King James Bible
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Paul and any other author of any other book in the Bible wrote those writtings for the people living at their time. But they serve as teachings for all people of all time.
If you have a closer look at those verses and read carefully the chapters where those verses are in then you will understand their meaning. GBU
"Oh yes, she's the sister we don't talk about."
And then she was chosen to be in the lineage of Jesus!
framing a person to shame them for what her father actually did.
thank you.
I seldom get asked to elaborate on what I share but am always ready to support further what I write without harboring any unpleasant thoughts about the questioner. And this has been the case throughout the Bible, especially the NT where the apostles had to continually correct wrong teaching given, and when they knew particular ones in error, even name them. So what makes one person right & the other wrong? Nothing, except that both should carefully examine the Word & discuss the matter until the Truth is revealed. There are some things that may never be clear or convincing to another, but when doctrines of salvation, re-birth, heaven, hell, destiny of the soul, etc., are discussed, there is much in the Word that will direct us to a proper end. It would take much scriptural manipulations & contortions to pursue a belief that is clearly contrary to the revealed Word.
Thanks brother for clarifying this important position that believers must take - standing against teachings contrary to the Truth, yet prepared to clearly defend one's position by searching the Scriptures.
1 Peter 3:20: "Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, EIGHT SOULS were saved by water."
You're referring to a reply of mine to "Ruby Lea Read?
You stated Your friends told you not to give any personal info , be careful to protect my identity on the internet etc , I'm still learning the rules . I'm shy , I'm guessing others are too , surely we are all allowed to be a bit cagey when it comes to personal info ? Doesn't the message matter more than the messenger ?
The truth and deception could have easily been the message.
I agree that the message is what's all important.
As Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth"
I feel we should take that approach also, With BOLDNESS!!
Now concerning this doctrine, it is familiar.
Recently presented by
Earl Bowman.
and Old man Wilson.
Their beliefs were,
There is no consequences to sin,
There is no Hell.
and we all will become God's.
We are not saved from any wrath so there is no salvation.
So this doctrine renders the Love of God shown in John 3:16 a mistake or unnecessary.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I hope my disagreeing to this ( no matter who is preaching it) doesn't bother you.
God bless.
And Jude gives further examples of those influenced by wickedness & being led away, as those among the angels who departed & of those of Sodom & Gomorrah who gave themselves over to all manner of wickedness (vv 6,7).
Israel, who received a wonderful liberation from Egyptian bondage, experienced the LORD's Hand upon them in their journeyings to the Promised Land, in spite of their complaints & frustrations. Though these were God's special people, receiving His Favor & Blessings, they were still unregenerate & living in the flesh. They needed the continual teaching & direction of Moses to be kept on the path of trust in God & perseverance, but even Moses despaired of them; as we also read the Apostle's Pauls account of their behavior in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11. All who sinned against the LORD perished in the wilderness - never seeing the Promised Land.
So the warning in Jude (& 2 Corinthians), is to believers to not follow after those, even those in their midst or congregations, who are divisive & trying to pervert God's Word, leading believers away from the Truth. These people stand condemned by God & will suffer even as those who choose to follow their pernicious ways.
Yet, for the true believer, not the counterfeits, the Spirit within them will gently correct even chastise the erring ones that they might apprehend the Truth. If they continue to disobey, then the life will be removed so that Jesus' Name will no longer be shamed, even before unbelievers, that the spirit might be saved in that coming day ( 1 Corinthians 5:5).
Prayer (continued) I have seen a couple times how the Lord was able to be glorified in difficult marriage situations. One case involved a client where I used to be employed who was going through a divorce apparently from a very abusive man who wasn't seeking it but because of the pressure from her estranged husbnad was going through the proceedings. She asked to pray with me about it and I asked for God's will to be done. Eventually within a couple years the man passed from this earth unexpectantly. This lady demonstrated unconditional love toward this man despite what had been a long history of threatenings and troubles. Admittedly she seemed to have some issues of her own; but nonetheless it seems the prayer was answered according to His will.
The second situation involved an alcoholic husband who last summer was back into rehab after a relapse. It appears that he wasn't violent toward his wife; but nonetheless she requested prayer at the time. He also died shortly after with the damage to his liver. Her joyful countenance throughout these struggles that also involved other family members and grandchildren was a great demonstration of faith in difficult circumstances.
Sadly there are cases where tragic events happen even for those who we pray for regularly. There is no doubt; however that prayer affects things; most notably in scripture when prayer was given all night for Peter in jail in Acts 12:5-17. Of course that worked for Paul and Silas during their midnight prayer and praise as well in Acts 16. My point is that we may or may not know the results of those who we don't know or aren't present with physically; but we are like minded with those who are suffering for His Name's sake.
Of course in order to give thanksgiving for all things we need to have a TRUST in God that He works out all things for the good for those who LOVE HIM. ( Romans 8:28). That holds true to our death in whatever form He chooses.
I agree with ever word you spoke in your comment.
I have a question, and would like your to meditate on that question?
All the scriptures you quoted about being born again now; instead of later, at the death of this body, were written 1900 years ago.
You were not born as of yet but your were already born again.
God always speaks as if it has already happen, in his eyes the works are finished.
Psalms 90:9 .....we spend our years as a tale that is (already) told.
Hebrews 4:3 ..... the works were finished from the foundations of the world.
1 Timothy 4:10 ....who is the saviour of ALL MEN, specially those that BELIEVE.
God Bless You!
