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KJV 1611
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So, a discussion would be my first attempt, so as to ensure we're understanding each other correctly, then maybe a gentle but firm presentation of what the Bible states, and if they violently corrupt God's Word, then a rebuke. But in the Church, if a questionable person or presentation is received, then one always can approach the pastor or elders for clarification. Yet, in no way should we lose our Christian demeanor & the Holy Spirit's control over our lives & conversation; it would be better to back off & leave the matter to others & praying for God's Light to shine on them.
2Timothy 2:15,
Matthew 6, John 3:16,
James 1:5, James 4:8,
Is a good place to start.
If you want to read about Jesus, Luke 1, is a good Book to start, you can search words in this site also.
Many people try reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year or less. As you read & study you will notice several Scriptures of the Bible will speak about the same situations, people & events at times, so as you get to know scripture more, you might want to study multiple scriptures together.
Solomon is credited for Proverbs 1, some of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes 1, others similar Ecclesiasticus 1, Wisdom of Solomon 1, Song of Solomon 1, it seems much easier to understand deeper Songs of Solomon when understanding other scriptures, like Psalms 1, Psalms 42:1, also the love story of Solomon,
"spoiler ALERT," = sadly the love of many wives turned Solomon's heart away from GOD & the nation. 1Kings 11,
But Jesus is Greater than Solomon! Matthew 12:42, John 10:23-42, Matthew 6, Matthew 6:26-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
I agree with you.
That means a lot.
God bless you and Goodnight.
Please know "rapture" is not in the Bible, please read & study for yourself, Truth 2Timothy 2:15,
Job 14:12-14, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 2Thessalonians 2,
Revelation 10:7, Revelation 6:9-17, notice Jesus says Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13,
Hopefully these are helpful
Most people will be saved after the second resurrection.
Those in the first resurrection are saved in the feast of the passover, they will never see death, death passes over them, they are translated into the kingdom: all else will die, be raised back to their flesh, judged by the words of God, just as the firstfruits were, brought to truth, in the feast of the ingathering, the feast of tabernacles, the second resurrection, AND when they come to truth, they will die a second time, and be translated into the kingdom, just like the firstfruits.
The second can't take place till all the firstfruits are gathered. The firstfruits are the ones that will judge the earth and give those in the second resurrection the same inheritance as they were given, eternal life.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creation WAITETH for the MANIFESTATION of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 For the creation itself ALSO shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (death) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
God Bless YOU, I will answer any questions and show you were to find the answers, most answers are in Mosses and the prophets, just ask, if i miss a question ask again.
And, yes, we need to be humble enough to be able to take criticism, correction, or opposition. Any of us can err and most of the time we have right understanding of the doctrines of the faith. Sometimes we just need a little more "light" to bring us to fuller understanding.
I desire to have a teachable, amenable mind and heart. I care about others on here and desire others to be comfortable with bringing forward their ideas. There are many on here who are so solid in their faith and doctrine and give such good answers. So thankful for them!
Have a blessed night, One-Eighty. I keep you in my prayers along with others who I frequently converse with on this site.
This was said by Jesus after raising Lazarus from the dead; after His anointing with oil by the woman in Behtany; and after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem when all the people hailed Him as the expected Messianic King. He had just addressed some Greeks who came to Jerusalem to worship and had asked to see Him. This is where He said "He who love His life will lose it; and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. And then He called those around Him to follow Him if they wish to serve Him.
In the next section He said that His soul was troubled, being absorbed concerning His upcoming suffering and death, the bearing of the sins of the world and receiving in His body and soul the full wrath of God for sin. But ends His thoughts by saying, "But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name." Jesus knew that His purpose was to live a sinless life and then take our sins to the cross to die in our place and take the hell of God's wrath as our substitute. Only He, being both man and God could do this work. It was the eternal plan and purpose of God for creating all things to begin with, -to redeem a people for Himself to abide with Him forever in His love, grace, and mercy.
