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Such concepts also come up in terms of a "gap theory" to explain what appears to be an older universe and an original chaotic one in Genesis 1:2 after the initial mention in Genesis 1:1. There is this; and many other interesting concepts. We do see a universal story of a flood in the Gilgamesh epic; for instance as well as stories of an original creator; and imagery in the original Chinese lanaguage; for instance for the Biblical story. Same thing for the giants; what some say is legend is pretty universal; explaining Genesis 6 and related passages with the sons of god (fallen angels) and their offspring.
When we look to the future; I find the easiest way to explain "global warming" is that the glaciers were part of the flood and collateral damage; the earth is going back to its original state in some way. It appears that the earth and heavens are remade when the elements break down and are recreated in the original language in Peter's epistle. Even death isn't understood; or gravity; or decay (2nd law of Thermodynamics). May we trust God to reveal things in His time; as the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God; hidden to the wicked and revealed to His children.
Jonah 3
And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying, Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them. For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water: But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?
And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
Nineveh was a very wicked city that knew nothing of Jehovah God. They had no Bible of that day, no ceremonial laws, no understanding of the Word of God. What was Jonah commanded to preach to the Ninevites? It was "Judgement, God would destroy them in 40 days". No message of "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life".
And what was the attitude of the Ninevites? They recognized Jonah's message as the Word of God. They humbled themselves. They repented. They cried to God that maybe maybe God would would not destroy them; that God might save them.
And what did God do? He did it not.
Safe travels and God bless you.
Also please pray for Joe and Stella, two people I saw running to catch a bus and they just missed it. I offered to take them to where they were headed. They got in and I dropped them off at the DSHS office about 20 miles from where we started. We had a good conversation. I think they were homeless. Joe said he was trying to get his life together. I told him to lean on God and turn to Him. I said that God desires to bless those who love Him and serve Him. We had a great conversation on the way to their destination about a lot of things. They seemed to have great need of basic things. Joe said that he prays often. I encouraged him to do so even more. When I dropped them off I asked for them names and said I would pray for them. Your prayers are certainly welcome for them, too.
I was thinking upon this phrase as you have explained here. I think that the speaker are Babylonians who worshipped many deities and this is why it is said that the fourth is as a son of the gods.
I think that this explanation is an accurate translation because it was the pagans who were expressing their beliefs. But as believers we can recognize that it was not some pagan deity in the fire with the the three Israelites, but either an archangel or pre-incarnate Christ-the Angel of the Lord.
Thank you so much for bringing this view forward in this discussion. Going to the original Hebrew and Greek helps us to find a meaning closer to what was intended by those who wrote the words as they were inspired by God.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
In verse 18 the "rock" is Christ Himself, not Peter. And the "church" is the "eternal church" i.e. All whom God has saved, not the local churches and and denominations.
Verse 19 more properly translated, as I understand it, should read like this
: And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall having been bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall having been loosed in heaven.
In other words, the action is God's action reflected in the action of true believers as they are faithful to the Word of God. It is not God's reaction to the action of the believers; it is the other way around.
Pt. 2
Our sinfulness is fueled by our sinful nature. This type of "fleshly works" are evil and we should see that we do not condone such acts in ourselves or others while at the same time knowing how we cannot renovate ourselves into a godly person. So we are to look upon people in general as in need of sympathy without haughtiness towards others or feeling superior to others in any way. We are all in the same way as far as our sinfulness. But the difference between believers and non believers is that believers have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and brought to faith by Him and are being sanctified by Him. Instead of being aghast at the depth of terrible sins that others create, but rather we should look at such awful outward behaviors as needing the blood of Jesus to take them away and as requiring this work of the Holy Spirit to create anew those offenders who do such horrendous things. The best thing we can do is to pray for the salvation of their soul and also use any opportunity we may be given to share Christ with others.
Sometimes we just need to remove ourselves from those whose conduct is corrupting or harmful to us. We may need to do what is safe for ourselves and our children who depend on us. We may need to all the more live in godly ways to heap hot coals upon the heads of those who revile us for doing what is good and godly. ! Peter has a lot to say about this topic.
But overall, we must be humble in our souls, mind, heart, knowing how easy it is for us to fall into sin. We must think that if it is so easy for us who are being saved to sin, how much more so for those without the Holy Spirit's indwelling Presence and work in them. We ought to wonder how it is that they can even resist sinful desires at all!
We must remember that we are but "flesh" and therefore we are weak and far from the glorious beings God intended for us to be at the beginning and how much more glorious we will be when Jesus comes and glorifies us forever.
Good ideas posted here. One thing for us to remember is that of the several ways the Bible uses the word "flesh".
When it is referring to the sinful nature that resides in our soul, then we can say that this is evil in all of its ways.
