Bible Discussion Replies PAGE 96

  • Amasuca - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I don't think so. Read Micah 1-5 again. Looks like wars are still taking place!

    "nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    4But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.

    5For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever."

    These are people walking "every one in the name of his god". Not at all as you say. Better give it a second, third, and even a

    fourth look before making that claim.
  • FRANCENE777 - 1 year ago
    Question: The first chapter in Genesis, I've been taught that earth and heaven were already established and THEN it became void and without form when Satan decided he wanted to rule. Any thoughts?
  • Hadassah - 1 year ago
    Ps 101 verse5 and verse 7.

    4 I will not know a wicked person.

    5 Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer.

    7 He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I also believe that the 40 years in the wilderness was required before the first member of the 4th generation army was admitted to Isreal's ranks when they turned 20 years old on the day of Passover in the 470th year after God appeared to Abraham.

    The last member of 4th generation of Israel's army was admitted to its ranks the day before the Passover in the 490th year after God appeared to Abraham, which was the first Passover celebrated in Hebron after Caleb took possession of it. Hebron was the place Abram was standing 460 years earlier in Gen 15 when God told Abram he would know with certainty he would possess the land when his seed returned here (i.e. Hebron) in the 4th generation. This Passover occurred after 70 times 7 weeks of years which is later echoed by Jesus in the number of times we are required to forgive our brothers their sin rather than merely the 7 times that Peter suggested as the maximum number of times we must forgive our brothers their sins.

    The sacrifice of Issac by Abraham also almost certainly again occurred on the day of Passover. This established the mountain which David bought to build the temple and which led to him receiving the promise of both the everlasting house and kingdom that our Lord has established. The offering of Issac could have taken place as early as Abraham's 28th year in the land when Issac was 13 (the age Ishmael was circumcised and Jewish men have their Bar Mitzvah) or as late as the 53rd year Abraham sojourned in the land when Issac was 38 in the year his mother Sarah died at age 128 and Abraham purchased her burial cave. This range allows for Issac to be the exact same age when Abraham offered him as a sacrifice that Jesus was when he was offered by the Father as a sacrifice. This almost certainly occurred when Issac was 35, which would have been 3 years before the burial cave was bought, i.e. 3 days of years signifying Christ would take possession of death and the grave in 3 days.
  • Hadassah - 1 year ago
    Michael IS Jesus. Daniel 12:1

    "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:"

    Only Jesus stands for the children of thy people. Jesus, the great I AM.

    Isaiah lists 26 names for our LORD.
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I must second Oseas understanding of this point. The 2 covenants, the Law and the Prophets, The Word of God.
  • Pastorg75 - 1 year ago
    i will arise
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Amasuca, It sure does look like the millennial reign! It definitely speaks of a future that is different from what we have now. The prophets are interesting and complicated. It has helped me to know where they lived and what was happening to them at that time. But so many prophesies can be repeated, in a manner of speaking. The exodus will happen for us too. Jesus will take us out of the land of slavery to live in houses we did not build.

    It's so nice to be chatting with people who obviously love Jesus and yearn to see him. The land is barren where I live.

    Blessings to you!
  • Mary Jay - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Why do you think those wars didn't solve anything?

    Did not God cause those wars?

    Is he not the God of the earth?

    Is not HIS WILL being done on earth.

    Is not his ways, not our ways

    Can we see the end as he sees he end?

    Are the wars going on today not his works?

    Matthew 24:6 And you shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars: see that ye BE NOT TROUBLED, for all these things must COME TO PASS, but the end IS NOT YET.

    God Bless you
  • Mary Jay - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Micah 4 is a prophecy of Jesus Christ (the Kingdom of God).

    It has been happening to the called out now for 2000 years, ever since John came PREACHING: prepare ye the way; for the kingdom of God, is AT HAND.

    Colossians 2:27 .... this MYSTERY .... Christ IN YOU ........

