King James Bible
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Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of Jesus and ask that You stand in the gap between Kimberly and this trial and fight for her. We ask that You show Yourself strong and sovereign in this matter and defeat the work of the enemy in this situation. We ask that You keep her safe and unharmed by this difficulty in every way. We thank You for loving us and saving us and being the One who can deliver us from all our enemies and the evil of this life. Amen.
We are called to not imitate the world, but Christ. So, just as the Israelites were not to imitate the ungodly practices of the surrounding nations, we are not to imitate the practices of the world that are ungodly, also. I don't think we need to live a "separatist's" lifestyle like some sects do, but we should, in our dress and conduct stand out as godly people who fear and honor God in all we do. We are to love not the world and the lusts of it, but to love what God has determined to be good and decent, setting ourselves apart as holy unto the Lord, as the Israelites were set apart for God and His purposes.
John 8:23; Romans 12:2; 1 John 2:15
Ronald, I hope you are doing well. Hope to hear from you more often.
We definitely are to "act our gender" in the way we dress and behave. As Sammi said, in the time of the Israelites, men and women wore similar tunics. Maybe some style of pants was worn by military or people serving kings, etc. But everyday dress was similar. Women most likely wore some sort of veil across their faces and over their hair. Men may have worn a type of turban, but it was just as likely that they wore some wore of veil over their heads to shield from the sun.
The command to not cross dress had some relation to the practices of the surrounding nations. But whatever the case. God wanted one's gender to be clear by the way one dressed.
In today's world, casual dress is so common that men and women dress alike in many situations. In the winter, pants keep one warmer than skirts. In the summer, shorts and t-shirts are more comfortable than long pants and long-sleeved shirts. But even if both sexes dress similarly across the seasons, it is usually easy to tell gender. But then we have those who are obviously cross-dressing and this is what is prohibited. And, modesty in dress is always appropriate.
But, as you said, Chris, there are more important matters to focus on than this one.
May I add to the truths Alex has given you.
Christ said flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, you must be born again.
This birth can not take place till this body of flesh dies, we can only come to truth of what God is going to fulfil.
Christ said I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE, the LIFE in you is CHRIST, man will not die to themselves and believe this truth.
You are the BODY OF CHRIST.
Alex quoted you Revelation, he who lives by the sword, the sword is THE WORD OF GOD, Christ the WORD, the SEED is the WORD OF GOD, Christ is the SEED, the SEED is the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, this is the LIFE in YOU, so he who lives by the sword must died by the sword, the WORD has to destroy deceptions, lies and falsehoods, all of these are born of Satan, your carnal mind.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust (flesh and bone body) return to the dust it was, and the spirit shall return unto God that gave it ----your are BORN AGAIN.
You are the BODY OF CHRIST, you do what the spirit causes you to do, Ezekiel 36:27, Philippians 2:13, your the body, the spirit of Christ (the SEED) is the LIFE.
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God (has the mind of Christ) doeth not commit sin (the body only does what the spirit of Christ causes it to do, 24/7); for his SEED (truth and life); remaineth in him (his body): and he cannot sin (thy will be done), because he is born of God.
Jeremiah 51:19:24, Isaiah 41:15 ----God always uses man to do HIS WORK, Christ said of myself I can do nothing, he knew he was the body of the Father, he could only do what the spirit of the Father caused him to do, he said we can do nothing without him, we are only the body that the spirit of Christ uses to perform all his pleasure.
Can you be angry and not sin? Christ was continually anger with the Pharisees, yet he was without sin, why, because he was only doing what the spirit caused him to do.
God Bless You as we are driven to truth.
Luke 20:34...The Children of this world marry and are given in marriage. But them that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world ( that new heart and new spirit) ...and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are they given in marriage...Remember Jesus is the Ressurection.