When it is referring to the natural needs and desires of the body, we can say that any of these that do not proceed from the action of the sinful nature upon a person can be considered good and a positive part of how God made us from the beginning before the fall. We are not to hate our physical flesh and its natural needs. We also are not to be overly concerned about the needs we feel since Jesus said that we are not to worry about what we will eat or wear because the Father knows what we need and supplies these needs according to His love, mercy, and grace.
When we are referring to the flesh as pertaining to as temptations of our flesh by the world, society, peer pressure, etc., then we are to resist such temptations and flee from all occasions that will lead us into sin. We are not to be worldly minded or run after the appetites of our flesh because we are to keep our desires and how we express these contained into godly ways to satisfy them.
When we are referring to all mankind or people with the word flesh, then we can remember that each person is a good creation of God. It is good that He created each of us. The way He created our bodies and its functions are good. So we are to look at others through the lens of love and compassion, respect and acknowledgment of their intrinsic value God.
But we are also to remember that every person God has created in all ages has a sinful nature and is a sinner in need of salvation, God's grace and mercy, and benevolence ad goodness to survive from breath to breath, heartbeat to heartbeat. We depend on God always. But sin causes estrangement from Him, offends Him, and requires a satisfactory way to bring us back to Him. Jesus does this to the ultimate degree.
Having an Ecclesiastes 7:10 moment is something I have asked myself; being born in the "baby boomer" era in the 60's. I was; admittedly well protected from knowing about the Vietnam war fought overseas or anyone involved in it with my parents raising me. It was high school before a friend of mine whose older brother was affected from being there where I got my first exposure to the effects of that conflict. I was in an affluent upper middle class neighborhood; an only child who got all the attention at Christmas with material goods; enough to eat; enough sleep and whose world was not much more than what was in my neighborhood where my schools were; and a couple local shopping centers. Time seemed to go real slow; and I always enjoyed going to the shore on summer vacations. Basically; I didn't have too many cares in life.
Things would mar that utopia for me; first my dad's mentally abusive behavior; then bullies who would beat me up; steal from me and otherwise mistreat me from about 3rd grade up through high school. I thank God that I had the opportunity after 2 individuals witnessed to me to come to Christ in Senior High.
It is easy to be selective only remembering good times in the past. I certainly had less responsibilities before taking on steady work and marrying shortly after college.
Today; with all the structures of society tearing apart I have found it easy to succumb to constant fear. Knowing the horror of the Tribulation to come it is worse if I don't warn others but also it is necessary to remember that my life is hidden in Christ. ( Colossians 3:3). Fear of death is something that some have their whole lives ( Heb. 2:15). 1 Cor. 15:66 states that the sting of sin is death. Knowing we must pass through the Tribulation before He comes back to rule and reign even if I'm raptured and not here still is grievous thinking of others in it. These things must come to pass in His plans.
All of us are asked to be in the world but not of it as believers. ( John 17:15-21). That which appeals to the flesh is not of God and the flesh and the Spirit contend with one another ( Galatians 5:17). We understand this in light of the fact that we are not to think that anything done in the flesh is inherently evil as those who accused Christ of being a "glutton and winebibber" ( Matt. 11:19). Marriage is honorable and the marriage bed undefiled ( Heb. 13:4); but God judges all those who go outside of the parameters God has set forth as indicated by the rest of that passage. We see more of this in the book of Corinthians ( 1 Cor. 10:31) to give glory to God whenever we eat or drink or do anything else.
In this world; the spirits of disobedience ( Eph. 2:2) and the Prince of the power of the air were who we were subjected to. 2 Corinthians 4:4 states that the god of this world has blinded men's minds to the truth. We should as believers hold fast to the promises of God in regard to verses such as Luke 10:19 as to Christ's victory over Satan and his minions. What the enemy can do; however is gain legal access into our lives with unconfessed sins; and destroy our testimony. I think I can say fairly confidently that the warfare in Ephesians 6 is almost always increased once one truly is saved; and particularly when the Lord has great plans in our lives. Great; of course is defined as important for His Kingdom not necessarily seen or acknowledged by anyone; or just a few should we need encouragement.
We should expect that much physical; emotional and mental suffering in our lives is due to interference from these entities. It is hard to extricate spiritual warfare in regard to the wounds on the soul and those on our physical body. I will elaborate on victory in future posts.
The subject in ( 2 Pet. 1:19) is a ((more sure word of prophecy)).
( 2 Pet. 1:20) Tells us "Knowing this first, that ((no prophecy of the scripture is of any (private) interpretation))".
The word (prophecy) is #4394; it means prediction, (scriptural or other)
The word (private) is #2398; it means pertaining to self, i.e. one's own, by implying private or separate.
( 2 Pet. 1:21) Tells us "For (the prophecy) (came not in old time) (by the will of man): but holy men of God spake ((as they were moved by the Holy Ghost))".
The (prophecy) is the Word of God.
( Rev. 1:1-3) v3 Tells us "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this ((prophecy)) and keep those things which (are written therein): for the time is at hand.
They hear the words of this ((prophecy)) this verse also tells us "and keep those things ((which are written)) therein".