    God Bless You
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    One of the difficult things for me , in regard to forgiveness , is being able to let go of the pain . If someone has done something very bad to you ,and you decide to forgive them , that's good but , how do you let go of the pain that they have caused you ? Your forgiveness might be genuine but what if the pain of what they did to you is still there ? How do we get rid of that pain ? In my experience the only way to ease these pains is through prayer to God to ask Him to heal the painful wound . Thy Kingdom Come .
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Just watched pastor Robert Morris talk about forgiveness , thoroughly enjoyed . Give it a go if you are struggling with this most important thing :) .
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema "It's like coming home to a warm house on a cold day." Lovely. Perfect description.
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "All those wars in the name of God, for example the crusades did not solve anything did they"

    Hi Bennymkje,

    Well, it depends on whose side is being asked that question.

    For the Catholic rulers and its antichrist system, the crusades were a great success.

    By now, everyone has heard of Free Masons, Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, Rosicrucian, etc etc etc. The war against our LORD is intense.

    But, like Moses said, the LORD is a man of war. Ex 15:3. Our LORD is commander of the host.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I believe based on Acts 7:2-7 that the 430 years began from the day the "God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said to him, 'Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land I will show you.'", which began the sojourn of the sons of Israel. This would mean that God's first appearance to Abram occurred on the 15th day of the month Nisan, which was exactly 430 years to the day before the children of Isreal left the land of Egypt on the first day of Passover.

    It appears from Gen 11:28-32 that Abram told his father he was leaving Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Cannan, but this resulted in his father deciding to go along and take Lot with them. Terah ended up taking the lead in the journey and caused Abram to settle in Haran until Terah's death. Abram was 75 when he resumed his journey and reached Canaan where God told him "To your seed I will give this land." However, he allowed Lot to come with him.

    Gen 13 and 14 shows that there were two stages in Abram's physical separation from Lot, where Lot first chose to sojourn to the cities of the plain of Jordan as far as Sodom, and then became entangled in the war and captivity of those cities, leading Abram to have to pursue the captors to deliver Lot.

    I believe Gen 15 took place when Abram on the 15th of Nisan exactly 30 years after the original call God had given when Abram was in Mesopotamia and 400 years before the Passover when Israel left Egypt. If chapter 15 also occurred in the same year that Sarai gave Hagar to Abram when he was 85 ( Gen 16:3) then that would mean Abram had spent 20 years in Haran with his father and 10 years in Cannan continuing to interact with Lot before he had fully separated from his family. This explains why God chose that particular night to finally impute righteousness to Abram's faith and to pass through the sacrifice to make a covenant to give the land as his possession ( Gen 15:18).
  • [email protected] - 1 year ago
    In Revelation 11:3 what are names of the two witnesses
  • Amasuca - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Hadassah, Great reply! It was comforting to read.

    You know, I just read Micah 4 recently, and that looks a lot like the millennial reign.

    Maybe take a look at that, and tell me what you think.
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Amasuca,

    Well, actually, at Jesus second coming to collect us, his feet do not touch the earth. We rise up to meet him in the air along with the dead in Christ.

    At that time, we ascend into heaven. For 1000 years, the sabbath millennium, we will have the opportunity to review the books. We will wonder why our wonderful Aunt Betty is not in heaven. We will read the books and say, "Ah. I understand." Righteous and true are your judgements , oh LORD."

    And, we will wonder why that awful person made it to heaven. We will read the books, and say, "Ah. I understand. Righteous and true are your judgements, oh LORD."

    At the end of the sabbath millennium, new Jerusalem will descend to the earth. The wicked dead will be awakened. They will receive their judgment at that time. And, we will understand, because we had 1000 years to read the books, that those condemned to die have chosen that path. God's reputation will be exonerated. For all those people who thought God was arbitrary and mean, they will see that God is LOVE.