Next, Jesus says "Now is the judgment of this world, now is the ruler of this world (Satan) cast down. And if I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men (peoples) to myself."
So, it may be that in being lifted up on the cross to die for us, Jesus, by taking away the sins of the world, opens the way for men to draw near to God in Christ. He draws men to Him, not in judgment for their sins, but in invitation to receive what He wrought on the cross. All can come to the cross of Christ and be saved. It may be saying that God provides grace for each person to be able to come to faith, but then again, not all will act on this grace.
Fourthly, the Ten Commandments were given to Israel & were binding upon them. Some of their objectives were:
a. to reveal the Holiness of the Eternal God to His people, Israel: Leviticus 19:2; Leviticus 20:7-8.
b. to set Israel apart as distinct from all the other nations: Exodus 19:5.
c. to reveal man's sinfulness: Galatians 3:19. Although the Law is "holy, just & good ( Romans 7:12), it did not provide salvation for the nation of Israel; and it cannot provide salvation to anyone who wants to or tries to keep the Law. No one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin ( Romans 3:20; Acts 13:38-39).
d. to show to humanity that not one person can fully keep the Law but everyone falls short of God's Standard of Holiness. Realizing that, should cause us to cast ourselves upon a Merciful God for His Forgiveness. When Jesus came, He fulfilled the requirements of the Law completely and by His death fully paid the penalty for their breaking it ( Galatians 3:24; Romans 10:4). Therefore, by His Obedience, He was qualified to be the accepted Sacrifice for all mankind, for all of our sins ( Hebrews 10:10-12). If Jesus failed in fully keeping the Law, He would have been disqualified as a Savior - all mankind would be forever stuck in the quagmire of their sins & hell would be the destiny. But He was raised from the dead to show His Father's acceptance, our justification & deliverance ( Romans 4:23-25).
I hope you can see Ani, that even though there was nothing wrong with the Law, even keeping the Sabbath by Israel, anyone who puts themselves under the Law (i.e. to find forgiveness or acceptance by God by it), is doomed to fail. Our Rest - continual rest (Sabbath) is now found in Jesus & not in Law-keeping & we can only be subject now to the Holy Spirit who enables us to fulfil both the spirit of the Law & finding the true rest in Christ Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-9; Romans 8:1-4).
Hi Ani. GiGi has shared accurately with you and I would like to add some more thoughts for your study & consideration.
I'm unsure where you obtained this particular Bible study book from, as it's clearly slanted towards 'keeping of the Law'. Does your Church support this teaching or are you doing this study by personal choice?
Firstly, the Jewish Sabbath has always been the Saturday (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) & was given to Israel as part of the other commandments for them to observe ( Exodus 20:8-11). Why was this particular Command given? It was the seventh day when the LORD ceased from His Work of creating & it was for a remembrance when God brought out His people "with a mighty hand & a stretched out arm": i.e. from the perennial state of bondage & hard labor in Egypt to a time of liberty & rest. Even when Israel collected their food (Manna) while in the desert, they were not allowed to gather it on the seventh day ( Exodus 16:19-30), indicating the sanctity of the Sabbath Day.
Secondly, the Christian observance of Sunday, is not a redefining of the Jewish Sabbath - it is what is termed, the Lord's Day ( Revelation 1:10), or the First Day of the Week ( Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2) - never the Sabbath.
Thirdly, the Church is not required to observe the Jewish Sabbath as we were never in bondage in Egypt & brought into Canaan. We were however, once in bondage to sin & the flesh & now given a glorious forgiveness & release into the Lord's Rest. See Matthew 11:28-30 and Hebrews 4:1-11. Not only is the Christian given Christ's Peace in his heart, but also a resulting rest that comes only from Him. And yet, there is also a coming rest ( Hebrews 4:9), where the word here is 'sabbatismos', or Sabbath Rest: a rest in God's Presence that will be one continual Sabbath Rest, when our earthly toils & hardships are finally over.
i have this question tho, when christ referes to how the rich struggle to enter the kingdom of heaven, or james 1.10. i used to think that was rich by a worthly material standard, but is the tearm rich also meant to the spiritually, rich christians who are rich in what they have, is that not a sense of riches, that one can fall in the same way too? ?
it makes me angry but then, i know i dont know it all either...