( Rev. 22:7) Tells us "blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book".
So that prophecy is written in a book. The prophecy in ( 2 Pet. 1:21) that came to us by holy men of God!
That is how we got the King James Bible.
Now you asked "Did the men who gave us the KJB translation have the original letters when they were translated?"
They spake as they were ((moved by the Holy Ghost)) so I would say God was in complete control of whatever was used to keep His Words pure. The Holy Ghost would have been the translator, using the men.
Jesse if the modern version bibles are the doctrines of devils in ( 1 Tim. 4:1) do you think it would be edifying, comforting, and helpful to get people to see that truth?
In ( 2 Tim. 4:3-4) v3 tells us of the time (they will not endure sound doctrine). v4 Tells us "And they shall (turn away their ears from the truth), and shall be turned unto fables".
I'll end it with that. Reply only if you want to. Thanks Jesse, God Bless.
Who is the beast speaking blaspheme? and what does the horns represent?
you mentioned Daniel 7 and revelation 13. and who is the dragon giving this
beast power?
Jesus spoke in a parable or illustration. and then explained what would happen after his parable.
What does this all mean? Is this really happening today? Matthew 13:34,47-50
it is Jehovah's ( psalm 83:18) will for believers to understand and bear fruit.
2Timothy 3:15-17; Matthew 7:7,8; Mark 4:20; John 17:3
his motives was for man and woman to take care of the earth. to enjoy his
creation, to take care of the animals. to enjoy the richness that the earth provided.
he created the ground to give in abundance, so that poverty was impossible. God
started the earth in the garden of Eden. Jehovah and the heavens was his the main
authority to mankind according to Genesis 1,2. there were no kings, rulers in the beginning.
But this happened to mankind: Genesis 3; Genesis 6; Genesis 19; Job 1,2; Luke 4:1-13
it just getting worse and worse. 2Timothy 3:1-7
It's a heavenly war, and a invisible war ( Revelation 12:7-13) we humans may not understand but God has revealed it to us in human terms. although the innocent are dying because of 1 John 5:19. WE KEEP THE HOPE AS GOD WANTS US TO: Romans 15:4-6; Revelation 21:3-5
We continue in the hope. Job 14:14
"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"
This very clearly shows that the Earth cannot be flat... Circle of the Earth...
......Listen to what Jesus is telling us in John 6:65....Its the 2 nd time he tells us this...NO MAN CAN COME UNTO ME UNLESS IT IS GIVEN UNTO HIM OF MY FATHER ( THE LIVING WORD ) not the written word the letter a killer....If the written word cd have redeemed humanity then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the CROSS, Calvary was just foolishness...Its only by the love of God and the regeneration of the H.G. that we are redeemed....God so loved the world that he gave us his only son....We all love the kjv but its a lesser light.....Only Christ is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
That is including ALL sons of men and ALL blasphemies they may utter, provided of course they repent from their sins.
But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit NEVER has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation. Daniel 7: verse 8 and 11 show us who is the one without forgiveness: the beast speaking pompous words and he was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
Also in Rev 13:5 "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for
42 months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
You also said "Are we going to stand before God one day and be denied because we chose the wrong translation"? Nobody on earth can answer that question Jesse. The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who will judge us, but I would like to think being obedient to His pure Word is a really good start, wouldn't you think so? ( 1 Pet. 1:25) ( Isaiah. 55:11) ( Titus. 1:9-11) ( Ps. 119:89) ( Jn. 1:1,14) ( Jn. 14:23) Then in ( Rev. 19:10) It tells us "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy". The word (testimony) is #3141; it means evidence given, record, report, witness.
Im sorry if this offends you Jesse but if we care more about being "sensitive" to others rather than showing the (Truth) to them then are we not letting them down? Jesus said in ( Jn. 14:6) "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me". The Truth matters!!
You said you do not believe the KJB is superior to all others.
In ( Dan. 3:25) The KJB says "the fourth is like the Son of God"
The Niv says "the fourth looks like a son of the gods"
Which version is superior here Jesse?
In ( Col. 1:14) The KJB says "In whom we have redemption (THROUGH HIS BLOOD), even the forgiveness of sins"
The Niv says "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins" The Niv leaves out (THROUGH HIS BLOOD)
Which version is superior here Jesse?
( Luke. 4:4) the Niv leaves out the words "but by every word of God"
It should be important to you what translation others use if you see this Truth.
No offence, Blessings
But I noticed something when I read the verse in Matthew 6:33 that you mentioned in your post.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
What does the scripture mean be saying to "seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness"; and all these things (OUR NEEDS IN LIFE) shall be added unto us"?
How does one seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?
To give you a hint about how I thought about it, 1. Jesus talks to his disciples, believers already, 2. He saId that after He had given commandments to them. 3. He also asked them not to be embarrassed about the needs in their lives. 3. God will provide for them if they ...?
So what do you think?