Thats y Jesus is saying to count the cost....Its gonna cost you everything...But there is a kingdom involved...Which is greater then all of the possessions of this world....Paul said he had suffered the loss of all things and counted them as dung that he might win the Kingdom/Christ... Philippians 3:8
The anointing we have to receive of him under this new covenant will teach us all things and guide all the way to the mountain which is new Jerusalem..We need an internal pastor that neva sleeps which is a type of Christ in us...Abide in me and i in you...We are his temple as the H.G the anointing is gonna be born in us...I will make a new Covenant not according to the old covenant...I will make a man more precious then Gold even the golden wedge of Ophir...A Man not a church building...He wants to be married to us humanity the world...God so loved the world...Humanity....There is no more Church buildings under this New Covenant...Now the mystery of the Kingdom of God is Christ in you...Abide in me and i in you...Thats where the good seed is sown in our hearts not in a Church buildings...Where 2 or 3 are gathered is simply in the Godhead...H.G. BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER SON AND H.G....If any man hears my words and keeps them my father and i will come and take our abode with him...His words are spirit and life The H.G.
I agree with Chris, just to add a little, God warned Israel to stay away from the gods of the land. We see in Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Pants do not take away the femininity of a woman, but if a woman dresses butch to look a be a man or a man dress feminine to be a woman. It is our gender we are not to change or imitate. That was highly practiced in the people worshiping the ancient gods and these principalities of darkness, wicked spirits are behind this.
We see today these spirits overwhelming effect on the world, and it is welcomed and supported by our governments and societies and taught in schools. Isa. 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
My understanding of Deuteronomy 22:5 it is speaking of sexual immoral matters of all kinds that is excepted and supported today, and transgender is ok and protected by the law in many countries of the world.
God bless,
Perhaps an illustration from the Gospels would be of further help in understanding God's interaction with His own. The disciples were all given nicknames at the onset of their ministry after being called for His use. We see many verses where Jesus addressed issues of pride among certain of His disciples and in particular there was individual refining in Peter's life who the Lord seemed to focus all of His attention in terms of individual counseling at least in regard to what was written down in the scriptures.
Before we get on Peter's case for not trusting God while walking on the water; for instance we should note the fact that no one else was even attempting to do so at the time. Likewise; when He was headed for a fall; Jesus already knew it and was in fact praying for Him that He would restore His brethren when He was "converted" ( Luke 22:32). ALL the disciples ran away as was prophecied ( Matt. 26:31) so they were all guilty; but Peter was boastful and proud. We are warned not to allow Satan a foothold; of course but ultimately the Lord used Peter to be a cornerstone or rock in starting the church and foreknew; of course his martyrdom to come. That is something which we all struggle with fear of death in regard to physical suffering. That of course brings us to the pinnacle of trust in the Lord such as is mentioned in Psalm 23.
Trusting the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding ( Prov. 3:5-6) certainly needs to be a foundation of our walk with Christ. One thing our experience should teach us is that we cannot trust ourselves outside of God's plans for us. It should as I have pointed out recently involve trusting God to provide answers in our lives from within the fellowship of the saints that He has placed in our lives to refine us as well as for us to edify as fellow adopted sons and daughters in Christ. They are as 2 Corinthians 4:7 says "treasures in earthen vessels". Open our eyes.
In the life of Christ; we see the perfect example for our own lives; that is Christ doing nothing except the Father's will. ( John 5:19). We are likewise instructed to learn to do the "good and perfect will of God" as described at the end of Romans 12:2.
I would strongly urge everyone here to study and memorize Romans 12:1-2 as it is a "package deal" in regard to what I am saying here and of course; more importantly the will of God for our lives after we are saved and being sanctified. We are "aliens" in this world and pilgrims if we are His own ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). This requires due diligence to not only fight indwelling sin; but to realize that the whole world system and those "powers and principalities" running it ( Eph. 6:12) are enemies which we fight against as the Spirit contends against the flesh. Without understanding the source of our temptations which as belivers is Satan then we are unable to recognize things that are affecting our "vain imaginations" ( Romans 1:21) as with the rest of the unregenerate to find solace and comfort in this world and what is seen by our eyes and promoted as things that will make us content. The enemy can only affect us if we allow access through our mind and senses to give him a stronghold; so that is why we need to have an Ephesians 6 mindset. Ephesians 6:16 on the fiery darts of the enemy and our shield of armor in the spiritual realm is particularly vital.