    Now is the time to come out of Babylon, my people.
  • Hadassah - 1 year ago
    Shabbat shalom. Today is the Sabbath. The sabbath is not any day of our choosing. God said the seventh day. God sets the rules for how he is to be worshipped. This seventh day will become a major issue soon. The "mark" of authority of the Catholic Church is Sunday worship. The Catholic Church is the beast (the institution- not the people). The dragon is the devil. The lamb like beast is the United States. The false prophet is the Protestant churches which have aligned themselves with the Vatican.

    The "mark" of Gods authority is the seventh day worship. The fourth commandment is written like a legal document outlining Gods right to rule. This is a serious issue. Who will you obey? Soon, people will not be able to buy or sell without the "mark" of the beast. Like a social credit score in china, anyone who does not obey will lose access to banking.

    Isaiah 58:13-14

    13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:

    14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.
  • Jesse A - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Chris!

    I ABSOLUTELY loved your post!

    I agree my Brother!

    It brings me great joy to my heart, to see Gods Holyspirit and power in my brothers and sisters.

    I thank our Heavenly Father and our lord and savior Jesus Christ every day for you all.

    It's my Heart's desire that all come to the fullness of God. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his Holyspirit .

    I think its necessary from time to time to stir people up.

    As sometimes we as people can get comfortable in our own little bubble.

    For we know it is not about being comfortable but pressing toward the mark. Of course in all humbleness and meekness. Giving all that we have unto God in all we do.

    I am just a humble servant to you all.

    Giving all Praise Honor and Glory to God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Keep up the Good Fight my brother!!

    I love you all!

    I pray the Lords Mercy And Grace be upon you all!

    Amen and Amen!!
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for your question Jesse A; I think we've understood it as given. What then is "the will of our Heavenly Father in your (and my) Life? I would say, as briefly as I can, that the Apostle Paul expressed well my understanding & apprehension of it.

    In Philippians 3:9,10: " (to) be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death".

    These verses remind me that my Heavenly Father requires a simple yet straight-forward exercise of faith, that which comes from His Son & directed to Him. That any righteousness I might have is not of my own doing or of any adherence to the Law which only led those under it to condemnation & death, but entirely the Work of God. That this God-given faith & the exercise of it is what God requires continually in my life. Thus the Holy Spirit within stirs up this faith, manifesting in love for Him & a longing towards a deeper intimate knowledge & relationship with the Triune God.

    As the apostle yearned, 'that I may increasingly know Him...His resurrection Power to live out in victory & joy my short earthly understand & experience what Christ did for me, going all the way to the Cross, that I might no longer live unto myself, but unto Him, & to declare Him to those bound in sin's fetters...and to be conformed to the death of Christ, just as He died for my sin, that I too must reckon to be dead unto sin (not giving sin a foothold), rather being made alive unto God.'

    That summarizes God's Will in me & for me. Anything outside of that, whether for my personal wishes & needs, ministering to others, being where He wants me to be, etc., gives me assurance that His Spirit will make even that abundantly clear and I should have no concern what might lie ahead, exercising His faith.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    S Sspencer

    S Spencer

    You commented Ecclesiastes 9:3-5

    Ok.My point is what my Lord JESUS said.Follow me;and let the dead bury their dead-Mat.8:22.In JESUS is life;the LIFE is the light of men, the LIGHT shineth in darkness;and the darkness comprehend it not- John 1:4-5.

    Speaking of dog,what matters and prevails is what is written in Isaiah 56:10-11: 10 His watchmen are blind:they are all ignorant,they are all dumb dogs,they cannot bark;sleeping,lying down,loving to slumber.

    11Yea,they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,and they are SHEPHERDS(Pastors)that cannot understand:they all look to their own way,every one for his gain,from his quarter.

