WORD.
Angels are messengers send by the spirit of God, so this angel is pouring out God's message on the Euphrates.
The Euphrates (symbolic) is a river, a river is water, and another scripture in Revelation says:
Revelation 17:15 ....the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sits, are peoples and multitudes, and nations and tongues ......ALL mankind, unfaithful to there creator ..... from lack of KNOWLEDGE ......
All God's words are for each person in this sea of humanity, so when God's message (the spirit of truth and life) is poured out on YOU, YOU began to come to TRUTH and become a faithful wife, TRUTH in you, instead a wife of another, LIES and DECEPTION in you.
THE WAY (Christ is truth, life, and the way) of the KINGS (Christ is King of Kings) is prepared ....and when Christ has FINISHED HIS WORK IN YOU, there will be:
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth (a faithful wife; baptised in truth and life) ...and there was no more sea ....peoples, nations, tongues: WHORES; Christ WORDS have OVERCOME lies and deception.
God Bless YOU!
"Apply not The Word of God like the salve of salvation, but the Armor of Righteousness.
For salve's treat wound's and Armor prevents them."
I've seen too many "believers" treat their belief like a religious first aid kit, applying it only as needed for their life's issues. If they only knew how to dawn their armor.
Regarding Psalm 84, I think there is no question that this is talking about Salvation itself. We must remember that Christ spoke in parables and without a parable spoke He not. And since Christ is the very Word of God we can expect these parables to exist in every part of the Bible teaching some aspect of the Gospel. That is certainly the case in Psalm 84. Every verse is dripping with with a salvation message and the blessedness of being in the eternal kingdom of God made up of all True Believers and Christ Himself.
Remembering once again the rebellion in Numbers 16; there is a pretty clear indication in verse 10 of the event as it is stated that being a doorkeeper in God's house than to "dwell in the tents of wickedness." This should help us keep in mind situations such as that of Sodom and Gomorrah as well where Lot escaped "as through the flames" ( Gen. 11:27; 1 Cor. 3:15).
We are given future promises as well. Men will come to worship every year in Jerusalem ( Zech. 14:16) or else face punishment. (verses 5-8). We even see provision for birds who will apparently nest there (verse 3) Verse 6 shows how there will be ample water in the area at that time as well. The verse of the anointed in verse 9 surely refers to Christ; although David will once again rule as well as ourselves as "kings and priests" ( Hosea 3:5; Rev. 5:10).
Verse 12 shows a very important principle of trust and blessedness associated with it. If we desire a blessing we must live according to His righteousness and be obedient in service out of love ( John 14:15).
I am a brand new Christian. I grew up in a house of faith but spent a lot of my life distanced from the lord. As an adult I can now see the forest for the trees in life and I've realized the importance of having Jesus and our Lord in my life permanently.
Please forgive me if my question seems ignorant, I am honestly just searching for answers here.
What I would like to know, is why are there books that have been removed from the Bible? Why did someone else get to decide what parts of the holy book that I get to read? Wouldn't tampering with the lord word be blasphemy?
As far as I can tell, the 1611 KJ version is the Bible with the least amount of editing that I can purchase. Is there another version I haven't heard of?
Thank you in advance and God Bless!
It didn't take Noah that long to build the Ark (some have calculated the figure should be around 70 years), but from God's announcement of 120 years left for mankind's life on Earth, there would have been a long period (long, for us today) between the announcement & the start of the building work & the coming of the rain.
Yet, we haven't discussed 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7, which I had given in my last post (I only shared my own understanding). And this of course ties in with the Rapture; this too is important to consider when looking at the timing & character of the Great Tribulation/God's Wrath. So, maybe I'll keep this short & get your thoughts on that Scripture, if you so wish (no compulsion at all): What was deeply engaging those believers' minds that prompted Paul to pen these words of assurance? Who or what is the one who "letteth will let" ('katecho', restrains, holds back)? When this being or entity is "taken out of the way", what are the implications of that removal upon the Church & the World?
These are the questions I have to ask myself when looking at such verses, particularly in the light of eschatology, where we are compelled to form an opinion or a belief with often very little information given (at least information so succinct for us, that the early Church receiving such, would have grabbed the opportunity to request the author to expand his teaching). Obviously we can't do that & I sense that the early Church did know far more than is revealed to us now, but God has permitted that we receive what is given & hold onto it. Hence, our variations in understanding to what should otherwise be a straightforward doctrine.
And back to the Kenite origins. I have seen opinions that indicate that the Kenites descended from Cain, hence not all flesh were destroyed by the flood. And yet, we get an example in Judges 1:16 indicating that Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, was a Kenite. And then in Numbers 10:29, Jethro is referred to as Raguel (also called 'Reuel' in Exodus 2:18), as a Midianite. What would you make of this? We know that it is the same man, Jethro, that is referred to, but can we assume a connection between the two families (Kenites & Midianites)? If there is and we go back to the immediate descendants of Noah's sons, we can follow the descendency from Shem through to Terah to Abram to Midian (through Keturah): Genesis 10:21-31; Genesis 11:10-32; Genesis 25:1-4 (here, we see Midian born to Abraham through Keturah, of whom (Midian), Jethro is connected to. If Jethro is also recorded as being a Kenite, there must be another family line coming through Midian (maybe through a daughter, not mentioned (only sons) in Genesis 25:4).
So, it appears that we must be open to the possibility that the Kenites were not from Cain (as much as a similarity exists in those names), but could have come through the descendants of Shem & the Abraham.
It is a blessing to be humbled by God. What you said reminds me of what James tells us in James 4:6.
God gives more (or greater) grace. Wherefore he says, and this is Proverbs 3:34, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Proverbs 3:34 is found three times in the New Testament. It's a very important and popular verse. God resists the proud. Who are the proud?