Sadly we have the natural tendency to look on things that are pleasing to our eyes (such as attractive women) and thus we need to ask God to show us how following His good and perfect will means we are to love those we are naturally repulsed toward and to find our greatest joys in service toward His Body which He purchased with His own blood ( Acts 20:28). That verse makes it clear that it is His church rather than our own. That comes from a proper fear of the Lord and a mature walk.
This type of relationship is best described as God loving us DESPITE who we are which is unlike seemingly endless Christian songs that somehow lead us to believe that He loves us no matter what we do or who we are. Ultimately; God did rescue us from sin and sacrificed His Son even though we were "enemies of God" (Phillipians 3:18 and many other references). But He foreknew us as being "conformed to the image of His Son" ( Romans 8:29 and again numerous other verses on that subject). He only "knows" us therefore if He can see His Son in us and we are truly "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:6). As I have said many times recently; He chastises all those He loves (see Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:6-7). What many don't read is the following verse ( Heb. 12:8) that states in that we are illegitimate children (I will avoid the harsher term KJV has as I don't want to be flagged but it pays to read it). We are; in fact either children of God or of the Devil. That was made quite clear to the Pharisees ( John 8:44).
Such passages shouldn't be foreign to us as parents. If we truly love our own offspring we don't want them flailing about in this world of endless dangers; toils and snares without discipline and guidane although sadly many parents even in the church are sorely deficient in parenting skills.
In our personal lives; and I am speaking to myself here-we need to be aware of our weaknesses (with me it tends to be obsessiveness with hobbies; music etc) and learn to trust Him to guide us so that we can do all things for the glory of God. ( 1 Cor. 10:31). Such is the case with this site as well. It is not just for my ranting.
He that is filthy let him be filthy still, him that is unjust let him be unjust still...Thats the Tares in us...They have to hold their position till the end...The Harvest
He that is righteous let him be righteous still....He that is Holy let him be Holy still...Thats the Wheat in us..They have to hold their position till the Harvest.. which is Kingdom against Kingdom...Satans ( the dragon ) tries to kill the woman and her Child in Rev 12...But he is destroyed....And her Child ( the H.G. ) is caught up to God and to his throne...Rev12:5
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity . Rev 13:10... He that killeth with the sword shall be killed with the sword...Which is the Tares...Satans seat....The beast he rides is our old adamic nature...When i wd do good evil is present with me...Thats the Tares in us...The thorn in us as Paul describes it..Jesus tells us wherever that good seed is sown satan is gonna come and sow a TARE...Which is gonna make us sin...But where sin abounds Grace does much more abound...Rom.5:20 kjv
Not much else is given to support this command, so it is open to all types of interpretation. With that added phrase, "neither shall a man put on a woman's garment", I think we could assume that any type of cross-dressing (as it's referred to now), must be rejected as abnormal & unbecoming of a child of God. Why God had stipulated this, whether there was such evidence amongst the Israelites at that time, or as a warning of a future situation whether within the tribe or when they would one day be confronted with the wickednesses of the gentiles & their temple worship, I can't be sure.
What we see today (such women wearing pants, or even kilts by the Scots) are the accepted cultural norms that, at the least, are decent & unprovocative. And of course, even though an outfit might be considered male-centric, the patterns on or cut of the garment would clearly reveal the gender to which they belong. I wonder if the same opponents to pant-wearing women are then quite accepting of those women who visit the beach with next to nothing on....and then say, 'well, at least they're not wearing pants'.
For me, I think there are far more important & immoral matters to deal with in society than what is generally considered normal clothing for the genders.