I'm in complete agreement regarding your comment to Spencer on speaking boldly. We should be able to do this respectfully, which shouldn't be difficult for you, as I've witnessed all your comments as caring, hospitable, thoughtful, etc. Also, I would even welcome a reminder if and when I do the opposite, or possibly even approaching such negative attitudes. The ego is a difficult concept to relinquish, yet it is a goal of mine.
May we all in the Name of Jesus, ask the Father to keep us mindful of His Love for us and ours for Him, and each other.
Refer to John 3:18-19 and Luke 13:3 (Jesus said to repent or perish)
The Sciptures says that the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father all come to dwell within the believer, but all are not remade into baby gods in us, nor replicated in our human persons.
Read Ephesians 2:22 and Ephesians 3:17
John 14:17 and John 14:23
God does not change, as in the Spirit being born in us as child that grows. Only Jesus was Incarnated, not the Holy Spirit.
Read Psalm 102:27 and Hebrews 1:12 and Malachi 3:6
Alex, I know that we have addressed these doctrines before, but I still believe that YOU are the one in direct opposition to the revealed Word of God.
Bless you today, Alex. Always, love in Christ.
We are certainly to be loving and gracious in our wording in our attitude towards others, but we should not cower back when someone complains about "judging" or being "unaccepting" or "taking the plank out of one's eye before attempting to take the speck out of another's eye." We contend for the truth because it truly matters. It is just as much a command as it is to be hospitable to others.
Maybe the one posted to may not be receptive but we can pray that there may be others who have the same Spirit and are. We can always pray for any who we disagree with or who's doctrines are at odds with Scripture. And, definitely, we should pray for wisdom and guidance as to how we are to respond and what to say.
So, keep up the good work. You and I have had some differences, but we have been mature and caring, so that we can work through differences and continue having meaningful, appropriate, and sincere dialogue and mutual concern for one another. i appreciate that!
It will happen when the Father tells the Son to go and get the church!!!
Thank you
An all inclusive Covenant...Wish that everybody in this forum realized that Calvary was a new covenant...That ALL inclusive Covenant of Jeremiah 31:34....As Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains....Which are the Children of Promise the H.G. Plural as the stars of Heaven....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. that Child of apromise...ok lemme go
Hebrews 2:8 ...we see NOT YET ALL THINGS PUT UNDER HIM .....
1 Timothy 4:10 ...who is the saviour of ALL MEN (sheep and wolves), specially those that believe (sheep).
"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
FOR THERE ARE CERTAIN MEN CREPT IN UNAWARES, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."
Are these wolves in sheep's clothing?
If so here's an scenario.
A wolf in sheep clothing is found out, he flees the sheep for a season, He returns with a different set of sheep clothing,
You spot him, Do you warn the sheep? Yes you do, especially the suckling.
We are not to pluck up the tares as mentioned in Matthew 13:27-30,
But there is nothing wrong with pointing them out as the servant did in this parable.
And notice who planted them!
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.
Be watchful.
God bless.
Revelation 12:15 And to the woman was GIVEN two wings of a GREAT EAGLE ....
Job 39:30 Doth the EAGLE mount up at THY COMMAND, and make her nest on high? She dwelleth and abideth on THE ROCK, upon the crag of the ROCK, and the strong place. From thence (the ROCK) she seeketh the prey (FLESH and BLOOD) and her eyes behold afar off. Her young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, THERE IS SHE.
1 Corinthians 15:50 ....flesh and blood cannot inherit the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ......
Revelation 19:17 .....and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven (the children of the GREAT EAGLE) Come and gather yourselves to the supper of the Great God;
Revelation 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of great kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men ....and the FLESH OF ALL MEN ----FLESH and BLOOD CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God ----