There are two things about the word for proud. Number one, a person filled with pride is self-centered.
Now by that, the word means that you are centered on yourself whether you think you are somebody great, or you think you're somebody like a failure.
It's the high or the low, high self-esteem, or low self-esteem, you're still focused on yourself. It's still pride.
The other thing about the word for pride is self-reliance. This is the person that uses their human resources to live their life and satisfy their problems. And for them, maybe when they run out of human resources, they might call on God.
God resists the proud, the person who is relying on their human resources, who is self-centered and self-motivated. God will resist that person. But He gives grace to the humble. And the word humble is the person who has been made low, just like we see in James Chapter 1.
Why does God resist the proud? God is bringing that person to a position where they need God's grace. God only gives His grace to the lowly.
If a person is self-centered and self-reliant, God has to oppose them so that they turn around and become dependent upon the Lord. But He only gives His grace to the humble!
So, as it says in James 4:5, God has given me a spirit that dwells in me that lusts to envy. The word spirit is no doubt the human spirit that God has given us. The human spirit in us lusts to envy.
But God has greater grace because He'll resist me. And He'll give me His grace when I'm humbled!
May the Lord continue to bless you also!
We do learn from each other and we should be open. I definitely agree with that. You have been on here for several years now and you always have a lot of knowledge to share and I for one do appreciate you. We may not always be in complete agreement on everything, and we shouldn't expect to be. I have no expectations of people agreeing to everything I share. That is all any of us can do, is share what we have studied on our own, what we believe to be true, and share those things here with others.
We all believe (or at least we should) that Gods word alone is truth. That's how I see it. It's not what I say, and not what I believe to be true. I can tell someone "This is what the Bible says," and yes, it does say that. But I always have to keep in mind that my understanding of what I believe it says can be faulty. Nevertheless, Gods word alone is true.
But yes, we need to keep on studying, and coming here and sharing what we have learned can be a fruitful experience. I trust that the Lord will be there at all times to let us know if we are right or wrong.
I think sometimes God allows us to hash things out before showing us. And sometimes I have to wonder whether it's me in a back and forth discussion about a disagreement, or any two believers for that matter, if the Lord is up there with His arms crossed, laughing at us, and saying "You know something, you're both wrong."
I believe that is always a possibility. Blessings to you my brother. Keep sharing!
To me, "flesh" means humans, people, man etc .Not creature, animals, insects etc. This is why it sounds to me like there was more then Noah and his son's . Maybe they were the only eight souls saved per sa. I also can not see only eight people taking care of that many animals 24/7. That is a lot of work for only eight people. The animals did eat, Noah ate as well, so someone had to clean messes 24/7 otherwise the ark would have caught fire from the gas build up and the flame for lights. I can't see just eight people taking care of themselves,the animals and able to rest. I believe in scripture, I have always thought it to be just Noah s family until recently something just clicked about the flesh and thinking about the size of ark and all the animals to be care for by just eight people. I've worked at a kennel before with about 120 dogs and a few cats with 4 of us working and we could hardly stay up so I can't imagine.
What is the definition of ALL.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam ALL DIE, so in Christ ALL shall be made ALIVE.
Doesn't everyone (ALL) at some point DIE, is not the ALL the same in that scripture; as ALL die in Adam, ALL shall be made alive in Christ.
This is the GOSPEL
Did this not happen at the death and resurrection of Christ.
God Bless YOU!
Thanks, I appreciate that, I agree it is not a contest, we learn from each other. We should be open to other understandings and humble to study for the truth and be thankful if we are shown it. Like I told S Spencer I can see both views, but I have not been able to fit it into Revelation and the scriptures line up. That is why we were told to study.
God bless,
It's not explicitly discussed after this (as far as I know), and Ham's and Japheth's lineages fade out of view, and obviously it's because Shem's lineage leads to the Messiah. And eventually we see this lineage lead to Abraham, whose lifespan was "only" 175 years, but it's probably safe to "read between the lines" here and assume Shem's offspring retained really long lifespans because they were in the lineage of the Messiah, while Shem's brothers' lineages shrank to 120 years after God's pronouncement in Gen. 6:3 and the imminent Flood.
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)
Hopes this helps you
the dream; There was a man & woman that seemed "closed off" like not wanting to get involved or be helpful, they seemed pleasant, polite. They were closing the front door of their home. Me & my 2 sons were in a vehicle, in the driveway of that man & woman. The house was on the left. I heard the LORD say in my spirit, "I AM now going to judge the greedy, rich, & corrupt." I felt a fearful Awe. Instantly the wind started blowing. My sons noticed something & told me to look. They insisted. I looked more intently. There were two trees. One seemed more like a bush, the other like a small tree. One was pulled up by the wind with roots blown left possibly at the back of house. We couldn't see damage. Then the electric poles that were in front of us & to the left were ripped up, & pulled that same direction. We knew it was going to cause a continued reaction, from the connected powerlines behind us. Before we could turn around to look back, the powerlines were dragged upon & over our vehicle, lighting it up with the electricity. Then being pulled a twisted mess of hotwires were in a powerful explosion of fire & electricity infront of us. The sun had set, it was dark outside so the intensity of the brightness was even more vivid. The dream switches to a large tornado above a large mirrored glass skyscraper & city. I was with many people outside. I loudly told everyone to pray. People furthest away on the left were beginning to be swept away before the large whirlwind was above us. Urgently I started to pray outloud for mercy. I plead that none should perish ( 2Peter 3:9, & Matthew 18:14,). The tornado broke apart in an unusual way, into many pieces & completely dispersed away. All the people within the streets nearby were safe, we were unharmed in all of those things, yet experienced the full intensity. End of dream.