However, if the pastoral position is correctly understood, i.e. shepherding Christ's flock, then I think that women, alongwith men, could certainly fulfil that role as they get alongside others that need guidance & help in their Christian walk. And certainly, women can contribute much in mixed study groups & amongst other women & children. But in the Church meeting, I believe the roles are clearly defined, just as the correct use of spiritual gifts.
In the Kingdom of Judah: King Jehoshapat reigned from 873-848 ( 1 Kings 22:41) and then his son Jehoram was co-regent with him from 853 ( 2 Kings 8:16). After his father died, he continued in his reign (i.e. from 853 & then continued on from 848-841).
In the Kingdom of Israel: King Ahab reigned from 874-853 ( 1 Kings 16:29) & the Prophet Elijah was alive at that time ( 1 Kings 17:1). Elijah also lived & ministered under the next king, King Ahaziah's reign (853-852; 1 Kings 22:51) and then into the reign of King Jehoram (852-841; 2 Kings 1:17). This king was also known as Joram. By the way, it is a coincidence that we see the two Jehorams reigning side-by-side in the two kingdoms; unfortunately, both were bad kings.
When that "writing" (mentioned in 2 Chronicles 21:12) came to Jehoram, the King of JUDAH, (NOT Israel); though Elijah was actually a prophet to the Kingdom of Israel), Elijah would still have been alive. We're not told which year the 'letter' was sent, or received by Jehoram. The 'letter' might even have been delivered to Jehoram some time after Elijah's translation into Heaven, if Elijah wrote it just prior to his departure. So the way I understand it, is that Elijah was well & truly on Earth at this time, though possibly his age & distance may have prevented him from actually making that journey to Jerusalem in the southern kingdom.
As a footnote, I should say that the reigning years of the various kings are taken from reliable sources that have done the calculations going back into biblical history & from other historical documents; i.e. I've not guesstimated those dates.
Excellent style of reading & variations in voice making the Bible seen to come alive! Almost as if you were there when U close your eyes. !!!
I would be remiss here if I didn't include financial decisions in this discussion. When we consider the egregious debts that I am certain many professing believers have saddled themselves with it saddens me to think of how our "rugged individualism" in the USA has seemingly made asking advice on such matters something that doesn't come across the radar of many who otherwise may be involved in the church. Again; I speak from experience when much of the inheritance from my deceased grandmother was spent on frivolous vacations and other things in my early years of marriage. Needless to say such a stressor wasn't helpful in my situation and also is a major source of contention in many marriages.
Most churches have others who can give us wise counsel on that subject; and in fact usually there are more than one person who can help us out skilled as carpenters or laborers who we can bless in doing work for our homes by payment for their services; and who often are willing to give us a break in the bill. It does seem that there are times especially in large churches where those in need the most for a small financial assistance are drowned out effectively by whatever cause is the biggest selling point of interest.
It would be nice to see a church such as the one in the Book of Acts who would sell things when needed so that no one lacked anything ( Acts 4:34). This was a church; of course in its infancy and just after the dramatic Pentecost experience and the 1st Century persecution just starting to ramp up. We should consider as God's people not having to borrow under usery.
Deuteronomy 23 and Psalm 15:5 mention that it applies to us lending to others expecting interest in return as well as being prohibited. In the early church; of course we had a healthy fear of God so that the event with Ananias and Saphira occured ( Acts 5:1-11). Lord willing we can find resources for our needs in our local Body or others of faith.
I have said recently and it bears repeating for this subject matter the basic idea that whatever we do we should do it for the glory of the Lord ( 1 Cor. 10:31). My point had been that we needn't always think something mundane isn't just as effective being "spiritual". Extending that idea to something such as the mission field; there is no reason why the Lord can't be proclaimed while one does whatever labor is necessary. Faith without works; of course is dead ( James 2:14-26). Any Pastor in an impoverished nation (who himself isn't a "prosperity gospel" preacher) has to do the menial labor to keep the tent up; or the church roof from leaking. Of course as Paul did in his ministry; one can have a vocation (in his case tent making) while doing ministry work as well or on the side. Going back to what I said before; if we are sponsored by a church and they have a history of being (to put it polite paltry) in their budget towards missions; I would seriously consider if that is a good option since it will involve not just our own welfare but that of those we are shepherding. Of course there is also a problem if too much money is funneled into fancy buildings or activities (such as fancy stages and lights for music or youth ministry). That may be more of a "stateside" issue.