In prayer; specifically we need to trust in God. One example recently from a gentleman in church who confided to me about his long term estrangement from his wife meant that I had to pray "in my closet" initially. Now that another has brought up the subject I am able to pray with them on that subject. I also got to see how God is answering the prayer; namely with the kids she has in an "Awana" youth group who begged their mom to go and hence she got to attend the event with her kids once or twice as a result of that. She apparently is hostile enough to have thrown out pamphlets before from this event so that gives further insight. Finally; after giving a general appeal without specifics for the man to my pastor as to his personal issues; I found out that he may indeed not be truly saved due to some doctrinal issues; despite his obvious loving stance toward his 2 youngest kids.
Another interesting example comes from not just my current church but a former one that I attended in Pittsburgh. The similar factor was the extensive campaign to pass out literature advertising the church. These seemed disastrous in terms of boosting attendance; but website information was surprisingly consistent in almost weekly additions to new attendees which I am starting to see here but to a lesser magnitude as yet. A big part of the lesson here is that God draws those He sees fit to; and is more often than not those already believers or those searching for truth. Consistant evangelism is something which eventually produces results; although I had seen that more in small groups in the past who would meet at home studies and that was among my friends who came from several different fellowships who reguarly did street witnessing; and in some cases prison fellowship. As to my point; God has brought more people in the door; but perhaps by a different method than expected.
Thus; longsuffering and perseverance brings results in many cases; and especially in prayer.
We need to keep in mind the geographic intersection of the final composite Beast system as well which no doubt involves nations that were part of the Babylonian; Persian; Roman and Greek empires that focus on the Turkey area and one or two other countries. There is; of course the Geopolitical divide with the Shiite Muslim nations (mainly in the north) and the Sunni in the south who now are allying more with Israel (and as the passages indicate will sort of be neutral once the great invasion occurs) as verse 12 points out. Clearly; the line is drawn between these regions and it seems to me that parts of Daniel 11 and 12 involving the kings of the north and south may repeat some of the same things that happened during the time of Antiochus.
I have also suggested that the Psalm 83 war likely will happen first; and more controversially may begin the final generation as we have gone so far past 1948 for it to remain viable as I see it. In any event Israel must feel confident enough to be unsuspecting and a "land of unwalled villages" which it clearly isn't YET. (see verse 11).
Hope this helps somewhat. Gog also is an ancient site in Turkey.
Now that I have completed this book I am amazed at how much I have learned! I have read this book time and again in the past without really understanding it much. But this time, God has richly blessed me with so much good instruction. I am thankful to have taken the time to really search it and study, rather than try to breeze over it lightly, thinking it is only Old Testament stuff.
I am glad that I do not feel compelled to study through these books quickly or at any certain pace or along any timeline. I can take all the time God gives me to delve into these books without feeling hurried. So thankful!
Keep in mind also the difference between physically being preserved for a time and spiritual deliverance. These are both realities for the children of God in reverse order. In New Testament times as with Old many are called but few chosen ( Matt. 22:14). There are other verses showing how some experience some of the benefits of being in God's presence ( Hebrews 6:4) are still not ultimately saved. The parable of the sower and the seed illustrate this fact showing how the seed of truth must eventually not only take root but produce fruit. God enables that His Spirit reproduces good fruit in our lives as evidence that it is indwelling; not merely an external event. Hence all true believers are "sealed" until the Day of Redemption ( Ephesians 4:30).
In God's Providence there are some; such as the 1/3 that are preserved "going through the fire" ( Zechariah 13:9) who appear to make it physically through the Tribulation to repopulate the earth in the Millennium. That will include the handful of Gentiles that make it; although man is said in general to be "rarer than the gold of Ophir" who makes it through that way ( Isaiah 13:12).
Thus; these verses and a multitude of others makes it imperative that we "test ourselves to see if we are in the faith". ( 2 Corinthians 13:5). I personally believe that through God's sanctification process we all must get beyond our initial excitement over being a new believer as well as the trials of persecution AND temptations of the world to be "tested and approved" as true believers as part of the process of chastisement as God's adopted children. ( Romans 12:2; etc). The end of all those called and chosen in Him is glorification (read all of Romans 8:30).
Hope this helps.
Here I am at the end of this Book. This chapter speaks mostly of voluntary offerings made to God by a vow and then a few verses concerning three types of tithe.
The emphasis is for a person to carefully consider any vow they make to the Lord being sure it is one they can gladly fulfill and not desire to take back from God.
Jesus said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's."
So just as paying taxes to Caesar is a "no take back" action, giving to God what He has rightful claim to is a "no take back" action, too.
Jesus said to let our "yes be yes and our No be No" and warned against vowing. We are to be true to our word and promises, just as God is true to His Word and promises. He does not lie, deceive, cheat, or take advantage of us, but He works for our benefit. We should have such an attitude towards others.
Jesus said to "count the cost" of following Him. We should be eager to obey God, but we do need to realize that following Him is a giving of "all of me to all of You" life.
God instructed the Pharisees about what they were setting apart for the Lord as Corban (holy unto the Lord), chastising them for doing this to avoid caring for their parents and family members in need, when what they set aside for the Lord also benefitted them, as the priests were to partake of what was offered to the Lord. We should be careful that our service "to the Lord" doesn't cause us to neglect our family and their needs. We serve first in our immediate family and then in the church. How easily children and aging parents can be significantly neglected by good meaning parents who are over dedicated to church work and functions. Pretty soon, the aging parents are gone and children are adults and the opportunity for closeness that could have been is now long passed and the family suffers.
So, we should daily seek the Lord as to what we will give to Him each day. This daily walk is what He wants more than big vows/offerings.