    And my Lord JESUS warned:Re.22:15-For without are dogs,and sorcerers,and whoremongers,and murderers,and idolaters,and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

    And Paul warned:Beware of dogs... Philippians 3:2

    JESUS said:Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts,murders, adulteries,fornications,thefts,false witness,blasphemies-Mat.15:19

    Their throat is an open sepulchre;with their tongues they have used deceit;the poison of asps is under their lips-Ro.3:13:

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    GOD warned Adam:Gen.2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil( Genesis 3:1),thou shalt not eat of it:for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Daniel prophesied:Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

    It because dust is the food of the Serpent-Gen.3:17

    The King shall say unto them on His right hand,Come, ye blessed of my Fathe
  • Jesse A - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes., I understand the Gospel .

    Yes, we all need to stand in the truth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    We must also do the will of the Father.

    Matthew chpt 7 vs 21-23

    This was to stir people up. That they would take a moment and reflect.

    If their life and actions are following the will of the Father. As well as lining up with the scriptures.

    Are we submitting ourselves completely to his will.

    I Guess I'm a bit troubled about what made your thoughts go to a place thinking I didnt Know My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father and Scriptural truth.

    Did I word the Question in a way it could not be understood? I'm sorry if I did. That was not my intent.

    I try to use terms that all can understand, but again I apologize if I worded it in a fashion that was misunderstood.

    May Gods Mercy Grace and Peace be upon you.

    Love you all.
  • Amasuca - In Reply - 1 year ago
    My pastor made a pretty awesome statement when he said "You don't have to twist God's arm to get into covenant relationship with him". And I'll relay off of that statement, and say this 'God is more interested in being in covenant relationship with you then you'll ever know". A lot of questions, but let me ask you a question. Have you considered the greatest commandment in the bible which says "Hear O Israel the Lord our God is ONE, and thou shalt LOVE the LORD thy GOD, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength"? Seems the enemy of your mind has been busy, wouldn't you say?

    Time to detach from everything, and give yourself completely over to the will of GOD. What is that you ask? I'm glad you asked. Very simple. Stick your nose into the word of GOD, and don't come out until he shows up. The time is 4:57 the date 11/24/2023, and it's ticking down. In other words, the race has begun. Or you can allow the enemy to flood your heart, and mind with more, and more questions, that you won't get answers for, because the only answer to your question is JESUS. One thing I'll add is this! Don't you believe that heaven is going to be worth it all. That if you never amount to anything in this world, and you never attain to any high office, or come into a lot money, that what God has prepared for you on the other side will be worth not having all that in this life. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."

    Colossians 3:1 (KJV)
  • Mary Jay - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jesse A:

    You ask: what is the will of our Heavenly Father in your Life?

    You don't understand the gospel of the Kingdom of God?

    You DIED on the cross of Christ, Christ's BODY arose by the POWER and LIFE of his Father.

    We became HEIRS of God, as we also became partakers of Christ BODY at his resurrection: becoming a NEW CREATION, ONE FLESH, ONE BODY, and the LIFE of OUR BODY is the Spirit of our Father.

    We are vessels, instruments, in the WORKS of our Father, it's the LIFE of GOD, not our life, we died and became a new creation, the Body of the Spirit of our Father.

    What does our Heavenly will for us , his body:

    That we walk in the TRUTH of Christ's resurrection.

    Ezekiel 36:27 I WILL put my Spirit IN YOU and CAUSE YOU to walk in my statutes,and keep my judgements, and DO THEM.

    Do you understand, by God's words, you DO NOTHING without God CAUSING YOU to DO IT.

    You have become ONE with Christ and the Father.

    Christ always walked in the TRUTH that it was the Father's words he spoke, and the Father's WORKS he preformed, he is the BODY of the POWER of GOD, we have become JOINT HEIRS with Christ, by taking part in HIS resurrection.

    The gospel is NOT PREACHED today.

    God Bless YOU!!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother Chris.

    "The Holy Spirit certainly uses any number of ways to draw us to His Truth!

    That is an amazing truth.