We also need to make sure that wherever we go there is church discipline being administered. The same issues; more or less occur overseas as do here; the one missionary in S.E. Asia that I support states that there is a trend to worldliness over there with one individual that had to be removed from the ministry; and there are false doctrines in many African nations as well.
One very good method for breaking new ground has for a long time been teaching English classes in many countries as it is mandatory for many countries to learn it. Such opportunities may be limited as perecution ramps up in the near future.
There needs to be a trust in God with people in your life; whether saved or unsaved to bring insight based on how well they understand you when it comes to particular career choices. Ultimately an unsaved friend or family member may not be the one to determine when you should step out in faith if they have selfish reasoning or are against proselyting. Whatever decisions we make we should take time first to invest time in a local church Body as Proverbs 15:22 states it is wise to have the "counsel of many". Knowing our weaknesses is probably as important as knowing our strengths; both spiritually and with our natural talents. If we are NOT in a fellowship that is actively exhorting growth by those who are ministering effectively in both leadership and among laypersons who are personally investing in the lives of others and actively pursuing fulfillment of the Great Commission in some capacity then of course difficult to consider any mission opportunities locally or within that denomination. Whether that means you need to go elsewhere is not the main focus of this discussion; but such relationships make it easier to maintain communication when moving to a foreign country or just to another city to maintain accountability partners at least until we are established in a new location. At the very least we should seek out brothers to pray with (or sisters in the case of women) before making any major life changes as I did before moving back with my aging parents.
Marriage; of course should be something which allows not only personal needs to be met; but it should be something that benefits the local Body in Christ in particular. Any relationships that tend to pull either or both party away from regular church attendance and close friendships with believers in general is fated for disaster. Such was the case of my own situation when first married. I am certainly not absolving my own faults; but warning others.
The bible makes it very clear that the responsibility of leadership in marriage falls squarely on the husband's shoulders. 1 Corinthians 11:3 says that "Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ."
The scripture states that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. A good husband loves his wife unconditionally and is a servant leader just like Christ.
Unconditional Love
In Ephesians 5:25 the bible commands husbands to love their wives just as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her." A husband's love for his wife should not be based on her actions. He should respect, affirm and love her at all times.
Sacrificial action is an integral part of the husband's role as the head of the home. Again, Christ is a wonderful example of this. He demonstrated servant leadership by washing his disciple's feet. In marriage, being a servant leader means ensuring that the wife's material, emotional and spiritual needs are met.
If this in regards to a wife : Ephesians 5:25-31,
Hopefully these are helpful
Lamentations 2:11 and associated passages discuss tears when the Babylonian captivity and it's horrors of stervation and destruction by fire of Jerusalem occur which is much like the theme here.
In terms of being as a vine (v. 8) we see such depictions of Israel in John 15:8 as well as Ezekiel and apparently Psalm 88 as well. Verses 10 to 12 also describe great branches such as a cedar (v. 10) which is also descriptive of other nations such as Lebanon which is compared to a cedar in no less than 100 verses in scripture. Trees also describe Egypt ( Ezekiel 31:18) as well as Assyria as ( Isaiah 10:24) which was "planted" in Lebanon.
Once again as in the previous Psalm; we see evidence of a prophetic mention of the city being burned (verse 16) signifying the Babylonian captivity. Verse 17 seems to indicate Christ as a possible man at the "man of thy right hand" made strong. Quickening the people in verse 18 could signify the Resurrection; or restoration at the end of the Tribulation. The idea of God awakening reminds us of Isaiah 54:7-9 where God briefly turns away; again possibly signifying Jacob's trouble.