King James Bible
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Daniel mentions this in three places, Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11. Jesus mentions it in Matthew 24:15.
In Matthew 24:15, Jesus is talking to Jews who are familiar with their Old Testament scriptures in the book of Daniel.
In Matthew 24:16, Jesus gives instructions to the Jews on what to do when they see the abomination of desolation. Whenever those things in Verse 15 happen, Jesus says, let them which be in where? In Judea, because this is for the Jews. He says let those who are in Judea flee into the mountains.
The abomination of desolation is when the antichrist helps the Jews to start their sacrifices again. The bible says he is going to help the Jews to restart their sacrificing.
And then right in the middle of the tribulation period (approximately the 3-1/2 year mark), he is going to step in and put his image in the holy of holies. And he is going to say that everybody has to worship him. And he's going to corrupt the temple. And he's going to take over.
Jesus says that when you see that happen, when he puts up his image in the Holy of holies, He says flee, get out of there, because the great tribulation (the last 3-1/2 years), this pivotal point, is only a one activity event. Once that happens, then it is the great tribulation, like the world has never seen.
Here's something interesting I would like to share with you: In Verse 16, Jesus tells the Jews to flee into the mountains. This is recorded for us in Revelation Chapter 12 Verse 6. Isaiah says it is the Rock city of Petra.
The Jordanians went into the Rock city of Petra not too long ago and fixed it up as a tourist attraction. They put in nice restrooms and everything for the tourists.
As it stands today, the rock city of Petra has enough empty housing to house 250,000 people, plenty of room for the Jews who are told to flee. Maybe God had a hand in this? I'm sure the Jews in the middle of the tribulation period are going to say "thank you very much!"
I have a question?
Do you believe when you depart your body of flesh, you are at that moment in the presence of God?
Just trying to understand your beliefs.
God Bless YOU!
Sorry wrong book mentioned earlier.
At Calvary God made a new covenant in the blood of Christ ...Nothin like the old covenant...If i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me...When Jesus said its finished there is no more works we can do...All our righteousness is filthy rags in the sight of God...
When ya imply there are certain works we have to do...You are in essence saying the blood of that New Covenant was insufficient for our righteousness....
When Peter was commanding water baptism Acts 10....God Almighty told him 3 times what i have made clean donot call common or unclean.. (By commanding water baptism)....When Jesus said its finished it was finished....Lest we make the cross his blood of no effect.
All the unclean animals in that sheet was the Church that was made clean by the blood of the lamb...Not water baptism
Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world...There is no other cleanser in this world that can whiten us like his blood....For millions of yrs folks will be talking about what Jesus did at Calvary....That New Covenant IN HIS BLOOD. K
Psalms 62:5....Kiss the son lest he be angry with thee which is our husband...Our new innerman ...the H.G...The gift of God...The elect Son...ok mi voy....We the Church are tHE ELECT LADY....John said he saw the new Jerualem coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband... Rev 21:2
Dear Heavenly Father , thankyou for this lovely day and thankyou for bringing me to it . Great God Almighty I know you know me better than I know myself and I know that you are always with me . You can see all my trials and tribulations and you know how much I am hurting right now . Please if it is your will , ease these burdens from my shoulders . Please lift me out of the mire and plant me some where safe . Please refresh me with your love your mercy and your blessings and please , keep tight hold of my hand as I walk through this life and keep me close to you always . I ask these things through the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous , Your precious Son and my sinless Redeemer . Amen .
Truly I say to you, Whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Have a great weekend God Bless
Apart from the discussion we've been having on the difference between the Tribulation & the Great Tribulation, I share this other aspect of the suddenness of Jesus' Return, of which no man knoweth the day nor the hour. If I concede to a post-trib Rapture, then I would have to cross the hurdle of perpetual preparedness. It seems much more likely that death would first overtake me rather than the coming of Jesus for His own, if I go by the biblical events revealing the course of events leading to Jesus' Coming. True, all this will certainly catch the unbelieving world by surprise & suffering for them under God's Hand is certain, but if believers are to be here during anti-Christ's rule & suffer under him (for say three & half years), where then is the suddenness or imminency of Jesus' Return, for which the early Church was told to be watchful for? Jimbob, if you also believe in the imminent return of Jesus as I do, then His Coming must be any time before any of those events, or else, there's no imminency or preparedness, maybe just a waiting & counting down of days till our sufferings are over. I think if the early Church were so instructed & so expecting, then we should be also & not lose heart & say 'the Lord delays His Coming to an expected time'.
Thanks again Jimbob. If I might take our discussion to anothe level. One great fact of the Church's Rapture, is not only its imminency but its suddenness. In the NT, the command was for readiness ( Matthew 25:13 (10 virgins); Luke 12:40; Philippians 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Titus 2:13), for Christ's coming. The early Church was expecting it & proclaiming it, but the scoffers, then & now have proved themselves right ( 2 Peter 3:3,4) - Jesus hadn't come, nor has history ever recorded such a 'parousia' ever taking place. But the Church still continues to wait, knowing that God's Word is True & that God's Time is never man's concept of time ( 2 Peter 3:8). Therefore the question: why should we await for the any-moment return of Jesus, if that return could be quite easily plotted by the 'falling away', the appearance of the anti-Christ, even the beginning of the Great Tribulation (of God's Wrath which you believe only includes those catastrophic events of Matthew 24:29; Revelation chapter 16)?
And Richard's last sentence, "Such things would not be done by saints of God with created beings", I read it as a summary of his belief that such encounters, as we read in the Bible, can only be had with God & His angelic messengers, not with sinful man. So the belief is still strong: angels are not to be worshipped, but when God sent His angelic messenges, due reverence must be given to God alone, receiving the message or act from His angel as it were from God Himself. I hope I remained true to Richard's comment & this has helped you to come to grips with it.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Hello, God hates sin, but loves people despite them often choosing to sin. We need Jesus. That is the only way to salvation. But there's a trick satan has done to convince people that their sin is their identity. And if their identity, how dare anyone question it, right? When people like a certain sin, some assume that's "who they are" they are "born to do it" so how dare anyone judge them? That's one of the biggest lies. The biggest question is who do you want to follow: God or satan. If satan you can't go to heaven. Whose morals will you follow: God's or the world's? Which is most important social acceptance on this temporary earth or to please God?
I don't think anyone is born with a proclivity to do any sin. Babies are not interested in the sick things some adults choose to do. They definitely aren't born to do that. It's all learned and often groomed by parents and others. Lately, we've seen the goal posts continue to move to now include pedophilia and it is absolutely disgusting seeing people trying to push this evil. The "news" is trying to convince others that they're "born that way" to do that to kids. It's satanic to try to normalize the harming of children like we're seeing. Never thought I'd be seeing what I'm seeing. End times must be near. The world is very dark and evil and they hide all the harm they are causing others.
Acts 7:35 This Mosses whom they refused, Saying, who made thee a ruler and a judge? the SAME did God SEND to be a ruler and a deliverer BY THE HAND OF THE ANGEL which appeared to him in the bush.
Acts 7:37 This is THAT MOSSES, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God RAISE UP unto you of you BRETHREN; like unto me; him shall you hear.
Acts 7:38 This is HE, that was IN THE CHURCH in the wilderness WITH THE ANGEL which spoke to him in the Mount Sina......
God Bless You!
I would say that God hates homosexuality but loves the homosexual, if that makes sense.
In God's eyes, homosexuality is considered a sinful lifestyle, but for the person involved in this lifestyle, God loves them enough to give them the opportunity to repent and turn away from it.
You will find that verse in Psalm 118:24