    God bless.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good morning Bennymkje, I think you and most here, understand that my view of the Kingdom and Church is a present view. So when I read the scriptures regarding faith they can only apply today as tomorrow may be too late. I like your thoughts on the memorial with the elders as unto Christ. He is the Lord. Prophecy, I believe because it serves the Kingdom relates to how a believer can live in earth while being present with the Lord. So my very own history matters each day. I am a slow absorber of the scriptures but I believe as I am convicted in increased understanding that I must understand the sacredness of Life in my day to day accountabilities. Regarding the numbers, my thoughts are many numbers are not firm to a day, and examples of multiplication may not be always accurate. Revelation reveals Christ to believers as an unbeliever must come to Christ first, yet the book is in the Bible for their day, present and available to know Jesus in Heaven too.
  • Jesse A - 1 year ago
    Hello everyone!!

    Just wanted to ask everyone a question.

    What is the will of our Heavenly Father in your life?

    And are you submitting yourselves to him as his humble obedient servant?

    I ask this in Hope's to stir you up, as well as to take some time and reflect on it.

    I love you all !! May Gods peace and love be upon you.
  • Amasuca - 1 year ago
    The FEAR of GOD

    Very little of the fear of the LORD is seen in the lives of people. Very little fear of the LORD is being witnessed among those who claim they have faith in GOD. How do I know this? Because the bible says "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of WISDOM" Proverbs 9:10 It is evident among us, that there's not too many operating under the wisdom, and guise of the LORD. What do we need? Do we need a bright light to shine out the heavens causing us to go blind before we acknowledge the only ONE true GOD? People are either too distracted, or their bored out of their GORD. Have we invited too much of the world into our lives? Jesus said in John 17:16 "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." With that we should be less inclined from going from the things of GOD, to being godly, or holy. Is that boring to some? Probably. Thanks to so many in our pulpits, who feel the need for worldly invention rather than good old fashioned prayer, many have sloped. Some people don't even know how to pray. Prayer should be instinctive for any child of GOD. Godliness, or holiness is looked at as Old fashioned. Who told you those lies? Let me guess. If a genuine fear of GOD doesn't start to make it's way back into the hearts of believers, there won't be a single person among you operating in God's love. On the contrary we will witness a forgery, and there won't be anything solid to grasp onto. Toss me a raft, and you get a twig instead, if we even get that! No more fear of GOD can be seen in our world. It has vanished like the wind. When was the last time you bowed your face to the ground? Not in front of people, because if your doing that you have something wrong with you. Is putting on a show in front of people showing me, and everyone else how holy you are? No, you have your reward. I sigh in disgust over these facts, and they are facts. We can either get it right, and change the way we do things, or you can be like clouds without rain. Offering nothing.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Carleton

    These 24 elders are memorial unto God and they are witnesses to the body that has been prepared for the Son. By the same token the four beasts are memorial to God who appointed the Man as His steward over all creation. The beast with the face of man is the last Adam. " and the third beast had a face as a man"(Re.4:7) Each animal that represents His glory has specific characteristics associated with his Son. His faith as a lion, humility as calf, and eagle about to fly, is his prayer life. The third beast is that of a lamb since in Re.22:1 we are shown the composite throne of God and of the Lamb, signifying New Jerusalem and Zion.

    "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold."(Re.4:4) Reuben cannot be among the eternal memorial wearing gold of an overcome. Neither Judas Iscariot for his betrayal. "Lo I overcame the world" Jesus testified. God rested from his labors knowing the 24 elders testified his faith. Fulness of the Son fills heaven earth and the lower parts. He went in Spirit and preached to souls in prison. So the Spirit sets them 8x3 =24. Three is the command number for the Son, He represents Trinity by the number; 4 for the Word become flesh. and he visited souls in prison and preached and it to which 'Cast thy bread upon waters' indicates "Give a portion to seven, and also to eight;"(Ec.11:1-2). Compare with Isaiah 55:11

    These 24 elders praise God continually because faith of God rested having framed the worlds by faith.(He.11:3)

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